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MGTOWs: “Soulless” Meghan Markle is luring Prince Harry to Canada to “divorce rape” him


By David Futrelle

I‘ve seen plenty of hot takes on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s breakup with the royal family, but the hottest one I’ve seen thus far comes from the collective mind of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where the regulars have convinced themselves it’s all a dastardly plot by the evil Meghan to lure Harry to Canada, which they think “has the worst anti-male divorce laws than even the US,” so she can steal his fortune in a divorce settlement.

Never mind that Harry, by virtually all accounts, has had it with royal life and the endless press attention it demands. Never mind that the racist British press has treated the woman he loves like shit. Never mind that Meghan has plenty of money of her own already and could make plenty more if she returned to acting. Nope, none of this matters because, in the minds of the MGTOWs, the “soulless” Meghan is manipulating her “simp” of a husband to score maximum moola.

“Lets get this straight,” writes MGTOW Redditor Yaksi in a post that’s gotten more than nine hundred upvotes so far.

She is 37, divorced; forced him to abandon his family, wealth and status – all his layers of security; to move to ‘Canada’ to do ‘charity work’, not Uganda, Haiti, Nepal, or South Sudan. Canada has the worst anti-male divorce laws than even the US! So..yeah, he’s done for.

Actually, she’s 38. It’s definitely easier to get a divorce in Canada than it is in the UK (and the UK will recognize foreign divorces under most circumstances). But I have no idea how Yaksi has decided that Canada’s laws are the most “anti-male”; he doesn’t say.

Regardless, the vast majority of the commenters on the MGTOW subreddit agree wholeheartedly with Yaksi. Which comes as no surprise; MGTOWs (like their alt-right brothers in hate) have loathed Markle from the moment they first heard about her.

“Poor Harry is about to go from woke to broke,” writes someone called trapperz, because apparently no white guy would ever marry a biracial woman unless he was some sort of simp cuck SJW.

The assembled MGTOWs agree that Meghan is an almost supernatural force of evil.

“She looks just like the devils daughter…leading the next man to his execution,” declares rejac218.

“Every picture I see her in she looks like a soulless husk,” says BadWardrobe.

“You can just see the evil in her eyes!” adds a man with the lovely handle TunaTorpedo.

And of course this means that she wears the pants in the relationship.

“She put a leash around his neck and have him a bone to lick,” asserts rollinterror666. “He’s probably the woman in the relationship.”

“Prince Cuck,” sneers Gokusayan1.

Others are more sympathetic to the poor simp of a prince. Sort of.

“He looked so happy and upright in his photos before he got married,” asserts Silva_Shadow.

lol at him chubby and hunched over with the weight of that emotional and mental burden he calls his wife.

“Question is what is she doing to him to make this possible,” wonders jeosol.

It is probably systematic and gradual eroding his identity and lowering his self esteem. It is safe to say she runs the show in the relationship.

Naturally, someone — in this case someone with the inventive nickname apfelstrudelboner — managed to drag Teh Jews into the conspiracy theory.

what self respecting roastie able to raise from rags to royalty would tolerate spending more time than necessary with such a beta loser?

Besides, her (((handlers))) are waiting for their kickbacks.

For someone called ktm1001, the real shock was the discovery that “[t]he bitch is 3 years older” than her prince rather than eight or nine years younger, as he’d been assuming. Because, golly, why would a literal prince marry a woman who’s already hit the wall, at least according to Manosphere math, rather than some still-hot twentysomething or maybe even a teenager.

I think it’s safe to say that MGTOWs don’t really understand anything at all about adult relationships or, more broadly, love. I guess that’s what happens if you spend all your free time in a hate forum online yelling about the alleged evils of women.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

If someone successfully seduce the pope so hard that he quit to elope with him or her, then that person will be my god of seduction from now on.

5 years ago

Who would rank higher on the hypergamy scale?

Prince William, obviously! He’s the heir, after all! Megan clearly only got married to Harry so she could get closer to William and steal him away from Kate! /Sarcasm (though honestly I’m sure this is a conspiracy theory that’s circulated in some tabloids at some point)

5 years ago
5 years ago

I shed a tear for the poor, poor racists. Won’t someone think of the racists? /s

For real now: How delightful. Maybe being a colossal turd is finally going out of fashion.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago


Nice! I was vaguely aware that Stefan Molyneux was ranting about Freeze Peach and his financial situation, but I didn’t expect him to be heading the way of Milo (hopefully)! This schadenfreude is most delicious!

Hopefully he ends in the same situation as the above or, better yet, in jail for broadcasting Nazi and White supremacist propaganda. Also, while we are in that topic, I really, really wish people would correctly label them as Nazis instead of “White nationalists” or even “White supremacists”. The rethoric they espouse, the methods, their narrative, their political goals and even their core beliefs stem from Nazism.

Especially that old “Cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory which stems entirely from the old accusations of “Cultural Bolchevism” Hitler himself started as a way to attack, dehumanize and disenfranchise vulnerable groups and progressive movements.

5 years ago

@Diego Duarte

I really, really wish people would correctly label them as Nazis instead of “White nationalists” or even “White supremacists”.

I wish the same. Although there is a subtle difference in the meanings of the terms, in most cases the term “white nationalist” is used because to the average person it sounds more palatable and because most people know that Nazis=Bad. Sort of like how Nazis call themselves “race realists” instead of racists or TERFs call themselves “gender critical” instead of transphobes.

Moon Custafer
5 years ago

@ Lukas, Moggie, Ohlmann:

Fascinating Aida – My Dream Man

Couch Thing
5 years ago

I want to say that I don’t understand these people (MTGOW, MRA, Incels, etc), but that might miss the point. I am starting to think that I could never understand them, or that they are beyond the understanding of a healthy mind. If I gave myself a massive head wound then dosed myself with strong drugs and watched a thousand hours of insane youtube videos could I then start to understand what they believe that the world is? Even then it would be a stretch. These men make me tired all over.

5 years ago

The royals and public treated Megan awfully. She’s mixed but black in their eyes and american. The constant comparison to Kate to literally any thing megan did was so aggravating. And the racism was apparent. Then they went after the baby. Of course Harry and Megan are fed up. Anyone would. Mgtows don’t understand because they don’t have respect for anyone and will never. They’ll die mad if Harry and Megan live in peace together for the rest of their lives because it breaks their delusions

Anyway, I’m glad they’re looking for something quiet. I’m also kinda hoping royals will just not be a thing anymore in the future.

5 years ago

@Tohka : while royalty itself might disappear, I somewhat fear there will alway be something occupying the collective consciousness place of thoses non-governing royalties.

That being said, I have the distinct impression that french tabloids are both a lot less powerful than english and american one, and that they focus less on destroying the life of a small amount of celebrities. So maybe there’s hope, or maybe I am misrepresenting the french press.

5 years ago

@Couch thing : I would argue that the MGTOW cannot be directly understood, but the reason for their existence can be.

I believe the MTGOW philosophy is a way to have an opponent and a simpler life. The world is overwhelming, and it’s very hard to grasp how so many shitty things can happen even when a lot of people aren’t cartoonishly evil.

So, or at least it seem so to me, a number of people will ascribe cartoonish villainy to a subgroup that they can properly hate and use as scapegoat.

There’s also the fact it allow one to conveniently hide every single personal failure by saying they are the fault of the hated group.

Of course, to do that, you need to stop trying to understand the world at all, and need to tune it in so that everything you see correspond to your belief. It’s very easy to do, because all humans do that to some extent, and extremists like thoses can do that with a dedication and zeal that is harmful and seep into a lot of other aspect of their life.

Of course, actual reality is more complicated than that rough outline. (for example, the studies that said that providing evidence actually reinforce belief have been debunked). But the gist of it is, the MGTOW behavior have for goal to provide them with simple explanations and villains. When you look it that way, their behavior is much easier to predict, and the grift some are exacting on them is easier to see.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago


On the topic of evil and cartoonish villainy, I’d like to add that I feel this exercise is not just an attempt to understand a world and reality they can’t seem to grasp: much rather I feel it is a projection of their very own, blatant villainy, as a way to elude personal responsibility for their choices and worldview.

The reason so many of these people traffic ludicrous conspiracy theories is because of their lack of willingness to accept that the current state of society, which is disadvantageous and indifferent to most people, is a direct result of the ideologies and politics they support.

But, rather than accept that their worldview was entirely incorrect, or even flawed, they need to externalize the responsibility for all the damage they have caused, and continue to cause. Thus, in their minds it is far easier to blame certain subgroups and accuse them of trafficking influence to manipulate society in order to cater to their specific interests than it is to accept that they’ve had control all along and THIS is what resulted of it.

And I suspect half of it is because they cannot conceive the thought of being so egregriously wrong about everything, and admitting it would lead to the vulnerability associated with it, and the other half with the popularized notion that “good” and “evil” are two set and mutually exclusive categories and that one is either one or the other, all the time.

Therefore, if they have been wrong all along and all this damage is their responsibility, then by acknowledging their mistakes, and realizing that they’ve been on the wrong side all along, this would make them by definition “evil” in their own minds. So instead of dealing with it, they lash out and project that term on the very people they hurt with their decisions.

Or, you know, I could just be reading too much into this, which has been known to happen.

5 years ago

@Seraph4377, oh dear, someone really should have told Molyneux that actions have consequences. How could he be expected to know?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Och! The poor, poor comment policy, it looks like it’s been run over by a truck! 🙁

5 years ago


It really amazes me when all of these internet edgelords make memes depicting Dear Leader Trump as the God-Emperor of Mankind. I get that “bigoted dictator on a crusade to crush all opposition” appeals to them but… do they not know how that went?

It didn’t go well, is what I’m saying. The Emperor is not exactly a success story to be emulated.

5 years ago

@Diego Duarte

Also, while we are in that topic, I really, really wish people would correctly label them as Nazis instead of “White nationalists” or even “White supremacists”.

Actually I’d say it more accurate to just call both Nazi’s and White Supremacists “Racist Xenophobes” bluntly, given that is what both groups are at their core.

I would say that their is a distinction between Nazi’s and “White Supremacists” since while all Nazi’s are White Supremacists, not all White Supremacists are Nazi’s; which is a distinction with a difference and it’s in that difference, those who try to fight against such lines of thought have to make tactical distinctions to know how each specific line of Neo-reactonrary thought functions, structure and ideological foundation operates so as to effectively combat it .

Also, progressive that I am, I feel it prudent to err on the side of nuance since Nazi’s and White Supremacists loath nuance or distinction and making distinctions help us as progressives draw distinctions and accurate identity of the specific lines of sociopolitical, Neo-reactionary thought so as to better identify them and know how to counteract them; since each one functions at least marginally and tactically different from each other.

Obviously such distinctions are not drawn in order to portray such varied lines of Neo-reactionary thought as being “logical, valid, moral or worthy of holding and considering”; none of such lines of thought regardless of tactical distinctions; is worthy of anything save scorn, derision and contempt.

But the distinctions are important in a “know thy enemy” capacity; since on order to defeat such lines of thought; you have to understand what your dealing with to counteract it effectively.

If Sun Tzu gave any advice of importance or merit: it would be: “Know the enemy, know thyself; and you need not fear the result of a thousand battles”.

5 years ago


do they not know how that went?

A conservative is someone who fails to learn from the past and therefore thinks it’s a good idea to repeat the less pleasant parts of it. So, I don’t think they know, or they don’t think it will affect them negatively.

Couch Thing
5 years ago


You make good points. I cannot imagine how sad it must be to view the world they way they do. It has to feel hollow and ugly. But I guess they see the world that way because they are hollow and ugly inside.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

@Crip Dyke:

So, overseas it is, and why not go to a nation where at least some family members have citizenship?

Referring to Camilla? I know some of her ancestors were Canadian. (I’ve actually done the tour at Dundurn Castle in Hamilton, which was built by her great-great-great grandfather.)

@Alan Robertshaw:
Ooh, A Tribe Called Red. I hadn’t seen that video take before, but I’ve certainly heard the band; they get airplay here in Toronto. (Given one of the pop culture critics on the local Metro Morning show is Ojibwe, that shouldn’t be a surprise.)


Will they finally shut up when Meghan moves to Canada?

I think the concept of the Daily Mail actually shutting up just fried a few logic circuits. Not bloody likely, they’ll just get whinier.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago


Will they finally shut up when Meghan moves to Canada?

Nothing will stop them. They somehow got the details when one of my students was murdered and reported on that even though it happened in Colorado and only Americans that no one had ever heard of before were involved.

5 years ago

Sorry about your student.

5 years ago

@Couch Thing

they are beyond the understanding of a healthy mind. If I gave myself a massive head wound then dosed myself with strong drugs and watched a thousand hours of insane youtube videos

Please don’t do this. The comments policy doesn’t approve of “crazy talk”, and being an asshole isn’t a mental illness.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

@Naglfar: thanks. The whole thing was about 4 years ago, and it was awful but time has helped at least.

The Daily Mail sided with nazis. They are despicable.

5 years ago

@Couch Thing
I have brain damage and yet somehow manage to not be a misogynistic asshole, so maybe stop implying that only brain damaged people could possibly think like these assholes, okay? Turns out that typical, healthy people can be assholes, too! In fact, that’s actually most assholes, because that’s the demographic told they’re owed good job and an attractive spouse just for existing.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago


Actually I’d say it more accurate to just call both Nazi’s and White Supremacists “Racist Xenophobes” bluntly, given that is what both groups are at their core.

Even if that is the “genus” to the “species” I shall maintain that we need to call them Nazis; mainly because of their ideology, methods and political goals they align with, and this cannot be sufficiently overlooked.

One of the biggest “failures” of the West has been not placing enough emphasis on the lead up to WWII and the tactics the Nazis used to rise to power and convince the German population to persecute and murder vulnerable groups. And one of the biggest reasons for that is the failure to recognize that Nazism was far more than just persecuting Jews, for no readily apparent reason. (Note that I put quotes on failure because I suspect this was very much intentional).

The Nazis were mostly Christian, notorious anti-feminists, anti-socialists, anti-LGBT, racists, among others. And the narrative they created, and propagated over the years through all forms of media available at the time, was that the Jews were promoting all these progressive movements, through the arts and entertainment, as an effort to destroy Western civilization.

Sounds familiar? That is because that is 100% the narrative behind the conspiracy theory of “Cultural Marxism” which Ben Shapiro, Laura Southern, Stefan Molyneux, Jordan B. Peterson, and other Nazis are now promoting.

It is one thing to be a reactionary, but an entirely different thing to use a conspiracy theory created by Adolf Hitler for the express purpose of dehumanizing, demonizing and attacking vulnerable groups, with political goals in mind, most of which involve the disenfranchisement of the fundamental rights of the aforementioned.

That is Nazism and is, to date, the single most dangerous and destructive form of reactionary ideology in the world. We need to recognize and address it as such.