By David Futrelle
I‘ve seen plenty of hot takes on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s breakup with the royal family, but the hottest one I’ve seen thus far comes from the collective mind of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where the regulars have convinced themselves it’s all a dastardly plot by the evil Meghan to lure Harry to Canada, which they think “has the worst anti-male divorce laws than even the US,” so she can steal his fortune in a divorce settlement.
Never mind that Harry, by virtually all accounts, has had it with royal life and the endless press attention it demands. Never mind that the racist British press has treated the woman he loves like shit. Never mind that Meghan has plenty of money of her own already and could make plenty more if she returned to acting. Nope, none of this matters because, in the minds of the MGTOWs, the “soulless” Meghan is manipulating her “simp” of a husband to score maximum moola.
“Lets get this straight,” writes MGTOW Redditor Yaksi in a post that’s gotten more than nine hundred upvotes so far.
She is 37, divorced; forced him to abandon his family, wealth and status – all his layers of security; to move to ‘Canada’ to do ‘charity work’, not Uganda, Haiti, Nepal, or South Sudan. Canada has the worst anti-male divorce laws than even the US! So..yeah, he’s done for.
Actually, she’s 38. It’s definitely easier to get a divorce in Canada than it is in the UK (and the UK will recognize foreign divorces under most circumstances). But I have no idea how Yaksi has decided that Canada’s laws are the most “anti-male”; he doesn’t say.
Regardless, the vast majority of the commenters on the MGTOW subreddit agree wholeheartedly with Yaksi. Which comes as no surprise; MGTOWs (like their alt-right brothers in hate) have loathed Markle from the moment they first heard about her.
“Poor Harry is about to go from woke to broke,” writes someone called trapperz, because apparently no white guy would ever marry a biracial woman unless he was some sort of simp cuck SJW.
The assembled MGTOWs agree that Meghan is an almost supernatural force of evil.
“She looks just like the devils daughter…leading the next man to his execution,” declares rejac218.
“Every picture I see her in she looks like a soulless husk,” says BadWardrobe.
“You can just see the evil in her eyes!” adds a man with the lovely handle TunaTorpedo.
And of course this means that she wears the pants in the relationship.
“She put a leash around his neck and have him a bone to lick,” asserts rollinterror666. “He’s probably the woman in the relationship.”
“Prince Cuck,” sneers Gokusayan1.
Others are more sympathetic to the poor simp of a prince. Sort of.
“He looked so happy and upright in his photos before he got married,” asserts Silva_Shadow.
lol at him chubby and hunched over with the weight of that emotional and mental burden he calls his wife.
“Question is what is she doing to him to make this possible,” wonders jeosol.
It is probably systematic and gradual eroding his identity and lowering his self esteem. It is safe to say she runs the show in the relationship.
Naturally, someone — in this case someone with the inventive nickname apfelstrudelboner — managed to drag Teh Jews into the conspiracy theory.
what self respecting roastie able to raise from rags to royalty would tolerate spending more time than necessary with such a beta loser?
Besides, her (((handlers))) are waiting for their kickbacks.
For someone called ktm1001, the real shock was the discovery that “[t]he bitch is 3 years older” than her prince rather than eight or nine years younger, as he’d been assuming. Because, golly, why would a literal prince marry a woman who’s already hit the wall, at least according to Manosphere math, rather than some still-hot twentysomething or maybe even a teenager.
I think it’s safe to say that MGTOWs don’t really understand anything at all about adult relationships or, more broadly, love. I guess that’s what happens if you spend all your free time in a hate forum online yelling about the alleged evils of women.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@Diego Duartes : I also see a form of godzilla threshold to ideology. Once an ideology want to mass murder minorities, heavily restrict freedoms, and oppress other groups, then I stop fucking care of the small print.
It’s not like them being nu-metal prog-rap white nationalist or assertion-based episodic variadic fascist will A – ressurect me if they gaze me in a chamber, B – unburn the book they don’t like or C – make it any easier to fight against them. If anything, insisting on the subtle difference make them appear more acceptable.
I think we should try to know what we are fighting so classification can be somewhat important in a sense of knowing the enemy (i.e. not all dangerous ideologies can be fought the same way and we need to use the right approach), but I agree that it’s important to focus on the big picture and that minor differences don’t really matter.
@Nagflar : but we only learn something about the ennemy if the distinction we create are artificial.
For me it’s pretty evident that MGTOW, redpillers and incels are one and the same given their almost undistinguishable takes and the porosity between the movements. I think it’s the same between the redpiller, neonazis, trumpists and white supremacist, because while they are less clearly the same ideology, the grifters benefitting from it move seamlessly between the populations, and they all seem very apt taking the target of another movement as their cible du jour.
That being said, we can also take the problem by the other hand, and see if a particular approach seem to work better against a supposed subgroup. My experience is that it depend more on the personality of the guy one is trying to convince than his exact brand of assholeishness, but there may be work to do on that.
@Diego Duarte
I suppose a better perennial identifier for all them is good ol “fascist”, given that wither it’s general white supremacists, or specificly Nazi’s; they are all just varying flavors of fascism and they all seem to favor and adhere to authoritarianism of various types. I still wouldn’t call all of them Nazi’s unless they were either literal 1940’s flavor Nazi’s, post 1940’s Neo-Nazi’s, or at the very least some kind of Nazi offshoot that likes to wrap themselves up in some of the specific policies, ideology, rhetoric and iconography or invoked aesthetics of Nazism; if only because doing otherwise is kind like what Conservative’s like doing when they call any ideology or notions left of center, even various flavors of socialism: Communism; even when they are not even lines of Communist thought, ideology or political policy and that Socialism is not Communism, despite the erroneous assertions that Conservatives always keep making otherwise.
Indeed, and I always find it bemusing that Conservatives a racists who won’t own up to their racism always like to claim that Nazism is somehow ‘socialist’ despite the fact Nazi’s, both in the 1940’s and nowadays; have always expressed their hatred of, disdain and contempt for, expressed ideological incompatibility with and have even persecuted and killed; socialists, and even made concentration camps to throw Communists into, alongside that of Jews, Slavs, Roma, Gypsies, LGBT people, special needs folks, Freemasons and even the elderly and other demographics for that matter. The “Socialist” in “National Socialist Workers Party” (or just Nazi’s; because that’s what are); always has been and always will be a red herring in the same way that the “People’s Public of North Korea” is a “People’s Republic”; in that it really isn’t; it’s just a dishonest PR Grift to appear more palpable than it really is. Anyone who claims that Nazi’s are socialist are either painfully ignorant and easily suckered by lies, or are themselves knowingly and willfully lying.
And it is indeed highly familiar, and even the phrase Nazi’s and their ilk coined, (I.E. “Cultural Marxism) is pretty much a dog whistle code word that means “Jews”. And it’s just as bullshit.
I agree, but I think personality often contributes to which kind of asshole ideology they join. Thus, it’s worth understanding the different ones. For example, disciples of Stefan Molyneux will require different arguments than Ben Shapiro fans in that the former is obsessed with deFOOing while the latter demands people debate them.
There’s a lot of certainty here that this relationship won’t end in divorce. Anyone want to explain why we should expect this second marriage to succeed while 67% of second marriages fail?* It does not appear to me that either partner in this relationship is above average in intelligence, conscientiousness, or altruism. Anyone want to make a falsifiable prediction of the odds this couple winds up divorced? 10%? 20%? A year and a half ago I said a 70% before their tenth anniversary:
I don’t think you’ll actually make a prediction. It’s a matter of faith for you, faith that this blessed union will endure despite all the red flags you see. It’s similar to how Republicans always think the Republican will win and Democrats always think the Democrat will win.
*source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-intelligent-divorce/201202/the-high-failure-rate-second-and-third-marriages
Any marriage can end in divorce. There is just no signs for this one. MGTOW don’t care about divorce, they love divorce because they hate marriage and couples being happy. They just think that “divorce rape” is a thing and that Canada is some anti-male hellhole.
So let me get this straight… only men can be assholes. Women are just victims? Funny.
Can you point to where anyone said that? I don’t think anyone did. There are both men and women in the world who are assholes, and I think most of us would agree on that.
No. You can’t really apply divorce statistics to an individual couple to make an anywhere near foolproof prediction. Megan and Harry a single data point. Statistically meaningless.
Also, I don’t really care that much whether or not a couple I don’t even know get divorced.
Oh look, a short, quippy and wrong straw-man argument pulled from the ether of one’s duodenum in intentional bad faith.
Why am I not surprised?
Do you want to explain why I should care if these two people I’ve never met eventually get divorced? There’s nothing in the blog post or in the comments (as far as I know) proclaiming that Harry and Meghan are going to definitely be married forever.
The argument here isn’t that they certainly aren’t going to get divorced. It’s that it’s ludicrous to think that the couple moving away from the UK is proof that Meghan is nefariously plotting to get divorced. And that in the event they do get divorced, it is almost a certainty that the royal family has taken legal measures to protect their assets, as the very wealthy are wont to do.
If any of those chuds were transported into the Imperium they would be dismayed to find that their rather lacking merits wouldn’t be mitigated by their skin color or sex.