alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism daily stormer men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny money down the toilet racism schadenfreude

Allegedly cash-strapped Daily Stormer declares: “We’re Laying Off Staff Because You Didn’t Send Money”

Will this be the Daily Stormer’s downfall?

By David Futrelle

You hate to see it. Nazi trash site The Daily Stormer is apparently running out of money. In a morose but petulant post today, head Stormer Andrew Anglin threatened to lay off his staff and cut back on his coverage of such vital issues as Jews, race war, women not deserving rights, and Jews unless his readers coughed up more bucks bitcoins than they’ve donated so far.

“I’ve given 30-day notices to most of the staff,” Anglin began,

because even after I told you people that the site lost $50,000 last year, fewer than 60 of you decided to send money, for a total of less than $5,000. The costs for January were more than $10,000.

Generally speaking, it’s not a good sign when you refer to your readers and potential donors as “you people.”

Anglin then threatened to downsize drastically to just him:

But hey, if people don’t want to send money, we’ll do things differently. We’re going to downsize, and basically, I’ll be the only writer. There will obviously be many fewer articles, but that’s just the deal.

How will the internet survive this terrible loss?

Anglin warned that even the RACE WAR section of the site could end up in the dumpster of history. And how can you have a race war without a race war section?

“It is impossible to communicate how depressing this is for me personally,” Anglin continues.

I thought that we were promoting an agenda here that people believed in, but it seems that virtually all of you do not believe in this enough to send $5.


It certainly does not give me hope for the future. This is the only large site promoting this agenda, telling the truth about the Jews, and attempting to save white people. And we’re now shrinking an already tiny staff because the overwhelming majority of the readership apparently doesn’t give a shit.

Where is the love for his hate site?

Honestly, if I didn’t have personal reasons for doing this, I would just give up and go make a lot more money doing something else.

Really? Who’s going to hire you, dude? Is there really a big demand for petulant Nazis who lose multi-million dollar lawsuits out there?

You all know what I’ve been through to run this site. And that is what it is. I am an adult and made these decisions and I’ll deal with the consequences. But the lack of support certainly makes me question how much more I should give.

How about none, give none.

For the time being, I will keep the site running. But considering the lack of support, I can’t promise that I’ll do it indefinitely. I might prefer to write books, or do something else. I have to think about my own personal future, and seeing as how little this site means to the readers, it’s hard to justify putting this much energy into it.

Why not take that energy and learn how to play the world’s tiniest violin, because nobody else is going to play it for you.

I guess we’ll just have to see if Anglin yelling “you ungrateful wretches” at a bunch of angry Nazis is an effective way to get them to cough up more money for his hate site.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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epitome of incomprehensibility

He also wrote:

Below are instructions on how to send money, just in case this made any of you feel guilty.

The whiny-ness of it all!!!

The part I’m confused about is the picture on the bottom of the page (archived from the site, same link as David’s). It shows a woman in a red dress running away with a piglet and a policeman is chasing her.

What does that mean? Not giving money to a racist website = stealing animals? I have no idea.

4 years ago

Andy sounds like a disgraced televangelist.

4 years ago

AWD is so radial, so properly batshit insane

Please avoid “crazy talk” on this website, thanks! Being an asshole isn’t a mental illness.

4 years ago

One less radical nazi site is alway good.

If he have 3 peoples on staff like he claim, 10k per month don’t seem absurd.

@Kalish : while the white supremacists are in power, I have the general feeling that less people are racists, and they are less rabidly racist than before. The thing being, the electoral system put that shrinking minority to power, so it’s very little consolation (plus it slow down their demise too !), but that would check out with how all thoses specialized hate sites are dying.

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

Daily Stormer is melting ? What a world, what a world…

4 years ago

@Jarnsaxa: You mean like 4chan? Because I can’t imagine what other site would be even worse than Daily Stormer. Anyway, this is still great news, no matter why it’s happening. The less damage Anglin can do, the better.

There’s always something worse. Maybe something on the Dark Web, I don’t know.

I’ve stopped thinking there’s a bottom to the hatred in this country.

4 years ago


Is the only way to donate to them seriously cryptocurrency? Is this for real?

There has been a concerted effort to cut the far right out of standard sources of online income, like PayPal, Patreon, YouTube monetisation, ads on sites, etc. It isn’t perfect but this, combined with booting them off high profile social media, means Angry Anglin is stuck having to issue rather long and tedious instructions on how to get Bitcoin to his current hidey-hole.

4 years ago

Love that these personal responsibility, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, the world owes you nothing types go into full-on toddler mode when it turns out their personal pet projects are nothing but a big fat loss. This is the world you want (in fact, the world you want is much worse), deal with it!

4 years ago

Re the apparent (???) fraying at the edges of the more extreme far-right hate groups and whether this is at least partly because they’re being assimilated into the mainstream – that is arguably what’s happening in the UK, as the tory party now openly embraces a lot of the positions and individual people such as Yaxley-Lennon (“Tommy Robinson”) that were formerly key elements of far right minority groups.

So on the one hand they’re less likely to go under the radar, but on the other hand they’re normalised to the point of being s.o.p.

(Conversely, the Corbyn-et-al side of the labour party have been so successful in getting at least some sensible positions back within the bounds of the thinkable and sayable again that the tories have been forced to adopt them – such as taking a couple of rail franchises back into state hands when the franchise runs out.

Although with the tories in charge, what’s the betting they simply use state money to build them back up a bit and then re-sell them at a knock-down price for private profit … not like they’ve got form for doing exactly that, or anything … )

4 years ago

Andy sounds like a disgraced televangelist.

Could easily be his next grift if he pulls off a suitable “come to Jesus” act.

4 years ago

Just as a follow-up to what I said before,

I’m new here, and I’m guessing that by “in power” readers of this blog are referring, mostly, to the election of Donald Trump. While DJT, and I’d argue 2016-17 in particular, was definitely the apex of the mainstreaming of white supremacist thought, there’s an amazing example of how the GOP was already in bed with radical elements well beforehand.

In 2009, the DHS produced a brief that discussed the possibility of Obama’s election being a catalyst for right-wing groups of all kinds [white supremacists, constitutional militias, etc] to have a surge in armed action. When it was released there was widespread anger from Republicans on Capitol Hill, to the point where funding for the branch that made it was cut, and its investigations into domestic terrorism ceased.

The takeaway? The actions we’ve seen from the Trump administration [“There are many fine people on both sides”, defunding the DHS’ ability to combat white supremacy, etc] are sad progressions of a Republican policy that dates back at least 10 years.

Link to the report, for anyone who’s curious:

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

The costs for January were more than $10,000.

I don’t know why I should believe anything in this quote, including “for” and “were.”

4 years ago

@Paradoxical Rumor has it high-tailed it to Cambodia. You could probably live quite comfortably on $30/day there. Assuming that ‘s where he is.

4 years ago


Could easily be his next grift if he pulls off a suitable “come to Jesus” act.

He could do that, but seeing how Roosh’s Jesus moment failed I don’t know how much it would help him.

I haven’t seen that report before, but I’m really not surprised that Republicans would try to shove it under the rug. The GOP is a threat to America and they really don’t want people to know that.

I can’t imagine he’d be liking Cambodia all that much. Not too many white people there.

4 years ago

Will no one spare a tear for his poor staffers, who will no longer be able to make their daily bread by promoting white supremacy online? They had a good thing going and now they’ll be on the streets, begging for scraps like some ordinary degenerate.

4 years ago

@Amtep let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I promise to think about them as soon as nobody is hated for its physical characteristics, nobody die from domestic abuse, and everybody get a decent living wage.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

It’s not surprising that donations are falling off. Now that white supremacy has gone more mainstream, it’s not all that subversive anymore. I bet a lot of the original edgelord audience has started to age out of their teen rebellious phase and they’re losing interest. Going Nazi hasn’t helped them get girls, get a job, or find a respected place in society. The alt right isn’t offering any new ideas or solutions. All it does is manipulate the rage of young men to keep the billionaire class in power. That’s not to say they’re abandoning their core hateful beliefs, but some of them are probably not as engaged with Daily Stormer as they used to be.

Also, the far right needs authoritarian cult leaders to worship, and Anglin is hampered by having to stay in hiding. He can’t do rallies, book tours, or TV appearances. Why should people donate generically to his website when there are far more charismatic leaders out there who don’t need to be paid in cryptocurrency?

And then there’s the small problem of the alt right being generally unemployed/unemployable, and thus not having spare dollars to donate. I’m surprised Russian dark money hasn’t picked up the slack.

But hey, if people don’t want to send money, we’ll do things differently. We’re going to downsize, and basically, I’ll be the only writer. There will obviously be many fewer articles, but that’s just the deal.

I love this unintentional self-own. “I’m going to write all the articles myself, and then you’ll be sorry.”

And really, what loss would there be if there were fewer articles? How many different ways are there to say “I’m full of sexual resentment and blame marginalized out-groups for my failures”?

4 years ago

Welp, I have only one thing to say to all this. Jeeves, cue the orchestra:

4 years ago


How many different ways are there to say “I’m full of sexual resentment and blame marginalized out-groups for my failures”?

Apparently quite a few ways, seeing how many different kinds of awful people are engaged in that right now. It’s a range that can be best measured by the Bristol stool scale.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago


I’ve stopped thinking there’s a bottom to the hatred in this country.

I don’t know, the incels have to at least come pretty close. They seem to hate everybody, including themselves.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

Well done, DNC! /sarc

Whether this is actually shenanigans to sabotage Sanders or not, just the appearance that something shady is going on is going to end up helping Trump, you idiots! You’re mistrusted too much already, and not without justification, to be doing anything unusual with reporting vote totals. Especially since you’ve not exactly made a secret of your desire to cheat Sanders if it looks like he might be on the way to winning:

This isn’t, by the way, about Sanders per se. It’s about the process, and the necessity for impartiality and for the appearance of impartiality. This is not the election year to be anything other than straight shooters. Just publish the damn numbers already. Be better.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago


It’s possible his uninformed-ness comes from learning history in a white nationalist setting.

He wrote an article about some police in West Virginia being reprimanded for being white supremacists, and was talking about why weren’t these Virginia cops sent to Charlottesville from “western Virginia”. I think his geography lessons might have stopped at the confederacy because from his own statements, he does not know that WV is it’s own state.

Of course I can’t find the article, but I know some of you around here have seen it on other forums.

4 years ago

It certainly does not give me hope for the future.

Conversely, this is one of the few bright spots to give me hope for the future. Not a large one, maybe like a firefly.

Although Sarity is more likely correct, re: Nazis in power.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


The DNC does not run the Iowa caucuses, the Iowa Democratic Party does. The DNC can try to sway state parties one way or another regarding how states choose their presidential delegates, but ultimately are not controlling it.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
4 years ago

I’m afraid I am also with Sarity and Kalish on this one. TDS is failing because their platform is going mainstream on a global scale, and it’s so much safer to just pretend your policy is about “strong borders” and “law enforcement” than it is to outright say you hate POC. You get all the benefits of being a Nazi, whilst not getting any backlash for promoting their policies.

Let us also remember that this was how Nazism originally came into power. Even among Nazis, the terms they used for mass extermination were “relocation” and other such euphemisms and coded language.

They no longer need to rely on obscure website for recruitment when you have already captured the whole system, and the party in power is already enacting genocide.