alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies literal nazis mad libs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny white supremacy women are children women shouldn't work women's jobs aren't real

Now the Daily Stormer is mad at … Stargate Atlantis? For portraying women as competent?

Torri Higginson as Stargate Atlantis’ Dr. Elizabeth Weir: Dangerously competent?

By David Futrelle

In today’s edition of Nazi Mad Libs, the [DAILY STORMER] is mad at [STARGATE ATLANTIS] for [PORTRAYING WOMEN AS COMPETENT.]

Andrew Anglin, the Stormer’s head boy, starts off his post on the subject by admitting he’s a fan of the long-defunct show, whose final episode aired more than a decade ago.

Nonetheless, he’s distressed by one element of the show that he thinks strains credulity much more than the idea of “ancient pyramid civilizations building wormhole portals.” It features women who are good at their jobs,

He laments that the commander of the Atlantis base on the show is a woman Dr. Elizabeth Weir, and that one of the other main characters is, in his words, “a sultry mulatess who is a master of martial arts.”

Never mind that in the real world there are plenty of women running important institutions. And there are others who are masterful martial artists.

As Anglin sees it, Stargate Altantis’ terrible artistic defect — the inclusion of female characters who know what they’re doing — has infected TVland generally. “You all know this is in every single show,” he whines. “There are always super-competent women.”

Indulging in the same sort of extreme misogyny we see amongst MGTOWs and many others in the manosphere, he’s convinced that in the real world, women can’t do anything well.

“[I]f you look around you,” he writes,

you will not find a woman who can manage a McDonald’s. ..

In real life, women are virtually incapable of doing anything, at all. They cannot handle any situation that involves pressure or stress without having an emotional breakdown. And this is universal.

His evidence?

You all know this from your own experience.

No I don’t. I’m pretty sure that’s some sort of logical fallacy. Ad Populum? Consensus Gentium? Something along those lines.

You have all seen women who are put in positions of authority and are completely and totally incapable of handling the situation, and end up having men prop them up at every turn.

Yes, and I’ve never ever seen this happen with a man *cough* Donald Trump. Although, to be fair, the men propping him up are nearly as incompetent as he is.

It is more likely that you’ve seen a Stargate portal than a woman capable of competently managing a complex situation.

The only thing that women can do competently is sit around and gossip. And you’ll notice that this is the main thing that you witness them doing in real life.

With the exception of a few clear thinkers like himself, he asserts, everyone is willing to believe in what he sees as the myth of female competence, even though the evidence against it is all around them.

But everyone in society has this concept that women are capable of being competent, and that it is just the ones that they meet in their personal lives who just are – by coincidence – completely incompetent.

So how does Anglin explain this? He thinks everyone has been secretly baboozled by the “subliminal” power of the media — in particular, all those shows portraying women as competent.

This is a mass psychological phenomenon, that is purely the result of exposure to entertainment media.

“Entertainment media,” huh? Can you see where this is going, because I can see where this is going.

We need to be aware of the way TV tropes have invaded our psyches.

But somehow they haven’t invaded Anglin’s psyche?

And we need to ask why, if these women are incapable of doing literally anything at all, we have a massive and massively expensive education complex existing for the ostensible purpose of educating them to put them in jobs where they will take on responsibilities they are biologically incapable of managing.

When Nazis start asking these sorts of loaded questions, it’s pretty much a given where they are going. And Anglin, though he disappoints the world in so many other ways, does not disappoint us in this regard.

[W]e may ask ourselves: is this all part of a Jewish conspiracy to keep us from breeding by ensuring that the creatures which should be carrying our children – white women – are playing a children’s game where they pretend to be men?

Ah, yes, The Jews put the fictional Elizabeth Weir in charge of a fictional Stargate base in order to … keep white women from, er, breeding by inspiring them to get jobs?

Anglin isn’t the only Stormer writer arguing that women are by nature incompetent. A recent post by “Pomidor Quixote” — the Daily Stormer’s go-to contributor for all things misogynistic — takes aim at the recently deceased Sue Lyon, an actress most famous for playing Lolita in Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of the (in)famous Nabokov novel.

Quixote notes that the five-times-married Lyon had a child with one of her husbands who happened to be black. In Quixote’s view, this proves that women aren’t capable of making rational choices.

“Treating women as equals and allowing them to make choices results in life stories like Sue Lyon’s,” he writes.

Women can theoretically rival men in IQ, but their brains never mature into proper adulthood. They are eternal children enslaved by their feelings. …

Yet we pretend that women are the same as men, we pretend that they are adults, and we pretend that they are capable of making good choices for themselves. …

People nowadays see all these women ruining their lives, betraying their people and hurting future generations and they shrug it off with some cookie-cutter slogan like “their body, their choice.”

That’s right; he’s mad that women have the right to choose who they love and who they have sex with.

We can only pray now. Pray that the collective soul of our people will be strong enough to come up on top of this sick trial.

Pray that your soul will endure walking through this hellscape of unbridled succubi.

Succubi, huh?

I’ve said this before, but when it comes to their views on women, the Daily Stormer is actually worse than Hitler.

I rather suspect that the Daily Stormer crowd would consider this a compliment.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Hey Andy, Fancy Nancy ‘Queen of All that is Pantsy’ Pelosi urges you to shut the fuck up.

5 years ago

Where is Andrew Anglin these days? Last I heard he fled the country to avoid paying damages in a defamation suit.

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

If Andrew Anglin wasn’t a literal Nazi, or even someone that I had any respect for, his disgusting belief that the media somehow “tricked” men into thinking that women were their equals, would be rather shocking. As it is, bigoted losers like him expect us to believe that the media somehow “tricked” white people into thinking that blacks weren’t all a bunch of “savages” who couldn’t control their desire to rape white women, so coming from someone like him, this is anything but surprising. The only thing surprising about it, at all, is that he chose to focus his wraith on a TV show that hasn’t even been on the air for about a decade. You would think with of the success of us “evil SJWS” and our “anti white,” pro gay, pro “race mixing” agenda that he would be talking about something much more current. I guess Andrew somehow came to realize what a waste of time and an utter failure it was for them to protest the first film in the new Star Wars trilogy because it had a black lead. Literally no one cared, except for racist losers like him and his friends.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
5 years ago

What Anglin and the other neo-Nazis don’t grasp about the capablities of woman could fill several volumes of an encylopedia on women’s history.

5 years ago

I’m assuming he has some bullshit reason about “submitting to masculine authority” to ignore the existence of Samantha Carter, supergenius and eventual CO of SG-1 and Atlantis.

5 years ago


What Anglin and the other neo-Nazis don’t grasp about the capablities of woman could fill several volumes of an encylopedia on women’s history.

Which they’d never read because they’d say it was “SJW propaganda.”

5 years ago

They must piss themselves over that one Atlantis episode where a female Marine gets her mind stuck in the body of scientist Rodney McKay and forces him to go do things against his will. Like, go running. And kiss a guy she had a crush on.

5 years ago

Man, I bet these guys hate G.I. Joe, which pretends to be all-American and patriotic but showed women, people of color, and women of color all being as ridiculously competent as their white male counterparts. And unlike SGA, it’s still in publication.

5 years ago

I can actually believe that when Anglin looks around at the women in his life, he sees nothing but incompetence. I leave it as an exercise to the reader as to whether this is because a) competent women intimidate him and so he avoids them, b) he is willfully blind to the competence of women, or c) some combination of a) and b).

5 years ago

Last we heard, Anglin wants to avoid women entirely, so I gues that means he won’t see any competent women. As a woman, I can only hope he keeps his promise and avoids all of us, and I imagine everyone else here agrees. I’ll do my best to avoid him.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

Women are enslaved by their emotions. Unlike super rational and level headed men such as Anglin who very rationally goes on conspiracy addled rants about an old TV show.

Anyway, happy New Year all. Let’s hope that 2020 is miraculously not as fucked up as this decade was.

I only just got off of work and don’t feel that energized, so I’m just going to hang at home and watch Hulu with a few glasses of wine.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Pray that your soul will endure walking through this hellscape of unbridled succubi.

Are succubi routinely bridled? I … I don’t know what to think about that.

5 years ago

@Naglfar I wish he’d just go full Skoptsy already.

Joseph Zowghi
5 years ago

Isn’t Anglin still in hiding to avoid the consequences of all the lawsuits against him?

5 years ago

That would be a step in the right direction. I know some MGTOWs get vasectomies, but I have yet to hear any of them go full “greater seal”.

@Joseph Zowghi
Least I checked, he is. That’s why I’m curious where geographically he is, since he clearly has internet access to be posting this.

5 years ago

Wow….just wow I can’t even handle this guy. My manager at Radio Shack was a woman, the owner of a successful comic book store chain I worked at is a woman, as is the manager. My mother managed an entire branch of the lung association of Canada. Who does this dip shit think he is?

Ann K
Ann K
5 years ago

Let me guess: Anglin doesn’t actually KNOW any women over the age of twenty-two, and if he did he would be terrified of them. If you restrict your acquaintances to those who fit your favorite stereotype, then the stereotype obviously wins.

5 years ago

It’s baffling how he’s going after SG:A for portraying military women as “incompatent” when being in the military would (supposedly) demand a level of professionalism and compliance. And he bascially his claims of wanting SGA to be “realistic” by portraying women military service members as “incompatant” when in reality it would stretch suspension of disbelief.

And these chuds like to claim that progressives are somehow the ones “running entertainment media”. This guy and his Nazi-propaganda rag is trying hard to ruin one of my favorite military sci-fi series with his Misogynistic, antisemitic tinfoil chewing.

5 years ago

By their very own arguments they somehow think that raising children is a job that should be left to incompetent people. I do not think much of people who have such little concern with the bringing of a human being to a healthy and well balanced adulthood. They obviously have not achieved it themselves.

5 years ago

Yeah he really got us by talking about the show the modern show that’s influencing people today…..Stargate Atlantis.

5 years ago

Crip Dyke:

Are succubi routinely bridled? I … I don’t know what to think about that.

I love this comment so much.


Reggie, the neighbour's cat
Reggie, the neighbour's cat
5 years ago

Hang on, if women are so super incompetent, how can any woman be competent enough to pretend to be competent on a TV show or in a movie? Doesn’t that require competence in the first place?

tim gueguen
5 years ago

I wonder if Anglin realises he’s sinning against conventional right wing orthodoxy. After all he’s claiming Margaret Thatcher was incompetent.

Anglin is lucky ghosts don’t exist, or Boudica or Tomoe Gozen might visit him some dark and stormy night.

5 years ago

@tim, that’s different because Thatcher agrees with Anglin on stuff.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago

you will not find a woman who can manage a McDonald’s

That’s weird; the vast majority of McDonalds managers I know of are all women. Shift, Store, District, mostly women. At least in the area I work in.

Reminds me of those guys who pitch a fit whenever the subject of fast food workers getting a living wage comes up, with all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over all the kids and 19 year-old managers that will no longer have jobs if wages go up. Makes me want to ask them what stores they go to, since I’ve never seen one staffed by fairies and unicorns before, since it’s impossible under the current labor laws to have the primary staff of a 24 hour fast food store be just underage kids.

Depending on their exact age, they’re forbidden from actually cooking the food, let alone clean the grills and filter the vats. They can only work a few hours in the evening, and have to be off the clock by 9-10p. It’s a bit looser during the summer, but the kids are still working restricted hours and times (the earliest they can come in is 8a over the summer).

And those precious 19 year-old managers the wage complainers ‘worry’ over, the vast majority of the ones I knew weren’t there because they were bored and wanted something loltzy to do for a few hours every day. They had some combination of spouses/significant others, kids, and schooling they wanted to pay for and would very much like a living wage to do that on, thank you very much.

But hey, if you’re someone who literally can’t see a fast food worker in front of you that’s not under 18, then I guess you really do think that invisible fairies and unicorns made your food and took your money, because how else did you get it otherwise? Right?

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