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MGTOWs write virtual love letters to their Fleshlights: “Who knew $60 could replace a woman completely?”

MGTOWs do love them some Fleshlights

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By David Futrelle

So-called Men Going Their Own Way are some of the most ignorant motherfuckers on the entire planet. But they do have a certain expertise in a small number of areas — whining, cooking inedible food in great quantities, and of course the fine art of fucking inanimate objects.

Yep, MGTOWs sure do love the Fleshlight — the silicone vagina-simulator that comes inside a plastic shell that looks a bit like the world’s largest flashlight — and aren’t shy about proclaiming this love to the world, at least in the virtual safe spaces MGTOWs have carved out for themselves online.

“[I] fully believe my fleshlight saved my life. by creating an experience in masturbation that was as good as real sex,” wrote TheTruthSetYouFree in the MGTOW subreddit.

“Who knew $60 could replace a woman completely,” he added in another r/MGTOW thread.

Thank you modern silky smooth stretchable plastics. I was released from my hormonal illusions. For a while I still wanted women. I still dated. But sex had 0% power over me. What I saw shocked me. Women literally have nothing else to offer.

“When men en mass value sex dolls, VR, and fleshlights over a woman, it’s game over for the female species,” gloated Gutsybukel, another MGTOW Redditor, arguing (in a separate comment) that

Women are always thinking about themselves and what is there to be gained on their behalf. By men having fleshlights and sex dolls, [women] lose their power and become null and void.

A woman, argued MGTOW Redditor DangZagnut, is essentially

a fleshlight that complains a lot. I can buy a fleshlight for the cost of one date. Except the fleshlight is superior in the sense that it doesn’t have the inherent liabilities as a relationship does.

Over on the forums, the sentiments are similar.

A Fleshlight, snorts a MGTOW called Boar, is

[a] one-time investment that I don’t have to keep ‘hhaaappppyyyyyy’ or worry about its collision with the Wall and subsequent lunacy.

Oh, and it can’t f~~~in’ tweet!

“We’re getting married next month,” another commenter joked about his Fleshlight. “You’re all invited.”

“[F]leshlights are better than women in every way.” enthused a MGTOW by the name of Anthony.

Now only if they made a version where it would make me a sandwhich afterwards and they’ll be perfect.

That said, not all MGTOWs are quite so fervent in their Fleshlight fanhood. Some prefer vagina-simulators from other brands. Some, as one commenter put it, “[p]refer to use a human female body to masturbate with.” Then there’s the MGTOW Redditor who insists that his own particular dick is just too big for a Fleshlight to handle.

There’s also a small contingent of men who prefer to craft their own Fleshlight-equivalents. Some keep it all-natural, and simply carve out the inside of a cucumber. Others are willing to devote more time to fashion something a little more sophisticated.

“A vagina is essentially a blind pouch,” explained hmskl’d on

It is a muscular walled canal with a soft flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation. …

It is so simple in design that it can be reproduced by any beginning anatomy student over a weekend in a homeschool science project using nothing more than some kitchen wrap, aloe containing lotion and some cotton and foam pillow stuffing. I mean the engineering of this is so basic that it only takes simple pressure tweaks and twirly twists in design to actually improve on the sensation. If done fairly correctly .. it will likely produce a “holy-moly” result.

Holy Moly indeed. I think we have at last found a MGTOW who is really and truly Going His Own Way.

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5 years ago


Yeah, I’d probably prefer VR sex to robot sex because the uncanny valley effect is too much for me.

I get it. Automatonophobia. It’s why I couldn’t imagine wanting to own one. I’d be afraid of it sitting up in bed and stealing my soul while I slept.

But I just can’t see VR sex ever feeling like more than high tech masturbation as opposed to something that can replace a relationship.

But people will also have VR sex with each other, not just with Lara Croft.


This whole mentality of wishing for a genocide of half of the human species because women are human beings with rights and autonomy is incredibly alarming.

You’re incredibly melodramatic. Extrapolating genocide from the sort of crass talk that some people like using on the Internet? Take a chill-pill. Nobody wants to genocide your species.


We all are “immune to biology” the way you define it.

Then why do otherwise heterosexual men and women start playing for the other team when they’ve been in prison long enough? Yes, consensual sex does happen in prison. Not all of them do this, but even among the ones who don’t you can be sure that some of them damn well considered it. Even the fucking pirates went gay.

I guess that’s another possibility. If men turn to virtual reality & sex robots there could be an uptick in lesbian relationships. That could be good news or bad news depending on who you’re asking.

Biology isn’t everything, but it’s there and it’s a factor and it will effect the behaviors and choices of lots of people. That doesn’t mean they will abandon all rationality and free will and revert to their reptilian brain or something. That’s black-white thinking.

But hey, if technology makes sex better, I don’t really think that’s a problem. In such a future I’d be far more worried about the same technology things I worry about today; that is, massive corporations controlling our data.

I ain’t. Decentralized & powered by the blockchain, baby! That’s the Internet of the future. One of the driving forces behind its early adoption is the desire to escape de-platforming & censorship, something you lefty progressives are very zealous about doing to anyone you disagree with. Without knowing it you are forcing the evolution of a better Internet. You are doing the world a favor, just not in the way you imagine. I’ve literally considered pretending to be a lefty progressive for that very reason.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

blockchain, baby!

comment image

5 years ago

Sexbots are gross, but given how much of my life I’ve spent playing Sims, I think I could really get into VR, and not just for sexual reasons.

5 years ago


I can’t wait for the Internet to basically become The Matrix. With brain-machine interface you could have instant transfer of vast fields of knowledge that would normally take a lifetime to accumulate. The future is going to be interesting.

5 years ago

I mean, none of that’s actually going to happen and you don’t seem to know much about how either brains or electronics work, but cool, I guess.

5 years ago

Is there a reason you all feel obliged to spend Christmas giving a troll virtual handjobs?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

Batting around trolls is harmless fun considering they get banned if they go out of line.

Any particular reason you needed to get judgmental and any particular reason you felt the need to compare a fairly mild interaction to a sex act?

5 years ago


I don’t think you were reading everything i wrote. I said that women would be relieved if the guys who refuse to stop harassing women who have made it clear theater interested and/or only see sexual value and nothing else in women would just go for an artificial vagina. You’ll notice that’s not all guys, not even most–i know lots of guys who prefer human companionship to an obedient hole that never disagrees with them, and plenty guys who have the decency to not hound a woman who is clearly uninterested in them. Believe me, stalking and being dehumanized don’t magically become acceptable, much less attractive, just because there are fewer men around, and most of us girls have no problem staying single if that’s the only option.

And that whenev robot wives are cheap and plentiful, so will robot husbands, and considering women have been simulating artificial dicks as long or longer than men have–seeing as how phallic objects are easier to produce, often exist in nature and require little to no special alteration–and engaging in just as many fantasies about ideal lovers as men–the idea that there wouldn’t be a market for an anatomical Prince Charming (or irl choose-your-own-Twilight-hunk robot) and women will all just regretfully “compete” for the remaining men and wish they’d been more open and appreciative to being stalked and dehumanized and judges by guys who didn’t have all that much going for them themselves is a straight-up MRA fantasy.

And don’t forget, ladies tend to be more open to bisexuality and experimentation than men,in my experience, and sexuality is fluid. (I’m a bi woman myself). Maybe the surplus ladies will just pair off and live happily ever after, rather than drop their standards deep down to negative numbers and learn to like being treated like an ambulatory dick receptacle and having their own thoughts and desires dismissed. There’s a lot of ways this kind of thing could go, and technically “men will become scarce and women will wring their hands, knash their teeth, and curse the day they turned down that schlubby mouth-breathing jackass at the bus stop for the hundred and thirty-seventh time” is the least likely scenario.

5 years ago

Note that he still did not explain why robot partner would be more used by men than by women. He probably have no good answers for that.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

Is there a reason you all feel obliged to spend Christmas giving a troll virtual handjobs?

21st-century equivalent of playing Monopoly-the-Board-Game with relatives?

5 years ago


I mean, none of that’s actually going to happen and you don’t seem to know much about how either brains or electronics work, but cool, I guess.

I didn’t say it was happening tomorrow. The rudimentary technology is still only in the laboratory. But a guy can dream.


Note that he still did not explain why robot partner would be more used by men than by women. He probably have no good answers for that.

Why are mostly men the early adopters for sex dolls/robots rather than both men and women in roughly equal numbers? Sex doll companies know who their customer demographic is. Sex doll brothels know who their clientele is.

Once it becomes more socially accepted I expect that there will be an uptick in the number of women who use them too, but I see no reason to believe they will ever be more than a small secondary market. You really think sex doll manufacturers are ignoring women and just don’t want women’s money or something, and that’s why they barely make any male sex dolls?

The interest doesn’t seem to be there. Not on anywhere near the same level as it is for men anyway. For sex toys, yes. For dolls & robots not so much.


I said that women would be relieved if the guys who refuse to stop harassing women who have made it clear theater interested and/or only see sexual value and nothing else in women would just go for an artificial vagina

Okay fine. Those particular men. Mr Cheeto Breath Neckbeard who’s giving you the Charles Manson stare. You’d be happy for him to just go get himself a Stepford wife and leave you alone.

But that whole StacySmartyPants thing of:

*unless* he’s tall, has a handsome face with chiseled features and dark hair and eyes and an athletic muscular ripped body that I can see, is smart, kind and compliant and does what I tell him but without being a wimp about it and still being masculine…

Yadda yadda yadda yadda… That’s not going to be a thing any more unless she’s actually the pick of the litter herself. She’ll have to be in order to expect all that. Women who want to limit themselves to that segment of the male population are going to feel the squeeze.

the idea that there wouldn’t be a market for an anatomical Prince Charming and women will all just regretfully “compete” for the remaining men is a straight-up MRA fantasy.

Some women will buy sex dolls & robots. I already responded to Ohlmann about that.

Maybe the surplus ladies will just pair off and live happily ever after, rather than drop their standards deep down to negative numbers and learn to like being treated like an ambulatory dick receptacle and having their own thoughts and desires dismissed.

Lesbianism is also pretty likely in a scenario of male scarcity. Plus they will drop their standards, just not to negative numbers. More like “okay & average” numbers as opposed to Chad Thundercock numbers.

5 years ago


But a guy can dream.

MGTOWs have been predicting the sexbotpocalypse for years, and it has yet to show any signs of materializing. Dream on.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago


Look around you. Plenty of average looking men are already partnered. One internet comment from a woman who only wants a conventionally attractive partner isn’t data.

5 years ago

C-fuckyou says:

I’m not talking about MRAs & MGTOW. Even if they were all misogynists (they’re not, just like how feminists don’t all hate men)…


Finding a self-proclaimed MGTOW that wasn’t a misogynist is rarer than finding hen’s teeth. Bruh, who do you think your are fooling?

5 years ago


Is there a reason you all feel obliged to spend Christmas giving a troll virtual handjobs?

More like virtual ball torture TBH

5 years ago


Is there a reason you all feel obliged to spend Christmas giving a troll virtual handjobs?

comment image

Excuse me? Is there a reason you felt obliged to spend Christmas making extremely inappropriate, over-the-line comments on perfectly normal behavior for this blog? Did that make you feel better?

5 years ago

Oh look, @IronCthulhu is both an MRA and a Singularity cultist. How tiresomely predictable.

You’re incredibly melodramatic. Extrapolating genocide from the sort of crass talk that some people like using on the Internet? Take a chill-pill. Nobody wants to genocide your species.

IDK, what would you call thousands of years of systematic rape and enslavement? Centuries of medical abuse? Decades of icepick lobotomies and cognition-killing drugs? If it’s not genocide, it’s certainly systematic subjugation. You damn well bet we resent it, and look at any new technology with an eye to how it could be used to control us; at this point we’d be foolish not to.

BTW, congrats on apparently learning everything you know about biology from Jimmy Neutron.

I ain’t. Decentralized & powered by the blockchain, baby! That’s the Internet of the future. One of the driving forces behind its early adoption is the desire to escape de-platforming & censorship, something you lefty progressives are very zealous about doing to anyone you disagree with. Without knowing it you are forcing the evolution of a better Internet. You are doing the world a favor, just not in the way you imagine. I’ve literally considered pretending to be a lefty progressive for that very reason.

You know even less about computers than about biology, don’t you.

5 years ago

There’s already a segment of the population with no desire or drive to become partnered (aroace represent!) and we haven’t caused society to collapse. I doubt that an increase in the number of people who don’t want partners will impact society very much at all. If AI technology becomes advanced enough to replace human companionship, then there’s no reason that wouldn’t also apply to companionship for women as well as men. And as for the sex replacement aspect, women who enjoy penetration have had options for a facsimile of that for literally thousands of years. I’d expect that approximately the same proportion of both the male and female population would choose a virtual partner, leaving the scales relatively balanced for the folks who definitely want a human.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago


women will have to compete over the remaining men!

also Ich

Some women will buy sex dolls & robots. …
Lesbianism is also pretty likely in a scenario of male scarcity.


We don’t have to. Free will exists.


Then why do otherwise heterosexual men and women start playing for the other team when they’ve been in prison long enough? Yes, consensual sex does happen in prison.

Me: ???

Isn’t consensual sex the opposite of compelled sex? Or have you not figured out what rape is yet?


Biology isn’t everything, but it’s there and it’s a factor and it will effect the behaviors and choices of lots of people. That doesn’t mean they will abandon all rationality and free will and revert to their reptilian brain or something. That’s black-white thinking.


Wait, what? Biology won’t compel women to do anything, b/c people won’t abandon all rationality and free will?

Don’t look now, but I think that the person you’re arguing against is … Iron Cthulhu. But don’t let that hold you back! That black/white thinking asshole definitely deserves your contempt.

5 years ago

Okay, now that IC has outed himself a a singularity cultist, what is the probability that he takes the fractal idiocy that is Roko’s Basilisk seriously?

K-2SO voice: It’s high.

5 years ago

IrCsome is a daftie.

First he takes it for granted that most men have no desire for a relationship with a human being and would actually prefer a sort of robo-slave-fleshlight (if one were to exist, and they could afford it). Assumes facts not in evidence; where are your figures, IrC, your vast cohorts, where are the studies to support your hypothesis? After all, in many societies it’s no longer socially demanded to marry/couple up (socially encouraged, perhaps, but not as strongly demanded as even a mere hundred years ago – and this has been the case for men for far longer than it has for women), so even while the tech of your imagining is in its infancy you should be able to drum up some solid evidence.

But then he also fails to note that in the case of any such men, as several people have pointed out above, women would be very much better off and happier without their ‘attentions’. Más vale sola que mal acompañada, as one might say.