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“Women over 30 shouldn’t interest you unless you have an impure, sexually perverted mind,” declares man obsessed with his own semen

Hideous over-30 woman

By David Futrelle

Just like Men Going Their Own Way, who can’t stop talking about the women they’re ostensibly “going their own way” from, militant NoFappers can’t stop obsessing over the sexual appeal (or alleged lack thereof) of the women they’re definitely not masturbating over.

In the Semen Retention subreddit, one brave man recently offered his thoughts on which categories of women it’s acceptable to lust after, and it’s basically No Fatties, No Uglies, and no one over 30.

The average woman is becoming uninteresting to me. (self.Semenretention)

submitted 11 days ago by Acceptancehunter

I know what most people expect after they give up porn is to become attracted to 'average' women again and this is a sign of healthy sexuality.

I have gone through that but now I see myself becoming increasingly uninterested in women who are not naturally noticeably beautiful and young.

This includes girls who look fake or enhanced. I'm also finding my disgust response is going up when I look at women who are aged or overweight. In the past I would find something erotic about a women who was maybe middle aged or if they were not skinny I could be attracted to their curvature. Now I just have incredibly high standards, for me it skinny, pale and young looking. By young I mean healthy looking really (18-30) That's really what should turn you on though, women who are chubby, not pretty or over 30 shouldn't really be that interesting to you unless you have an impure sexually perverted mind. Unless they are strikingly attractive I just don't really notice them.

I don't expect this post to be agreed upon lol but this is what I'm feeling.

Don’t trust lust after anyone over 30.

As it turns out, Acceptancehunter here had no need to worry about his fellow semen retainers disagreeing with him, as most of the commenters were happy to endorse his rather skewed vision of the world.

“I see where you are coming from,” replied the aptly named shared_consciousness.

My perception of women and definition of attractiveness has completely changed since starting this journey 5 years ago.

Generally speaking, young women will be more attractive to us… because time has not yet given them the opportunity to become impure. Older women MAY have racked up many years of gross behavior. Especially true for Western women.

You know what’s actually gross? Old dudes speculating on the “purity” of the young women they’re horny for.

I find some “hot” young women very repulsive because they are unpure (huge ego, drinking, many s partners.. ). However i sometimes find older women extremely attractive, because they are pure (worship god, loyal to their partner, helping others, eating healthy…).

Does this guy honestly think he can determine the number of sexual partners a woman has had, or the sort of food she eats, just by looking at her?

A commenter called Santanabbts, meanwhile, added yet another category of women to the discard pile: women using contraceptives.

I would also like to add that: women who do not use contraception are much more attractive and feminine. I have observed this many times, I think that contraceptives spoil the delicate hormonal balance of women

HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO IS USING CONTRACEPTIVES. And which contraceptives are you talking about? Just the pill? Do IUDs count? The sponge? What about women who insist their partners use condoms?

Other commenters professed to be repulsed by pretty much all women.

“Since starting this journey,” Destrapo45 declared,

I see most women as manipulative creatures who often move you away from a path of righteousness. Plus besides sex you start to realize their a lil annoying.

Someone called Juiceshop changed the subject slightly, telling the story of a grocery store cashier who’s TOTALLY INTO HIM.

Last week the cashier girl in the market looked a moment at me so full of sexual wanting, nearly like a devil Haha. I found out that she found out about my profile as a musician.

I don’t like when they want you because they can smell fame and success. I want to meet smart and empathic women.

I don’t think that’s going to work out for you, chief. Any woman who could possibly be into you after hearing you spout this sort of drivel is by definition going to be foolish and oblivious.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

“Some women”, I should have said. Also, I’m not looking to derail or distract attention from the behaviour of the kind of men covered in this blog. But equally, I don’t know how feminism is meant to engage with women like my mother, who benefited from feminism and are proud of their freedom but also really, really hate other women.

Universal Kami
Universal Kami
5 years ago


I wasn’t talking about naturally pale people.

I was merely explaining what I personally think they mean when they say “pale”.

5 years ago


There you go.

5 years ago

Hi there, I am here as a practicing unbroken semen retaining celibate…It seems this site spotlights on semen retention(SR from now on) quite often. As a member of the SR community, is it okay if I strictly post in the comment section of SR posts in order to clarify the historical position (mostly from Hinduism,Buddhism,Taoism but also Western Oneida) as well as modern opinions from within the SR community?

It seems there is a lot of ignorance regarding the genesis of semen retention and celibacy in these posts….(Nobody’s fault as it is intricately linked with male body geography and male mental approach to sexual energy)

Hope this leads to fruitful conversations around history, society, various spiritual traditions around the world

interesting tidbit, Since this is a woman centric blog I think the following information would be of interest to the audience here:

The continued protection of Rome (the city not the empire) for 800 long years is attributed to the spiritual power of an unbroken line of female celibates within the SR community ….known as Vestal Virgins who would be celibate for 30 years before marrying in mid or late 30s

(marriage with Vestal Virgins was considered to be highly prestigious affair, nullifying the above ignorant comment that women over 30s are not desirable to eligible powerful handsome men)

A Vestal Virgin cursed Rome and its elite ruling class in the 380s after the Christians desecrated and shut down the Temple of Vesta….within a few decades of that Rome was overrun by Visigoths under Alaric after 800 years of peace

Christians of course tried to deny that fall of Rome was due to Christian abrogation of Vestal Virgins and paganism in their book called “The City of God” by St. Augustine of Hippo

another interesting tidbit. Women who have stopped their monthly energy loss through spiritual practice, even in their fertile years, are considered even more powerful than celibate semen-retaining men ….

Anandamayi Maa from Eastern India comes to mind in this regard ..She chose to go full on celibate even while being recently married

SR comes under various forms:

1) One would be carnal congress without any release. Mostly done with a committed partner (Steve Jobs. etc)

2) The second version is where the guy is celibate most of the times (no porn, no self-pleasure/pollution) and may engage in no-strings-attached intimacy with women a few times a year

3) Complete celibacy. Absolute no staring at women, fantasizing about women, touching oneself, peaking at porn, edging, romantic or sexual relationship, no wet dreams and hopefully no nocturnal emission…

This vow is carried out in 12 year streaks. A single failure means back to square zero and starting again…Vivekananda, Tesla and Newton were such kind of celibates

4) A fourth more realistic celibacy: Absolute clean celibacy till one gets married. The energy is used to create prosperity, security that when one does get married, he can provide full security and well being to wife and child. In this day and age where whole nations are suffering from the vagaries of economic forces, this is the best option

such a man is celibate from age of 20 till mid to late 30s..before getting married…This way money issues donot sour the emotional atmosphere of the young family

Andrew Carnegie comes to mind when it comes to this sort of celibacy..Though he married in his fifties…well it really takes 35 years’ worth of sexual energy to build an empire

Sorry if the post was a bit I can only write from the male heterosexual perspective

if you think my voice in the comment section of SR posts would be helpful, do let me know

if you think I am irrelevant and a nuisance here, then also please let me know as then this would be my first and last post here


5 years ago

PS: the issue of wet dreams is the most fraught subject in SR community. More akin to the disputes regarding the Nature of Christ in Christianity

one must remember that it was controversy around the subject of wet dreams that split Buddhism thousands of years ago

Frederic Christie
5 years ago

I love how good they are at self-delusion. Sure, buddy, the purest attraction POSSIBLE are to the people you just coincidentally want to fuck the most.

5 years ago

I love how good they are at self-delusion. Sure, buddy, the purest attraction POSSIBLE are to the people you just coincidentally want to fuck the most.

“MY kinks are the rational ones”, take eleventy billion.