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Incel wants to become a doctor. There’s just one problem: He doesn’t want to treat Chads and Stacies

“I can’t treat you; you’re too hot!”

By David Futrelle

“RoNyyso,” a 21-year old incel just about to start college, dreams of being a doctor. Well, at least he dreams of making a doctor’s salary. There’s just one little problem: He’d prefer that Chads and Stacies remain sick.

“I dont really have an urge to ‘help people,'” he confessed in a post on the Communitycels subreddit.

Especially when i have to heal Chads and Staceys to make their life better/easier.

Oh sure, he continued, he would go ahead and treat them. But he wouldn’t be happy about it.

I am sure i could become a competent physician and even if i dont like to “heal” some of the bitchy girls sort” i would try to be all professional but it would still disturb me.

What can i do to overcome this feeling and how can i cope with that?

One commenter offered him the perfect incel “cope.” He could just think about how much he was screwing them over financially!

Chad and Stacey or someone is paying out the nose for them to be there (assuming in United States). When you go to the doctor the doctor’s office fucks you, no two ways about it. Wouldn’t it feel good to be getting a salary from those types of people’s cash and having a great lifestyle because of it? Like “way to go, your 3rd gonorrhea treatment just got me a new watch!”

Such is incel career advice.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Eurgh. I hope I’m not the only one here who thinks incels are beyond hope and redemption. Throw ’em all in a fucking hole.

Crys T
Crys T
5 years ago

Just like to point out that post mortems are only one, relatively small, part of what pathologists do. Most of the time, they’re checking samples from living patients to ensure the cells are normal, as well as overseeing a wide array of clinical tests.

This includes things like pap smears & breast biopsies, so pathology is one of the last places you’d want to put an incel.

5 years ago

He’ll be right at home with Randroids and lolbertarians, who also hate that the hippocratic oath doesn’t allow doctors to ideologically screen patients.

5 years ago

I’m picturing the movie Awakenings if Robin Williams was a raging prick.

I see it ending differently than it did.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

Re: warped senses of humour:

I knew a fellow who, when asked his job, would look around furtively, then lean in close and stage whisper, “I see dead people.”

He was an assistant coroner.

Yes, that sort of thing is very much its own sort of coping mechanism.

I lurk, a lot
I lurk, a lot
5 years ago

No. Definitely NOT research. I work in research, and we do NOT need unethical people.

5 years ago

I dont know how they do it in other countries, but part of getting accepted into medicine in australia is a psychological evaluation to make sure they have the right attitude and coping mechanisms. This became a necessity to try and stem the abysmal suicide rate amongst student doctors. Not everyone has the stamina to survive 5-7 years of extremely taxing tertiary education followed by 3-5 years of low wage intern labor and attrocious hours.

I somehow doubt these incels are going to pass that test. You cant get THAT bitter without showing signs of poor cognitive strategies and emotional instability.

5 years ago

When I worked at the VA hospital, one of my jokes was that anatomical pathologists really had their work cut out for them.