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MGTOWs: “Soulless” Meghan Markle is luring Prince Harry to Canada to “divorce rape” him


By David Futrelle

I‘ve seen plenty of hot takes on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s breakup with the royal family, but the hottest one I’ve seen thus far comes from the collective mind of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where the regulars have convinced themselves it’s all a dastardly plot by the evil Meghan to lure Harry to Canada, which they think “has the worst anti-male divorce laws than even the US,” so she can steal his fortune in a divorce settlement.

Never mind that Harry, by virtually all accounts, has had it with royal life and the endless press attention it demands. Never mind that the racist British press has treated the woman he loves like shit. Never mind that Meghan has plenty of money of her own already and could make plenty more if she returned to acting. Nope, none of this matters because, in the minds of the MGTOWs, the “soulless” Meghan is manipulating her “simp” of a husband to score maximum moola.

“Lets get this straight,” writes MGTOW Redditor Yaksi in a post that’s gotten more than nine hundred upvotes so far.

She is 37, divorced; forced him to abandon his family, wealth and status – all his layers of security; to move to ‘Canada’ to do ‘charity work’, not Uganda, Haiti, Nepal, or South Sudan. Canada has the worst anti-male divorce laws than even the US! So..yeah, he’s done for.

Actually, she’s 38. It’s definitely easier to get a divorce in Canada than it is in the UK (and the UK will recognize foreign divorces under most circumstances). But I have no idea how Yaksi has decided that Canada’s laws are the most “anti-male”; he doesn’t say.

Regardless, the vast majority of the commenters on the MGTOW subreddit agree wholeheartedly with Yaksi. Which comes as no surprise; MGTOWs (like their alt-right brothers in hate) have loathed Markle from the moment they first heard about her.

“Poor Harry is about to go from woke to broke,” writes someone called trapperz, because apparently no white guy would ever marry a biracial woman unless he was some sort of simp cuck SJW.

The assembled MGTOWs agree that Meghan is an almost supernatural force of evil.

“She looks just like the devils daughter…leading the next man to his execution,” declares rejac218.

“Every picture I see her in she looks like a soulless husk,” says BadWardrobe.

“You can just see the evil in her eyes!” adds a man with the lovely handle TunaTorpedo.

And of course this means that she wears the pants in the relationship.

“She put a leash around his neck and have him a bone to lick,” asserts rollinterror666. “He’s probably the woman in the relationship.”

“Prince Cuck,” sneers Gokusayan1.

Others are more sympathetic to the poor simp of a prince. Sort of.

“He looked so happy and upright in his photos before he got married,” asserts Silva_Shadow.

lol at him chubby and hunched over with the weight of that emotional and mental burden he calls his wife.

“Question is what is she doing to him to make this possible,” wonders jeosol.

It is probably systematic and gradual eroding his identity and lowering his self esteem. It is safe to say she runs the show in the relationship.

Naturally, someone — in this case someone with the inventive nickname apfelstrudelboner — managed to drag Teh Jews into the conspiracy theory.

what self respecting roastie able to raise from rags to royalty would tolerate spending more time than necessary with such a beta loser?

Besides, her (((handlers))) are waiting for their kickbacks.

For someone called ktm1001, the real shock was the discovery that “[t]he bitch is 3 years older” than her prince rather than eight or nine years younger, as he’d been assuming. Because, golly, why would a literal prince marry a woman who’s already hit the wall, at least according to Manosphere math, rather than some still-hot twentysomething or maybe even a teenager.

I think it’s safe to say that MGTOWs don’t really understand anything at all about adult relationships or, more broadly, love. I guess that’s what happens if you spend all your free time in a hate forum online yelling about the alleged evils of women.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

I don’t really follow much about the British royal family, but I do recall how last week they declared their plan to become independent. My favorite take on it was someone on Twitter who said that this was the first time someone quit their family to spend more time with their job.

Anyway, it’s a day of the week ending in Y so MGTOWs are being racist dipshits. I wonder if a certain someone is about to make an appearance to defend his friends?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Eh, good on Harry and Meghan for getting out of the family business. They’re not going to starve. There are plenty of other rich people out there who would be glad to find something for them to do, I’m sure.

I hope they stay happily married til death do them part.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ naglfar

this was the first time someone quit their family to spend more time with their job.

When Boris Johnson’s brother resigned from the government it was noted that this was the first time anybody had quit politics to spend less time with their family.

5 years ago

She is 37, divorced; forced him to abandon his family, wealth and status – all his layers of security; to move to ‘Canada’ to do ‘charity work’, not Uganda, Haiti, Nepal, or South Sudan. Canada has the worst anti-male divorce laws than even the US! So..yeah, he’s done for.

Let me get THIS straighter:

He is a grown man; a legal fucking adult; a prince; a man of hereditary wealth and status, not to mention access to the best lawyers on either side of the pond; he probably has an excellent prenup; he hasn’t been “forced to abandon” anything; he is doing so voluntarily, as a grown-ass man and legal fucking adult who is clearly not comfortable being a prince married to a much-discriminated-against biracial actress, with all the averse media attention THAT entails; Canada is lovely and friendly and mostly welcoming and unpretentious; I don’t know what’s “anti-male” about our divorce laws, unless you count the part where women are allowed to initiate proceedings without a man’s blessing. So no, he’s NOT “done for”. He’s fucking fine, and he’ll probably be a shit-ton happier once the initial storm blows over and he and Meghan gain control over their media access, away from the “royal rota” that they’re currently obliged to participate in.

Besides, her (((handlers))) are waiting for their kickbacks.

Oh look, a (((fascist antisemitic trope)))! I was wondering when (((those))) would enter the picture…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Although most of the hate against Markle is due to racism, in the manosphere, I really think it’s her age that is the source of the rage.

MGTOW, MRA, red pill and PUA dudes have spent their entire lives trying to scare young women into settling for them by selling the theory that women are irredeemably old and ugly past age 30 and that it’s impossible to find a husband or have kids if we take a ride on the old alpha cock carousel. And then, Megan and Harry ruin it all in one fell swoop by showing that even a prince, who could get just about anyone he desired, is willing to marry a past the wall woman.

5 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
With a brother like Boris, I don’t blame him for quitting. Even to his own family he’s an embarrassment.

And are they even planning to get divorced? I hadn’t heard that, and I thought they were happily married.

5 years ago

Do the MGTOWs remember when Harry’s dad married a teenage blond virgin, like they believe all men should? What a happy, stable marriage that was.

5 years ago


And are they even planning to get divorced? I hadn’t heard that, and I thought they were happily married.

That’s certainly the impression I get. I’d love to find someone who looks at me (and who I look at) the way those two look at each other.

I also get the impression that they want to STAY that way, hence this quite understandable move.

5 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
Family reunions must be awkward.


I also get the impression that they want to STAY that way, hence this quite understandable move.

That would make sense, I’m sure the media circus that surrounds the royal family grates on any relationship. Best of luck to them in becoming independent.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago

Harry’s decision is quite understandable after the way the royals treated his mother. I remember at the time all the scandals that came out after Diana’s death and how toxic the family, especially the Queen, had been toward her.

Coming from a toxic family myself, I also understand how you can be guilted into sticking around the toxicity, because you are made to feel as if you fill a “role”. And if you get out you will never be meaningful in any way, shape or form. Your validity is derived from the fact that others, as toxic as they may be, acknowledge you despite your “imperfections”.

I’m glad Meghan came in and set these people straight (does this count as subversion of the “recue the princess” trope? because I’m loving it). I’m loving that they are not giving any fucks about the outrage, gaslighting and emotional abuse, after all the toxicity that has been hurled at her. I am particularly amused by the Queen’s accusation that this has been a backstab.

I hope the best to Harry and comrade Meghan (who also happens to read Chomsky). They deserve it.

5 years ago

Well, this isn’t the first time manospherians have worried about the dangers of Canada.

5 years ago

Are the laws here substantially different than elsewhere? I thought it was basically similar: after some time apart you can file a divorce, and then you need a separation agreement — split what you owned together, and how to take care of the children of any.

(Currently in that latter process myself.)

David Rose
David Rose
5 years ago

Would t it be “Prince Canuck” now instead of “Prince Cuck”?

My handle (well, the actor who portrays him) is Canadian so I’m allowed to say these things.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Honestly, I like Canadian law better than US law, but I’m an SJW, so I guess there’s that.

Now to speak about a subject where I have literally no expertise and barely any information: I get the impression that they’re wanting to minimize their children’s exposure to the royal family specifically and the UK more generally because of

1) excessively conservative politics, including racism and sexism
2) bad interpersonal dynamics,
3) racist, sexist and otherwise shitty press.

Being across the pond can certainly help with #2 and #3, and although they could easily find an anti-dote to #1 in the UK, they’d still be stuck with at the very least #3 and at least a bit more of #2.

So, overseas it is, and why not go to a nation where at least some family members have citizenship?

So Canada, a home on native land.

The kids won’t have a chance to completely escape the corrupting tendency of a press who treats them like royalty or to completely escape racist and sexist press that treats their mother and family badly. (After all, these MGTOW shitheels.) Still, Canada has a lot of good folks, and if they really are after a less sexist and less racist environment, there are a lot of good anti-racist, anti-sexist folks here.

5 years ago

…golly, why would a literal prince marry a woman who’s already hit the wall, at least according to Manosphere math, rather than some still-hot twentysomething or maybe even a teenager.

She’s an emphatic brunette, and brunettes keep well. Mystery solved.

5 years ago

Best of luck to them in avoiding the horridness of British Tabloids.

5 years ago

She is 37, divorced; forced him to abandon his family, wealth and status – all his layers of security; to move to ‘Canada’ to do ‘charity work’, not Uganda, Haiti, Nepal, or South Sudan. Canada has the worst anti-male divorce laws than even the US! So..yeah, he’s done for.

Even if we take this argument at face value — Canada has anti-male divorce laws AND Meghan is plotting to take Harry for everything he’s got — I’m amused by the assumption that the court system in Canada, a British Commonwealth country with Queen Elizabeth’s picture on their money, would agree to hand over a sizable chunk of the royal family’s assets to a commoner.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
5 years ago

Miggies having meltdowns always amuse. Their term “divorce rape” gets an eye roll from me, but only when I’m paying attention to their nonsense. That’s not often.

5 years ago

As a Canadian, I must in all fairness point out he does use apostrophes around ‘Canada’ correctly, as to leave them out would unfairly imply that it’s a real place.

5 years ago

As someone who doesn’t generally pay attention to what royals are doing, what’s this about Henry leaving his family?

Krysten Allen
Krysten Allen
5 years ago

Legal adults make a decision that snowflake MGTOWs lose their shit over, water is wet, more at 11.

I mean, I have plenty of scary, terrible experiences with multiple men and I still don’t think they’re all bad. Just the creeps that made those decisions to be shitty are. Meanwhile, MGTOWs don’t even have to have a full conversation with a woman to decide we’re all horrible. But women are supposed to be a hivemind?

5 years ago

He’s not, Tovius. They’re going to stop doing official Senior Royal engagements, live in Canada and the US for much of the time, do charity work and Commonwealth promotional work, figure out some ways to earn a living, and allow their child to grow up in a country with a press that won’t pitch a collective fit over curly hair or a darker complexion.

Harry’s a mensch. He loves his wife and his son, and he wants meaningful work to do that doesn’t involve becoming Prince Andrew.

They are not divorcing, or dissing the Queen, or separating from the family. They just need some space, particularly from the British tabloids.

5 years ago

Veteran who has had mental health issues tries to find better work/life balance. Press (and sections of the public) dogpile his wife and immediate family…

5 years ago


Harry’s a mensch.

Weeelll… maybe. I’m on his side in this case, but let’s not forget that this is the guy who went to a party dressed in full Nazi uniform. If you must use a yiddish word, “schmuck” and “schnorrer” are available.

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