The app is literally from a place called “Shadow Inc.”
This hecking timeline
Diego Duarte
5 years ago
I’d like to see cancer issue a statement distancing itself from Rush Limbaugh.
Only if it decides to hang out with Trump, Miller and McConnell.
This hecking timeline
I still blame DiCaprio for this whole shitshow. He was never meant to win the Oscar. The collective power of the internet and his insistence on breaking the laws of physics became the butterfly effect that set this whole fiasco in motion.
5 years ago
@Diego Duarte:
I blame Stanislaw Petrov. Russia was supposed to respond to an apparent nuclear attack by the US in 1983, the US was supposed to respond to the response with an actual nuclear attack, and humanity was supposed to perish in the resulting nuclear war. But Petrov was like “Wait, what if it’s a mistake?” and it was all averted.
Ever since then, God or destiny or human nature or something has been trying to get human extinction back on track, but keeps screwing it up because the keys to destruction all end up being incompetent buffoons. This is why the timeline is effed-up and we can’t either perish and not have to worry about anything anymore *or* have nice things.
…Well, as long as somebody is going to present an absurdist take, I might as well throw in a gallows humor take.
5 years ago
@Diego Duarte
The Leopoint Paradox?
5 years ago
@Snowberry, so it’s like the Final Destination movies, but on a global scale?
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago
@Naglfar: you’re in distinguished company. AOC and Ayanna Pressley are boycotting the damned thing as well.
That’s a pretty cool name for it! I’m gonna start using that from now on.
In other related news, it seems they are trying to give the win to Buttigieg (or at least delay the results until the NH primary) so as to not make Sanders look too good early on or Biden look too bad.
The passiveness of Americans will never fail to impress me…
Been hanging around a gaming Discord server more because I don’t feel woke enough to be in more woke places bar this one, and sometimes even here as well. I just happen to like the community here and I trust this place more than most or any other news source (they need to release news to make a living even if it’s something totally bullshit or harmful like what the BBC has done as of recent; David here at least asks for donations while making all his work public and visible to everyone. I find fewer and fewer sources out there that aren’t explicitly non-profits doing the same thing, like sadly a podcast service that can only be streamed online or requires a subscription to be listened to offline without a guarantee that such podcasts even stay available for offline or even online listening – more on this later).
On said Discord (it’s for an indie game that’s currently in early access), some of its members seem to really hate communism and socialism. A few of them wished there were a viable alternative but said that capitalism won’t go and something else about as fucked up as capitalism will take its place. They claim that the human nature factor makes realizing communism an impossibility (i.e. Stalin, Mao, North Korea, Cuba). I just think capitalism commodifies too much stuff to hell, like culture and necessities. Personally too, I hate the world of business – it’s like a religion without all the fancy stuff, it’s grown-up bullshit (as someone who was made to grow up too fast, it’s not something I enjoy) and it’s pretty dull as well as exploitative.
The Discord isn’t exactly a woke place but its moderators do their best to ban racists on sight at least (not many can be online at once so trolls on occasion can stick around while the few moderators are asleep), and one of the devs called out an impersonator on their forum for homophobia – I’d argue it’s relatively more woke compared to most gaming spaces, but I have been in even more woke spaces in the past; I just decided to leave them too because I got envious of members there and because of personal issues that I think would cause me trouble if I ever elaborated on them there. Otherwise player numbers have also stagnated from this game primarily for gameplay reasons, and the most active people on there are those who are generally among the more loyal towards the game.
I simply prefer this game because I hate the poor excuses for money gouging and worker exploitation that larger players in the games industry have. Activision are forcing their developers to make a new Call of Duty a game so often that like half of the games online end up being dead – I once tried playing Advanced Warfare on the PS4 while I was in the US at one time, no one played it online. As for Battlefield, it’s a little better maybe, but Electronic Arts are known for their greed and for their sins against smaller developers. Gamers are complaining about the “woke” nature of Battlefield V, but I find that a non-issue – I simply don’t like the Battlefield franchise because I would prefer to not have to buy maps in addition to it being effectively Electronic Arts intellectual property. I’ve only played Call of Duty so far without paying Activision directly (i.e. used copies or promotions for free titles) – I’ve played Battlefield 3 on the PS3 (it was a gift intended for my brother but he doesn’t really play games) and spent a little bit of money on EA’s subscription gaming service for 4. Overall, the gaming industry’s a piece of shit and is symptomatic of the shitty attitude that Americans have with market fundamentalism – it’s their second God.
I could rant more about subscription and/or streaming services at a later time – it’s all capitalism’s filthy plot to ensure something can only exist if it makes something money.
As to why I’m even into gaming, well, I generally hate reality and want to be involved in another.
This whole world’s very fascist. White supremacists are just unnecessarily paranoid – their ancestors already did their work.
I just feel like giving up because it seems like there’s nothing we can do. Unfortunately, succumbing to it would only mean I die much sooner than I should, and likely brutally too.
Jackson Ayres
5 years ago
The optics of the chaos at the caucus are awful, especially since Pete’s campaign donated to the company behind the app, and announced victory at 0% reporting. Not to mention, caucuses are just plain anti-democratic anyway. I look forward to the NH primary.
It’ll be a lot harder for the Dems to fuck that up.
5 years ago
“How can the Democrats expect to run the country, when they can’t even run a caucus?”
I heard that today. In friggin’ Canada. From a stranger. In a work setting.
5 years ago
The anthropic fancy: in timelines where we destroyed ourselves, there’s no one left to observe the result. Therefore, we will always find ourselves in a timeline where we didn’t destroy ourselves, no matter how unlikely.
That’s why we always seem to be on the precipice of disaster.
5 years ago
@Jackson Ayres
NH Primary is looking more and more likely to be a Sanders win, the problem with it is that it’s just as unrepresentative as Iowa demographically, particularly in terms of the Democratic Party’s voter base. Discussion of FiveThirtyEight’s live blog did talk about what primary should be held first, New York was brought up as a possible candidate. The issue is that, legally speaking, NH must be the first primary [Iowa doesn’t count ‘cos it’s a caucus], so any attempt by the Democratic Party to either move Iowa back and/or put something ahead of NH, will run into fierce resistance from each. Iowa has a lot to lose if it loses its current position, same for NH [nvm the legal issues]. Much as people might like to change the nomination structure with regards to Iowa it’s much easier said than done.
5 years ago
I was originally thinking of this idea more along the lines of what @Amtep said (assuming you’re responding at least partially to me and not entirely to Diego Duarte), and explicitly posted it that way a couple weeks ago. But this time around I meant it closer to @Moggie’s interpretation of it because it’s darkly funny that way.
Ann K
5 years ago
How can a person live in a developed country in the twenty-first century, and never have any experience of malfunctioning software?
5 years ago
I’m mostly worried about the way Fox News et al are going to report on Iowa. They’re a major news network that millions watch and I can guarantee their spin won’t be favorable.
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago
@ Amy K:
How can a person live in a developed country in the twenty-first century, and never have any experience of malfunctioning software?
Anyone living in a developed country is fortunate to have experienced FUNCTIONING software. I feel the entire technology has “updated” itself into a state where none of it ever works.
5 years ago
I’m mostly worried about the way Fox News et al are going to report on Iowa. They’re a major news network that millions watch and I can guarantee their spin won’t be favorable.
The only question is whether they emphasise incompetence or conspiracy theories. (Both of Trump’s large adult sons have tweeted conspiracy theories about the affair, so Fox might favour that angle).
@Jackson Ayres:
It’ll be a lot harder for the Dems to fuck that up.
Come on, have faith! I’m confident they’ll find a way!
5 years ago
@Naglfar: I just checked. The Fox News online site at least appears to be mostly fair, with the only bad takes I’ve seen being a piece devoted to Ben Shapiro’s opinion (he basically takes this a sign that the “Blue Wave” has fizzled out and Trump is practically guaranteed reelection) and another which takes the rumor that the DNC is trying to sabotage Bernie Sanders as a realistic possibility for what’s happening. But aside from that they’re pretty neutral… not that this stops the comments sections from being all “Dems are pathetic losers who couldn’t organize a bake sale”.
5 years ago
@Weird Eddie
Anyone living in a developed country is fortunate to have experienced FUNCTIONING software. I feel the entire technology has “updated” itself into a state where none of it ever works.
This is why I think Ray Kurzweil and others predicting the singularity in the next few decades are wrong. The singularity would be much more likely to encounter a fatal error and crash on startup, or get stuck in an endless loop.
I’m confident they’ll find a way!
‘Murican ingenuity! If we can win so many Darwin Awards, we can figure out how to deep-six the NH primaries.
The useful thing about Ben Shapiro is, most of the time if you assume the exact opposite of whatever he says, you’ll get the truth.
Apart from it being a shitshow, I didn’t understand much about what happened in Iowa.
“How can the Democrats expect to run the country, when they can’t even run a caucus?”
Better get used to hearing that, because I suspect we’ll be hearing it a lot.
I’d like to see cancer issue a statement distancing itself from Rush Limbaugh.
I’m not going to watch the SOTU. I have watched it in previous years, but at this point I just don’t want to suffer through it.
Here’s a vice article on the app that failed:
The app is literally from a place called “Shadow Inc.”
This hecking timeline
Only if it decides to hang out with Trump, Miller and McConnell.
I still blame DiCaprio for this whole shitshow. He was never meant to win the Oscar. The collective power of the internet and his insistence on breaking the laws of physics became the butterfly effect that set this whole fiasco in motion.
@Diego Duarte:
I blame Stanislaw Petrov. Russia was supposed to respond to an apparent nuclear attack by the US in 1983, the US was supposed to respond to the response with an actual nuclear attack, and humanity was supposed to perish in the resulting nuclear war. But Petrov was like “Wait, what if it’s a mistake?” and it was all averted.
Ever since then, God or destiny or human nature or something has been trying to get human extinction back on track, but keeps screwing it up because the keys to destruction all end up being incompetent buffoons. This is why the timeline is effed-up and we can’t either perish and not have to worry about anything anymore *or* have nice things.
…Well, as long as somebody is going to present an absurdist take, I might as well throw in a gallows humor take.
@Diego Duarte
The Leopoint Paradox?
@Snowberry, so it’s like the Final Destination movies, but on a global scale?
@Naglfar: you’re in distinguished company. AOC and Ayanna Pressley are boycotting the damned thing as well.
That’s a pretty cool name for it! I’m gonna start using that from now on.
In other related news, it seems they are trying to give the win to Buttigieg (or at least delay the results until the NH primary) so as to not make Sanders look too good early on or Biden look too bad.
The passiveness of Americans will never fail to impress me…
Been hanging around a gaming Discord server more because I don’t feel woke enough to be in more woke places bar this one, and sometimes even here as well. I just happen to like the community here and I trust this place more than most or any other news source (they need to release news to make a living even if it’s something totally bullshit or harmful like what the BBC has done as of recent; David here at least asks for donations while making all his work public and visible to everyone. I find fewer and fewer sources out there that aren’t explicitly non-profits doing the same thing, like sadly a podcast service that can only be streamed online or requires a subscription to be listened to offline without a guarantee that such podcasts even stay available for offline or even online listening – more on this later).
On said Discord (it’s for an indie game that’s currently in early access), some of its members seem to really hate communism and socialism. A few of them wished there were a viable alternative but said that capitalism won’t go and something else about as fucked up as capitalism will take its place. They claim that the human nature factor makes realizing communism an impossibility (i.e. Stalin, Mao, North Korea, Cuba). I just think capitalism commodifies too much stuff to hell, like culture and necessities. Personally too, I hate the world of business – it’s like a religion without all the fancy stuff, it’s grown-up bullshit (as someone who was made to grow up too fast, it’s not something I enjoy) and it’s pretty dull as well as exploitative.
The Discord isn’t exactly a woke place but its moderators do their best to ban racists on sight at least (not many can be online at once so trolls on occasion can stick around while the few moderators are asleep), and one of the devs called out an impersonator on their forum for homophobia – I’d argue it’s relatively more woke compared to most gaming spaces, but I have been in even more woke spaces in the past; I just decided to leave them too because I got envious of members there and because of personal issues that I think would cause me trouble if I ever elaborated on them there. Otherwise player numbers have also stagnated from this game primarily for gameplay reasons, and the most active people on there are those who are generally among the more loyal towards the game.
I simply prefer this game because I hate the poor excuses for money gouging and worker exploitation that larger players in the games industry have. Activision are forcing their developers to make a new Call of Duty a game so often that like half of the games online end up being dead – I once tried playing Advanced Warfare on the PS4 while I was in the US at one time, no one played it online. As for Battlefield, it’s a little better maybe, but Electronic Arts are known for their greed and for their sins against smaller developers. Gamers are complaining about the “woke” nature of Battlefield V, but I find that a non-issue – I simply don’t like the Battlefield franchise because I would prefer to not have to buy maps in addition to it being effectively Electronic Arts intellectual property. I’ve only played Call of Duty so far without paying Activision directly (i.e. used copies or promotions for free titles) – I’ve played Battlefield 3 on the PS3 (it was a gift intended for my brother but he doesn’t really play games) and spent a little bit of money on EA’s subscription gaming service for 4. Overall, the gaming industry’s a piece of shit and is symptomatic of the shitty attitude that Americans have with market fundamentalism – it’s their second God.
I could rant more about subscription and/or streaming services at a later time – it’s all capitalism’s filthy plot to ensure something can only exist if it makes something money.
As to why I’m even into gaming, well, I generally hate reality and want to be involved in another.
@Diego Duarte
This whole world’s very fascist. White supremacists are just unnecessarily paranoid – their ancestors already did their work.
I just feel like giving up because it seems like there’s nothing we can do. Unfortunately, succumbing to it would only mean I die much sooner than I should, and likely brutally too.
The optics of the chaos at the caucus are awful, especially since Pete’s campaign donated to the company behind the app, and announced victory at 0% reporting. Not to mention, caucuses are just plain anti-democratic anyway. I look forward to the NH primary.
It’ll be a lot harder for the Dems to fuck that up.
I heard that today. In friggin’ Canada. From a stranger. In a work setting.
The anthropic fancy: in timelines where we destroyed ourselves, there’s no one left to observe the result. Therefore, we will always find ourselves in a timeline where we didn’t destroy ourselves, no matter how unlikely.
That’s why we always seem to be on the precipice of disaster.
@Jackson Ayres
NH Primary is looking more and more likely to be a Sanders win, the problem with it is that it’s just as unrepresentative as Iowa demographically, particularly in terms of the Democratic Party’s voter base. Discussion of FiveThirtyEight’s live blog did talk about what primary should be held first, New York was brought up as a possible candidate. The issue is that, legally speaking, NH must be the first primary [Iowa doesn’t count ‘cos it’s a caucus], so any attempt by the Democratic Party to either move Iowa back and/or put something ahead of NH, will run into fierce resistance from each. Iowa has a lot to lose if it loses its current position, same for NH [nvm the legal issues]. Much as people might like to change the nomination structure with regards to Iowa it’s much easier said than done.
I was originally thinking of this idea more along the lines of what @Amtep said (assuming you’re responding at least partially to me and not entirely to Diego Duarte), and explicitly posted it that way a couple weeks ago. But this time around I meant it closer to @Moggie’s interpretation of it because it’s darkly funny that way.
How can a person live in a developed country in the twenty-first century, and never have any experience of malfunctioning software?
I’m mostly worried about the way Fox News et al are going to report on Iowa. They’re a major news network that millions watch and I can guarantee their spin won’t be favorable.
@ Amy K:
Anyone living in a developed country is fortunate to have experienced FUNCTIONING software. I feel the entire technology has “updated” itself into a state where none of it ever works.
The only question is whether they emphasise incompetence or conspiracy theories. (Both of Trump’s large adult sons have tweeted conspiracy theories about the affair, so Fox might favour that angle).
@Jackson Ayres:
Come on, have faith! I’m confident they’ll find a way!
@Naglfar: I just checked. The Fox News online site at least appears to be mostly fair, with the only bad takes I’ve seen being a piece devoted to Ben Shapiro’s opinion (he basically takes this a sign that the “Blue Wave” has fizzled out and Trump is practically guaranteed reelection) and another which takes the rumor that the DNC is trying to sabotage Bernie Sanders as a realistic possibility for what’s happening. But aside from that they’re pretty neutral… not that this stops the comments sections from being all “Dems are pathetic losers who couldn’t organize a bake sale”.
@Weird Eddie
This is why I think Ray Kurzweil and others predicting the singularity in the next few decades are wrong. The singularity would be much more likely to encounter a fatal error and crash on startup, or get stuck in an endless loop.
‘Murican ingenuity! If we can win so many Darwin Awards, we can figure out how to deep-six the NH primaries.
The useful thing about Ben Shapiro is, most of the time if you assume the exact opposite of whatever he says, you’ll get the truth.