By David Futrelle
Just like Men Going Their Own Way, who can’t stop talking about the women they’re ostensibly “going their own way” from, militant NoFappers can’t stop obsessing over the sexual appeal (or alleged lack thereof) of the women they’re definitely not masturbating over.
In the Semen Retention subreddit, one brave man recently offered his thoughts on which categories of women it’s acceptable to lust after, and it’s basically No Fatties, No Uglies, and no one over 30.

Don’t trust lust after anyone over 30.
As it turns out, Acceptancehunter here had no need to worry about his fellow semen retainers disagreeing with him, as most of the commenters were happy to endorse his rather skewed vision of the world.
“I see where you are coming from,” replied the aptly named shared_consciousness.
My perception of women and definition of attractiveness has completely changed since starting this journey 5 years ago.
Generally speaking, young women will be more attractive to us… because time has not yet given them the opportunity to become impure. Older women MAY have racked up many years of gross behavior. Especially true for Western women.
You know what’s actually gross? Old dudes speculating on the “purity” of the young women they’re horny for.
I find some “hot” young women very repulsive because they are unpure (huge ego, drinking, many s partners.. ). However i sometimes find older women extremely attractive, because they are pure (worship god, loyal to their partner, helping others, eating healthy…).
Does this guy honestly think he can determine the number of sexual partners a woman has had, or the sort of food she eats, just by looking at her?
A commenter called Santanabbts, meanwhile, added yet another category of women to the discard pile: women using contraceptives.
I would also like to add that: women who do not use contraception are much more attractive and feminine. I have observed this many times, I think that contraceptives spoil the delicate hormonal balance of women
HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO IS USING CONTRACEPTIVES. And which contraceptives are you talking about? Just the pill? Do IUDs count? The sponge? What about women who insist their partners use condoms?
Other commenters professed to be repulsed by pretty much all women.
“Since starting this journey,” Destrapo45 declared,
I see most women as manipulative creatures who often move you away from a path of righteousness. Plus besides sex you start to realize their a lil annoying.
Someone called Juiceshop changed the subject slightly, telling the story of a grocery store cashier who’s TOTALLY INTO HIM.
Last week the cashier girl in the market looked a moment at me so full of sexual wanting, nearly like a devil Haha. I found out that she found out about my profile as a musician.
I don’t like when they want you because they can smell fame and success. I want to meet smart and empathic women.
I don’t think that’s going to work out for you, chief. Any woman who could possibly be into you after hearing you spout this sort of drivel is by definition going to be foolish and oblivious.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Axe has Dark Temptation (chocolate) and Gold Temptation (caramel) scents. I’ve sniffed them in the body wash aisle before and they actually smell pretty nice.
Pick uplines that have been used on me recently have literally been “you look like the big titty goth girlfriend of my dreams” like that was said to me. and he thought that would go over well. Somehow between being the creepy goth girl in high school to a junior in college I’ve become a lot of teenage boys and young guys fetish and I don’t know what happen. The goth used to be part of a shield, it kept people away from me and now I’m here.
Dude, I’m smart and empathic. That’s how I know you’ll never find anyone smart and empathic. (Being empathic doesn’t mean I’m not honest.) And because I’m empathic (and honest), I’ll give you some advice: Get the eff over yourself.
More likely she found out about your profile as a juice shop worker. Nothing wrong with working in a juice shop. But you are not Justin Timberlake.
The thing I’ve always found strange when these guys insist on universalizing their preferences is how they don’t seem to grasp how shitty it would be if they got their wish. If 100% of men were only willing to date the .01% of women in the world who are 18, thin, blonde, naturally beautiful, a virgin who will fuck like a porn star when they meet the “right” guy and independently wealthy without having any kind of career, then hardly any men would ever find anyone to date.
Maybe they figure if they have to be alone because they repulse women, all the other men should have to be alone too? Or maybe they think somehow all women will find a way to turn themselves into the manosphere dream girl if that’s what it took to get a man?
It’s just all so irrational to me.
On one hand, the more ludicrous unattainable standards that these guys hold, the less likely that they’re going to subject a woman to the horror of being in a relationship with these dickheads.
On the other hand, the more ludicrous standards that the average woman fails to meet, the bigger these assholes’ sense of aggrieved entitlement gets, and the more likely they are to treat all the woman around them like shit.
I’m not sure what to make of the fact that to me “skinny, pale and young” sounds like it could lend itself to some great androgynous looks that the OP would find unattractive and unnatural. I know it’s just my personal preferences* speaking, but it’s always funny to me when people like this speak in this sort of accidental shorthand where a great deal of their actual “standards” (feminine attire and all those curves even skinny women must have etc) are just supposed to be understood.
*Preference is for androgyny, paleness and youngness inconsequential.
My guess is they don’t expect women to actually meet their standards, just to strive for them and fail miserably — only to be properly grateful and therefore subservient when one of them magnanimously agrees to date such a substandard monster.
Exactly how do they know someone is on the pill? Gut Instinct?
I imagine so.
However everytime I see “pale” I imagine they want a woman who never goes outdoors (“they’re only job is to be a housewife”) or whose skin never gets touched by the sun (“they must wear clothing that covers them completely”).
Because being vitamin D deficient is apparently attractive.
These guys are insightful. They can tell when someone is on the pill because her delicate hormonal balance is spoiled.
Women’s hormonal balance: It’s delicate. It can be spoiled.
Ladies, don’t let this happen to you.
Ah, David, David… Is it possible you have forgotten about the total awesomeness of the SEMEN RETENTION POWERS (copyright and trademark, but i do not know how make the symbols here, sorry) ?
You may have confused your standards with your assholery level. Which is very high, indeed. And even with that, you find a way to fart higher than your ass, as we say here.
Hmm, that is not mansplaining as it is not a man trying to force his “knowledge” upon a woman, but i see it as a man trying to force his “standards” upon other men. How can this be called ? Mandardizing ? Standarmanizing ? Cause i really love when persons decide what my standards are. They surely know better !
@occasional reader
Although I do have help in the form of the emojis my phone has come with automatically.
“I know this is an Unpopular Opinion, but my concept of attractiveness is exactly the one we’ve been bombarded with in movies and advertising all our lives. This distinguishes me as a refined and insightful man.”
This prompts me to wonder: since semen retainers swear off sex, should they be called volcels?
This seems to be what they believe. A lot of manosphere rhetoric revolves around future tense schadenfreude and the idea that women will be sorry and end up lonely if they don’t attract these men. I doubt many women would find that to be a tragedy. At least, I sure wouldn’t want to be with a manosphere asshole.
They seem to assume all men have the same standards. It doesn’t speak too highly of men TBH, but most manosphere stuff doesn’t.
Most of the unpopular opinion subreddit actually does seem to be that way. All the posts I’ve seen or heard about there are along the lines of “This is politically incorrect and the SJWs will get mad, but I think (some bigoted sentiment)” or “You’re all thinking this, but I’m the only one who will say (something idiotic and offensive).” That’s not what an unpopular opinion is.
Most of the unpopular opinion subreddit actually does seem to be that way. All the posts I’ve seen or heard about there are along the lines of “This is politically incorrect and the SJWs will get mad, but I think (some bigoted sentiment)” or “You’re all thinking this, but I’m the only one who will say (something idiotic and offensive).” That’s not what an unpopular opinion is.
Exactly. Red Pill encourages men to think of themselves as the prize, which sounds at first like reasonable advice, but when women fail to flock to their magnificent personalities, they can’t continue feeling like a prize unless they trash women. (Feeling like a prize is more important than actually being a prize.) It’s not that women reject them, it’s that their standards are just too lofty and no mortal woman can possibly meet them. They’re connoisseurs, mercilessly judging the women they can’t have.
It’s interesting that incels and no-fappers and MGTOW largely seem to be men cast aside by the patriarchy. A lot of them are extremely online, into video games and sci fi, working low-level STEM jobs (but rarely in management, and precariously employed due to not understanding how harassment works), unhappily divorced or single, not especially rich or good-looking or athletic or connected. Yet their response is to double down and become patriarchy’s most vicious upholders. They’re bitter that they failed to cash in on the perks of being a white man, which is supposed to automatically bring you a lucrative job, a submissive wife, and community respect. Somewhere they got the idea that you can asshole your way into being Chad, since it seems to work for him.
Chad, however, is surrounded by powerful institutions that protect him. He’s a prize swimmer at an elite college so we can’t ruin his future, or he’s from a rich family with a reputation to uphold, or he’s a politician who’s above the law because he makes the laws. He’s at the top despite being an asshole, not because of it.
Maybe someday these guys will clue in to the fact that the system hurts them, too. But I doubt it. They’ll just continue banging mindlessly against the window like moths, and blaming the female moths for their injured wings.
Like these assists didn’t spend the entire second half of the super bowl jerking their personal parts over two WAAAY post-wall women….
re: famous-for-my-music;
I play (ish) harmonica.. I have a t-shirt that sez:
“Will Play Harmonica For Free; Will Stop For Money”
There are some practical problems with their Perfect Wife Wish List.
Even IF you manage to find an 18-year old virgin skinny N-cup supermodel who agrees to marry you, even IF she spends all of her time serving you, exercising (but not in ways that will give her muscle mass or cause her boobs to shrink) and constantly dieting (while cooking tasty food for you) and caring about her looks (but only in natural ways that you aprove of) –
She would still only be acceptable for 12 years, then she would be “too old” for you and hopelessly unattractive and “gross”.
What do you do then? Toss her out and find a new one? These men often think that divorces are not ok, but the remaining option is to keep the “hideous old hag” you married. She who originally checked all the boxes on the list, she stays with you until the end of her life which is statistically aproximately 50 years into the future. That’s a lot of years of boredom and disgust. Or, you could kill her, I guess, but that might lead to unwanted consequences, such as prison and a reputation as a murderer.
Obviously, all of this means you must take great care not to start thinking of your “aged” wife as a… person, because that might make the out-tossing-and-replacing or murdering more difficult.
/irony and sarcasm
Now a serious point. I think a lot of the obsession with young women is about control. In several ways, but I think that one is by making it more difficult for a woman to leave a bad relationship. If she thinks that very soon she will be too old to find a new man, and too old to have children, just a few years then it is too late…. Then she cannot afford to leave, if she doesn’t want to be alone and childless! This is one of the the misogynists’ favourite threats against women who don’t keep in line. They want to stress and scare women with aging, so that women think they have no space to negotiate or press demands (such as being treated like people).
*ASSHATS* not “assists”…. fuckin autocorrect…
That seems to be generally true of the manosphere as a whole. There are legitimate issues which a “Men’s Rights Movement” could address (though hopefully under a different name, that one is too tainted) like domestic and sexual violence against men, racism against black men, homophobia against gay men, mental health issues, etc. But instead they actively contribute to all of those and spend all their time barking at women, because they don’t actually care about solving problems, they just want to find scapegoats. Much like other fascists.
I think they’re ok with it so long as the man initiates and gets to keep everything. It’s only bad if the woman wants out because the man is being shitty.
Friendly reminder that cheating is rampant with conservatives and that, on a societal level, it has not been uncommon for older men to divorce their wives to marry a younger woman.
Trump and Gringich did it twice. My dad married three times (I was the result of his third marriage).
@universal kami
Not entirely true. I’m incredibly pale and the main reason is is that I just can’t tan. I got out in the sun I go from white, to red, to back to white. once a sunburn fades it just goes right back to pale. there is like no melanin in my skin. When I go to the beach I am covered in the highest spf sun screen I can find and sitting under an umbrella if need be. meanwhile my husband will tell you he’s only really had one sunburn in his life and it wasn’t even that bad. which is you know…great and I’m not envies at all
Well, yes, I understand this. Men past their sexual prime require a lot more stimulation than virile young guys, for whom any household appliance, farm animal, or item found in the produce aisle is sufficient for arousal. The question is, why should any young woman who meets his rigorous list of requirements want to couple with him?
Be as choosy as you like, bubba, but remember that women are choosy too.
My favorite things about these guys universalizing their own standards of attractiveness is that even individual people rarely have a single, monolithic “type.”
My list of “the most beautiful women in the world” includes women with beautiful pale skin, and women with beautiful dark skin. Short women (OMG she’s adorable) and tall women (OMG she’s an amazon). Women with large breasts and women who give their measurements as “Can you apply measurements to something that doesn’t exist?”
It’s almost as if I’m looking at a person and not shopping for a car.
Haha, the joke’s on Acceptancehunter. My personal standards are far, far, FAR higher than his. My ideal partner must also have blue skin and prehensile antennae.
Oh yeah, all the hotties come from the ice-mountains of Andoria.