By David Futrelle
You hate to see it. Nazi trash site The Daily Stormer is apparently running out of money. In a morose but petulant post today, head Stormer Andrew Anglin threatened to lay off his staff and cut back on his coverage of such vital issues as Jews, race war, women not deserving rights, and Jews unless his readers coughed up more bucks bitcoins than they’ve donated so far.
“I’ve given 30-day notices to most of the staff,” Anglin began,
because even after I told you people that the site lost $50,000 last year, fewer than 60 of you decided to send money, for a total of less than $5,000. The costs for January were more than $10,000.
Generally speaking, it’s not a good sign when you refer to your readers and potential donors as “you people.”
Anglin then threatened to downsize drastically to just him:
But hey, if people don’t want to send money, we’ll do things differently. We’re going to downsize, and basically, I’ll be the only writer. There will obviously be many fewer articles, but that’s just the deal.
How will the internet survive this terrible loss?
Anglin warned that even the RACE WAR section of the site could end up in the dumpster of history. And how can you have a race war without a race war section?
“It is impossible to communicate how depressing this is for me personally,” Anglin continues.
I thought that we were promoting an agenda here that people believed in, but it seems that virtually all of you do not believe in this enough to send $5.
It certainly does not give me hope for the future. This is the only large site promoting this agenda, telling the truth about the Jews, and attempting to save white people. And we’re now shrinking an already tiny staff because the overwhelming majority of the readership apparently doesn’t give a shit.
Where is the love for his hate site?
Honestly, if I didn’t have personal reasons for doing this, I would just give up and go make a lot more money doing something else.
Really? Who’s going to hire you, dude? Is there really a big demand for petulant Nazis who lose multi-million dollar lawsuits out there?
You all know what I’ve been through to run this site. And that is what it is. I am an adult and made these decisions and I’ll deal with the consequences. But the lack of support certainly makes me question how much more I should give.
How about none, give none.
For the time being, I will keep the site running. But considering the lack of support, I can’t promise that I’ll do it indefinitely. I might prefer to write books, or do something else. I have to think about my own personal future, and seeing as how little this site means to the readers, it’s hard to justify putting this much energy into it.
Why not take that energy and learn how to play the world’s tiniest violin, because nobody else is going to play it for you.
I guess we’ll just have to see if Anglin yelling “you ungrateful wretches” at a bunch of angry Nazis is an effective way to get them to cough up more money for his hate site.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Where even is Little Nazi Andy these days? Last I heard he was hiding from a lawsuit.
Anyway, right now I’m imagining him in a bunker as his website falls apart. Sort of like this:
All Nazis are cowards.
As I noted in the other thread, he seems to be keeping our old friend Pomidor Quixote on board, so he’ll still keep providing awful takes.
What would be the ‘best’ skill on Anglin’s resume, “Knows how to monetize a temper tantrum?”
I’m wondering if any of the following are true:
• There aren’t very many actual Nazis on the site anymore, just people who are checking up on what the Nazis are doing. This is eating up bandwidth while not providing commensurate donations.
• They’ve been running on fumes since moving over to the Dark Web, because Nazis largely don’t do Bitcoin for whatever reason.
• A lot of formerly well-off Nazis were identified, reported to their employers, and now no longer have the income to spare.
Is he really expecting that this guilt trip will trigger a rise in donations? SMH.
If petulance could be converted into fuel, we could finally get some use out of the Neo-Nazi movement.
I would assume all three tbh. I wonder about commenters not even agreeing with anything they’re saying but still adding fuel to their fire with comments saying that they do just for kicks. The engagement is still there but it’s hollow and meaningless.
Guess being a spiteful cretin nazi that hides being the excuse of satire and joking when confronted isn’t well paying.
It certainly wouldn’t be geography. He apparently doesn’t know West Virginia is a state, even though he’s from Ohio.
Two thoughts.
One, the parallels between Nazis and MRAs continue. Paul Elam did a similar post demanding AVFM readers of little means go on an all ramen diet so they can contribute.
Two, right wingers are the easiest marks around. How pathetic are you if you can’t grift them well?
Thank you for the Donnie Darko reference! One of my favorite films!
Running from the law? He does that surprisingly well given his general incompetence. And that’s actually a somewhat useful skill for the terminally corrupt.
This seems the most likely to me. Every grift eventually comes to an end, and his 15 seconds of fame are up. Fascists move on to the next big thing and that’s that. Hopefully this signals that the alt-right’s time in the sun is coming to a close and that things will get better.
![comment image](https://mapgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/1845-Map-of-Virginia.jpg)
Maybe his knowledge of geography is stuck in the antebellum south, like his views on race. Or he’s just nostalgic.
I worry about possibility 4: white supremacists are in power, neo-Nazis are emboldened, far right talking points have gone mainstream and facism is on the rise worldwide, making it redundant to fund hate sites like TDS any longer.
@Naglfar: possible. But I think he’s just uninformed.
That’s probably it. Though it still seems weird that he wouldn’t know seeing as he’s from nearby. I know Ohio’s a bigger state than the one I live in, but one would think he’d know the surrounding states.
My darker, grimmer take on this? They’re going to more extreme sites where behavior is even worse.
I’m actually losing it
Is the only way to donate to them seriously cryptocurrency? Is this for real?
@Jarnsaxa: You mean like 4chan? Because I can’t imagine what other site would be even worse than Daily Stormer. Anyway, this is still great news, no matter why it’s happening. The less damage Anglin can do, the better.
“Monthly spending for Daily Stormer:
Staff: 1100 dollars
Website hosting: 200 dollars
Racism: 8000 dollars
Lawsuits: 0 dollars
Being on the run from lawsuits: 700 dollars
You fuckers help me with budgeting, my website is dying you selfish pricks!”
In all seriousness though, how the actual fuck is this dude spending 10k on a website per MONTH? Like, how many people is he hiring to write hate articles about non-whites and wimmens? What the fuck is he eating? We know he’s not paying out for those lawsuits.
Boo. Fucking. Hoo.
Just tried to donate to Dave here. Platform won’t let me unless I use PayPal. The credit card button won’t work. Help! This stuff about donating to a chit site got me thinking about donating to a useful one. Will keep trying. How about we all try if we have any means?
@Paradoxical Intention:
Maybe he’s living out of hotels now? Even for a relatively cheap hotel, the per-day rates really add up. I’ve never stayed at a place that was less than $70 per day, and that’s $2100 per month. And then if he’s eating out for every meal, drinking lots of coffee while he runs the site from various random Starbucks. Perhaps even traveling between cities every week to make it harder to track him? And the owner of whatever server he’s using on the dark web might be charging him through the nose. Some possibilities, plus perhaps some even stupider stuff like buying new clothes all the time instead of washing them.
@Paradoxical Intention
Is it possible he’s using drugs? The original Nazis used large amounts of stimulants and Hitler was addicted for the last few years of his life, so maybe Andrew is following in their footsteps.
This reminds me a bit of Stefan Molyneux’s “death spiral“ a few months ago. By which I mean, it sounds fishy but if it is real, the schadenfreude is delicious.
That could be it. Living out of hotels is not cheap. Do we know what country he’s in? That could give us a clue.
This is so funny, my god. The whiny, petulant, little manbaby haranguing his readers for not being properly committed to nazism.
Although I do worry, as some folk here have already suggested, that his site is dying because white supremacy has gone so mainstream.
To be honest, I don’t think the site’s dying because of the mainstreaming of white supremacist ideas in general; it’s because Anglin and Co lost an alt-right culture war. There’s a particularly chapter, unfortunately I can’t remember which, of Jeff Sparrow’s book “Fascists Among Us” looking at the debate between different schools of thought in the alt-right regarding topics like accelerationism and public actions, from which I get the impression Anglin’s school of thought lost [just so tragic, I know].
There’s also the fact that extremist groups have splintered since the Charlottesville Rally, with widely disparate ideas regarding ideological specifics, objectives and methodology. One, albeit very high-profile, incredibly extreme example, is AWD. AWD is so radial, so properly batshit insane, that other white supremacist groups tend to steer clear. Then you have an organisation like the League of the South, who, while sharing many beliefs with white supremacist organisations, have different objectives [hence the term neo-Confederates]. With these groups splintering up and having their own methods for communicating information and ideas the idea of a “big tent” neo-Nazi site, like TDS, has been made redundant. It’s a different world to 2013.
Has my reading comprehension just gone down hill or did that make no since
Oh, I am enjoying his tantrum. And kicking in a few bucks to We Hunted the Mammoth as the closest I can get to the opposite of donating to those dopes. I only regret that there’s no way for me to remove money from the Daily Stormer’s account.