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Incel wants to become a doctor. There’s just one problem: He doesn’t want to treat Chads and Stacies

“I can’t treat you; you’re too hot!”

By David Futrelle

“RoNyyso,” a 21-year old incel just about to start college, dreams of being a doctor. Well, at least he dreams of making a doctor’s salary. There’s just one little problem: He’d prefer that Chads and Stacies remain sick.

“I dont really have an urge to ‘help people,'” he confessed in a post on the Communitycels subreddit.

Especially when i have to heal Chads and Staceys to make their life better/easier.

Oh sure, he continued, he would go ahead and treat them. But he wouldn’t be happy about it.

I am sure i could become a competent physician and even if i dont like to “heal” some of the bitchy girls sort” i would try to be all professional but it would still disturb me.

What can i do to overcome this feeling and how can i cope with that?

One commenter offered him the perfect incel “cope.” He could just think about how much he was screwing them over financially!

Chad and Stacey or someone is paying out the nose for them to be there (assuming in United States). When you go to the doctor the doctor’s office fucks you, no two ways about it. Wouldn’t it feel good to be getting a salary from those types of people’s cash and having a great lifestyle because of it? Like “way to go, your 3rd gonorrhea treatment just got me a new watch!”

Such is incel career advice.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Go into research, dude. Or radiology. If you don’t have the people skills to treat patients in person, get thee to a lab space where you don’t have to worry about it.

Actually, I wouldn’t trust this guy to be a janitor in any hospital or clinic.

5 years ago

I would not trust an incel doctor, and I doubt most women would.
The real question is, why be a doctor if you don’t want to help people? If you want to make money and want to hurt people, there are many other jobs. For example, corporate CEO, conservative pundit, or conservative politician.

O/T: I forgot all about it at the time but am now reminded that December 28, last Saturday, was the 5th anniversary of Leelah Alcorn’s death. Rest in peace.

5 years ago

Someone tell this guy how much medical school and liability insurance (which he will need considering his lack of ethics) costs. If he’s in it for the money, this will dissuade him.

Not that you can’t make money as a doctor, but it does certainly take a while, or at least enough time for someone like this to fuck up royaly.

5 years ago

Reminds me of that Tom Lehrer line: “He soon became a specialist, specializing in diseases of the rich”

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Go into research, dude. Or radiology.

While I don’t want him in any “caring” profession because he doesn’t seem like he as any ability to “care”, if you were recommending a specialty, why not Gerontology?

Maybe he could partially, semi-quasi-get over his inability to want to help people if the people he was treating were people he believes aren’t part of the (imaginary) sexual marketplace/conspiracy that’s hurting him. That would at least take a revenge motive out of the equation, making intentional malpractice somewhat less likely.

5 years ago

@Crip Dyke
Last I checked, incels think older men are still a part of the sexual marketplace, so he might still have an issue with old men. Best to just make sure he stays the hell away from medical school.

5 years ago

Dude, medical school is WAY to expensive and stressful to do if you don’t actually want to make people better.

Get a bachelors in engineering. DOT happily hires engineers with just a bachelors.

Or be an actuary. Actuaries get paid really well.

Or be a mortician.

Literally anything but a medical professional who works directly with living patients.


@moggie: I was just listening to that Lehrer bit this weekend. Glad to know there are other folks who appreciate the dude.

My sister, listening with me, was a little sad that she has this far failed to specialize in the diseases of rich peoples’ pets and still has SO MUCH student loan debt from vet school left.

5 years ago


Or be a mortician.

I had that thought earlier, but I’m not so sure about incel morticians after this post where an incel declared that he should be allowed to have sex with dead women. That seems like a bit of a conflict of interests.

Sorry about your sister’s debt situation.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


“older men” maybe, but 70 year old men? I guess I didn’t realize it was quite that bad.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ contrapangloss

a medical professional who works directly with living patients

I guess that still leaves pathologist as an option.

Which really has to be the easiest job in the world anyway. It’s surgery on dead people. How do you fuck that up?

5 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw: As Naglfar mentioned above, necrophilia. Or more accurately, sexual abuse of a corpse, since I suspect that most of them aren’t really into it as such. That was the first thing which came to mind too.

5 years ago

@Crip Dyke

“older men” maybe, but 70 year old men? I guess I didn’t realize it was quite that bad.

I don’t know when Chad gets too old, but it seems the incels believe that men never hit walls*. And they think Trump is the epitome of Chadliness and he’s 73, so maybe they still think that of 70+ men.

@Alan Robertshaw

Which really has to be the easiest job in the world anyway. It’s surgery on dead people. How do you fuck that up?

An incel pathologist would probably overlook any important details in favor of examining wrist size and head shape.

*Meaning they’ve never seen this gif:
comment image

5 years ago

Just wait til this chump hits Organic Chemistry. And that’s just pre-med.
Actual conversation from my time in said course (which was an easier version than what he’d need to take):
Guy sitting next to me:”Oh, I’m glad you sat next to me.”
“You always seem really smart and together, I figured you could explain this stuff to me, cuz I’m lost.”
“Well, shit. That’s the same reason I sat next to you.”

Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Most pathologists I’ve known have been pretty cool people. Morbid sense of humor sometimes, but considering how many med students have named their cadavers “Ernest….”

5 years ago

…Wow. Forget being a doctor. This guy shouldn’t have a job near other people period. Maybe they need off-season security guards for temporarily unmanned Antarctic bases? Although even then he’d likely pull a Jack Torrance and trash the place before freezing to death.

Also, Happy New Year! Holidays were pretty hectic this year (or maybe I’m just getting old), so been off the grid a bit.

5 years ago

All through high school and college I was great at the theory/on paper part of chemistry classes but awful in the lab. The result was that in the regular class everyone wanted to sit next to me but in the lab nobody wanted to work with me. I was significantly better in physics labs, maybe because those involved less titration and pouring liquids.


This guy shouldn’t have a job near other people period.

Maybe he could help us find out if other planets are habitable…and maybe his incel friends could join him.
If that was the premise of a sitcom I would totally watch it.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
5 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

Morticians and the ministers that hang out with them are also morbid as hell with the jokes. I remember taking a confirmation trip of a local funeral home and the funeral director having way too much fun with telling us about all the different things that went into embalming. And showing them. I think I would have been a lot happier never learning what they used a trocar for… XD

My father the minister also had a ‘farming suit’. Guess what that was worn for.

Them all be warped. It’s a coping mechanism.

5 years ago

O-chem is a whole other world from regular chemistry. It’s like learning an alien language where a grammar mistake creates poisonous gases.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
5 years ago


This is what happens when I don’t edit tags and the edit time limit runs out. *headdesk*

5 years ago

@Bananananana – Can happen to all of us. At least your post wasn’t eaten, like one of mine was some weeks back after trying to edit it a second time. Was a pretty long post too, so when I saw it wasn’t coming back I just said to myself “Aah fuck it I ain’t typing all that a second time”.

5 years ago

I know some people to whom that happens a lot have used external text editors. For me it’s rare enough that I don’t bother to use an external text editor, but it’s still annoying on the occasions when it happens.

5 years ago

@Naglfar seconded on those job quotes. It maybe wouldn’t be too far off if incels got involved with law enforcement and/or the armed forces, especially with how much they have in common with fascists and conservatives regarding some of their ideals on how society should work. I read somewhere that a lot of far-right people fought in the Iraq War after the US military failed to convince everyone else to enlist in the war effort.

Slightly off-topic: I would probably have to start worrying more and more about my mental health because of the NHS here, Brexit, BoJo and Trump. I may not get the treatment I need – I’m not sure about getting like sectioned here in the UK but I feel like I might need it especially if I do not get better.

Currently I’m waiting on a letter as I write about this, to get more of a “specialist” referral. I have seen an online therapist but they deemed my personal issues to be too long term for them to deal with, so they’re discharging me.

My sleep’s also suffering but this is because I tend to stay up late – this has been because I tended to sleep too early in my teenage years, but it’s been made worse with me talking to people online pretty much every single fucking night. I don’t think I feel disciplined enough to take on my shit sleep but if I don’t do anything about it, getting employed would be very difficult for me. My parents sometimes work night shifts but I still think getting such jobs are much more difficult than more typical day shifts or flexible shifts. I’ve considered buying melatonin, but I do have to seek medical advice first. I don’t know if my GP and medical professionals around here would be able to take care of two rather unrelated issues at once. I guess I just hate sleeping early knowing that the people I want to talk to will have all come back from work by that time, and that I may lie awake in my thoughts otherwise.

Incels would think women were insane for speaking out against abusive relationships should it have affected their physical and/or mental health, they’ll enable pedophiles and do generally more harm than good, probably like practice something that would be tantamount to eugenics if they happened to be in higher positions and especially if they happened to be involved in private healthcare.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

The subreddit is locked. I wanted to read all the really important stuff these guys say! Honestly, David, how did you sneak in. Never mind, don’t blow your cover.

I am sure i could become a competent physician

No, you couldn’t. Get that thought right out of your head.

[E]ven if i dont like to “heal” some of the bitchy girls sort” i would try to be all professional but it would still disturb me.

No, you wouldn’t. Also, no one cares whether you would be disturbed.

What can i do to overcome this feeling and how can i cope with that?

You cannot overcome the feeling. Coping? Nah, that’s not what a true incel does. Also, you couldn’t do it.

Listen to me. You are doomed to failure, and possibly prison, if you attempt to interact with anything that lives, whether for pay or otherwise.

I suggest you become a grave digger. It would appeal to your hatred of life. Do not, under any circumstances, have anything beyond minimal, work-related interactions with your fellow grave diggers. They don’t deserve to hear your hateful thoughts. Also — and this is very, very important — do not sexually assault the corpses.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I guess that still leaves pathologist as an option.

Which really has to be the easiest job in the world anyway. It’s surgery on dead people. How do you fuck that up?

My dad was a pathologist, and it is entirely possible to fuck up. Pathologists not only do autopsies, they do clinical lab tests and biopsies on living people, sometimes under a stressful deadline while the patient is still on the operating table. Make a mistake there, and a patient could easily die (or, on the flip side, receive unnecessary treatment). Pathologists have to establish time and cause of death and occasionally testify in court. If they get that wrong, innocent people can go to jail (or murderers can get off scot free). Dad’s proudest accomplishment was that he never got sued.

Speaking of getting sued, this attitude…

I am sure i could become a competent physician and even if i dont like to “heal” some of the bitchy girls sort” i would try to be all professional but it would still disturb me.

…almost guarantees he’ll get sued. His contempt for Stacies and Chads will be obvious, no matter how much he tries to fake compassion. Not giving a shit about them means they’ll get suboptimal care. Disliked doctors get lower patient satisfaction scores, which translates into a bad reputation, a hit on the wallet, and the risk of litigation. Nurses, residents, and attendings won’t want to work with him. Adcoms will smell his narcissism a mile away and screen him out (it’s what they’re trained to do).

If this guy is only in it for the money and the status, he’s going to be in for quite a shock when he graduates from medical school $200k in debt, with another 3-8 years of residency at barely more than minimum wage ahead of him before he can start paying off that loan. Residency is long hours, little sleep, and lots of stress. If he doesn’t have a passion for helping patients to keep him going through the rough times, he’s going to be really miserable.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
5 years ago

Over here (Israel), because places in medicine studies programmes are extremely limited, most (if not all) universities have decided to add another test as part of the requirements – one geared toward skills that are more than just the cognitive “book smarts” kind. Specifically, looking for things like compassion, an ability to handle complex situations (rather than simplistic thinking) and so on. I know of a biographical questionnaire, asking things like “Describe an event when you had hurt someone close to you; What happened? What did you do? How did you feel? Would you have done anything different?” (I’m paraphrasing of course), and I know they do simulations with actors, and I think some places might also do an interview? Not sure.
Anyway, I wonder how well this guy would do on such tests – judging from the way he writes, I don’t think he’d be able to “outsmart” them (I’ve worked a bit in grading the questionnaires, and it’s painfully obvious when someone is just trying to write what will make them look good), but he probably knows enough to at least not write about Chads and Stacies in an official text like that, so I wonder how much of the toxicity will actually be evident. Probably at least some, and I’d like to believe it’ll stop him even getting in.

(On a side note, the optimistic side of me is hoping that the fact he’s even asking how he can stop feeling the toxic things he’s feeling is a good sign, and that maybe his time in college will help open his eyes. But then again, he’s asking that in an incel forum, of other incels, so the toxicity just gets amplified…)