
Pledge Drive Update: Crisis Averted! THANK YOU!

THANK YOU! Your generosity has pulled this blog back from the brink. I deeply appreciate everyone who has donated to this pledge drive, which I’m bringing to a close today — whether you’re a new reader who kicked in a few bucks for the first time or one of the stalwarts whose regular donations truly go above and beyond the call of duty. Seriously, thank you all!

I also want to express my thanks to those who donate monthly, and to those who used this pledge drive to sign up for monthly donations. Your ongoing contributions — and indeed all donations sent in between pledge drives — really help to stabilize the sometimes parlous financial condition of We Hunted the Mammoth.

If you haven’t donated yet but have been meaning to, here’s that button again.

donate button

And if you’re one of those who can’t afford a donation right now, but who still wants to contribute in some way, there are many other ways to help keep We Hunted the Mammoth going — sending in tips for stories, publicizing posts on social media, offering technical support, donating artwork, bringing your insights to the comment section, or any number of other ways. (Just email me at dfutrelle at gmail dot com..) All of these things really do help the blog tremendously!

We Hunted the Mammoth couldn’t survive without the support of you, the readers, no matter what form that support takes.

Thanks again!

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5 years ago

Glad to hear it! Keep up the good work!

5 years ago

I’m sorry I’m not able to donate at this time. I hope to be able to next year. You do good, important, unpleasant work.

5 years ago

I know I swore not to donate but I got paid a little more money than I hoped. Glad it paid off in the end.

5 years ago

I donated for the first time, because you’re doing good work for society in general, and I appreciate it.

Universal Kami
Universal Kami
5 years ago

Unfortunately I couldn’t pay because I’m almost always so poor I can barely afford bills, but when my artwork gets good enough I’ve been wanting to draw a few things for this website.

Samantha Kaswell
Samantha Kaswell
5 years ago

It is an honor and a pleasure to donate, when I can, to this blog. Keep up the excellent work!

5 years ago


comment image

5 years ago

I donated for the first time. Glad it helped.

5 years ago

Thank you, David, for all you do.