anti-Semitism empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny virginity

Incels welcome possible war with Iran because “the more dead normies the better”

By David Futrelle

Over on, the regulars seem pretty stoked about what appears to be an impending US war with Iran. When one commenter asked his fellow “involuntary” celibates whether they thought there would be a war, a commenter called FinnCel answered with a hearty “I sure hope so.”

A commenter calling himself RemoveNormalf*gs quintupled his comrade’s enthusiasm, posting

I hope
I hope
I hope
I hope
I hope

Someone called Emergency Manual explained just what it was it was about this as-of-this-moment-still-hypothetical war that appeals to incels so much:

The more dead normies the better.

And there will certainly be quite a few “dead normies,” especially in Iran itself.

“I just eat popcorn and look at others killing each other,” FInnCel added.

Not all of the assembled incels were quite so enthusiastic. Some doubted a war would happen. Others railed against “k*kes” and worried about being “drafted to die for Israel.” And one suggested that

Iran would treat every American on this forum better than America would… Think about that if they try to draft you.

Apparently quite a few incels are under the delusion that every man in Iran is automatically gifted a hottie virgin wife.

At least you can’t say that the incels aren’t interested in foreign policy.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

We all know that you need to be at least 7½ feet tall and have beefy masculine wrists to join the military. Incels, who are hideous freaks because they’re shorter than 6¼ feet and have skinny feminine wrists, will never qualify. Women are exempt from such qualifications because the feminist overlords demand vanity service, as no woman has died from battle ever.

/s, obviously.

5 years ago

Alan Robershaw and Crip Dyke –

The documentary sounded interesting, so I went looking. I believe this is it, in full, for free on YouTube:


– Rahu

5 years ago

I also highly recommend this film:

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ rahu

Thank you ever so much for locating the documentary. I’ve just been watching it again. It’s funny how, despite some local differences, fundamentally all court proceedings seems the same. There was another documentary a few years back about the Karachi courts. You could tell that the makers were going for a vibe of how palm tree justice it was meant to be; but every lawyer I knew just thought “That might as well be Horseferry Road Magistrates Court”.

5 years ago

Dear incels: If your lives are really as shit as you say they are, why don’t YOU volunteer to go to Iran? That way, you’ll be killing two very pesky birds (so to speak) with the same stone.

PS: For Lainy and her man:

This one dates back to the Vietnam war. Plus ça change.

5 years ago

Here’s hoping your husband stays safe and PTSD-free.

Thanks. But even if he did get ptsd that’s something we can deal with. I have complex PTSD and he deals with it so wonderfully. Every trigger, every flinch, every flash black, every night woken up screaming or not knowing where i am, every high and low he handles then so beautifully that I would gladly do the same for him in a heart beat. As long as there is love for me in his heart and that heart is beating anything is just a bill to climb.

5 years ago

I sometimes wonder, what is to be done with Incels? Clearly they are beyond redemption and rehabilitation; our resources are better spent on helping their victims anyway. Do we just shut down their online forums, isolate them, and hope none of them pull an Elliot Rodger? Or are stronger measures needed?

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
5 years ago


Sounds like a keeper. <3

5 years ago

Iran, China and Russia are holding joint military exercises in the Gulf of Oman.

I’m thinking of my grandparents reading the news in 1940, when my father was twenty. Our younger son is eighteen.

You can ignore history, but there’s no guarantee that it will ignore you.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Lainy – I hope he doesn’t have to fight and both of you stay safe. It sounds like you have a really strong relationship.

Both of my bosses & many of my co-workers are Persian. They have friends and family in Iran. If the situation escalates, people like them could be “collateral damage.”

I read that at least one (if not both) of the leaders killed had ties to terrorist groups, but the U.S. strike seemed like a terrorist attack too. I mean, technically it’s not since it’s by a state and not a rogue group, but the action itself, attacking and killing people in a nation you’re not at war with? Gah. And this could hurt people on both sides who don’t deserve it.

On a lighter note, the wrist circumference/canthal tilt comments made me laugh. Oh, incels, never change (/s, of course).

5 years ago

the U.S. strike seemed like a terrorist attack too. I mean, technically it’s not since it’s by a state and not a rogue group

Official state actors can absolutely commit terrorism – and often do. As for whether assassinating government officials in the hope of triggering an international incident is terrorism or a different kind of crime, well, I’m not qualified to say.

5 years ago


Also, the army isn’t a trash can, and the skills they search include “being patient, adaptative, and don’t ask for too much comfort”. They most pointedly don’t include “be a whiny fuckboy, a murderous asshole, and never do any effort to help with a problem”.

In addition to the war crimes, please don’t let them touch weapons if at all possible. Imagine if Stanislav Petrov have been an incel.

Apparently if the GOP have their way they are going to turn the military into a trashcan: current word through the grapevine is the GOP led senate cut white nationalism as something to screen military enlistees on. Because that’s somehow a good idea: letting racist, fascist, authoritarian, bigots and outright Nazi’s enlist to get professional military training so they can take those skills back home for their Neo-Reactionary Conservative hate groups and domestic terrorist organizations to kill minority citizens, or to go abroad to commit war crimes, genocide and other atrocities against non-white foreigners overseas.

Everyone stay safe and frosty.