cock carousel evil sex-having women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises reddit

MGTOW: Women are “driving from town to town, jumping from cock to cock and getting guys to buy them food and gas”

By David Futrelle

“Van Life,” as I understand it, is a growing trend in which young and often quite photogenic people, er, live in vans — hence the name — and post a lot of arty pictures to Instagram documenting their travels.

Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today some of the regulars are discussing the trend, which many of them see as very amenable to the MGTOW philosophy.

But some worry that the trend has gotten popular with the very women these guys say they’re going their own way from. So what’s the appeal to these women?

Cock, of course. Just listen to Beavis and Butthead here:

Van life is a growing thing with young retarded bitches. They will get in a van and tour the cocks around the drivable world.
Yeah because they don't need much money to do it. They just drive from town to town and jump from cock to cock and get guys to buy them food and gas.

Those sneaky, sneaky ladies!

But not all MGTOWs are opposed to the idea of “bitches” driving from city to city in an endless quest for geographically diverse dick. Even if the owners of said dick have to pay a little to get, er toured.

I mean, hell, if she can give a decent blowjob I would pay that. I don't plan on tossing my hot dog down her cavernous hallway but a blowjob is a blowjob.

Dude, I feel fairly safe in asserting that no one, not even one of those horny nomadic van ladies, wants to touch your gross MGTOW dick. Regardless of whether the van is in a state of motion or not, don’t go knockin’.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

This calls to mind a reinterpretation of the infamous Money Python lumberjack sketch, TBH.

“… Leaping from cock to cock! The great California hipster pipe! The mighty long dong of the Texas panhandle! The delectable Massachusetts mushroom!”

5 years ago

I haven’t heard the term cock carousel in a while. Has it been replaced by the cock van? They both are unsupported by evidence and reek of sour grapes.

Now that I think of it, maybe MGTOWs could take a cue from it and buy their own vans and go their own way by van, far away from everyone else.

5 years ago

Ahem: cock au van.

5 years ago

“Van life” = romanticization of Millennial poverty.

5 years ago

Yes, sure, prostitution is such a famously profitable endeavor that prostitutes all have their own cars and get their houses with spa.

5 years ago

Saw that mgtow on the bluepill was redubbed men getting triggered over women lol. It fits them quite nicely

With their terminology, I wonder how of many are just incels needing to complain about women existing since reddit is cracking down hard on all incel/__cel subs.

5 years ago

Whoops the “Cyborg” above was me. Grr autocorrect.

5 years ago


Saw that mgtow on the bluepill was redubbed men getting triggered over women lol. It fits them quite nicely

A much more accurate descriptor.

I wonder how of many are just incels needing to complain about women existing since reddit is cracking down hard on all incel/__cel subs.

I’d imagine there is some overlap, but I think the two are somewhat different demographics. Incels mostly seem to be younger men, while MGTOWs seem to generally be older. Incels also are much more self-pitying while MGTOWs generally claim to be happy even though they’re obviously not.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

Saw Star Wars 9 last night, good ending to the saga, kinda (to me), brought the story arc back to its roots of the “Hero(ine) With 1000 Faces” myth. No spoilers, tho….

I also enjoyed a subconscious game of “Trigger the Miggie Bingo”, seeing the amount of human diversity the series has acquired in the 22+ years. The emotional rollercoaster of fear/ambivalence/strength Rey went thru.

Fuck the bigots… with everyone’s help, history is leaving them behind


cock au van

You must go, now… sorry. 🙂 🙂 🙂

5 years ago

I’ve watched a few van life videos. I’ve always been intrigued by compact living spaces, so that life has some appeal to me. At the same time, though, I really like modern comforts, like plumbing and being able to stand up. So, for a week’s holiday? Sure, I can see that. But permanently? I think it would get old very fast, for me.

Like ABars said, I think in many cases these videos and articles are an attempt to make a virtue of the unreachability of conventional property for many young people. And, while I don’t begrudge a van dweller’s attempts to make the lifestyle seem desirable, or to monetise it, I kinda wish that effort went instead into anger at what modern capitalism has done to their chances of a boomer standard of living.

@Weird Eddie:

Saw Star Wars 9 last night, good ending to the saga, kinda (to me), brought the story arc back to its roots of the “Hero(ine) With 1000 Faces” myth. No spoilers, tho….

I was considerably less satisfied! While it’s fresh in your mind, I’d like to suggest watching Jenny Nicholson’s funny (and spoiler-packed) video:

5 years ago

Maybe I’m an old fuddy-duddy fighting a losing battle here, but would it be possible for us to avoid using “trigger” to mean “upset” when it should properly refer to the symptoms of trauma?

5 years ago

This would actually sound like a fun road trip if i didn’t have touch aversion problems lol

5 years ago


I didn’t watch Rise of Skywalker, but Jenny’s videos are always great. Knights of Jen for life!

5 years ago


Maybe I’m an old fuddy-duddy fighting a losing battle here, but would it be possible for us to avoid using “trigger” to mean “upset” when it should properly refer to the symptoms of trauma?

Seconded, but then I’m also an old fuddy-duddy. 😉

5 years ago

I liked episode 9, but there were a bunch of things that low-key bugged me. My sister (who watched it with me) absolutely loved it though.


Ora’f “Erqrzcgvba nep” jnf ng yrnfg orggre guna uvf tenaqsngure’f “Url V jnf gbgnyyl pbby jvgu xvyyvat xvqf 18 lrnef ntb ohg fgbc ryrpgebphgvat guvf fba jub V gbgnyyl qr-unaqrq ynfg lrne orpnhfr V’z tbbq abj” nep.

Yvxr, jurgure be abg Xlyb Era qrfreirf n erqrzcgvba nep vf n qvssrerag dhrfgvba, ohg vs Inqre’f nep jnf gur one gb pyrne sbe oryvrinovyvgl guna V pna qvt vg.

Nyfb, V ungrq gur negvsvpvny naq haarprffnel qrnqyvar bs 8 ubhef gung XVYYRQ zl jvyyvat fhfcrafvba bs qvforyvrs orpnhfr gurer vf AB JNL lbh pna qb gung zhpu cynarg ubccvat jvgu gung znal ybat uvxrf naq obng gevcf va gung nzbhag bs gvzr.

Abg unccravat. Gung bar uvxr jnf boivbhfyl n fbyvq 45 zvahgr uvxr ol vgfrys.

Nyfb nyfb, V xvaqn ungrq gur pbasvezngvba gung 90% bs Fvgu cybgf pbhyq unir orra gujnegrq jvgu n shyyl fgnssrq naq shaqrq bssvpr bs ohqtrg znantrzrag naq birefvtug.

Not bad, solid film, had a lot of ground to cover to be a satisfying conclusion, and it did okay.

5 years ago

@kupo, Diptych
Understood. I’ll make sure going forward to use it appropriately.

5 years ago

LOL the dude saying he wouldn’t mind paying for a “vangirl blowjob” sure does a crap job of living up to miggie “ideals”…

@Moggie – I had that vid recommended to me by the YouTube algorithm, but since I tend to get recommended a lot of alt-right crap by it (such as the ever cringeworthy TheQuartering), especially regarding movies, comics and videogames I was a bit afraid she might simply be a female example of the type (I have seen those before on YouTube). If she’s considered fine by the people here I’ll give the vid a try.

Oh, and my personal view on Episode 9 remains a pretty resounding “Meh”. It’s pretty middling, and retroactively makes the whole trilogy pretty mediocre. Changing tack, themes, tone, pacing, and plotlines all the time over all three movies sure didn’t help. Not the worst movie of the series though.

don't rub your butt on the carpet
don't rub your butt on the carpet
5 years ago

“Dude, I feel fairly safe in asserting that no one, not even one of those horny nomadic van ladies, wants to touch your gross MGTOW dick.”

I’d be very interested to know what, precisely,, makes you so sure that MGTOWs are physically unattractive. If you’re just trying to get a nomadic woman to touch your dick, you don’t even really need to have good personality with solid pinko social views to get her pussy since she’s just gonna get in the car and drive away when she’s finished anyway.

Have you ever actually SEEN a MGTOW? Fact: MGTOW are physically attractive, especially compared to the malnourished masses of dickless blue pilled salad lads. It’s true that MGTOW don’t put the most effort into their appearances, since they’ve decided to drop out of the yoga pants-wearing game of Blind Man’s Buff known as “romance” but you have no idea what MGTOW is capable of doing with his appearance when necessity strikes.

In a contest to see who is the most dashing man, nobody waddles backwards like you. That’s the difference, MGTOW could get women based solely on appearance. You can’t, so you pretend to be progressive hoping that some pathetic woman will be swayed by your insincere babbling and she will feel her good have your abortions right in the vagina. But that doesn’t matter, because she’s looking for the top 20 percent of men, that being the place where you’d most likely find MGTOW. Just the thought of some common horny hag trying her luck with a MGTOW and getting shown the door – she would probably call him gay, accuse him of indecent exposure, even.

5 years ago

The oddest things get through the troll filter sometimes.

5 years ago

The only person I know personally who is doing it on this side of the Pond is an old colleague of mine from many years ago, who hit the road with her husband when they retired. As it happens, they are quite conservative in outlook, any miggies/MRA types looking for the kind of experience they are fantasizing about would get short shrift from them.

I do worry about how this couple will take it when they are first mistaken for members some of the established Traveller communities though.

5 years ago

Someone tell the vangirls that there are MIGTOWs out there looking for bjs from them. It’s the proper thing to do. 😉

5 years ago


Yep, can’t argue with you there.

If anyone’s still playing troll bingo, I’m pretty sure a few squares just got checked off!

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Ahem: cock au van.


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