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“Greek statues are modified to remove the nipples and gentiles” and other insights on feminism from the Men’s Rights subreddit

I guess her arms weren’t Jewish

By David Futrelle

So I thought I would take a look at the Men’s Rights subreddit today, and as usual I learned a lot.

I learned …

... that feminists fighting for women’s rights “on the basis of equality” are against equality.

Every-single-time I encounter feminists they can’t help but explode in a rage when I point out how feminism is in no way about ‘equality’. Even the dictionary definition says it’s “the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” Meaning it does nothing about men’s issues.

… that men are oppressed by women wearing leggings to work.

Most women already dress casually compared to men in the workplace; now feminists are fighting for the "right" to wear leggings to work

… that men are unfairly being denied credit for inventing high-heel shoes.

Men Invented "High Heel Shoes" - Shocking as it is, men were actually the first to implement and wear the phenomenon we today call a High Heel Shoe. Men don't get enough credit or any credit at all for it though #LMAO. (Educational)

… that men who even suggest that “there might be a gynocentrism going on” are unfairly mocked.

A woman cas accuse me of anything, no matter how silly, I am the one who has to be on defensive.

A woman can slap me in the public. I can't hit her back. The moment I do, everyone around will jump me and beat me to pulp.

Education system = women overload. Woman teachers always play it safe and lack any critical thinking whatsoever.

If I dare to only hint there might be a gynocentrism going on, I am instantly labeled incel, women hater etc.


So what can I do? Avoid all women? Is it really the only option? And I am well aware gynocentrism is caused by men, that's what's even sadder.

… that male feminists are all incels in the making.

Are Male Feminists the Leading Source of Incels?Social Issues (self.MensRights)

submitted 3 days ago by TibortheChechen

Think about. They try ingratiating themselves with women by being male feminists. It doesn't get them any nookie. All it gets them is universal derision from both women and men.

So they bounce to the opposite extreme and come incels.

I have personally know two guys like this.

… that if you got a disposable Gillette razor for Christmas (!?) you should return it to the store because MISANDRY.

A reminder to return this trash if it was given as a gift

… that Men’s Rights Redditors will happily give more than 180 upvotes to dudes who post incoherent walls of text accusing feminists of, among other things, removing “gentiles” from Greek statues.

Feminism is ruining everything. How, now let me tell you. Mens clubs and boy schools don't exist anymore because of feminism but yet woman clubs and girl schools still exist. And boy scouts don't exist because now their accepting girls in boy scouts but girl scouts are restricted just for girls. And now feminists are trying to ban fathers day. Nude Greek woman statues are not the same any more because feminists are complaining about them so now either A. The Greek statues are modified to remove the nipples and gentiles or B. The nude female statues are removed from museums and B is way more common than A. And I've only seen a nude woman statue 2 times out of the many museums I've been to and yet the feminist are fine with male nude statues. And feminists are trying to ruin the gaming industry by complaining how woman are portrayed in video games and forcing them to look ugly. Now in TV shows feminists are forcing the woman portrayed as strong smart and independent and the men portrayed as weak, stupid, and dependent. N low feminists are trying to ruin Anime by complaining how woman look and the perverted bits but men getting objectified in anime is fine for feminists. And SJW are complaining so much about anime that crunchey roll banned an anime that SJW where complaining about. So do you agree with me?

Dude, setting aside the whole genitals/gentiles problem here and the fact that what you’re saying about Greek statues isn’t, you know, true, I think you might have a little bit of a statue fetish.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
5 years ago

… that male feminists are all incels in the making.

Hi! I’m an AMAB feminist in a happy relationship with an AFAB partner. My feminist practises of not being a complete turducken of a person and seeing my partner as a human being with their own interests that partly but not fully overlap with my own definitely helped out in that regard.

As far as I can tell, both male and female (and other) people in my life (including my partner) don’t sneer at me with derision for having feminist beliefs. I work with a lot of different people on a daily basis and they tend to appreciate being seen as persons.

I get the impression that if one were to swing from self-identified male feminist to incel… Well… One’s self-identification was misinformed at best and more likely insincere and/or opportunistic. And since these types seem to believe any self-identification as a male feminist is insincere opportunism… Well, I’m questioning the posters anecdotal sources.

Anyway, I hope everyone had okay holidays/wednes/thursdays. Have fun with the new years celebration if you are so inclined. I know I’ll spend it playing D&D with my partner and two of my closest friends (also AMAB feminists I might add).

Miri Rabinowitz
Miri Rabinowitz
5 years ago

I think you might have a little bit of a statue fetish.


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve never heard of a feminist trying to alter a statue. I do remember when right wing Christian Attorney General John Ashcroft did it though.

Also, lots of feminists have pointed out that high heeled shoes were invented by and for men. Because we like to point out that there’s no reason men shouldn’t wear heels if they want and there’s no reason to expect women to wear them if they don’t want to. Because high heels are not inherently gendered female. So go ahead dudes, take credit for high heels. But when you do, point out that it’s because men wore them.

5 years ago

For a group that doesn’t exist anymore, the Boy Scouts sure have a fancy website.

5 years ago

If I dare only hint that there might be a gynocentrism going on, I am instantly labeled incel, woman hater etc.

So what can I do? Avoid all women?

“Wow, one little hint that I think women are too uppity and suddenly I get labelled a woman hater! Me! Can you believe it? Hate women?? Anyways I’m thinking I should try to avoid all women forever.”

5 years ago

@Battering Lamb

TBH I suspect most “male feminists” who become incels/MRAs/etc. were there for the cookies and social clout to start with. Or just incredibly self-centered assholes. Guys like Louis CK etc.

5 years ago

i know for a fact that there are two guys only high schools in my area, i went to the girl only one and we paired up for our plays to get cast members, do these guys not know how to google lmao

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago

I’ve seen naked(ish) statues get clothes put on them, but that was seldom because of fear of nudity. Normally it’s because it’s winter outside and passerbys feel the need to put warm clothes on them (usually hats and scarves, given shirts and pants are almost impossible to get on one). Or if said statue is in a college town, it will wear the team jersey during playoff time as a gesture of support. Prudery usually has little to do with covering statues, I’ve noticed. At least where I’m at; other places may differ on that point.

5 years ago

Weird, I’ve seen feminist complaints that a lot of the “classical” female statues and paintings are too de-sexed, but never the reverse. Straw feminism strikes again, I guess.

mish o
5 years ago

Nude Greek woman statues are not the same anymore

Truly, this is the line of the century. I’m picturing this guy visiting museum after museum, approaching the statues excitedly, only to turn away, consumed with disappointment, yet again. He takes out a little notebook, crosses off an item in a list, then leaves.

5 years ago

@Battering Lamb

Anyway, I hope everyone had okay holidays/wednes/thursdays.

I just got home from going out to dinner with friends to celebrate the holidays, eating way too much, then going to the musical instrument shop and jamming on various instruments until they closed. A pretty good night.


Also, lots of feminists have pointed out that high heeled shoes were invented by and for men.

IIRC high heels were invented for horseback riding.

And a lot of men can look good in high heels. Look no further than the glam rockers of the 1970s (David Bowie comes to mind).

The irony of their straw feminists is that MRAs would probably get on well with TERFs, who sound like straw feminists more than any actual, non-transphobic feminists I know.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

And a lot of men can look good in high heels. Look no further than the glam rockers of the 1970s (David Bowie comes to mind).

I can’t even count how many women I know who have reported finding Bowie attractive. I wish more men would accept that we don’t all want “alpha” males.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

I think my earlier post got eaten or moderated (my bad, as I mucked up my nym). But I was imagining the museum guy wandering through the museums of the world, getting sad at all the “nude Greek woman statues” because the feminists got there before he did.

@wwth – Bowie was absolutely gorgeous. I’ve always loved that kind of look on guys – or girls for that matter.

5 years ago


I can’t even count how many women I know who have reported finding Bowie attractive. I wish more men would accept that we don’t all want “alpha” males.

Count me in as finding Bowie much more attractive than some “alpha” PUA chud.

The whole alpha-beta male thing is rooted in so many layers of wrong I’m not even sure where to start. Wolves don’t actually have an alpha-beta structure, the scientist who originally proposed it retracted his findings and apologized, but it was too late. Even if wolves did have alpha-beta hierarchies, that wouldn’t mean that humans would as well, and there’s 0 evidence for such a structure in humans.
Plus, if women were only attracted to one type of man, there would be extreme sexual selection towards that type and we wouldn’t have any other phenotypes. The fact that other types of men exist is proof that not all women have attraction to one type.

5 years ago

I’m pretty sure almost all the Greek statues are of gentiles. Certainly the male ones are.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

or girls for that matter.

I’ve always wished I could do the Annie Lennox/Tilda Swinton androgynous type look. But I’m too voluptuous to pull it off. Grass is always greener I guess. I was a late bloomer and when I was still in a training bra in 9th grade I was dying to have big boobs.

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5 years ago

I’ve never heard of a feminist trying to alter a statue.

I mean, I’m pretty sure most feminists (the intersectional ones at very least) support the removal of Confederate civil war statues, does that count?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Good point. I amend it to say that I’ve never heard of feminist trying to alter a statue for nudity censoring purposes.

Fuck Confederate statues though.

5 years ago

Regarding Bowie, I am of the same generation as any number of people who experienced their first sexual awakening watching Labyrinth and being mesmerized by “The Area” of Bowie’s costumes. The fact that it had to be pointed out to me was a pretty good sign that I am very straight.

There was a Jim Henson exhibit in my city a few months ago, and it included Jareth and Sarah’s masquerade ball costumes. Some dedicated soul had strategically padded the Jareth mannequin to ensure that it was Bowie-accurate.

(My 80s fantasy movie childhood sexual awakening was Joanne Whalley in Willow. It probably explains why my reaction to a woman in a bikini is “she has a lovely figure” while my reaction to a woman wearing armor and brandishing a sword is “be my bride.”)

5 years ago

I’ve always wished I could do the Annie Lennox/Tilda Swinton androgynous type look. But I’m too voluptuous to pull it off.

Androgyny doesn’t have to be waifish! Someone with a voluptuous figure can look just as marvellous in the right suit.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I am of the same generation as any number of people who experienced their first sexual awakening watching Labyrinth and being mesmerized by “The Area” of Bowie’s costumes.

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Androgyny doesn’t have to be waifish! Someone with a voluptuous figure can look just as marvellous in the right suit.

I should specify that I just mean how I view myself and am not judging how people of any body type want to do androgyny! I’m just ridiculously hard on myself and have body image issues, so while I don’t like how I look in anything, I can sort of accept myself in a knit top with a skirt and that’s about my only comfort zone.

5 years ago

Highly likely the MRA who claims to have encountered ex-feminist incels has actually encountered ex-Nice Guy incels.

Classic Nice Guys are these proto-incels who feel they treat women relatively respectfully and aren’t rightfully sexually rewarded for that. When/if these Nice Guys join actual incel communities, it’d perfectly fit the ethos to brag about “not being a nice guy any more”.

5 years ago

The gynocracy of femail teechers is oppressing me by making me lern tu spel korektly!
(Normally not a spelling or grammar nazi, but for him I’ll make an exception.)

Expo 1986 in Vancouver was run by a right-wing Christian businessman. He made them put a bra on the figurehead of the tall ship shown, and made one of the national pavilions cover up a photograph of a beach scene that had a topless woman in the background, much to their bemusement.
If there ever is a cover-up of the countless nude women in painting and sculpture, it’s always done by religious figures screaming about the moral depravity.

5 years ago

Re: heels

It’s often noted that the use of heels originated as men’s fashion. This seems slightly different from “crediting” men for the “invention” of heels, like it’s some important technological breakthrough.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

So what can I do?

You can avoid all women.

Avoid all women?

Yes, avoid all women.

Is it really the only option?

Yes, avoiding all women is really the only option.

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