Have a good day today, whatever if means to you. Open thread!
Oh, and here’s the one Christmas song I actually like.
— David
Have a good day today, whatever if means to you. Open thread!
Oh, and here’s the one Christmas song I actually like.
— David
So nice to hear from you. I’m very sorry about the fires Australia is experiencing. Stay safe. Happy Holidays!
@Universal Kami, sorry :(. I hope that things start to improve for you soon (the weather and everything else). It is indeed a hard time of year for so many of us, which is why the rain helped me feel a bit better – but I’m sorry if it came across as insensitive.
Okie now I’m doing a list of replies so apologies in advance, but so many people have posted interesting/important stuff 🙂
@ObSidJag, I’m so sorry about your horse (and the break-up!). Our animal friends are never with us for long enough.
@Amy E, @Nanny Oggs Bosom, @Kat – thank you so much for your good wishes, you are all wonderful 🙂
@Jesalin, yes please – a visit from Rincewind (if he can get here) is probably just what we need. This reminds me, I’m probably about ready to re-read DW from the start!
@Naglfar, @Universal Kami, @Bakunin – this is of no practical use, but my wish for you is that you’re loved and valued as the amazing people that you are.
Hello! I hope everyone had a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Hog’s Watch, etc! My Christmas was a bit lonely, because all my family is in Adelaide now and I only had 3 days off and I can’t afford to take more time off work to visit them this Christmas. ? I will be visiting early next year, though! ?
I thought December 25 was commonly known as Unboxing Day.
I hope you all had wonderful days! I enjoyed my Christmas extremely. My family and I went to church and my husband loved the lighter I gave him. I got it engraved to say “love you like an eternal flame”. It was a wonderful day.
We’re done, folx. Feminism has finally reached its end goal.
Exactly! ?
((Alright, I have no idea what WordPress was doing to my first comment, so I deleted it to try again.))
For those who are remotely interested (all two of you 😛 ) in an update on a couple of problems I mentioned here over the last few months, here it is.
First, the unemployment overpayments. I finally bit the bullet and called the collections department, since I figured that getting a garnish on my paycheck would hinder me the next time I’m looking for a job. Turns out that I did manage to not report my other job’s income on my vouchers. Oops. (I suspect I didn’t understand one of the questions being asked when filling those out.)
Long story short, I now have to pay unemployment $175/month for the next couple of years to get this debt out of my hair. Along with all my other bills to boot.
((Pt. 2 coming soon))
ETA: WordPress ate the majority of this comment; fix hopefully coming in a few minutes. >:|
((Lets try this again))
For those who are remotely interested (all two of you 😛 ) in an update on a couple of problems I mentioned here over the last few months, here it is.
First, the unemployment overpayments. I finally bit the bullet and called the collections department, since I figured that getting a garnish on my paycheck would hinder me the next time I’m looking for a job. Turns out that I did manage to not report my other job’s income on my vouchers. Oops. (I suspect I didn’t understand one of the questions being asked when filling those out.)
Long story short, I now have to pay unemployment $175/month for the next couple of years to get this debt out of my hair. Along with all my other bills to boot. >.< May have to get a third part-time job to keep afloat at this rate. Or else see if there’s some sort of craft things I can do to sell on Etsy or Zazzle or something to get gas money.
ETA: see if cutting this into pieces lets it go through.
((Oooookay. Now let’s try the next part. My apologies for the spamming; WordPress isn’t letting me do this any other way tonight.))
In other news, I had a visit with a doctor who specializes in brain things (forgot the exact name of her specialty). Long story short(ish), one of my sisters deals with several veterans (administration, not hands-on) who’ve suffered concussions in war. Recently she realized that a lot of the behaviors those guys exhibited were quite similar to some behaviors I exhibited growing up (I was hospitalized with a concussion for several days when I was five), and wondered if that was the cause of many of my issues later in life.
So my sister paid for a visit to the brain specialist (since I can’t afford anything like that on my salaries), and the doctor said I was definitely showing signs of something neurological going on, but she’d have to run several tests to see what it might be. She did say she doubted it was autism, though. Just couldn’t say what, yet.
So I’ve been siting here the last few weeks with the knowledge that yeah, there really is a physical basis for some of my oddities. On the one hand, it’s a bit of a relief to be told that by a professional. Explains a fair bit of certain things about myself, at least.
On the other, I’m not looking forward being treated like I made certain decisions about my life because of this condition, not because I had a plan laid out and going where others wanted me to would have wrecked it. Or because others decided for me what my priorities were going to be, and couldn’t be arsed to take one second to see if said priorities would mesh with my finances at the time.
And/or decided that all I needed to do was learn how to ‘grow up’, pull money out of my butt like all true adults know how to do, and ‘learn how to sacrifice and budget’ and everything would magically fall into place. Because that’s what adults do without being told. And if you have to be told then you’re not an adult and will be treated accordingly. (Yes I’m still grouchy about certain things; why do you ask?)
As an aside, does anyone have a way to set up an account on the IRS website that doesn’t involve handing them a loan number? They want to verify that you’re really you by doing a ‘soft’ credit check (one where it doesn’t register as an inquiry, so your credit score isn’t affected). And I don’t have any of the loans they want for this (student, auto, home, etc.).
And when I click the button for an alternative way of proving who I am, I just get sent back to the ‘Hi; would you like to make an account today?’ starting page, which is less than useful, you know? >.< So does anyone know a way around that feedback loop? My thanks in advance if anyone can help here.
ETA: Again, I apologize for the spamming, but for some reason the Blockquote Mammoth was hungry for words tonight. :\
Does anyone else find it at least a little bit odd that many of the people here talk about WordPress as if it were a force of nature, rather than a machine built and controlled by human beings?
I mean, David should be able to adjust and configure the WordPress installation used by this site however he sees fit, including things like “exempting all regular commenters completely from all spam filtering”, I should think. Instead its behavior is treated like the vagaries of weather, as if beyond any human control, including apparently by the guy who installed and admins this particular instance.
Why is this? Even if he outsourced the direct management of the WHTM WordPress installation to some hosting company, is that hosting company that unresponsive to customer service requests that trying to get them to fix (or even to not-break) things is like Joe User trying to get Google to do something differently with its search engine? Because IMO paid hosting services really don’t deserve one’s money if they provide no better customer service than the giant tech megacorps provide for free services …
It is neither of those things. It is a piece of software; a service running on a machine in one location sending information to a program installed on your computer. That’s all I see people talking about it as, either. Seems most people recognize that sometimes software and/or hardware doesn’t always perform as expected.
It’s the bit where everyone acts like there’s nothing anyone, even the owner, can do about it that puzzles me.