By David Futrelle
So I thought I would take a look at the Men’s Rights subreddit today, and as usual I learned a lot.
I learned …
... that feminists fighting for women’s rights “on the basis of equality” are against equality.
… that men are oppressed by women wearing leggings to work.
… that men are unfairly being denied credit for inventing high-heel shoes.
… that men who even suggest that “there might be a gynocentrism going on” are unfairly mocked.
… that male feminists are all incels in the making.
… that if you got a disposable Gillette razor for Christmas (!?) you should return it to the store because MISANDRY.
… that Men’s Rights Redditors will happily give more than 180 upvotes to dudes who post incoherent walls of text accusing feminists of, among other things, removing “gentiles” from Greek statues.
Dude, setting aside the whole genitals/gentiles problem here and the fact that what you’re saying about Greek statues isn’t, you know, true, I think you might have a little bit of a statue fetish.
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I definitely support the removal of Confederate statues. There is no good reason to keep statues of men who fought to maintain slavery and destroy America.
I’d imagine MRAs would probably be big on censoring statues. TERFs might as well. I can just imagine a TERF demanding the censorship of statues of Hermaphroditus because they display an androgynous form with intersex genitalia. From what I’ve seen, TERFs either flat-out deny the existence of intersex people or really don’t like them, so they would not like such a statue.
“I am uncomfortable when history and literature aren’t about me.”
I can’t believe how often this argument crops up in manosphere circles as an example of Serious Rational Thinking. “Animal X engages in behavior* Y, so humans should do it too.” It’s a variation on “But Jimmy’s mom lets him stay up late and eat whipped cream for breakfast!”
*Behavior Y is ALWAYS some form of patriarchal, regressive, thuggish behavior. Because civilization is the crowning achievement of history and we should be kowtowing and thanking men for it, but also we need to discard it and return to the jungles/oceans/caves.
These are the same sort of guys who would wax rhapsodic over the purity of white marble statues, and absolutely blow their tops when they see the reconstructed paint jobs, right?
“Although there is a persistent, racist preference for lighter skin over darker skin in the contemporary world, the ancient Greeks considered darker skin” for men to be “more beautiful and a sign of physical and moral superiority.”
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Of course, they’re quite selective about which animals they choose to look at. I have yet to hear any claim we should follow the way of the black widow spider, where the females eat the males after sex; or the banana slug, which bites its own penis off.
They purposely ignore the obvious, which is that if a behavior or hierarchy was in our instinct, we’d do it automatically without being told to do it by clueless grifters.
@Victorious Parasol
I can just hear the white nationalists screaming that this is the work of “cultural marxists” because alt right crybabies can’t live with the idea that their beloved ancient Greeks didn’t idolize snow white skin.
@ Naglfar
Oh, fersure. Check out this other quote from the New Yorker article:
@Victorious Parasol
IIRC the ancient Greeks also had some different ideas than the contemporary alt right regarding genitals (or “gentiles”, as the MRAs spell it). They thought that small penises were best and that large penises were funny.
Since it is known that the ancient Greeks did what we would now call BDSM, this makes me wonder if they had large penis humiliation instead of small penis humiliation.
All of which is to say, once again, that the manosphere’s blathering about absolute standards of beauty and cultural norms is all a load of codswallop.
This can even happen to barely 20 cm long mini statues of cartoon “bait”.
I think you may have just chanted “Walter” five times while looking into a mirror in a dark bathroom.
@Malitia, Redsilkphoenix
In Boston there are statues of ducklings in a public park (a reference to the children’s book Make Way For Ducklings, which is set in Boston) and each winter people put hats and scarves on them.
I’m not sure I get your joke. Can someone explain? My apologies if it should have been obvious.
Do traffic cones count as clothing? If so clothing statues is popular in Glasgow.
The tiny statue I showed is a reference to this local cartoon from the 80’s.
“A nagy ho-ho-horgász” translates approximately to “The great fi-fi-fisher” so yes, the worm is a very sarcastic bait, who helps (he treats it as a very shit job) the main character in his (totally inept) attempts of catching fish.
Under “Feminists Ruin Everything”, the 4th line of text from the bottom – what the hell does “crunchy roll banned” mean? Does anyone have any ideas?
David Bowie was beautiful. I especially loved his look in “The Man Who Fell to Earth,” which I saw on cable TV during the 1980s. I wanted red hair just like his, soooo bad. Too bad I lacked the complexion to go along with it.
It’s referencing a former troll from a few years back. A very odd duck indeed, too, who firmly believed that the hierarchy of men was determined by dick length (girth didn’t count, far as I recall).
YAY! I can finally answer a trolls of yore question!
Maybe as improvised hat’s perhaps?
Crunchyroll is an animé-streaming website. I watch things on it occasionally. I have a very long backlog on my viewing queue of series which I plan to get to watching “someday”.
I don’t know what series they’re talking about. Crunchyroll does generally use the “censored for broadcast” version of series which contain nudity and/or sexual content, but they’ve never been shy about including controversial content. Nor have they been shy about showing uncensored versions if they can get it. For example, this coming season they’re including “Island of the Giant Insects” which supposedly contains insect-on-human rape. (I checked just now to make sure they didn’t pull that one over complaints. So far, they haven’t, so that’s not it.)
They do occasionally pull things due to legal and contract disputes, or remove things from their site a few months after the series run due to getting only short-term streaming rights, but I’ve never heard of them caring what either SJWs or anti-SJWs think is appropriate. Then again, I haven’t been on the site that much for the past few years, so I can’t say for sure.
Thank you, that makes more sense. I was unaware of said troll.
Oh gods I remember that guy, he showed up here more recently under a different generic white dude name IIRC. People fairly tore him a new one. Consensus as I recall was that he was a penis size humiliation fetishist, but the humiliation he got here was of a very different and less appreciated sort. 🙂
He’s pretty much the only troll I remember*, being generally bad with names. The rest blur together – not him though!
*Well, there were the Shakespearian dude, but he weren’t memorable enough for me to recall his names.
I feel like it’s possible a lot of incels have that fetish or similar. There’s nothing wrong with fetishes, but IMO trying to force non consenting outsiders in is never ok.
What about Jim and Sack (also known as Sackus)?
Oh, someone hasn’t heard of Walter? Buckle up; it’s a wild ride.
Thank you, kupo.
*Reads date. 2019.
I’m going to stand by my “few years back” assessment. This year has been several millenia long. 😛
Crunchyroll (it would help if the MRA could spell it correctly) is a streaming service, like Netflix or Hulu, that specializes in anime.
They carry literally hundreds of shows, so our evil SJW mastermind plan of (allegedly) getting one whole show banned, on one particular service, is obviously a massive threat to all of anime /s
*reads the link*
Well, that was nonsensical even by manosphere standards. Penises have intrinsic value to the universe? I know some men seem to think the world revolves around their dicks, but few openly claim that it’s of intrinsic value to the universe.
That sounds rather like something Jordan Peterson would say, though.
Oh, there is definitely something from a few years back with walter. Let me see how good my Google-fu is.
Found it!
Edit: there are mentions of him being “back” in that thread, so there’s more out there!