alpha males bad science beta males chad thundercock evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men rape culture tyrone white genocide

Incel genocide? Conspiracy theorist claims the government is trying to eradicate beta genes by refusing to fund incel plastic surgery

It all makes sense now

By David Futrelle

You’ve all heard of “white genocide,” I presume — that racist conspiracy theory claiming that evil “cultural marxists” are trying to genocide the white race by encouraging whites to miscegenate white genes away until, several centuries down the line, everyone on earth is the same shade of tan?

Now the incels have their own weirdly complicated genocide theory, courtesy of an commenter called Metabuxx, who is convinced that the government’s refusal to fund plastic surgery for incels is part of a massive plot to “eradicat[e] beta genes from the genepool.”

Let’s let him explain:

The biggest problem most nations face today is overpopulation and there are very few ways to control it. First one is genocide of subhuman beta males as we are nothing more than biological wastes and our deaths won’t affect the economies of nations at all.

Metabuxx acknowledges that the earth’s evil rulers — presumably Chads and Stacies all — haven’t yet started murdering betas en masse yet. But that’s just because they know they don’t have to.

[T]hey are not opting for [mass murder] yet because the problem is still solvable by a more subtle approach, which is eradicating beta genes from the genepool.

The first step in this dastardly plan? Give women the right to decide who they want to have sex with.

[T]o accomplish this they have given women all the power in the world. Governments have know all along that women are hypergamous in nature and they will never breed with a beta male. So by giving them the power, they are making sure that the process of mate selection strictly resides in their hands.

Naturally, the ladies choose to have sex only with Chad and his black counterpart, known amongst racist incels as Tyrone. This will ensure that no beta males will be able to pass along their beta genes.

Government wants the new generation of men to be the descendants of Chads and Tyrones solely and since only 5% of men will be breeding with 100% of foids the population is bound to decrease.

Naturally, the evil feminists are involved.

And the government extending its full support to the feminist movement whose primary purpose to put an end to the practices of women cohabiting with beta males further supports my theory. This is the reason why feminists glorify cheating, polyamory, abortions, hookup culture and women who do these things are labeled as empowered and independent.

But the government knows that if incels could get plastic surgery they too could look like Chad and Tyrone — and possibly fool the, er, “foids.”

The reason why governments won’t fund looksmaxing surgeries is because if we get it, we’ll be as good as Chads and foids won’t be able to spot the difference between us and natural Chads. And if some foid mistakenly bred with us our subhuman genes won’t be exterminated from the genepool, which is not what the government wants.

So the government nefariously refuses to fund this foid-fooling surgery, thus ensuring that only a tiny percentage of incels will be able to afford it.

But even those betas who can afford to make themselves look like Chad won’t be able to pass on their genes due to … *checks notes* … VACCINES!

[I]f some rich beta does gets a looksmaxing surgery, the government has a backup plan too, which is vaccination. Our genes are not strong enough to resist the side effects of vaccines that is autism but Chad’s powerful genes can easily resist it. Vaccines are strictly designed to harm betas, not foids and Chads. That’s why the government funds vaccination programs so that we become autistic and foids could easily spot that we are subhumans and refrain from breeding with us.

And so those with beta genes will ultimately be wiped off the face of the earth, eventually, with the process of their eradication sped up a little by … *checks notes again* … land mines?

Its a very big conspiracy against us and we are losing every battle and in a couple hundred years we’ll loose the whole war. Betas of the future generation will be slaves to foids and they will be forced to work in sewers and land mines until they succumb to their deaths. The cost of evolution of mankind into a more intelligent and powerful species will be paid in our blood.

So there you have it!

Say what you will about this dumb theory, it’s still not as dumb as the flat earth theory, so at least the incels have that going for them.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile:

Betas of the future generation will be slaves to foids and they will be forced to work in sewers and land mines until they succumb to their deaths.

Need more info.

Look, for the forseeable future, there’s going to be a problem with sea level rise, right? That’s an easy fix – just mine more land.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. It wasn’t obvious — until you pointed it out.

5 years ago


In other words, these unfortunate incels die of death, surely the saddest way to expire.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

@Tim Gueguen:

I’m surprised to hear feminists are big on hookup culture and adultery.

Feminists are generally against slut shaming. That we don’t want society to punish women for their sexual choices (based on a long history of society arrogating that power and using it very, very badly) is seen as being “pro-hookup culture”.

It’s much like how feminists fight for the right to abortion and the theocrats and regressives and assorted other misogynists can’t see the distinction between “it’s none of my business” and “yes it’s my business, and you’re going to have that abortion if I have anything to say about it!”

It’s also a little like how many (most?) theists can’t imagine that “I don’t personally believe there is a god” can be any different from “I happen to know for a fact that no gods exist and no gods have ever existed and religion is wrong about everything, not just gods, but also every moral pronouncement that any religion has ever made is the exact opposite of what morality actually should be, so not only is wearing a cotton/poly blend acceptable, but murder is great too!”

Fucking weirdos.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Thanks for the link. I’m glad incels have the statistics to back up their arguments.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

In other words, these unfortunate incels die of death, surely the saddest way to expire.

Because they could not stop stopping for death,
She finally ceased to flee
they wrenched the carriage open and
crashed Her night’s party

Her driver drove, and though in haste
Incels explained this life to Her
Their labor and their leisure;
They yapped, and she demurred.

They spoke of School, where Betas strove
At Recess and at Toil –
They spoke of sowing Wild Oats –
Whose hands had not touched soil –

She spoke up but they talked past Her –
anger aquiver – but they yelled, “Chill!”
She could only pluck at gossamer
rav’ling Her cloak and veil of Tulle

The car stopped at a Hole that seemed
a mine for naught but Dirt
The op’ning Darkness only
Its earth a Prison girt

“Fuck off,” She said, “Get out! There’s home,
your hole, just go away!”
Since then – ’tis Centuries – and yet
Feels shorter than a Day
Now that Governments cage misanthropes
Too Dull for Death to slay.

5 years ago

That’s impressively stupid even by white supremacist standard.

It’s hard to think the author didn’t stop to think at any point during the speech. I had internal voices screaming “IT’S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORK” during pretty much the entire article, but it was physically painful when he talked of “having genes not resistant enough to get through autism”.

5 years ago

Sometimes I think these people can’t be serious. And then I think about the time I got accused of abusing my husband because he had scratches on his back from our love making and I remember that he probably is serious because that idiot was serious.

An Autistic Giraffe
An Autistic Giraffe
5 years ago

Question for Incels: I’m on the autistic spectrum and have a girlfriend. If vaccines are a plot to give ugly dudes autism so we don’t breed, how is this possible?

5 years ago

The link to the article is broken BTW. (I usually tend to double check if the links actually work to what the article talk of, even for trusted sources like this blog)

Christopher Green
Christopher Green
5 years ago

Interesting parallels to arguments for funding of the needs of trans folk. I imagine that’s how his weird rant may have started?
But of course, being an incel and “needing Chad surgery” is not a reasonable thing, or a human right.

5 years ago

@Christopher Green : I think the real argument is that trans surgery do lower suicide rate and increase happiness in the majority of recipient, while nothing of the sort have been recorded for esthetic surgery as far as I know.

If operating people to conform more to standardized beauty standards made them happier, less hateful, and/or had a noticeable psychological benefit, I would say it would be worth looking at the cost/effect ratio. But the first step is to have somewhat solid proof of that.

5 years ago

It’s much like how feminists fight for the right to abortion and the theocrats and regressives and assorted other misogynists can’t see the distinction between “it’s none of my business” and “yes it’s my business, and you’re going to have that abortion if I have anything to say about it!”

It’s the totalitarian principle. “Everything not forbidden is compulsory.” They literally can’t see the difference between “can” and “must”.

5 years ago

Yes. They think pro-choice means pro-compulsory-abortion, despite the clue being right there in the word ‘choice’. It’s like they don’t even logic (bro).

5 years ago

Bakunin –

This is white supremacy. So, according to them, the world is overpopulated and getting worse even though birthrates are supposedly falling, because they’re only concerned with pure white babies being born and *that* is the “birthrate” to which they are referring.

5 years ago

Yes. They think pro-choice means pro-compulsory-abortion, despite the clue being right there in the word ‘choice’. It’s like they don’t even logic (bro).

To be fair, they call themselves pro-life when they actually mean pro-forced-birth. It’s just another case of conservatives projecting their own nastiness and duplicity onto their opponents.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ Ohlmann

If operating people to conform more to standardized beauty standards made them happier, less hateful, and/or had a noticeable psychological benefit, I would say it would be worth looking at the cost/effect ratio.

Here, the NHS differentiates between reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery.

Reconstructive surgery is available to repair or reconstruct tissue damaged by illness, accident, or as a result of birth defect. So that would include things like cleft palates or breast reconstruction after mastectomy.

Cosmetic surgery is only available on the NHS in cases of ‘significant psychological stress’. So that’s things like ear reshaping for kids. It can include breast surgery (implants or reduction) but then the Daily Mail gets all outraged about it…

5 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
There was a case a few years ago of a woman with a condition causing extreme breast growth which was making her life extremely difficult, and the NHS refused to fund reduction. The Daily Mail had thoughts then as well, which IIRC mostly consisted of slut-shaming her on the basis of her breast size.

5 years ago

The breast reduction example also show another thing : it’s often a mixture of “I want to attract less attention” and “my back is litteraly killing me” (plus other possible health problems depending on exactly how big they are).

That being said, the burden of proof for something as far fetched as “plastic surgery would make me happier and help me find a mate” is a tad bigger in my opinion than something reasonable like “not having breasts as big as my head will help my back”. At least, there is a reasonable, provable link here.

Unrelated : the sheer, utter stupidity of all they say about “beta genes” and “powerful genes” is still amazing me. If they were as bad in math as in biology, they would write “2 + 2 = salmon” and hoping everyone would understand what they mean.

5 years ago

Why would a devious government want a bunch of hard to control alpha males?

5 years ago

Isn’t the entire point of betadom that women prefer to reproduce with alphas in an entirely natural process?

5 years ago

Somewhat OT, but it’s a bit depressing (should be shocking, but this is the shitty world we live in) that such articles like this exist (basically, an article talking about the importance of red pilling women).

I am so angry that I am just really tempted to blame religion for this (especially since after reading an article via the blog Angry White Men), but the same article also cites evo psych as the reason for why women can be drawn into or coerced into this sort of ideology. Said Wonkette article also cites white supremacist beliefs, but I believe this mindset can affect everyone else who lives outside of white majority countries or communities, sometimes with the additional reason being the colonial mentality.

It’s also really frustrating for me to read that Native Americans are told to “go back to where they came from”, even though the very stolen land those pieces of anti-immigrant shit complain the Natives are at is their home – the headline was enough to piss me off.

I don’t know how we’re going to convince those people. I almost feel like a temporary restriction of religious and possibly speech freedoms should take place in America to not only prevent the climate crisis but to engender a progressive society in a way, but since America prefers to consider itself a Christian over a secular state, that will only benefit especially fundamentalist Christians. It will also not account for those who do not necessarily believe in a God, but believe it’s “natural” for women to be deemed inferior to men, and people of color to white people. This is why I feel like I’m getting sympathetic to anarchist or at least more radical thought – it’s better to try and kill them off as a measure of self-defense, lest trying to engage with them is tantamount to agreeing with them and normalizing their repressive ideas. I also like more radical forms of belief because I’ve pretty much lost faith in the legal process and large institutions at least for a few specific aspects, like copyright.

This shit pisses me off, and while I would try and do something about it, I don’t know what to do. Generally, I feel like I can’t or won’t do anything about it (the latter is sometimes out of my control, i.e. family obligations) and I’d feel like part of the problem.

I should consider unsubscribing from such email alerts to stop myself from getting pissed off, but I’d also feel like I’d be part of the problem from being unaware of those issues. In places that aren’t strongly politically oriented, sometimes, people whose views are very repressive happen to be able to take part. I don’t know about the nature of online gaming spaces, but sadly, it’s the home of many such people, and online gaming (without getting into conversations) is one of the very few things I enjoy doing in my spare time.

I live in a rather liberal town (it’s been a site of pro-EU, pro-XR and anti-Trump demonstrations), so I feel like that people who live here are pretty much doing the heavy lifting in challenging repressive norms, but one town can’t do much when it’s kind of the exception to the rule in many places nation- and worldwide, and some people with repressive beliefs do live here too.

5 years ago

And since they’re often pretty young guys that want to feel apart of something and human connection, their need to keep each other by hurting each other is twice as apparent

They lack the ability to emulate how a normal, loving person would behave in order to lure unsuspecting prey into a relationship and subject them to the gradual process to put them in a mental prison. They’re failed, ineffective predators who have no one left but each other to desperately cling to and cannibalize.

5 years ago

In other words, these unfortunate incels die of death, surely the saddest way to expire.

People die if they are killed LOL.

Also, if women are as hypergamous as the esteemed Mr. Metabuxx claims, why would they only breed with Chads, AKA 5% of the male population as he claims later on? 20-to-1 ratios would make this pretty much impossible unless women had much, much less active libidos than men (which, again, doesn’t appear particularly compatible with hypergamy).

I’m also very much amused by their morbid, obsessive self-deprecation. The way Metabuxx is saying it, it’s like it’d be a net utilitarian gain to breed out “betas” (never mind the brain-meltingly stupid non-understanding of basic heredity), but gets as outraged about it as the Stormfront crowd gets about “white genocide”, who at least have the slightly less illogical position that they’re the superior ones (somehow, despite everyone else having an advantage over them, again according to them; more on that later).

Also, given that I’ve seen quite a few guys on the autism spectrum who had girlfriends, I’m very much in doubt of his vaccine bullshit (especially since it’s the same goddamn tripe the anti-vaxxers have been peddling for at least a decade by now).

One thing I will consider something of a “positive”, though, is that they’re more consistent than other white supremacists, as they claim the reason they’re in danger is due to their “inferiority”, while most white power circlejerk conspiracy theories claim that “da non-whites” are motivated by envy of the Glorious Master Race’s superiority while simultaneously giving every advantage imaginable to said non-whites (Blacks are stronger and more virile, Asians are smarter and more industrious, Jews are all financial and social engineering evil geniuses, etc., etc.). It’s still illogical and dumber than an anvil factory*, but it’s an amusing touch of almost-originality.

*with apologies to anvils

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

These particular incels would probably make lousy post-surgical patients. Would they follow instructions, or would they declare, “You can’t tell ME what to do!”?

Though I doubt they’d ever be happy with the results of the surgery, or admit that whatever’s “wrong” with them isn’t something that can be resolved with a scalpel.