By David Futrelle
“Van Life,” as I understand it, is a growing trend in which young and often quite photogenic people, er, live in vans — hence the name — and post a lot of arty pictures to Instagram documenting their travels.
Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today some of the regulars are discussing the trend, which many of them see as very amenable to the MGTOW philosophy.
But some worry that the trend has gotten popular with the very women these guys say they’re going their own way from. So what’s the appeal to these women?
Cock, of course. Just listen to Beavis and Butthead here:

Those sneaky, sneaky ladies!
But not all MGTOWs are opposed to the idea of “bitches” driving from city to city in an endless quest for geographically diverse dick. Even if the owners of said dick have to pay a little to get, er toured.

Dude, I feel fairly safe in asserting that no one, not even one of those horny nomadic van ladies, wants to touch your gross MGTOW dick. Regardless of whether the van is in a state of motion or not, don’t go knockin’.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@Alan Robertshaw
I feel your pain. A pipe burst in my bathroom a few years ago and it took a few weeks to get anyone to even come look at it, then more time to get anyone to fix it, all the while water was leaking into my wall.
More like the lifestyle equivalent of repeatedly ramming into streetlights, blaming streetlights for being there, creating entire communities centered around hating streetlights, then claiming that you’re going your own way from streetlights but continuing to bash into them and claim you’re the best at avoiding streetlights but you intended to walk into them.
I haven’t seen Rise of Skywalker yet. Should I?
@ varalys
I have reported you to the vegan police for missing this propaganda opportunity!
@Alan Robertshaw
That second salad looks quite tasty.
I like putting chopped pickled banana peppers and similar peppers in salads. They add a tangy heat that brightens any salad. I also put them in pastas and sauces, or sometimes just eat them by themselves.
If you care about Star Wars, how could you not see it? If you’re not a Star Wars fan, well, it’s a reasonably spectacle-filled way to fill two hours, but be prepared for pacing issues, dumb plot points, and derailed character arcs (e.g. I guess J.J. Abrams doesn’t care for Rose). I liked eps VII and VIII, but I thought this was a mess.
Meanwhile, watch this:
Maybe I’d eat the second if it had a jar of vegan mayonnaise dumped over it. Maybe.
@ naglar
Thanks for that tip! I had to google as I’d not heard of them; but they appear to be called chillies over here. They look like the ones they pickle and stick with kebabs. I love those; even though they inevitably squirt vinegar in your eye when you bite into them!
Well, saying “I like salad” is close to saying “I like pasta”. Sure, you could be even less precise and say “I like nutriment” or “I like carbon-based chemistry product”, but it’s not like you are giving much information here.
(for example, that’s also a meat eater salad :
; albeit making a vegetarian version probably is doable)
I do second pickled stuffs in general tho. One of the best thing I discovered in indian restaurant are thoses Patak’s jar of various picked stuff.
re: Star Wars 9….
TBH, there wasn’t any way the movie could have NOT been very satisfying for me, PARTICULARLY with the added cultural impact of the characterization changes since ’77
I went to Star Wars 4 on my honeymoon at age 21, and I had already studied the “Hero” mythical cycle at length. I went to SW9 LOOKING for closure to the cycle. Not saying I was ever consumed by the story, as some folks are, I saw the 9 movies, “Solo”, and “Rogue One”, haven’t seen any of the other media at all (I think ‘midichlorians’ is something I clean the tub with)
My fascination with the story (really, with ALL “mythic cycle” stories) isn’t that it’s necessarily told WELL, it’s that the story is TOLD….
I’ve enjoyed some of the other films, I’m not a huge fan, so maybe I’ll see it.
Out of curiosity, what is vegan mayonnaise made of?
@Alan Robertshaw
Make sure to buy the right ones. Some look similar but are much spicier (such as this one), which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your personal tastes. Regarding vinegar in eyes, that’s only happened to me when I eat them whole, so cutting them into smaller bits first can usually prevent the spray.
@ ohlmann
Ooh yeah. I can happily just sit down with a jar of their pickled limes and a stack of popadoms.
And for people whinging about migration, Mr and Mrs Patak and family arrived here in the 50s with a fiver; started selling stuff from their kitchen; and the rest is history.
vegans, of course

@ naglfar
Nope; I’m a bloke, so toxic masculinity dictates all my food must have a hint of danger (cf barbecues).
#notallmen: did you know that the Emperor of Japan is legally forbidden from eating fugu?
@ moggie
Ironically, with all the Minamata disease that would probably be his least dangerous option.
(But thanks for the trivia!)
@varalys the dark
I want to be totally clear that I don’t make value judgments based on the foods people enjoy and that it is okay that we like different things before I tell you about the extreme, visceral negative reaction I had when I read this ?. I physically recoiled from my phone. I’m not sure if I was scared the mayonnaise would climb through the screen?
Hmm Robert Woodward the bio-chemist, invented a synthetic tetrodotoxin. So I wonder if there’s a market for vegan Fugu?
@don’t rub your butt on the carpet –
Here, shortened it for you, and made it look like it was typed by someone of your appropriate mental age with a comprehension of English as good as your comprehension of human beings in general (yourself included).
With how much porn I’ve seen over my 40 years, it’s a wonder why I’m not this delusional about sex and its availability and politics thereof… Oh wait no it’s because I use critical thought and analyse everything I come across and philosophize all the time from an outside neutral POV perspective, an insider (to the best of my knowledge) perspective, and a “weird dude just trying to be a decent person” perspective ALL. THE. TIME. Problem solved!
@Naglfar – Honestly I don’t think anyone can actually answer that in any objective manner; Rise of Skywalker is very polarizing, both among fans and non-fans; although I find that more right-wing people are more critical of it generally speaking, many left-wingers (inluding me, it has to be said) also have a lot of criticism towards it. Personally though I don’t regret watching in in a movie theater, though it’s in part due to the two doofuses sitting next to me and their dumbfounded reactions to stuff I think they should know better by now (such as a certain plot point that was hanging in the air since the first movie, and whose ultimate resolution had been hypothesised since ep. 7 came out, with one of the most popular theories not only turning out to be true, but being telegraphed/foreshadowed very blatantly in the second act before being confirmed in the third).
Oh, and also, I’m a meat eater (omnivore, really) and I consider all three salad pics here to be valid ways to prepare/eat salad. Yes, I sometimes eat salad/lettuce straight and “raw”, without anything else, right out of the container (well, after rinsing it first if needed) like I was a humanoid rabbit or something. I usually add stuff in though – my homemade French dressing is highly regarded in my social circles (and my mom’s).
@Naglfar: Magic, it’s made of magic. Seriously when I first went vegan there were only two things I was gonna miss. Salted butter and mayo. Now I haven’t found a decent butter replacement sadly, but vegan mayo is incredible. I actually take a jar with me when I go stay at my mum’s so I can keep enjoying stuff with mayo. My jar of Hellmans is at the bottom of the recycling bin so I can’t specifically check what that is made of, but various online recipes exists involving oil, lemon juice and soy.
@Viscaria: You’re not the first person I know of to have such a visceral reaction to my love of mayonnaise! 😀
I did not know that, but it makes some sense. You’d be in a tight place as a fugu chef if you were the one who prepared the fugu that killed the emperor.
I’ve eaten lettuce by itself before (same with carrots, guess I am a bit rabbit-like as well) but in general I prefer to put it in/with something else.
I wonder how much of an overlap there is between MGTOWs and semen retainers? They both have very self-aggrandizing ideas.
@ don’t rub:
1) Neener, neener, THAT’S YOU
2) My dad can whip your dad
3) go away
@varalys the dark – Ah, I see you are a fellow of culture as well. When I was a kid, I loved mayo so much that sometimes, when I wanted to make myself a tomato sandwich but we didn’t have tomatoes, I’d just make myself a mayo sandwich – two slices of toasted bread with mayo in-between AND NOTHING ELSE.
As for vegan mayo IIRC the only animal by-product in ordinary mayo is eggs, so as long as you can replace that it should be fine.
Isn’t aquafaba (chickpea juice) a vegan egg substitute? You can make mayo without egg- it’s mainly included because the protein makes the emulsion more stable.
…now I want homemade mayonnaise.
I found this recipe for aquafaba mayo, so it seems like it works.
Aww, I missed a troll. Not a very good one, though. Really, it takes so little to be an original MGTOW-category troll, but they just don’t put in the effort.