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Bad news, lesbians: You aren’t real, according to some dudes on the internet

That’s what you think, lady!

By David Futrelle

Lesbians around the world face a deep existential crisis today as it has been revealed that they do not, in fact, exist. At least according to some dudes on the internet. Specifically, some dudes on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, long a hotbed of Lesbian Denial.

In a recent discussion, a commenter by the name of NathanHollister explained that so-called “lesbians” are just straight women who can’t find quality men.

Lesbianism is not real. It’s just women who are sick and tired of unmasculine, wussy, spineless soyboy men. They will magically turn straight for a real sexy, charming man.

Basically, women who cannot find a top 20% man become lesbians. Women who can find a top 20% man but also are kinky sluts become “bi”, but mainly because they know a threesome with another girl would turn their man on.

Other commenters agreed with the “can’t get a man” theory.

“Lesbians only exist because Chad said ‘no’ and didn’t give them attention,” declared edgysecularist.

Still others feel that lesbianism is more about the hatred of men than the lack of them. According to bbhuntt:

Any ‘lesbian’ Is really a straight person who doesn’t like men and is willing to have intercourse with women rather than not have intercourse. …

Being a lesbian is the ultimate move of feminist and nothing more. It’s all a giant game

Sir_manalot suggested that it was also about status, as no one apparently has more status than women today.

[W]omen just fuck whoever they believe is highest on the social chain. Right now, women are being given a bunch of unearned power and so lesbianism is in.

Fortunately for men — or at least for the cis men who make up the overwhelming majority of MGTOWs — they have one great advantage over all these fake lesbians. And it can be found in their pants.

“You have a dick and they don’t,” wrote rejac218.

They will never know what a woman’s pussy really feels like from balls deep. You should laugh right at them.

But of course as MGTOWs they don’t spend any time at all fantasizing about said pussies. Nope! As SprinterLyfe reminded his fellow Own-Way-Goers:

Pussy is all women have to offer. By placing little or no value on pussy, we regain control of ourselves, finding legitimate freedom from feminized cultures bent on enslavement and domination of men by women.

And there’s no greater proof of the freedom these men have from women than their tendency to discuss these completely unimportant-to-them women angrily on the internet all day every day while talking about how cool their dicks are. That’s what male freedom looks like!

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago


Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh noes! This thread has been saved, so we David can’t delete it, like he’s done to exactly zero threads in the history of this blog!

You are one monumentally stupid dumbfuck.

5 years ago

So anyways lesbians are great and deserve respect.

And @Lainy, I’m not sure if you will ever come back to this thread, but if you see this, I want you to know that you are also great and deserve respect.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

Thank you, David.

5 years ago

Huh. Another troll I missed. Oh well. I blame my cold.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Thank you, David.

Lainy, I hope you’re doing okay and will check in when you feel up to it.

5 years ago

Oh shit I’d missed Lainy’s post. Fuck. This is exactly why I despise rapists and rape apologists more than anyone else save maybe genocide supporters/enablers/practitioners. I’m very imaginative, and your description of what happened to you is disturbingly similar to how I imagined violent rape by a stranger and its aftermath to be… Even though it was at least two decades and a half ago (was a teen back then), I remember that I did not sleep well that night.

Keep strong, Lainy. All my best.

5 years ago


I despise rapists and rape apologists more than anyone else save maybe genocide supporters/enablers/practitioners.

They’re also often one and the same, with genocidal people also being down with sexual violence. Most genocides have involved lots of rape in addition to killing.

5 years ago


How could one sentence contain so much wrong? It’s almost impressive.

comment image

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

After thinking about it, i think i understand the difference between how i approached that study, and how eric approached it.

I looked at it and was horrified, because The Worst People would use it to justify corrective rape, because it was 75% of the way there already.

Eric looked at it and saw a neutral. It wasn’t good or bad, because it was Science. People could use the results in a good or bad way, but the study itself has no moral value attached to it.

Which is obviously wrong. A study like this isn’t SCIENCE! made into words, it’s shaped by people. From conception to getting the money to finding participants to crafting whatever ‘experiment’ they made, it was people making those decisions.

People who have opinions, and who’s opinions shape their world view, just the same as anyone’s.

The Scientist isn’t some impartial superhero doing Impartial Science, they are as human as the rest of us.

And we don’t need a PhD to be able to say “maybe trying to figure out if straight men/people think lesbians are preforming for them using a group comprised solely of straight people is… ridiculous???”

Have you SEEN mainstream ‘lesbian’ porn? It isn’t made for lesbians, i can tell you that, but straight men. How many straight men do you think get their ideas of what lesbians are like from that, because they don’t personally know any lesbians themselves?

It’s so obviously flawed that a child could tell you that, honestly.

Eric, if you’re still reading, you’re a bad sciencer for not thinking through implications. People like you are why people doing science courses need to take humanities as well. Because if they don’t (or don’t understand), we wind up with more of you.

And i don’t know how much longer our society can bear your bad ideas.

5 years ago

Eric looked at it and saw … Science.

That was his first mistake. That was at best what Feynman described as “cargo cult science”, in that it has the outward appearance of science being done, but the actual ‘study’ would never have passed muster among people doing genuine research.

5 years ago

It’s telling that Eric interpreted “you disgust me and I would never have sex with you” to be a statement that one can reply to with “no thanks, I’m not in the mood”, as if someone saying “no” is the same thing as a sexual overture. You know, like a rapist would think.

Also, Eric, if you’re still lurking here, Lainy isn’t the one who brought up sex. You’re the one who brought up sex, by saying “yeah I support GBT folks but not lesbians because lesbians refuse to have sex with me, I mean, uplift me” and Lainy responded with a “lesbians aren’t the only ones who refuse to have sex with you, I’m a bi woman and I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole”

Lainy, I’m so sorry that this thread brought up bad memories for you.

5 years ago


Given the level of rank dishonesty in his communication, especially with regards to Lainy, I think the Rapist saw the study as an opportunity to troll some feminists and literally nothing more.

Especially since his demonstrated knowledge of science and the scientific method rank well below “ignorant.”

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

@Gaebolga – yeah, you’re probably right. I don’t understand the impulse, but you’re probably right.

5 years ago

He’s weak and small. If anything rape apologist if they aren’t actually rapist are more pathetic and worse then the actual rapist as they do not have the guts to commit the crime themselves so they make the world unsafe for all rape victims by clouding them in shame, triggering them and creating laws and doubt that keep them from getting justice. Rapist commit the act but rape apologist allow it to happen because they are to weak and spineless for anything else. That is all Eric is.

So I’m gonna put on one of my favorite black dress. My high heal boots and do my make up as I remember Eric is just a sad troll who’s angry that a bi woman told him no and called him out so he took the cheapest of shots. I’m going to look in the mirror and see my strength and beauty and let my husbands words of calling me things like moonlight and Aphrodite block out the demons of the past. I’m going to remind myself that I’m one of things trolls hate more then anything, an educated, young ,attractive , gay, woman in a crucifix. And I’m going to count this as a victory because Eric is baned so he won’t be back to spread his hate and attack others. At least not in this space and that is a good day for me. Everytime a troll gets silenced here I count that as a win.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago


A song for your power march.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Argh, I don’t think the link worked. 😛

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