cringe cuck Dunning–Kruger effect men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

“They think we need viagra to stay virulent [sic] while programming women to assume every man is a creep, which is part of their wet dream to roll out full communism,” galaxy-brained MGTOW explains

By David Futrelle

So I’m scrolling through the MGTOW subreddit, la dee da, and I stumble upon this amazing paragraph buried in a longer rant titled “WE don’t need THEM. THEY need US. NEVER forget THAT.”

Evolution is biased and nature is unforgiving. The cuck lords of crony capitalism have made an unholy marriage to the feminazis. But they are just jealous of everyone else capable of experiencing the pleasures and creature comforts of life. LOL. They think we need viagra to stay virulent while programming women to assume every man is a creep, which is part of their wet dream to roll out full communism and control. 1984 meets Brave New World, absolutely. Its NOT going to work, the plan is meant to fail, by design. We are currently witnessing the spectacle...

I have so many questions, none of which the author answers anywhere in the rest of his “virulent” rant.

  • Who are these cuck lords, are they cucked themselves or do they do the cucking
  • Why can’t they enjoy the comforts of life and why does this make the author LOL?
  • What is the connection between Viagran virility, er I mean virulence, and lady-programming and full communism, and please answer quickly before my brain explodes.
  • What s the plan and why is it meant to fail by design?

The rest of the rant isn’t quite as good, alas, though it contains the insight that “the only valid reason to involve yourself intimately with a woman is for the sake of reproduction.” Which raises the question: why are so many misogynists obsessed with reproducing? It’s not like we need any more of them; we’ve got plenty! Also, none of these guys want to raise a kid or pay child support; do they just want genetic bragging rights or something? (Answer: YES)

Anyway, this weird and baffling post got 74 upvotes in the MGTOW subreddit. Which either means the people there are operating on some higher intellectual plane that you and I can never hope to reach — or that MGTOWs will upvote pretty much anything and everything if it’s misogynistic enough. Even if it makes NO FUCKING SENSE.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
5 years ago


*sourly* Not at all like many patriarchial organizations, who seem to make it their mission to malfunction and destroy civilization to begin with.

5 years ago

“I just need something to control to make me feel better about myself” – Noah Revoy and anyone else who subscribes to #restorepatriarchy. Fucking pricks.

Sheila Crosby
5 years ago


Excuse me if this is something you thought of ages ago, and double excuse me if it’s something your parents bang on about, but since employment isn’t enough, is there any chance you could start some sort of side line?

When I wasn’t getting enough guiding work I wrote a guide book to a local attraction which now provides about 1/3 of my modest income. (The bad news is that it took years to write). A lot of the houses in a nearby town have pretty old balconies. Some of them are offices for lawyers and travel agents and what have you, and they’re happy to contract out keeping them pretty to “Mr Balcony”. A friend of a friend makes costume jewelry which she sells on ebay. What works obviously depends on your talents and your very local situation, but you only need one good idea.

As I said to begin with, apologies if you’ve been trying this for years.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

The problem with starting such a sideline would be red tape. Now you’d have all the accounting and tax requirements of a retail business, on top of all of your other responsibilities, and who has the time for that? If you could just make stuff and sell it for a few bucks here and few tens of bucks there it would be one thing, but having to prepare and keep a receipt for every single transaction, then deal with all of the past year’s each April according to some arcane formula, or else the IRS will be throwing you in the clink, seems to add a whole lot of overhead and even risk.

Unnecessary overhead and risk, I’d add: with electronic transactions so commonplace nowadays why is there even an expectation for everyone to prepare and report their own taxes? Can’t the banks and IRS figure it all out from the computer records, and leave to everyone else only the need to report any cash receipts?

Or let me guess: the real purpose is to oppress the poor and create artificial barriers to entrepreneurship, because otherwise some billionaire might face competition and have a sad.

Now imagine if we went even further the other way and ceased taxing labor (and sales) entirely, instead taxing capital. Not just capital gains. Capital.

5 years ago

Wow. The would-be successors to Tim Cube just keep coming out of the woodwork these days.

In the words of the immortal Jules Winnfield (paraphrased):

Context, motherfucker, DO YOU SPEAK IT!?

Also, @Oogieboogles: Well, that’s a sucky situation. Can’t do much more than say what others already told you, so I’ll wish you best of luck in finding a better job (12$/hour in SoCal!? 20 hours/week!? Seriously!? Who could live on this!?). Also hoping for your parents’ empathy glands to reactivate from their dormancy. You have worth, never let anyone or anything convince you otherwise.

5 years ago


5 years ago

@Paireon: Word salad screeds like Time Cube predate the internet, sadly. It used to be known as “green ink”. The internet just gives them a wider audience.

Sheila Crosby
5 years ago

@surplus It depends on which sideline you can find and the local red tape. In Spain you don’t have to pay tax if you ‘re making less than about 2/3 minimum wage. In Ireland I believe you don’t pay tax on artistic earnings (music, fiction writing, painting) unless you’re earning 40,000€ /year from the art. I believe the red tape varies enormously from one US state to another.

A retail business is probably one of the more complicated options. I think it’s commoner to sell some skill or other. Some people write custom limericks and find their customers on Fiverr, or play music at weddings or sell advice and encouragement. It’s a question of finding some intersection of what you’re good at, what people will pay for, what’s legal where you are and what start up costs you can afford.

I know it’s not easy. I found it really hard.

My first problem was to consider the possibility that I could do this. My parents always encouraged me to find a steady job. I’m sure they had the best of intentions, they just never realised that steady jobs would largely disappear. Then it took years to go from earning enough to feed an anorexic cockroach to enough to feed a kitten to enough to feed myself. But it’s a great feeling to know that you can get at least a bit of income without relying on employers. It gives me hope – and I think Oogly needs some hope.

5 years ago

@Surplus : I think litteraly all countries that aren’t the US of A just send you your taxes, with the caveat that if they do an error (it happen) you need to find out by yourself.

I do believe that it’s not purposefully made to oppress the poors. It’s more like, the system is fucky but cheap, and a cartel of taxe return editors pay big bucks for it to stay fucky. You’re giving the system too much credit by thinking it even try to do something. It’s more like Brazil, where random events are what drive the system, not big ideals, be they good or horrible.

Taxing capital only have too many repercussions for me to say anything about. That being said, a recurring problem with capital taxes is how to deal with sentimental value.

The typical situation is a middle class family who bought a house in 1920 in a cheap corner of the city. Their grandsons and granddaughters inherited it, and want to keep it because they were raised in it.

Problem is, the house is worth several million in capital because that “cheap corner of the city” is Pigalle, and now it’s definitely not cheap. So you have middle class who try tohold on their family houses, but pay big taxes because of that value.

The french law have a ton of special case for thoses problem. But that’s a reminder that there’s often complications when trying to make a more “just” taxe system.

5 years ago

I’m surprised they’re over being quarantined. Yet still they push for more misogyny and hatred


God Twitter is so toxic with this stuff. Youtube too. Its amazing how they push for the 50s lifestyle as if it’s natural when it’s actually isolating and harmful. When if anything, we should be all in villages or communities helping each other out. But that’s too socialist and evil for men getting triggered over women. I’ve heard of the theory that the 50s lifestyle was manufactured for capitalism too.

5 years ago

Ot for most part

The main thing is accountability. As long as you can easily see what someone do, you can hold him accountable from his errors, and credit him for his good works. Basically, if you lose that, then that mean people can be whatever they want without repercussion. Working hard or being smart is less attractive suddenly, and also you can have litteral grifters then, who are very hard to identify if you cannot tell the value of their contributions.

Hi, well that can happen with capitalism too, although I think I get what you mean, if you are guaranteed your part apparently you might be tempted to contribute less or not have an incentive to do more, in capitalism or maybe in a market exchange system, you have instead, apparently to bring the result and exchange it. Though in a salary system, which is capitalism’s emblem, the same dynamic happens, you get a salary but there is sometimes a cunning surveillance to ensure your contribution is roughly the same to ensure the salary is earned, as if the owner recognize the antagonism of interests stated by Marx and is conscious of it. Ideally it’s the incentive to do more to obtain more, but it’s often just the exploitation of the state of need. Not meaning that any salary worker-owner dynamic is like that, but the potential of conflict given by the notorious difference in bargaining power in absence of a critical mediation at a political or popular level, which requires a coordinated economical consciousness.
This type of control is why this type of centralized communism, which I personally don’t like is often called “state capitalism”.