By David Futrelle
“Van Life,” as I understand it, is a growing trend in which young and often quite photogenic people, er, live in vans — hence the name — and post a lot of arty pictures to Instagram documenting their travels.
Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today some of the regulars are discussing the trend, which many of them see as very amenable to the MGTOW philosophy.
But some worry that the trend has gotten popular with the very women these guys say they’re going their own way from. So what’s the appeal to these women?
Cock, of course. Just listen to Beavis and Butthead here:

Those sneaky, sneaky ladies!
But not all MGTOWs are opposed to the idea of “bitches” driving from city to city in an endless quest for geographically diverse dick. Even if the owners of said dick have to pay a little to get, er toured.

Dude, I feel fairly safe in asserting that no one, not even one of those horny nomadic van ladies, wants to touch your gross MGTOW dick. Regardless of whether the van is in a state of motion or not, don’t go knockin’.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I have absolutely no doubt this blog is yet again being shared in manospheres and them convincing others to come here just to troll.
I do wonder what set them off this time.
“salad lads” is this the new soyboy?
I like edamame beans in my salad, for maximum phytoestrogen content.
Jenny Nicholson’s videos are apolitical, and not mean. I don’t know where she is politically, but she’s on friendly terms with Lindsay Ellis, and appeared in Hbomberguy’s epic 57-hour livestream for a trans charity, so make of that what you will.
@don’t rub your butt on the carpet
Why do you assume random women are going to have sex for pay anyway?
I don’t know many MGTOWs, so I’d imagine their appearances have a range like anyone else, but salads can be quite healthy.
Then why don’t you, if you’re the masters of romance? Sounds like a missed opportunity.
I’m not a man, but the reason I refuse to date conservatives has less to do with appearances and more to do with the fact that I’m probably not going to get along well with someone who hates me.
I have yet to hear any woman or man who isn’t an MGTOW say that.
Is she related to Jack Nicholson?
So a woman who wants a one-night stand has no standards whatsoever? What is your source? Oh wait — is it you? Did a woman have sex with you once?
What is this about necessity striking? Why would a man going his own way need to be attractive? Do MGTOW not actually go their own way?
So MGTOW are really, really good-looking but choose not to have relationships with women? That’s really, really okay with me.
Hahaha- “top twenty percent of men”? I spit my drink out on the screen.
I’m pleased @dontrub broke the seal, because I too would like to alert everyone to the fact that I am very, very handsome, and that women in vans love the cut of my gib. Not that I care about these things, of course.
I’ve actually had experience in what MGTOWs look like because they sometimes have “rate threads” and a lot are unattractive.
The manosphereans that are actually more likely to be physically attractive seem to be incels, unfortunately.
By the way, I cannot believe we live in a time where one can easily look up peer reviewed sources on things but people choose to ignore science because they prefer their inaccurate nonsense that they repeat like a broken record.
None of what you believe is true, manosphereans, but you wouldn’t listen to me because you’re brainwashed by your echo chamber.
You have the power to leave at anytime and actually have a meaningful life, please take it.
Don’t know about you guys, but I do indeed prefer my blue pilled salad without any dick in it.
But if they waste their time chasing women, how will they have time for all the really important stuff? Like, ranting on the internet about how easily they could get laid with the women they supposedly don’t want.
Priorities, people!
There is overlap yeah. When you read experiences from ex mgtow, it sounds similar to incels. You realize how it’s a cult, recruiting lonely and mentally ill men from the internet to project these feelings of power that they don’t really have on anyone irl. Hence the whole “lots of women want me but I show them the door” they’re trying to convince themselves that things are OK when it’s not. Alot of guys also say that theyve battled with depression that’s only gotten worse the longer they stayed. All around toxic.
*lectures us for making unfounded assumptions about MGTOW physical appearance*
*immediately follows up with unfounded assumptions about our physical appearance*
Whenever a manospherean begins a sentence with “Fact:”, you know whatever follows is an opinion that they desperately need to be true.
Someone who has actually spent time around women would know that women are generally extra cautious about vetting strangers, a million times more so if they’re out on the road in a strange town. Women absolutely do take personality into account. Their lives depend on it. Hot horny women who drive around and throw themselves at strangers, attractive or not, are unicorns.
(Note, too, butt-carpet’s assumption that a woman driving a van around is automatically looking for sex.)
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I’m guessing MGTOWs got their ideas on this topic from porn.
If porn were true, I guess I would order pizza and ask for a plumber much more often. The 2-in-1 deal that represent would be incredible.
Porn gives people totally unrealistic expectations as to how quickly you can get someone round to fix a boiler.
Romance is like a game
And that game
Wears pants
I bet if anyone could rhyme ‘romance’ and ‘pants’ it would be Chris De Burgh.
If MGTOWs were what they claim to be – men who have withdrawn from dating because feminism and something something yoga pants – wouldn’t one expect them to be a cross-section of manhood, in terms of appearance? Why would they only be the hottest of men? That sounds like a self-serving fantasy, the mirror image of the incels’ “we are hideous subhumans” shtick.
The most dangerous game
Yoga pants
As blindfold
WHTM has been going for about ten years now. I think all the regulars here have seen many, many pictures of men claiming to go their own way, though as yet not actually going, alas.
You know, this brings back memories of this video:
starring manosphere has-been and washed-up nazi-wannabe matt forney. Is he in the top 20% of men, do you think?
You know, I don’t see a whole lot of rich, powerful, successful, wealthy men proudly proclaiming their desire to go their own way, regardless of how good looking they are. In fact, they’re often in relationships! Sometimes, even long term and happy ones, imagine that. Its almost like MGTOWs are more likely to be miserable, lonely, bitter failures who blame everyone but themselves for their own shortcomings, and saying that they’re happy that way. The lifestyle equivalent of walking into a streetlight and loudly proclaiming that they meant to do that, perhaps.
@Alan Robertshaw : my old plumber was rather good at being punctual, had realistic timeframe to do the deed, and best of all did not have a big backlog, so you had what you needed within three months, give or take.
Sadly, he stopped unclogging stuff and started a computer part shop. Dunno if it worked, but I didn’t see him plumbering again.
I can confirm that willing to have casual sex is not the same as no standards. I’ve had a fair number of one night stands, but I’ve rejected more come ons than I’ve accepted. And it’s been more about behavior than looks. I’m not going to be alone with a creep for one thing. For another thing, a one night stand doesn’t tend to involve people just coming up to each other and agreeing to fuck immediately. Any casual sex I’ve had was always preceded by conversation.
Yeah, I saw Rise of Skywalker over the weekend too. I managed to cobble together my thoughts in a 40-tweet mild spoiler thread when I got home:
The TL;DR was that I liked it thematically, but since The Force Awakens, I saw its narrative starting to buckle under the weight of its own universe. It’s hard to focus on the Hero(ine) of a Thousand Faces when you’ve established a vast universe of worlds and people to use as set dressing and treat them as little more than stops along a path that can’t make up its mind between inevitable and 90-degree sideways turn.
Eh, it was fun seeing Lando again.
@Moggie, I am a vegan but I HATE salad. I am quite partial to soy yogurt and milk though. When I went vegan I thought I ought to give salad a second chance but only a few mouthfuls made me wanted to kill it with fire. Maybe I am going about salads all wrong though, but a big part of me associates them with influencers who ate an entirely raw diet, got ill from malnutrition, blamed veganism and now eat the carnivore diet instead.
I’m rambling. I’ve been up all night.