open thread trump

Has Trump just sent us stumbling into a war with Iran? Open Thread

Iranian General Qassem Soleimani: Assassinated

A top Iranian military leader — Qassim Soleimani,
commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force — has been killed in an airstrike on Baghdad ordered by Donald Trump. Soleimani was an incredibly popular and powerful political figure; this is a political assassination that will inspire violent retaliation and could very well lead us into a full-scale war with Iran.

Why would Trump do this? It’s not too hard to guess — during Obama’s term Trump repeatedly charged that Obama would launch an attack on Iran for political gain, and history suggests that Trump’s accusations are almost always projections.

Trump’s only explanation for the assassination so far? He tweeted a blurry clipart US flag.

I think it’s safe to say we’re all in deep shit now.

Open thread. No trolls.

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5 years ago

@Amtep – well, crud. Thanks for the info!

Cats In Shiny Hats
Cats In Shiny Hats
5 years ago

I am terrified. My Special Person just retired from the US Army, but is still young and could be easily called back. I want to scream and cry for help, but there is no help right now. Only fear of the future unknown.

Sheila Crosby
5 years ago

I don’t think Trump will deliberately start a war, but he insinctively escalates everything all the timeand never seems to think more than onemoveahead.

Dammit there was a pretty good peace treaty with Iran. Well, the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Trump had to tear it up because it was an Obama success.


5 years ago

@Sheila Crosby

I don’t think Trump will deliberately start a war, but he insinctively escalates everything all the timeand never seems to think more than onemoveahead.

I agree that he’s impulsive and doesn’t think about what he’s doing, but I do think he would deliberately try to start a war. He probably has the delusion many conservatives have of war as glorious victory. This conveniently ignores the reality of soldiers dying or being maimed, harm to civilians, PTSD, and a million other things.
Trump is just a chicken hawk, in other words.

5 years ago

Also, even if he don’t want, his counsellors might want one (see above : creating new client states). That the idea come from him or not isn’t terribly important, doubly so because he is senile anyway.

I was very annoyed to see french newspapers say “the strike that costed its live to Qassim Soleimani” instead of “the assassination of Qassim Soleimani”, but then I looked to american headlines with “Trump disrupted an attack on the US”, and finally I think I can forgive the euphemism use.

5 years ago

Was scrolling through David’s Twitter feed and read Graham Allen’s tweet.. Insinuating that Christians who oppose this war are fake since he had Christians in quotes. I will never ever understand those following a pacifist who condemns all acts of violence being pro war.

I don’t think this act will end nicely and we’ll probably start reading the news stories about deployments and military action soon sadly. We’ll see soldiers and other branches be glorified by Trump meanwhile not doing anything to help those suffering because that’s too “socialist” I knew of guys who were very conservative and very pro military glorification. But despised all social programs for vets (and people in general) if vets were sick or needed help, they had to figure it out themselves according to their thinking.

5 years ago

@Simon: As entertaining as that possibility is, you just know that if Ivanka was turned into chunky salsa that Trump would go berserk and probably try to launch ALL THE MISSILES.

5 years ago

@Tohka : there’s another, a bit more subtle, fuck you to the christian philosophy in this tweet.

He insinuate that there is no free will and everyone dance according to God’s plan. Except that mean that the core message of Jesus, which is that redemption can come to anyone that actually want it, is hollow and wrong.

That being said, thoses christians in name only basically spit on every actual value in the New Testament, not just on freedom and on pacifism.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
5 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if David Icke had it right. What if they’re really just shape-changing lizard-people, out to destroy humanity?

Would they act any different if they were?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

@Lukas Xavier:
If they really were lizard people out to destroy humanity, I’d have expected them to be borderline competent at it.

A human going beyond incompetence to anti-competence is far more believable, sadly.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago
Joseph Zowghi
5 years ago

My sister was yelled at and blamed for the Iran Hostage Crisis…by her kindergarten teacher. Yes, a five-year-old child in Maine is clearly in cahoots with Khomeini because she has an Iranian father.

My brother was working at an auto parts warehouse in 2001. After the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked his co-workers figured he was in cahoots with Al-Qaeda. I mean, he was one of “those people”. It’s just obvious logic. So they talked to the manager in an attempt to get my brother fired. When that didn’t work, they chased him around the warehouse floor with a forklift to scare him into quitting.

I wonder where these people have ended up. I wonder if they’ve realized the error of their ways or if they’re still railing against the brown people in their midst, hoping that Trump will save them from the scourge of immigrants, Muslims, and the PC police.

I wonder how long it will be before my siblings’ children face what their parents have, or worse. I wonder how much worse it could for them, and I don’t want to think about that. But I can’t help it.

5 years ago

@Joseph Zowghi
I’m sorry to hear about the harassment your family has faced. I hope they don’t experience any more going forward, and that they are safe.

5 years ago

I kinda hoped we were just finished with war

tim gueguen
5 years ago

To add to my comment from last night I suspect Andrew Scheer would have been a giant bootlick to Trump in a situation like this. “We stand strong with Canada’s greatest ally.”

It should be noted that Canada does have military and police personnel in the region, including in Iraqi. Firday the Canadian government advised Canadian citizens to consider leaving Iraq and Iran and not travelling to the area.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Bah, that’s one post that the intermittent absence of the edit feature really hurts. Firday indeed.

5 years ago

What a surprise, the assassination was a spur of the moment thing and not a meticulously planned operation.

Thanks Trump to be a murderous, short-minded assholes, and thanks Obama to have created a world where an idiot can decide to suddenly assassinate an high ranked official between the wine and the cheese.

(while there’s plenty of good things to say about Obama, him legitimazing drones is unforgivable)

5 years ago

Much as I’d like to just point and laugh, it’s a bit hard to do given that 1- This will all end in tears for way too many people and families and I’m incapable of not empathizing, and 2- There’s a saying that goes “when the US has a cold, Canada coughs”, i.e. we’re likely to face some blowback too just because we’re the orange troll’s neighbors.

The closest thing to a silver lining I can see in this is that I seriously doubt this alone could spiral into WW3, given that for that, someone like China, Russia, India, or many other smaller countries would have to join in with Iran to escalate the conflict that far, and currently the Big Three’s governments are far too viciously self-centered (as well as Muslim-unfriendly) to do that, and the smaller countries are either not interested (most of them) or dealing with their own problems (Syria, Yemen).

@tim gueguen – Agreed RE: Scheer. I may hate Jean Chrétien but I was so glad the Iraq war was declared while he was still in charge, because I’m damn sure Scheer’s predecessor Stephen Harper would also have been a giant bootlick had he been in power then.

@Joseph Zowghi – Sorry to hear that, you have my sympathies. That blind hatred is so incredibly stupid. I remember a counselor at my college had to deal with that kind of racist bullshit from time to time, but the real zinger here was that he wasn’t even of Middle Eastern/Mediterranean descent or a Muslim – he was a francophone Québécois without a drop of Iranian/Arab/Berber blood, but the genetic lottery just happened to give him facial features closer to the general typical Middle Easterner/North African phenotype and a natural tan, and people gave him shit just for that.

5 years ago

Will Trump be satisfied with a war, though? Sure, it would demonstrate his bigly power, and provides money-making opportunities, but other presidents have started wars. But there’s one thing no president since Truman has done: use nukes. If Trump did that, his place in the history books would be assured, which must be a tempting prospect to him. If the current tit-for-tat escalates enough – for example, if Iran carry out an operation within the US mainland – he may feel he has sufficient excuse.

5 years ago

@Moggie : while I won’t put above him to make a false flag iran invasion, I think Iran could not make an operation within the US mainland, and even if they could they would not want to.

If your intention was to imply the operation would be entirely propaganda, then my apologies.

5 years ago


while I won’t put above him to make a false flag iran invasion

I’d say the chance is non-zero that Trump could do a false flag or otherwise claim Iran is planning an attack. The irony, of course, is that his supporters constantly accuse Democrats of creating false flag school shootings and terrorist attacks but they’d never question a Trump-led false flag of Iran.

5 years ago

@Ohlmann, “operation” could mean simply shooting a general at home, or planting a car bomb, or a cyber attack against the power grid.

5 years ago

Or something totally unrelated to Iran that Trump decides to baselessly blame on them.

5 years ago

Ah, ok then. Sorry, I though about a land invasion.

And yes, given that the 11th september have served as one of the pretext to invade Irak, who had a laic dictature, pretty much anything vaguely hostile made by anyone would be enough.


5 years ago

Depressingly, as topical as ever: