By David Futrelle
Just like Men Going Their Own Way, who can’t stop talking about the women they’re ostensibly “going their own way” from, militant NoFappers can’t stop obsessing over the sexual appeal (or alleged lack thereof) of the women they’re definitely not masturbating over.
In the Semen Retention subreddit, one brave man recently offered his thoughts on which categories of women it’s acceptable to lust after, and it’s basically No Fatties, No Uglies, and no one over 30.

Don’t trust lust after anyone over 30.
As it turns out, Acceptancehunter here had no need to worry about his fellow semen retainers disagreeing with him, as most of the commenters were happy to endorse his rather skewed vision of the world.
“I see where you are coming from,” replied the aptly named shared_consciousness.
My perception of women and definition of attractiveness has completely changed since starting this journey 5 years ago.
Generally speaking, young women will be more attractive to us… because time has not yet given them the opportunity to become impure. Older women MAY have racked up many years of gross behavior. Especially true for Western women.
You know what’s actually gross? Old dudes speculating on the “purity” of the young women they’re horny for.
I find some “hot” young women very repulsive because they are unpure (huge ego, drinking, many s partners.. ). However i sometimes find older women extremely attractive, because they are pure (worship god, loyal to their partner, helping others, eating healthy…).
Does this guy honestly think he can determine the number of sexual partners a woman has had, or the sort of food she eats, just by looking at her?
A commenter called Santanabbts, meanwhile, added yet another category of women to the discard pile: women using contraceptives.
I would also like to add that: women who do not use contraception are much more attractive and feminine. I have observed this many times, I think that contraceptives spoil the delicate hormonal balance of women
HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO IS USING CONTRACEPTIVES. And which contraceptives are you talking about? Just the pill? Do IUDs count? The sponge? What about women who insist their partners use condoms?
Other commenters professed to be repulsed by pretty much all women.
“Since starting this journey,” Destrapo45 declared,
I see most women as manipulative creatures who often move you away from a path of righteousness. Plus besides sex you start to realize their a lil annoying.
Someone called Juiceshop changed the subject slightly, telling the story of a grocery store cashier who’s TOTALLY INTO HIM.
Last week the cashier girl in the market looked a moment at me so full of sexual wanting, nearly like a devil Haha. I found out that she found out about my profile as a musician.
I don’t like when they want you because they can smell fame and success. I want to meet smart and empathic women.
I don’t think that’s going to work out for you, chief. Any woman who could possibly be into you after hearing you spout this sort of drivel is by definition going to be foolish and oblivious.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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A pill a day keeps the creep away?
For female purity-assessment purposes, does deliberate abstinence count as a form of contraception?
So, pale means “white” and he just didn’t want to sound too much like a Nazi, right?
Can I also take a second to scoff at the part about “naturally beautiful?” Because I guarantee what he thinks of as natural beauty takes a lot of makeup and effort.
Well, he could always use the signs of whether she’s a virgin. /s
This seems to be a fairly common sentiment in the manosphere. However, these are probably men who think that femininity is determined biologically (i.e. gender essentialism). Pill contraceptives often work through estrogen, which should by that definition make women more feminine. It’s completely inconsistent, but when were these dipshits ever consistent?
From what I know about semen retainers, what he actually wants is a submissive woman who validates him on everything. I’m guessing if he ran into an intelligent woman he’d hate her, and she’d hopefully be able to escape the situation.
My guess is these men are actually super horny, just also extremely misogynistic and possibly repressed.
I know this isn’t mentioned in the post but I’ve started to notice, somewhere along the lines, goth women with big breast has become the new fetish for these creeps and I’ve been getting a lot of weird shit because of it.
I can’t say that I’m sad about being about 25 years too late for the ‘big tiddy goth GF’ thing.
(I’m still goth inside.)
If there’s one thing that sucks in certain men, it’s the suggestion that their preference in sexual partners is somehow reflective of their superior personality. Like they are picking out a fancy wine and need everyone to know about it.
It dehumanizes the women and reduces them to personal affects. I think that’s kind of the point, though.
Funny, I’m starting to think the same thing about men. Except the ones who babble about a “path of righteousness”. Those are a LOT annoying.
You haven’t observed shit, dude. You literally can’t tell anything about a woman’s hormones just by looking at her. Nobody ever found me hideous when I was on the Pill. And there are non-hormonal birth control methods, too. But thanks for letting the world know that you have a gross impregnation fetish. I’m sure there’s a look YOU get when you’re horny that creeps women out, too.
Actually, I’ll bet she knows he’s a “musician” only because he told her. Repeatedly. And that look he thought was “sexual wanting” was just bewilderment…like, “Why the hell is he telling me this?” Because all she wanted to do was ring up his purchase and get him to move the hell on so the next customer wasn’t kept waiting.
Pretty sure that that wasn’t “fame and success” she was smelling on you, dude. Try showering more and dousing yourself in Axe NEVER.
Also, let’s face it: If you were ACTUALLY famous and successful, you wouldn’t be wanking around on an internet forum with this silly oblique bragging. You’d be too busy doing real things. Like playing actual gigs.
Translation: They haven’t any basis of comparison for our at-best-mediocre asses…YET. We hope.
Speaking as an older woman, I say fuck all the way to hell off. If any imagined ideal of “purity” is your metric for finding ANYONE attractive, you’re shit.
Yeah I totally believe you dude Haha.
It’s like some kind if extreme solipsism. They really don’t seem to understand that other people have an independent existence.
It’s probably not the only gross fetish this fellow has…I don’t want to know the rest.
I’m an amateur musician myself, and I’ve noticed there are 2 kinds of musicians in this world:
1. People who actually make music, play shows, record stuff, go to events, are part of a local “scene,” etc
2. People who talk at length about how great they are as musicians but never seem to actually play or participate in local events
I get the feeling this guy is the second kind.
Am I the only one reading “pure” as a dogwhistle for racial purity?
Serious question: does anyone actually like the smell of axe body spray? I can’t stand it and it seems to be a strong signifier of toxic masculinity. Can’t people find something that smells better? Or is that the point?
Same, and same.
For sure not. I got that same vibe off the OP, too, who mentioned his specific preference for pale skin. Speaking as a pale, 100% (to my knowledge) German, that creeped me RIGHT out.
Outside of douchey dudes (particularly the immature young ones who think it’s a legit substitute for proper hygiene), no one does. But it’s a testimony to the power of sexualized advertising that that eye-watering stinkum finds as many buyers as it gets.
Meanwhile the rest of the world is still talking about a fifty year old woman absolutely killing it on a stripper pole at the superb owl halftime show.
I love these posts about no-fappers. I like how utterly removed these dudes are from the “intellectual superiority” they think holding their semen in gives them.
Yo, this has bothered the shit out of me – as a straight cis man – for so long. Men say this like it’s some fascinating personality trait of theirs that they are sharing with the world. I can only imagine how gross it is to hear as a woman.
I tend to think of it more as a weird, gross fetishization of inexperience (which goes along with their stated or implied physical attraction to underage bodies).
An intellectual heavyweight, these dudes are NOT looking for. They’d be scared shitless by any of the women I work with.
As I figured.
I still remember the first time I smelled it. I was about 8 years old, and my parents had forced me to take karate lessons. The assistant instructor was a man in his early 20s who one day decided to spray it all over himself. Everyone in the class winced and he said “It’s called Axe,” as if he was in a commercial. I don’t think he got any buyers.
*raises hand apprehensively*
Umm…I genuinely like several Axe flavors?(1) That said, I’m severely hyposmic–so that it takes “cranked up to 11” to register on my olfactory radar. I confine myself to the bath products, and I’ve never induced writhing bom-chicka-wow-wow in those who surround me–nor sought to.
(1) Specifically, Instinct (leather), Unlimited (marine/grapefruit), Vice (cherry), and Anarchy II For Her (orange blossom.) For what it’s worth, all have lmg since been discontinued.
@Full Metal Ox
I didn’t mean my comments as any sort of attack on you or your opinions. You are of course entitled to your preferences. I merely was stating my personal opinions and associations, but if other people like it then that’s fine as well. I’m sorry if I came across as offensive.
I never understood this “women over 30 aren’t attractive anymore” idea. I mean, do these men have eyes? The number of women over 30 who are attractive is ridiculous large. I bet if you asked them to name attractive women at least one of them would be over thirty, but they simply don’t know it. Maybe it’s because these guys are kids who are intimidated by something as benign as adulthood.
No offense taken at all! Just wanted to speak up as a sensory outlier (complicated into the bargain by synesthesia.)
Tangentially related Fun Fact, prompted by your karate instructor’s chemical warfare: in the Sixties-Seventies,there used to be a men’s cologne called Hai Karate (the name rendered in the inevitable Chop Suey Font); the schtick was that the user would be so besieged by hot women that he’d have to study martial arts to fend them off.
No offense taken at all! Just wanted to speak up as a sensory outlier (complicated into the bargain by synesthesia.)
Tangentially related Fun Fact, prompted by your karate instructor’s chemical warfare: in the Sixties-Seventies,there used to be a men’s cologne called Hai Karate (the name rendered in the inevitable Chop Suey Font); the schtick was that the user would be so besieged by hot women that he’d have to study martial arts to fend them off.
Also, I’m picturing him assomething along the lines of Rex Kwon Do from Napoleon Dynamite.
@Definitely Not Steve:
Universalizing their personal taste is one of their most irritating cognitive errors. All men must want exactly the same thing they want (though of course, it’s women who are the “hive mind”).
Just listen to this guy, telling all the other men what they *should* want, as if he’s the supreme arbiter of taste. Meanwhile, he’ll scream his head off if asked to acknowledge that older/heavier/short haired women are attractive, because “we’re hard wired to want fertility, don’t tell ME who to lust after!”
If it’s so hard wired, why do they constantly need to remind each other to only look at nubile 13 year olds? Why do they have to keep reciting the same boring laundry lists of ideal traits to each other over and over again?
Come on, dudes. Just tie a string around your finger to remind yourself not to slip up and accidentally lust after a 29 year old.
Ah, there’s the obsession with contamination and purity that consumes fascists. I wonder if they drink distilled rainwater? Are bodily fluids their Kryptonite? If you flick a booger at them, would they short circuit?
Look at the famous successful musician, doing his own shopping at the market!
This is an argument I’ve also used against Petersonites who believe society should be restructured to a “natural” order that is actually BS they made up: if it’s so natural why does it need intervention and constant reminders? If it was natural for there to be a certain social order, we’d be doing it by our own accord.
I think they do this because it allows them to feel better about themselves and see themselves as superior to everyone else. It’s like how they write everything they don’t like off as “degenerate.” I also think “impure,” like “degenerate,” is a dogwhistle for race.
@Naglfar: It’s like how women “naturally” want to stay at home, raise babies, and be financially dependent on a strong alpha male abuser, so therefore we need to enact all kinds of laws and scarlet letters to ensure that happens.
While presumably not an incel, my experience with incel ideas about women suggests that “smart” means “conforms to gender stereotypes like a ‘natural’ woman” and “empathic” means “anticipates my moods and thinks about how to please me 24/7, and I don’t have to the same in return”.
Everyone is allowed their preferences, but this poor dude should remember that there’s a BIG difference between rating Miss America contestants, for instance, and finding a woman willing to date you. Narrowing the field by declaring that the ONLY women worth dating are skinny virginal pale blondes between the ages of 18 and 30 is just setting yourself up for ridicule when you fall for a curvy brunette with a kid from a previous marriage.
I, personally, am extremely grateful that social media wasn’t available during my dating years. I would still be hearing variations on, “What the hell, Laura? You always said you wanted a tall, dark, and sort of foreign artistic type, and you’re marrying a pale, wiry mad scientist from North Carolina? Are you on drugs or what?”
(I am completely aware that many of these guys are probably unable to find anyone to date, and they post these little lists so they can proclaim that no one meets their lofty standards.)