alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism reddit

MGTOWs can’t decide who’s making the world a dumber place: Teh Women, or Teh Jews

MGTOWs do, in fact, know nothing

By David Futrelle

The Nazification of the MGTOWs continues.

The MGTOW movement in general, and the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit in particular, has long been infested with racists, antisemites and other assorted alt-rightists. And despite a few weird squabbles along the way — some alt-rightists fault the women-avoiding MGTOWs for not helping to produce their quota of white babies — MGTOWs and alt-rightists mostly get along swimmingly, and the overlap between the two groups seems to be growing larger and larger.

Consider, for example, a recent discussion in the MGTOW subreddit n the burning question of who exactly is responsible for the alleged dumbification of the world — which some MGTOWs blame on women, while others blame (((the Jews))). (Never mind that the premise of the debate is nonsense; if IQ tests are even vaguely reflective of actual intelligence, the world has been getting smarter, not dumber, ever since the tests were first introduced, and even if IQ is bunk, there’s no evidence people are getting dumber.)

“How much can you bet that female mating decisions are causing a HUGE drop in IQ?” asked a MGTOW Redditor called LiftedTruckDude in a post a month ago.

I can hear the REEEEEEing already. But look at women’s choice of mates today versus in the 1950s. Because of welfare bux women no longer care if their mate can actually hold a job or not. So you have a bunch of women having kids during a one night stand with some idiot gangster. I can almost guarantee that this is going to have ramifications down the line.

Other MGTOW Redditors jumped in to support Mr. TruckDude’s thesis.

“Women’s breeding strategy never was and is about IQ,” wrote someone called 2ludwig, talking about women as if they were cattle. “They always preferred and prefer the strong, militant bad boys.”

But it didn’t take long before racism came creeping barreling into the discussion.

“Yes, unchecked female mating strategy lead to a mass drop in iq,” proclaimed liberteus.

It’s even worse when you factor in immigration: women in Europe want refugees, and if you read stories most of the women “hosting” refugees also get screwed. …

But yeah, ultimately taxing the smart to subsidize the idiots … reduces number of kids for smart people. North America is dumbed down, Europe is dumbed down at an even faster pace. This is the real thing that leads to civilisational collapse.

A commenter called sebastian0801 managed, somehow, to be even worse:

I you give women even more benefits for even less responsibility. Then wonder why they spend less effort in being productiv …

Then immigrate lots of low iq muslim migrants and third world people for them. Here in germany i see many young women have some migrant boyfriends. …

Normaly the white man should remove the immegrants back to her country and put the women in her place. …

Many women got pregnant by these low life immegrants. Mother a slut with a low iq father parasite migrant also low iq.

The children will be low iq. The following generation of these people will drop our iq level on a very low point.

Meanwhile, other commenters pointed their fingers at the group they see as the real culprit for all this allegedly “dysgenic” behavior — the people allegedly pulling the strings. Some were a teensy bit coy about naming the group, but their particular dogwhistles are so blatant they’re more like car alarms.

“[W]elfare and third world immigration is a dysgenic program,” wrote Belrick_NZ.

a deliberate dumbing down of the general western population to ease command and control.

meanwhile a certain ethnic group is maintaining their racial purety.

“((((Who))) could that be?” replied another commenter.

I don’t know, ((((((who?))))))

It’s telling that the only people the MGTOWs can even imagine hating more than women are Jews.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

I have to protest the picture. Schultz was explicitly not a Nazi and frequently collaborated with Allied and French Resistance operations against them. Even when he wasn’t directly involved he knowingly covered them up (“I know nuffink!”)

5 years ago

I love how they worked an autism spectrum disorder insult in there too.

And by “love” I mean “I want to go all Gallagher on their skulls.”

5 years ago

Racism, ableism, antisemitism, misogyny…it’s all the kinds of shit in one awful smoothie.

I find it interesting that they feel fit to critique other people’s intelligence. MGTOWs aren’t exactly the brightest bulbs on the tree. It seems one thing incels and MGTOWs have in common is an extreme misunderstanding of what IQ is.

The insult in question seems to be becoming more mainstream, and it’s quite frustrating.

5 years ago

As an afab Jew, I can tell you that it’s a combined effort. I, along with many other afab Jews, are on the combined council of “Make the West dumbr”

5 years ago

Yeah, I can’t blame them. We Yids are pretty much the worst, what with our BAGELS and our PASTRAMI. Just thinking about myself makes me sick!

/s obviously

5 years ago

As an autistic Jewish trans* woman, I think I’m everything they hate all at once.

Darn it, now I’m hungry for bagels with cream cheese.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago

So you have a bunch of women having kids during a one night stand with some idiot gangster.

I know he’s probably attempting to invoke a black member of a street gang (I don’t think Jews or anyone from the Middle East is as emphasized for that kind of organized crime among these louts), but I immediately got the mental image of ladies getting some ditzy stereotypical Mafia members on their arms.

5 years ago

Off topic babbling: I’ve been keeping up with nearly the entire 2-or-so-years process of trying to get the dumpster fire of a US president removed because I’ve always felt it was important to know why things succeeded or failed along the way, and now that the end is near I’m going to mostly drop out of keeping track of US politics because I’m getting burned out of it. I’m not optimistic that it will work out in the end, but at least if it doesn’t I can start my political hiatus having some idea of what manner and extent rule of law got messed up on the Federal level.

And maybe also stop with this site for awhile again because keeping up with online male toxicity, while also important, is similarly corrosive to my mental health. Right now I’m mostly just marveling at Trump’s lawyers and wondering which cosmic horror ate their brains. Okay, maybe not Philbin’s brain, he seems more of an ordinary sleazeball lawyer and sadly the closest thing to actual competence.

Cippolone: “The Constitution is unconstitutional! Therefore no impeachment!”

Sekulow: “I’m going to totally lie about what other people said on live TV yesterday while I was right there, so I can be a quote mine for the Fox News alt-reality!”

Dershowitz: “I’m not a Constitutional Lawyer or even a Constitutional Scholar, but I read a few books and boy do I have opinions! Here’s how impeachment works in India.”

Philbin: “LOL, he’s probably extra super guilty and I got nothin’, so I’ll just confuse all the issues and hope for the best.”

Bondi: “Why am I even here? I’ve said very little, and so far it’s either something which Philbin could have said better or something which Cippolone could have said worse.”

5 years ago

“ meanwhile a certain ethnic group is maintaining their racial purety.”

I mean setting aside the cowardly anti-semitism I am sure this is not even true. I thought many Jewish people married non Jews.

But racists will never let truth get in the way of their rants.

5 years ago

…I should probably stay on topic anyway, so: Since when do Jews care so much about “racial purity”? I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if there existed a few orthodox communities which cared about such things (since all religious and ethnic groups contain terrible people) but if so, they’re hardly the (((globalist overlords))) which Nazis typically rail against. Whenever I here something about racial purity, it’s always white or black supremacists.


And by “love” I mean “I want to go all Gallagher on their skulls.”

While a very whimsical way of expressing a desire to commit murder of people you don’t like, it’s probably a little over the line. Just saying. Unless you’re suggesting to break their minds, which I’m not sure is much better.

5 years ago

As an afab Jew, I can tell you that it’s a combined effort. I, along with many other afab Jews, are on the combined council of “Make the West dumbr”

Dumbr, the new dating site for people who want to have children with a low IQ partner.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Here are fun facts about Sergeant Schultz (pictured at the top of this column) and some other characters on Hogan’s Heroes, the 1960s-70s US TV comedy about POWs in Nazi Germany (I know, it’s bizarre).

Sergeant Schultz, Colonel Clink, LeBeau (the French POW), and General Burkhalter were all portrayed by Jewish actors (John Banner, Werner Klemperer, Robert Clary, and Leon Askin, respectively).

5 years ago

To offset the terrible shit that the MGTOWs are spouting, let me share a story about an 80-year old woman who took in a Syrian refugee how they bonded over LGBT+ activism (cw: medically assisted suicide)

Frederic Bourgault-Christie

It never stops amusing me how the real thing racists resent in other people is that (in the racist’s own mind, to be clear) they are succeeding at what the racists want to do. The projection is strong with them.

Crys T
Crys T
5 years ago


And not only is Robert Clary Jewish, he’s a survivor of Buchenwald. Learning about the Hogan’s Heroes cast has made me rethink my dislike for the show: I still find some of it distasteful, but maybe doing the show was cathartic for those actors, all of whom had to deal first-hand with the Nazis.

5 years ago

While I don’t think IQ = intelligence (I had early learning difficulties and a very average IQ and still did well at school, so it can’t be that important), even if it did work the way that MGTOWs think, IQ isn’t inherited – or at least, we know for sure that nurture has far more of a bearing than nature.

For example, I’m pretty sure that small children who aren’t taught to read by a certain age are generally many points lower in IQ than those who did. So you could have actual Mensa members having kids and, if they neglect their child or even simply educate that in an alternative way, they may not achieve a high IQ (even if they are clever).

The problem with these guys is they probably have all done those fake online IQ tests, got a result of 140 and now think they are an Actual Genius.

5 years ago

“Having kids”, not co nceiving but actually bearing babies “ during one night stands”? That’s the image I got there. Pardon my formatting, fighting autocorrect.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
5 years ago

What word/phrase is the insult towards the autism spectrum? I didn’t pick it up upon closer reading either.

I apologize if I am missing something blatantly obvious.

5 years ago


Since when do Jews care so much about “racial purity”?

I think that’s some projection there. Interfaith marriages between Jews and non-Jews are quite common.


The problem with these guys is they probably have all done those fake online IQ tests, got a result of 140 and now think they are an Actual Genius.

So, in other words they demonstrate both the Dunning-Kruger effect and fractal wrongness. I’m not really surprised.

@Battering Lamb
“REEE” is an onomatopoeia for “autistic screeching” and is used to mock autistic individuals. The alt-right is quite fond of it.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

@Crys T

And not only is Robert Clary Jewish, he’s a survivor of Buchenwald. Learning about the Hogan’s Heroes cast has made me rethink my dislike for the show: I still find some of it distasteful, but maybe doing the show was cathartic for those actors, all of whom had to deal first-hand with the Nazis.

Yes, and Robert Clary is the only star of that show who is still alive (at 93).

What I appreciated about Hogan’s Heroes was the way the POWs were always able to use their Yankee (and French and British) ingenuity to get done what needed to get done. Also appreciated: the fact that there was an African American POW character (Staff Sergeant James Kinchloe — the guy who was always on the shortwave radio — played by Ivan Dixon).

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

@Crys T

Werner Klemperer reportedly said that he would ONLY play Colonel Klink if they kept him a bumbling loser.

There’s a fine tradition of making fun of Nazis, and the Nazis really can’t handle being mocked. They love having their iconography taken seriously, but they hate being laughed at.

Obligatory reference to Lindsay Ellis’ video essay.

5 years ago

Ah, yes, women’s choices in mates in the 50’s were truly superior. Like my grandmother, who travelled across Finland to go to a communist youth gathering of some sort and, incidentally, meet my grandfather.

I’m sure the alt-right loves that stuff.

(Though, to be fair, as a working class woman, my grandmother must be some sort of a mythological creature to these folks.)

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
5 years ago


So, in other words they demonstrate both the Dunning-Kruger effect and fractal wrongness. I’m not really surprised.

That’s them in a proverbial nutshell.
And honestly I’m still astonished at how many people refer to IQ as some kind of objective measurement of intelligence.


I just read that story you linked to, and oh my heart. It’s so beautiful, on multiple levels.

5 years ago


And honestly I’m still astonished at how many people refer to IQ as some kind of objective measurement of intelligence.

I think it’s to do with the name and historical use. Due to its use in the past, IQ has become a popular synonym for intelligence. Yet another common misconception, and misconceptions die hard.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

Nothing is more galaxy-brained than filling your mind with crude stereotypes and conspiracies, then projecting your sexual resentment onto them.

I do love how women are simultaneously getting pickier, with a huge laundry list of requirements that only Chad can fill, but also impulsively having babies with any old random street gangster. Every little girl dreams of riding the Glock carousel.

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