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Incels are mad that Joaquin Phoenix didn’t stand up for “incel rights” in his Oscar acceptance speech

Joaquin Phoenix: Possibly a Chad?

By David Futrelle

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech at last night’s Oscars was as weird as the man himself. Phoenix, who won Best Actor for his work at the titular character in Joker, delivered up a rambling monologue that touched on human selfishness, so-called “cancel culture,” and the many forms of human bigotry. He also threw in a plug for … cows? “We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow and steal her baby, even though her cries of anguish are unmistakable,” he declared. “Then we take her milk that’s intended for her calf and we put it in our coffee and our cereal.”

One thing he didn’t mention in his speech? The incels who see his character in Joker as a sort of incel hero, a second coming of Elliot Rodger.

And they’re pretty peeved about it. On the forums, a prolific commenter called FidelCashFlow laid out his complaint:

[RageFuel] Why did Joaquin Phoenix not talk about incel rights at his oscar speech?
 Thread starter FidelCashflow  
Inceldom Discussion


Yesterday at 10:12 PM
Wtf is wrong with this faggot. He got up there and talked some bullshit about how taking milk from cows is evil and humans shouldnt act like we are at the top of the food chain.
This retard couldnt take 5 seconds out of that boring ass nonsensical speech to talk about incel rights, the one group that supported his movie through thick and thin.
That's it, Joaquin Phoenix is cancelled

In a followup comment, Mr. CashFlow elaborated on his basic critique:

I atleast expected him to talk about the downtrodden and how you shouldnt push someone down when they are already depressed or bad results are bound to happen.

But no, instead of mentioning something that would be in line with the plot of the movie, he instead talks about muh animal rights

Most of the other commenters agreed with his basic complaint, with one especially edgy incel asking “[w]hy didn’t he just go ER [Elliot Rodger] right then and there? Fucking cuck.”

“Normies care more about how cows and pigs are treated than how you are treated” complained another.

“When he started talking about animal rights like some soyboy I got pretty pissed off,” reported still another commenter..

Literally no mention of the people he’s repersenting in the movie, he cares more about animals than incels.

It didn’t take long for some of the regulars to blame the (((Jews))) for Phoenix’s speech not being some sort of incel rant.

Every last one of these Hollywood scumbags knows where their bread is buttered and (((who))) butters it.

They won’t say or do anything that goes against the Jewish agenda out of fear that they’ll never work in Jew Hollywood ever again.

Joker though a great movie was simply another way of victimizing people like us via the cynical old Jew cash grab of the goyim.

Taking a slightly different tack, one commenter put the blame instead on Big Soy, declaring that Phoenix had to avoid talking about incels because otherwise “the soys will attack him.”

A few of the slightly more reality-based incels pointed out that there is a difference between an actor and a character, and that the Joker movie isn’t actually the incel manifesto that some incels imagine it to be.

This being, they were mostly ignored.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago


they’ll have to find something else destructive to admire.

There’s sadly no shortage of destructive and violent people and things in this world. They’ll find something.

5 years ago

“[w]hy didn’t he just go ER [Elliot Rodger] right then and there? Fucking cuck.”

Because, bozo, he’s an actor who’s making a decent living off his art, not a fashy wanker who lives in a toilet and whines about how nobody wants his pimply ass (that he can’t be arsed to get off of for love OR money).

Every last one of these Hollywood scumbags knows where their bread is buttered and (((who))) butters it.

Stunning perspicacity! I can’t imagine why you’re unloved. Couldn’t possibly be because you’re hateful, could it now?

the soys will attack him

Yeah, that must be it. Schrödinger’s Soyboy, simultaneously too weak to be a real man, and too strong for these guys and their brittle wrists.

These guys are so pathetic, they don’t even deserve a womp-womp. But I’ll give it to them anyway:

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Here’s something odd. I found a recording of Trump’s SOTU speech on Youtube and it’s dated 2014. Spooky!

5 years ago


Couldn’t possibly be because you’re hateful, could it now?

Oh no, definitely it’s their canthal tilt and tiny wrists.

Schrödinger’s Soyboy, simultaneously too weak to be a real man, and too strong for these guys and their brittle wrists.

This seems fairly common among fascists of all stripes, this idea that the enemy is both weak but also strong enough to destroy civilization. One of the many contradictions of the ideology.

5 years ago


This seems fairly common among fascists of all stripes, this idea that the enemy is both weak but also strong enough to destroy civilization. One of the many contradictions of the ideology.


And then they wonder why we laugh at them, and why we won’t take their “concerns” seriously. On the day any of them learn to string together a coherent world-view that’s based in facts rather than figments, THEN we can talk. Until then, there is nothing to do but laugh and point.

5 years ago

he instead talks about muh animal rights

“Muh” is supposed to be a whiny pronunciation of “my.” You all use it when you’re making fun of other people who want rights for themselves because you don’t think other people deserve rights because you’re a bunch of entitled rageboys. Using it in this case, where Phoenix, a human, is advocating for the rights of non-human animals, doesn’t make any sense.

I don’t know why this bothers me, but it very much does.

5 years ago

Remember when the alt-right thought Taylor Swift was one of them? Remember the tantrums they threw when she rejected them? They haven’t learned a damn thing, have they?

5 years ago


They haven’t learned a damn thing, have they?

Of course not. If they ever learned, they’d realize fascism is a really bad idea and quit.
The alt-right also seems to have a very short collective memory. This is probably somewhat advantageous for their leaders, who can use this to keep moving goalposts and changing ideology and then say it was always that way. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, amirite?

5 years ago


If they ever learned, they’d realize fascism is a really bad idea and quit.

Not only that, maybe they’d start thinking like this: “If I’m superior to everyone who isn’t a straight Christian white guy, then why am l so helpless and miserable? Maybe I’ve been the problem all along.”

5 years ago

Maybe the rampaging dinosaurs in the next Jurassic World movie

Not a chance. They’re all genetically female. Some of them used their frog DNA to turn male so they could form a breeding population, but that just proves how hostile to incels they are, that they’d rather shapeshift and fuck each other than give some poor incel dino with negative coelcanthal tilt a chance.

5 years ago


As Joker is pretty much a mash-up of Taxi Driver and King of Comedy you’d think they’d have identified with Travis Bickle or Rupert Pupkin before now.

That would require them to have knowledge of culture older than themselves, (in most cases) or at least older than their coherent memories. Which would require some sense of history, which these clowns haven’t got. I’m surprised they can manage object permanence tbh.

5 years ago

I don’t know anything about Joker, but recently I reread (after many years) the scifi classic “Flowers for Algernon” and thought, “Holy fuck, incels would so misinterpret Charlie Gordon’s sexual issues”.

5 years ago

@ Karalora

‘coelcanthal tilt.’ Excellent.

5 years ago

“I really don’t understand how anyone can see this lefty critique of Reaganomics/Neoliberalism in that film that has cropped up again and again in its defense.”

Because… it’s about a mentally ill/brain-damaged man with a shit job who loses access to his mental health services *explicitly* due to budget cuts, gets tormented by some rich people, and ends up blowing a rich man’s brains out on TV and starting a populist mob/revolt? So…the class issues are pretty clear.

I mean, you can argue it’s not done well enough or is muddled or something (personally I liked most of it), but it’s not exactly a hard reading of the movie to support.


“…recently I reread (after many years) the scifi classic ‘Flowers for Algernon’ and thought, ‘Holy fuck, incels would so misinterpret Charlie Gordon’s sexual issues’.”

@Lumipuna, you’re absolutely right, incels would misread that story as being about them/about “Stacies” and “Chads” mistreating/overlooking them.

Which, between that and the reaction to “Joker,” suggests a potential tendency of incels (and disaffected young white guys in general) to take stories that are either explicitly or implicitly about disability (or at least where disability is a heavy factor), and make it about Being Disaffected and Not Having Enough Sex because of the Matriarchy instead. (I think similar groups of young [white] men did the same with “Fight Club,” and “Catcher in the Rye” before that, whose protagonists are both implied to have delusions/to be unreliable narrators.)

5 years ago

You people need to get a life 1 person views does not speak for an entire group half the people here don even know anything about incels

5 years ago

@M K– Exactly! These guys are like the canonical example of what Emily Nussbaum calls “bad fans” — people who like Watchmen because of Rorschach, All in the Family because of Archie Bunker, etc. It’s like they’re willfully missing the point of well-written, but morally bad characters.

5 years ago

I thought watching Joker that (trying carefully to avoid spoilers here) that the way the film frames Joker’s interactions with the woman he desires was a really clear rejection of incel ideology – a lot more so than lots of “alienated man” films.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago


people who like Watchmen because of Rorschach

I think it is the greatest fantasy of many incels: This city is afraid of me. I’ve seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over all the vermin will drown. All those liberals, and intellectuals and smooth talkers. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll look down, and whisper “No.”

Edited for even more incellery, but point out what I did off the top of your head… I mean, it’s not surprising incels like Watchman for Rorschach.

occasional reader
occasional reader
5 years ago

What. exactly. are “incel rights”?

The opposite of incel wrongs ? We are yet to find one.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
5 years ago

@Big Titty Demon
I had to google to be sure. It sure sounds like something he would say.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Thanks, Gaebolga.

I couldn’t come up with more than #1, but after you mentioned them I do remember the coverage of plastic surgery and tax/welfare arguments. Your #2 is more than justified by the typically-not-explicit implications of their other points.

#5 is a not unreasonable extension. 🙂

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Bina:

On the day any of them learn to string together a coherent world-view that’s based in facts rather than figments,

Sorry, that is outdated “Age of Reason” stuff. Not applicable to the Time of trump….

5 years ago

Gonna say from Jump Street I have not seen Joker, nor will I endeavour to see it (I . But it’s a telling indictment of the film’s narrative framing that anybody believed that it was an paean to the downtrodden incel if it was not meant to be. They clearly thought the movie (and by proxy, those who approved of the movie enough to star in it) was “on their side.”

In a decent world, that would give Todd Phillips pause.

5 years ago


But it’s a telling indictment of the film’s narrative framing that anybody believed that it was an paean to the downtrodden incel if it was not meant to be. They clearly thought the movie (and by proxy, those who approved of the movie enough to star in it) was “on their side.”

Though to be fair, incels will find a way to spin any story to fit their narrative. You could show them any movie ever and they’d be able to twist it in their minds. It’s a specialty of the far right.

5 years ago


Though to be fair, incels will find a way to spin any story to fit their narrative.

Naturally, but I think that potential does have its limits, particularly when it comes to the POV character. These guys require themselves to be the hero of their own story; if they’re the antagonist (or arguably worse, the deuteragonist), then they’ll consider themselves wronged in some capacity (particularly if the protagonist is a woman of colour).