alpha males bad science beta males chad thundercock evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men rape culture tyrone white genocide

Incel genocide? Conspiracy theorist claims the government is trying to eradicate beta genes by refusing to fund incel plastic surgery

It all makes sense now

By David Futrelle

You’ve all heard of “white genocide,” I presume — that racist conspiracy theory claiming that evil “cultural marxists” are trying to genocide the white race by encouraging whites to miscegenate white genes away until, several centuries down the line, everyone on earth is the same shade of tan?

Now the incels have their own weirdly complicated genocide theory, courtesy of an commenter called Metabuxx, who is convinced that the government’s refusal to fund plastic surgery for incels is part of a massive plot to “eradicat[e] beta genes from the genepool.”

Let’s let him explain:

The biggest problem most nations face today is overpopulation and there are very few ways to control it. First one is genocide of subhuman beta males as we are nothing more than biological wastes and our deaths won’t affect the economies of nations at all.

Metabuxx acknowledges that the earth’s evil rulers — presumably Chads and Stacies all — haven’t yet started murdering betas en masse yet. But that’s just because they know they don’t have to.

[T]hey are not opting for [mass murder] yet because the problem is still solvable by a more subtle approach, which is eradicating beta genes from the genepool.

The first step in this dastardly plan? Give women the right to decide who they want to have sex with.

[T]o accomplish this they have given women all the power in the world. Governments have know all along that women are hypergamous in nature and they will never breed with a beta male. So by giving them the power, they are making sure that the process of mate selection strictly resides in their hands.

Naturally, the ladies choose to have sex only with Chad and his black counterpart, known amongst racist incels as Tyrone. This will ensure that no beta males will be able to pass along their beta genes.

Government wants the new generation of men to be the descendants of Chads and Tyrones solely and since only 5% of men will be breeding with 100% of foids the population is bound to decrease.

Naturally, the evil feminists are involved.

And the government extending its full support to the feminist movement whose primary purpose to put an end to the practices of women cohabiting with beta males further supports my theory. This is the reason why feminists glorify cheating, polyamory, abortions, hookup culture and women who do these things are labeled as empowered and independent.

But the government knows that if incels could get plastic surgery they too could look like Chad and Tyrone — and possibly fool the, er, “foids.”

The reason why governments won’t fund looksmaxing surgeries is because if we get it, we’ll be as good as Chads and foids won’t be able to spot the difference between us and natural Chads. And if some foid mistakenly bred with us our subhuman genes won’t be exterminated from the genepool, which is not what the government wants.

So the government nefariously refuses to fund this foid-fooling surgery, thus ensuring that only a tiny percentage of incels will be able to afford it.

But even those betas who can afford to make themselves look like Chad won’t be able to pass on their genes due to … *checks notes* … VACCINES!

[I]f some rich beta does gets a looksmaxing surgery, the government has a backup plan too, which is vaccination. Our genes are not strong enough to resist the side effects of vaccines that is autism but Chad’s powerful genes can easily resist it. Vaccines are strictly designed to harm betas, not foids and Chads. That’s why the government funds vaccination programs so that we become autistic and foids could easily spot that we are subhumans and refrain from breeding with us.

And so those with beta genes will ultimately be wiped off the face of the earth, eventually, with the process of their eradication sped up a little by … *checks notes again* … land mines?

Its a very big conspiracy against us and we are losing every battle and in a couple hundred years we’ll loose the whole war. Betas of the future generation will be slaves to foids and they will be forced to work in sewers and land mines until they succumb to their deaths. The cost of evolution of mankind into a more intelligent and powerful species will be paid in our blood.

So there you have it!

Say what you will about this dumb theory, it’s still not as dumb as the flat earth theory, so at least the incels have that going for them.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago


Also, if women are as hypergamous as the esteemed Mr. Metabuxx claims, why would they only breed with Chads, AKA 5% of the male population as he claims later on? 20-to-1 ratios would make this pretty much impossible unless women had much, much less active libidos than men (which, again, doesn’t appear particularly compatible with hypergamy).

I think the incel belief is that women only get horny for Chads, so I’m effect they do have lower drives.

Also, given that I’ve seen quite a few guys on the autism spectrum who had girlfriends

I’ve seen the same thing. I’ve had partners in the past, although I’m not currently in a relationship. Then again, I’m not a guy, but I lived as one for years before understanding my identity.

Anti vaxxers can go fuck themselves. That’s all.

Regarding white supremacists and inconsistency, my favorite thing to make fun of with white supremacists is, if they’re supposedly the “master race” then how is a group that makes up 0.2% of the world population waging a genocide against them?

@Victorious Parasol
They’d never be satisfied. David did a post a while ago about incels getting plastic surgery, and that was the end result.

5 years ago

@Paireon : part of their “logic” is that all sex is reproductive, because women are not conscious enough to like sex, they just want Chad’s baby. In that light, for one men to make 20 women pregnant each year seem at least physically possible.

I don’t find a way to be amused by them. In the first place because I don’t see it as self deprecation but more as a way to build up hatred ; in a lot of sense they seem to think quite highly of themselves. And there is, just like for white supremacist, that sort of undercurrent that if they get serious they will enact a genocide or twelves and everything will work as it should again.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


Government run health insurance won’t provide me cosmetic surgery because they’re secretly using our hideousness to commit stealth genocide against incels!


Here. Have cosmetic surgery to correct actual deformities. Also, if your appearance is causing acute psychological distress that, in the assessment of your doctor, would be relieved by further surgeries that are not addressing any specific deformity, we’ll fund that surgery as well.


The government is telling us we’re not attractive enough to breed, which validates every criticism we’ve ever made about the misandry of the sexual marketplace!

5 years ago


What about the cases when, incel or not, someone holds the idea that sex should only be reproductive?

5 years ago


I think the incel belief is that women only get horny for Chads, so I’m effect they do have lower drives.

Which still puts the lie to the whole hypergamous thing, but fair enough LOL.

I’ve seen the same thing. I’ve had partners in the past

Good for you, gotta admit I’m a bit jealous since it hasn’t happened to me yet. Not gonna turn into a pissy, entitled far-right manbaby over it, though, fortunately.

Anti vaxxers can go fuck themselves. That’s all.

Preach the word, sister.

how is a group that makes up 0.2% of the world population waging a genocide against them?

That’s how they get you! They make themselves look all oppressed and powerless and victimlike while they secretly rule all the banks and governments and NGOs and the Holocaust was a false flag operation to discredit Hitler and you know they’re Terrible Evil People if they’re ready to kill millions of their own to make others look bad! NWO ZOG is here and coming for you and your little puppy too!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!one!!!1! /SARCASM

@Ohlmann – True, but then according to their “logic” the women’ll want said Chad to take care of them and their babies, which… isn’t quite feasible for the vast majority of men, even the 5% most physically and mentally fit (that would be at least 40 dependents).

And my personal amusement is of the deeply jaded, bitterly cynical, “I laugh because otherwise I’d cry all the time” type. It’s really more of a coping mechanism so I don’t fall into a bottomless abyss of depression, existential anguish, nihilism and despair. I don’t do faith or belief, so hope, no matter how slim, is pretty much the only irrational safety valve I have left.

TB Tabby
TB Tabby
5 years ago

Just when I think the incels have hit rock-bottom, now they’re anti-vaxxers too.

5 years ago


Good for you, gotta admit I’m a bit jealous since it hasn’t happened to me yet. Not gonna turn into a pissy, entitled far-right manbaby over it, though, fortunately.

Don’t feel bad, it’ll happen one day. Don’t give up. In the mean time, know that despite what many would have you believe, there’s much more to life than sex, and one can have a fulfilling life regardless of how much sex they’re having. Enjoy other things in the mean time.

Re: Jewish conspiracy theories:
As a Jew, obviously I’m not a fan of being persecuted, but I do get a weird sort of pride from the amount of power that various awful people ascribe to us. It’s like this:

Conspiracy Theorist: “…and the (((Jews))) run all the banks and created feminism to destroy men and they made the gay agenda and are running a white genocide and vaccinating children…”
Me: “Wow, no wonder I’m tired. I’ve been busy. We must be an industrious people if we’re able to get all that done and still rest on the Sabbath.” /s

5 years ago

This is what happened when 4chan ate the internet. Now that shit’s public discourse because the same borderline outcasts who previously hid these views grew up and got public positions without anyone beating this shit out of them in a traditional – and heartwarming -community condemnation ceremony.

Thanks internet libertarians. Fuck you.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

and the (((Jews))) run all the banks and created feminism to destroy men and they made the gay agenda and are running a white genocide and vaccinating children

Just try and stop me, motherfuckers: I’m burnin’ the menorah at both ends eight days a week!

5 years ago

@Naglfar – Eh, like I said, I still keep hope. And no worries, I’m quite aware sex (either for recreation or reproduction) isn’t the be-all end-all of the human experience. Being weirdly sociable by autism spectrum standards helps.

And in all honesty I’d also probably take a bit of perverse pride in being purportedly able to do all that according to antisemites if I was Jewish too.

Fun fact: witnessed my first menorah burning this Christmas.
One of my father’s partner’s nephews is in a couple with a Jewish woman* and they have two young children, and since Christmas day was the third day of Hanukkah (IIRC) they lit four candles together. Was a nice experience, especially since she took the time to explain to the rest of us (Quebec French-Canadians with a Catholic cultural background, but mostly secular nowadays – I’ve personally been atheist since I was ten) the cultural/religious context and meaning (the flame of the Temple miraculously burning for eight days despite oil shortage due to a siege).

*She and her family are Reform Jews, as well as very relaxed and secular – I’ve seen her eat pork and shellfish. She’s really nice to talk to, and I sometimes ask her questions about Judaism and the Jewish experience when we see each other (once or twice a year usually – they travel a lot for their work/studies), and she answers them as best she can (probably helps that I try to be as respectful as possible despite my curiosity).

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


Lighting the candles isn’t even the best part. Given that the holiday focuses on the miracle of the oil, it has become a de facto commandment that one must eat foods cooked in oil to celebrate.


Seriously, Judaism is the best. Just wait … a month after we throw a birthday party for the trees and eat fruit and drink juice, we’re gonna be religiously required to eat cookies and drink booze until we literally can’t stop ourselves from confusing antonyms when trying to talk.

5 years ago

Good article! Try to remember that “dumb” is an ableist slur though. Better descriptors include: inane, ridiculous, befuddling, fatuous, absurd, asinine, and laughable.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
5 years ago

Wow. That’s several right wing conspiracy theories all rolled up into one neat package! Interesting how they found a way to work anti-vaxx bullshite into it, too! The incels are nothing if not efficient!

5 years ago


I do feel like “asinine” is good here, if rather needlessly mean to donkeys.

@Crip Dyke

Right? Now if only I could even think about Yom Kippur without having a complete breakdown.

5 years ago

Why are they complaining about evolution in progress? They themselves admitted that their genes are subhuman and inferior (in their own minds anyway), and thus the inevitable result is that natural selection will work against them even if governments didn’t have a reason to persecute them (and they don’t, as far as they’re concerned they still function as perfectly good labor since not being a waste of carbon doesn’t disqualify you from working).

Granted this also ignores the fact that governments need to rule a lot of people since that translates to more taxes, but it’s more amusing to turn their own whining about genes against them.

Marina Smith
Marina Smith
5 years ago

Dear God, I can’t believe this shit! It’s both disturbing and humorous at the same time.

5 years ago


it’s better to try and kill them off as a measure of self-defense

Yeah, that kind of talk doesn’t fly here, buddy. Read the comments policy. No advocation of violence on this blog.

5 years ago

What about the cases when, incel or not, someone holds the idea that sex should only be reproductive?

Then they only have sex when they want to have a child. We’ve been over this before.

5 years ago


I don’t know what can comfort me, knowing that I’d have to return favors and hold myself accountable to this religious and ethnic community I’ve been born into.

It also doesn’t comfort me that people outside of my community can find some of their problematic attitudes agreeable, such as insisting on delaying sexual activity until marriage. I almost feel like I’m stuck in a cult.

I want to separate myself from this community but I am worried that all my efforts will be in vain.


Very well. Let David know he can ban me the next time I do this.

5 years ago


What about the cases when, incel or not, someone holds the idea that sex should only be reproductive?

What about them? Why should I care what they think about it? Or anything else, come to that? Oh, right. I don’t. I wouldn’t give a half dram of stale rat piss for their thoughts; they are assholes.

5 years ago

@rv97 : people can live their couples like that if they want, since people are allowed to not like having sex.

If they try to proselitize that, however, I have a problem with that. Even if I, personally, isn’t fond of sex, I am rather attached to individual freedom.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
5 years ago

evil “cultural marxists” are trying to genocide the white race by encouraging whites to miscegenate white genes away until, several centuries down the line, everyone on earth is the same shade of tan

I know it’s a minnow of bad science in an ocean of wrong, but this always bugs me. Genetics don’t work like that. If two very mixed-race tan people have a passle of kids, the kids will come out in all kinds of shades. I seem to remember British fraternal twins in the papers some years ago where the boy was very dark and the girl almost white. Both very cute, too.

And you pass exactly the same amount of your DNA on whoever you have a kid with.

5 years ago

Is it really necessary to have the same conversation over and over again? This has to be at least round 3.

5 years ago

@Sheila Crosby : just as importantly, skin color changed rather dramatically fast to adapt to where people live, so there’s little reason to think that, said, swedish people will ever get black or kenyan white.

That being said, my father is litteraly of a darker skin than most arabs, but have never ever have been said to be anything other than white, because he have all the physical characteristic of white people. Meanwhile, albinos african don’t look like the typical french at all. While people tend to define themselves by color skin, it turn out it’s a group of characteristic, and skin color isn’t terribly important in it.

5 years ago

Aren’t incels doomed to extinction by definition, anyway? If they’re truly incels, then they aren’t having any sex and therefore will not reproduce.

And if they get plastic surgery and become attractive enough to find a partner (leaving aside the problem that it’s their odious personalities that make them unlovable), then they’ll no longer be incels, will they?