
By David Futrelle
You’ve all heard of “white genocide,” I presume — that racist conspiracy theory claiming that evil “cultural marxists” are trying to genocide the white race by encouraging whites to miscegenate white genes away until, several centuries down the line, everyone on earth is the same shade of tan?
Now the incels have their own weirdly complicated genocide theory, courtesy of an Incels.co commenter called Metabuxx, who is convinced that the government’s refusal to fund plastic surgery for incels is part of a massive plot to “eradicat[e] beta genes from the genepool.”
Let’s let him explain:
The biggest problem most nations face today is overpopulation and there are very few ways to control it. First one is genocide of subhuman beta males as we are nothing more than biological wastes and our deaths won’t affect the economies of nations at all.
Metabuxx acknowledges that the earth’s evil rulers — presumably Chads and Stacies all — haven’t yet started murdering betas en masse yet. But that’s just because they know they don’t have to.
[T]hey are not opting for [mass murder] yet because the problem is still solvable by a more subtle approach, which is eradicating beta genes from the genepool.
The first step in this dastardly plan? Give women the right to decide who they want to have sex with.
[T]o accomplish this they have given women all the power in the world. Governments have know all along that women are hypergamous in nature and they will never breed with a beta male. So by giving them the power, they are making sure that the process of mate selection strictly resides in their hands.
Naturally, the ladies choose to have sex only with Chad and his black counterpart, known amongst racist incels as Tyrone. This will ensure that no beta males will be able to pass along their beta genes.
Government wants the new generation of men to be the descendants of Chads and Tyrones solely and since only 5% of men will be breeding with 100% of foids the population is bound to decrease.
Naturally, the evil feminists are involved.
And the government extending its full support to the feminist movement whose primary purpose to put an end to the practices of women cohabiting with beta males further supports my theory. This is the reason why feminists glorify cheating, polyamory, abortions, hookup culture and women who do these things are labeled as empowered and independent.
But the government knows that if incels could get plastic surgery they too could look like Chad and Tyrone — and possibly fool the, er, “foids.”
The reason why governments won’t fund looksmaxing surgeries is because if we get it, we’ll be as good as Chads and foids won’t be able to spot the difference between us and natural Chads. And if some foid mistakenly bred with us our subhuman genes won’t be exterminated from the genepool, which is not what the government wants.
So the government nefariously refuses to fund this foid-fooling surgery, thus ensuring that only a tiny percentage of incels will be able to afford it.
But even those betas who can afford to make themselves look like Chad won’t be able to pass on their genes due to … *checks notes* … VACCINES!
[I]f some rich beta does gets a looksmaxing surgery, the government has a backup plan too, which is vaccination. Our genes are not strong enough to resist the side effects of vaccines that is autism but Chad’s powerful genes can easily resist it. Vaccines are strictly designed to harm betas, not foids and Chads. That’s why the government funds vaccination programs so that we become autistic and foids could easily spot that we are subhumans and refrain from breeding with us.
And so those with beta genes will ultimately be wiped off the face of the earth, eventually, with the process of their eradication sped up a little by … *checks notes again* … land mines?
Its a very big conspiracy against us and we are losing every battle and in a couple hundred years we’ll loose the whole war. Betas of the future generation will be slaves to foids and they will be forced to work in sewers and land mines until they succumb to their deaths. The cost of evolution of mankind into a more intelligent and powerful species will be paid in our blood.
So there you have it!
Say what you will about this dumb theory, it’s still not as dumb as the flat earth theory, so at least the incels have that going for them.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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If a woman made the first move on me… Well, I’d be startled and disbelieving, but that’d be my low self-esteem and general pessimism talking; if I could catch myself quick enough to not make a complete ass of myself it’d be a major confidence boost and would go a long way towards me accepting said advances. As for having an agenda, liking me enough to view me as a potential partner and acting on that feeling is one I can definitely live with.
Also, RE: insecure men being the sexist ones: Not an expert, but my hypothesis is that people might be confusing “being insecure” with “feeling threatened”. You can be secure and confident yet still feel threatened by something, especially if that something is perceived to endanger/replace what you consider the source of your confidence/security; the biggest egos tend to be the most fragile. Also, maybe confusing “touchy-feely”/emotionally expressive and being able to deal with emotions in other ways than repressing them – those miggies talk about the “happiness” and “serenity” their lifestyle choices and views give them, but their simmering anger and frustration seem to boil over anytime something happens to challenge them, or merely present a potential alternative.
I’m tired from the holidays so I hope I’m still making some amount of sense (and not making an ass of myself, again).
I’m so tired I read that as “I’m from the holidays” and couldn’t figure it out. ?
I suspect it’s related to a need for control. They don’t want to make the first move, because then she might say no (which, admittedly, can royally suck). On the other hand, they don’t want her to make the first move either, because then they’re not in control anymore.
This again relates to an inability (or unwillingness) to deal with women as actual human beings. What they want is a sex dispenser, not a girlfriend. I just wish they had the self-awareness to recognize that and go their own way already.
@kupo – LOL I can totally relate.
@Lukas Xavier – Hey now, some of them want more than just sex dispensers! They also want cleaning dispensers, meal dispensers, and even secondary income dispensers! And maybe baby dispensers, as long as it means they don’t have to take care of said babies. /s
I’m no expert either, so I don’t really know a better term either. I’ll admit to having invented some words as well, especially regarding intersectionality, when I didn’t know the best term for a certain idea.
@Lukas Xavier
That, but it’s also to create a deliberate no-win situation. By creating a viewpoint in which no matter what, women are doing the wrong thing, they can be mad at women all the time.
Also emotional labor dispensers. In most relationships women do a disproportionate share of the emotional labor. MRA projection complexes flip this to claim that women use men as “emotional tampons”, when really just about all the time it’s the inverse.
The MRA view on babies seems to be that they want white babies but refuse to take care of children. I’d guess a lot of MRAs would be abusive fathers and/or deadbeat dads.
@Naglfar –
Yes, because heaven forbid a Real Man(tm) having to deal at all with unmanly emotions! Love, sadness, grief!? That’s for pussies! Anger, aggression, pride, entitlement, that’s where it’s at when you’re a Real Man(tm)*!
*happiness not included.
And yeah, I somehow doubt MRAs would be the best dads; even those not in the categories you mentioned would still indoctrinate their children with their unhealthy ideologies. I shudder at the thought.
We don’t even need to speculate: we know for a fact that Paul Elam, who preaches about how single mothers are the root of all evil, is a deadbeat dad to kids from 3 different marriages. We also have this creepy tract on raising a “red pill son”, this awful parenting advice column from Return of Kings, and their repeated defenses of abusive fathers (too many instances to count). They also all seem to be big proponents of corporal punishment.
I think the evidence is in that MRAs are awful parents.
On the idea of “Joss Whedon Feminism”:
My take on him is that, while the series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” was ground breaking in many ways, his “genius” was more in selling a half-real half-superficial-with-subtle-patriarchal-undertones version of moderate feminism to the conservative-leaning owners of mass media and potential male watchers whose main exposure to feminism were straw caricatures. While mainstream feminism was well ahead of Whedon even in the 1990s, there was little chance that an unapologetic girl-power series was going to get greenlit, or popular enough to last 7 seasons (an audience of almost exclusively liberal or feminist-leaning women wasn’t likely to sustain a high-budget show like that). For those who were in their teens and 20s back then, the show was a breath of fresh air which we can be thankful for, even if some of it doesn’t hold up well today.
That being said, while he was the right person at the right time, Whedon’s time is long past. He’s proved that some of his feminist views are as superficial as they seemed, and not a subtle bit of genius to get certain men on board with it. He hasn’t meaningfully grown or changed. He’s still a decent writer, if somewhat tainted by his bad behavior, just not for a feminist audience.
If you’re looking for a man who actually did have that bit of subtle get-those-moderate-conservatives-on-board genius, and has kept up with the times, a possible candidate is J. Michael Straczynski. (Note: his groundbreaking series as a writer was the original She-Ra. As a director, it was Babylon 5.) I haven’t followed his career nearly well enough to be certain of that recommendation, but if I’m not off base here, then he probably doesn’t get enough credit for it.
…there was little chance an unapologetic girl-power series was going to get greenlit otherwise. Darn edit window.
Thank you, your perspective is very appreciated!
I was too young for Buffy myself at the time it came out, disliked Angel too much conceptually when it was running,[1] and only really got into Firefly years after it had been cancelled.[2] So guess it’s partly a time displacement thing.
Re Straczynski, I’ve heard almost entirely good things about him and his work, though don’t really have the spoons to wade through _Babylon 5_ these days unfortunately.
And sorry for the footnotes, my mind’s a bit of a jumble right now.
[1] I only realized much later, but this basically boiled down to the show seeming to be About An Angsty Man Who Rescues Helpless Women, which has always been my least favorite high concept ever.
[2] I did see a few episodes when it was running though, and at the time I really did not like them – I found Mal unsympathetic and abusive, did not like the way the female characters were mostly Vulnerable And Needing Protection, and nearly smashed my TV several times during Objects In Space. On rewatching it years later I found it all awesome (aside from nearly smashing my laptop during Objects), which TBH I consider a measure of how effective patriarchal brainwashing is.
Sometimes, the time and place where things originally existed do have important context. (I know, this doesn’t really need to be said, but I couldn’t come up with a better opening line.)
One example that I think of on occasion is the animé Devil Hunter Yohko (1990). At the time, it was surprisingly quite feminist for something which came out of Japan. Yes, it was largely aimed at a male audience. Yes, there were fanservicey moments when the main character’s clothing gets shredded in battle. Yes, there were even a few moments suggestive of tentacle rape (though it involves vines and doesn’t actually happen like that). But if you can tolerate that, it’s very much a spiritual predecessor to Buffy. I enjoyed it despite a few highly problematic elements. And it turns out, so did a lot of the other women who were early animé fans – it’s not like there was much selection outside of Japan in those days, and basically nothing else which could be seen as even remotely feminist. Even Sailor Moon didn’t exist until 1994.
And yet… it’s aged horribly. Everything it did right has since been done better. Every trope that it invented or helped popularize has since become pedestrian. The writing’s subpar. It stands out only as a historical footnote, or occasionally as a guilty pleasure that only dips into trash territory rather than diving into it. I still think of it fondly, but only in context of its day; I wouldn’t recommend it to the younger generations.
I still have my Devil Hunter Yohko VHS tapes somewhere; agree with you about both Yohko and Buffy.
Donald Trump, the biggest feminist in this universe.
Getting here late, but — Clearly this man has never been to Disney, a beach on a Saturday, a showing of a G-rated movie, any damned church, or, hell, Wal-Mart on the weekend. It’s truly remarkable that he hasn’t noticed how many average-looking people, or even sub-average looking people, have reproduced, many of them more than once.