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Reddit NoFapper takes LSD, convinces himself that all his lusty thoughts are the fault of a sex demon

TBF, these guys probably aren’t up to anything good

By David Futrelle

So I took a little stroll through the Semen Retention subreddit again today, and there were demons afoot. Or at least inside the brain of one of the gentlemen there.

A fellow called WinWithin888 decided to tell his fellow semen retainers of a recent discovery he’d made while zonked out of his mind on LSD — namely, that all of his impure thoughts are being put into his head by some sort of evil demonic entity.

“Yesterday I took a trip with Lucy (LSD),” he began,

and had a really deep meditation session where I realized a lot about myself on all levels.

Oh did you.

I was meditating and started to see really angry like faces, basically like demons.

The brown acid that is circulating around us is not specifically too good. It’s suggested that you do stay away from that.

I was lying on my back in a position like when mothers give birth when my penis area started to vibrate really hard as well as my bed and my legs started to move as if I was having sex. It honestly felt like I was having an earthquake but the vibe of it was very sexual.

The demon faces aren’t specifically so cool but this bit sounds … kind of fun?

The whole time I was getting flashes of this “scary” face constantly while feeling this sexual energy take over me.

Ok, maybe not that much fun. I guess this is what happens when you combine an LSD trip with the sex-negative ideology of semen retention. It kind of seems like you turned a good trip into a bad one because of all the nonsense bouncing around in your head.

I suddenly stopped and realized that this wasn’t me but a entity attached to me and using me to act in lustful ways.

Ah, yes, you are a pure ball of goodness and light; it’s just those entities that are giving you inappropriate boners.

Everything started to connect for me regarding why I even entertained sexual thoughts, the partners I have been with and their influence on me as well as how these events have been damaging my spirit and keeping me in a lustful state. I was unaware of this entity guiding me, talking to me and disguising itself as my own voice and using me to fulfill its lustful desires.

Sneaky bastard!

It really made me realize that sexual energy is definitely misused and should not be taken lightly. It is not to bust nuts for pleasure.

No, I’m pretty sure that is what sexual energy is about, at least for those with penises. Sex is fun for a reason.

I knew this already but this was like a STAMP on it. I see why the porn industry does what it does, why America is so sexualized and how being in a lustful state truly drains a person.

Damn, those entities must be busy little buggers.

I couldn’t have been more grateful for the meditation session and exposing this entity. I’m definitely continuing SR, because I realize any thought that comes in my head that has a lustful vibe to it is not my own true thought.

This guy’s going to be walking around in a state of perpetual horniness, yelling “out, foul demon!” at his penis every time he sees a woman he thinks is hot.

I can channel this energy upwards towards my brain (heaven) and not towards my sexual area (hell). I can use this energy for my purpose on earth (heaven) and not for pleasure (hell).

Dude, having seen a bit of how your brain operates from this post, I’m pretty sure it’s pretty far from heavenly. And if pleasure is hell, you’re probably doing it wrong.

Human beings can have a little masturbation, as a treat. Or a lot, for that matter; it’s only a problem when it becomes compulsive. Seriously, dude, suppressing a harmless natural urge and denying yourself of one of life’s simple pleasures is only going to make you more fucked up, not less. I mean, semen retention has already got you conjuring up demons in your head (and you aren’t even the first NoFapper I’ve seen who’s obsessed with demons). I can’t imagine that continuing down this weird path is going to make you any healthier.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Chip Daniels
Chip Daniels
5 years ago

I’m old enough to remember when “the devil made me do it!” was Flip Wilson’s punchline.

Professor Fate
Professor Fate
5 years ago

I’ve never taken any psychoactive drugs such as LSD – nor had any great desire to (as amusing/frightening as I found the Acid scenes from Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas – which I can only assume were made up from whole cloth ). I did find this disturbing as this young man is projecting his own sexual desire as some sort of demonic other. This can’t end well.

Finally my apologies but while reading this all I could think of was a quote from the late Lemmy Kilmster’s book White Line Fever: “Orgasms on acid are fantastic by the way.”

Again my apologies.

5 years ago

The closest I’ve evet gotten to hallucinogens was when I accidentally took too much cough syrup and got a parched throat and visions of Lovecraftian monsters whenever I closed my eyes. Would not recommend.

5 years ago

@Professor Fate

(as amusing/frightening as I found the Acid scenes from Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas – which I can only assume were made up from whole cloth

Nope, that corresponds pretty well to what Thompson wrote. That fellow took deeply inadvisable quantities of psychoactives, though.

Brazilian Sigma
Brazilian Sigma
5 years ago

So they believe in Pombagira(entity from Afro-Brazilian religions, responsible for love and relationships)?

5 years ago


That would probably be dextromethorphan. It’s called robotripping and has nothing in common with your usual entheogens.

Professor Fate
Professor Fate
5 years ago


Perhaps but I don’t think so – I’ve read Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas about 20 times at least – I still think the opening “We were somewhere around Barsto on the end of the desert when the drugs began to take hold” is brilliant . I’ve read many of Thompson’s other work (Hell’s Angels is a favorite along with The Great Shark Hunt and F&L on the campaign trail 72) along with his collections of letters – Oh he HATED Nixon like nobody’s business – but this book F&L is a work of literary art not sober reportage of he and Dr. Gonzo got up to on their trip to Vegas – you get some of that in the letters – I do take his description of LSD’s effects on him here with a grain of salt – they are just far too precise and funny : “A drug person can learn to cope with things like seeing their dead grandmother crawling up their leg with a knife in her teeth.”
But he did do too much of everything – booze , coke, Speed, other drugs, cigarettes, and it did take its toll but for a while there he was magnificent. – if you haven’t read it “The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved’ the article that gave birth to the term Gonzo Journalism is brilliant. it’s in The Great Shark Hunt and i’m sure it’s out there on line these days.

5 years ago

Generally , in the past when I was on LSD, sex was the LEAST thing on my mind. Bodies move and contort in ways that are not comfortable to your mind. It’s hard to focus on sex when your partner’s eyes and nose keep moving on their face? Besides, LSD has anesthetic effect. You don’t feel physical contact as strongly as when sober. In fact, LSD was first sold commercial as an anesthetic.So it’s a little strange he had an intense sexual experience while dosed.
5 years ago

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