By David Futrelle
Hold onto your hats, fellas. And if you don’t have any hats, see if you can borrow someone else’s, because I have some news that is going to shake you to your core: Women — at least the ones who aren’t lesbians — like to have sex with men they find attractive.
You can let go of your hat or hats now.
I learned this shocking fact about women and their diabolical attraction to men they find attractive from a Redditor called Aldabruzzo, a regular commenter in the sarcastically titled WhereAreAllTheGoodMen subreddit, a festering hole of a web forum that declares itself
dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a “good man” after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they’re deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, and used-up vaginas.
It has 51,635 subscribers.
Anyway, so Aldabruzzo wants every man lurking in this mess of a subreddit to know the deep, dark secret of women’s attraction to attractive men and their desire to have sex that is fun for them. In one recent rant he informed his fellow men that
women want hot, down and dirty, nasty, fun sex with men they’re sexually attracted to …
I want men to see this. I want to rub their fucking noses in it. .. That’s what women are. That’s what they’re really like. That’s what they want, it’s what they do. …
[A]ll women, yes, ALL women, Are Like That – hypergamous and seeking hot fun sex with attractive men. …
Have the courage to face the truth.
In another comment he complained that women don’t just enjoy enjoyable sex — they don’t want people to look down on them for enjoying enjoyable sex.
Women are depraved, even more so than most men are. Women want this. They want down and dirty, nasty, hot, fun, even degrading, sex with attractive men. It’s just that they don’t want men judging them for it.
The horror!
While Aldabruzzo seems rather perturbed that women prefer sex with men they think are attractive over sex with men they don’t find attractive, he has his own very strong opinions about female attractiveness, devoting a truly astonishing amount of time to critiquing the looks of “post-wall” women and raging against fat women who, like their thinner sisters, enjoy enjoyable sex and who also would like it if people were more accepting of their body type.
Aldabruzzo, despite liking women on the thicker side himself, rails against what he calls
the fat (women) acceptance movement pushing everyone to not only accept fat women, but to shove down our throats the idea that fat women are sexually attractive.
And yes, fat acceptance is fat WOMEN acceptance. Fat men are universally rejected
Uh, that last bit is not even remotely true, but whatever.
As it turns out, Aldabruzzo has rather a lot of opinions about women and what they should and should not be doing. For example, he thinks breastfeeding in public is very, very bad. And he seems to feel that it justifies rape?
Women are always demanding that men “respect” them. Well, shit. If you don’t respect yourself, and show it by putting pictures of yourself BREASTFEEDING YOUR INFANT on an online dating site, why in the fuckity fuck should I respect you?
Why shouldn’t men treat you like a piece of meat fucktoy?
Why shouldn’t men feel entitled to look at, use, manhandle, and just take your body?
He thinks women in their mid-twenties with more than a few men in their past should prostrate themselves at the feet of any minimally attractive man who seems willing to marry them.
Throw yourself on the guy’s mercy. Do whatever he asks or expects of you. Accept whatever conditions he puts on your relationship. Offer him a prenup waiving alimony forever. Include in the prenup an adultery penalty, and give him primary custody of any children you have in the event of divorce. Offer to submit your children to DNA testing to establish paternity.
Oh, and these women should have sex with their husband whenever he feels like it, even when they don’t want to.
You have sex with that man whenever he reasonably asks, for the entire duration of your relationship. You do it even when you’re not attracted to him, not feeling it, and don’t want to. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass that you’re not attracted to him in that moment, you’re not “feeling it”, and you don’t want to. I don’t care. I DON’T CARE. YOU FUCK HIM ANYWAY, AND YOU DO IT WITH ENTHUSIASM. That guy accepted your slutty past, and is willing to overlook it. The very least you can do is give him the sex you gave Chad. You get down on your knees and you service him however he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants. You fucking DO IT.
Like the incels, and many other manosphere misogynists, Aldabruzzo is furious that women sometimes have sex with men who, in his judgement, are much better looking than them.
The average female 5 now thinks she’s a 9 because one night about 4 years ago, Chad fucked the shit out of her a couple of times when he needed to get out of a slump. So she refuses anything but Chad from then on and turns away even male 7s. She demands that Chad/Ty commit to her. She bitches and complains to high heaven that Chad uses her and dumps fucks in her, but won’t marry her.
Average and below average women are out there fucking hot dudes all the time. Average women are out there turning away men who are their natural counterparts all the time. Average and even below average women are out there making their own money and doing whatever they want. Fat 30-something women are out there getting hot Chads to dump fucks into them, and they think this entitles them to a second marriage with a Chad.
Anyone who describes sex as a man “dumping a fuck” into a women probably shouldn’t be having sex with anyone, ever.
It’s not clear where exactly Aldabruzzo gets his information about women in the “dating market” today, aside from the subreddit he regularly posts in. It’s certainly not from personal experience as — he says — he’s been married for nearly a quarter of a century and last dated in the early 1990s.
I wonder if his alleged wife knows that he spends his time on the internet giving out (bad) dating advice and furiously typing long screeds on how shitty he thinks women are. Honestly, I’m a bit worried for her
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@ Luxx
Hey, we know that you look like. No false modesty you supermodel!
@Alan Robertshaw : is there any women who is above average for thoses bozos ? I though that the best a woman could be is “somewhat acceptable, if she shut up” according to them.
That’s because they don’t actually want a relationship with another human being. They want a sex dispenser with a nice chat interface.
Rather than accepting that that’s not what women are, they’ve instead opted for blaming the sex dispensers for having a confusing interface.
@Lukas Xavier
And that makes sandwiches and babies, and takes care of babies.
Was it you that was talking about the movie Threads a while back? Because I finally saw it, and holy shit was it traumatizing.
While the attack and post attack stuff was brutal, what I really thought was brilliant was the way they built up to it, showing news stories about increasing tensions just kind of in the background, being ignored until things started to get extremely bad. It made it feel so much more real. Plus it made the suspense almost unbearable.
Not an easy watch, but I’d definitely recommend it to people. It’s on the Shudder streaming service.
I think a much better question is why would anyone want to do any of those things?
Indeed it was. I ‘love’ that film (if that’s the right word; probably not).
I was fortunate in that some friends had parts in it; which luckily diffused the reality aspect for me; but it did have a pretty traumatic effect on some people I know; to the extent of really fucking a mate up psychologically .
But I totally get what you’re saying about the build up. It’s the mundanity and lack of drama; that’s just so real. When I was a kid our local nuclear attack alarm went off by accident in the wee hours. So if that had really been the balloon going up; our last four minutes would have been all the neighbours looking at each other through windows and shrugging. What’s the poem? Not a bang but a whimper. So true.
This just weird. It’s depraved to want sex with someone you actually really want to have sex with, and that’s not a bad thing? Then what the fuck are these men supposedly doing? They preach abstinence and traditionalism, yet they act like ejaculation is life or death like they’re being denied insulin.
Here’s something else that would surely perplex and infuriate him: sometimes we have no intention of having sex with someone even when we find them devastatingly physically attractive. They could be just my type in the looks department, I might even really like them, but there could be all sorts of other reasons to pass on a one-in-lifetime opportunity to have sex with that person anyway.
If this guy was married, it was for a few years about twenty years ago, when his wife realized his obsession about her previous sex life was not going to go away, and finally dumped him. He hasn’t had a regular sex life since then, owing to his habit of screaming his spiel at the dates he managed to get, and now is the bitter old guy muttering in the corner that the more experienced women warn the new hires about.
Why do I get the feeling that Whinybro isn’t actually married? At least not now. Possibly divorced because his wife got sick of his abuse. He’s so bitter about not getting his own way and his ex actually having the right to say no that he’s screaming on the internet about women having their own lives and doing what they want, instead of submitting to him.
What a sad, sad man.
Hot damn. It looks like there’s never been a better time for a large chunky 38-year-old woman like myself to get back into dating. I’m glad this helpful gentleman has come along to let me know I have options I never imagined!
Oh dear, the incels are back. I thought they disappeared somewhere or came to their senses.
Bad women, wanting to have sex with people they find attractive! What’s next, wanting to marry someone you like??
Anyway. As a post-wall woman (I think… what’s the age limit again?) I probably shouldn’t even be allowed to talk.
Just reminds me how much I love being a fat, post-wall woman. No more of these creepy skeeves to deal with – lovely.
Like some others here, call me skeptical about him being married. And if he is, that one paragraph just screams that he isn’t getting any sex from her because he sounds really angry. Why are angry, grumpy men always so puzzled why women don’t want to date/have sex with them? They don’t like angry women, it seems pretty logical the same would be true for women.