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Women are only attracted to men who retain their semen, man who retains his semen declares

Dude must be filled to the brim with semen

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By David Futrelle

It’s nearly Christmas, and so I’ve decided to give myself an early present by giving in to my strange fascination with the Semen Retention subreddit, again.

Today, some thoughts on “female attraction” and how women aren’t really attracted to any man who isn’t diligently not-fapping, according to a dude who diligently doesn’t fap or, apparently, ever spill his seed in any context.

Female Attraction is mostly nonexistent outside of Semen Retention (self.Semenretention)

submitted 5 days ago by randomfamilydude

The reason why women don't chase men, or why only guys with insane amounts of money, status or social status have girls (and they always have) is because of ejaculation. And even those guys are not REALLY attracting women. They are just "sabotaging" the female instinct for protection and social attention, but the female attraction is not even that strong and eventually makes women unsatisfied.

You are NOT attracting women on a truly spiritual and animal level if you ejaculate, period. Even billionaires, even bad boys, even social butterflies or extreme alpha males, sure they can take women to bed, but the attraction, the REAL attraction is not there.

Masturbation and ejaculation are not natural. If you ejaculate to do anything other than procreating you're a zombie, no matter how much status or women you have.

Your PMO addicted alpha friend who is banging chicks is not even really attracting them. The female feels a small amount of magnetism towards them because of status but it never reaches the natural level, and eventually it just fades away.

No wonder women are unsatisfied and depressed, and men are killing themselves. Semen retention is everything. Semen is the fluid of gods.

Women attraction is useless if it isn't used as a tool to maintain a woman to procreate, so forget it as a "benefit", and look at it as the natural condition.

So there you have it.

This dude’s post got dozens of upvotes on the SR subreddit, because of course it did.

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5 years ago

These are the dumbest people I’ve ever seen and i had to spend last night watching fox news because I’m at my aunts. Had the most vile woman trying to say an abortion was a mother killing a baby after its born.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Most hardcore semen retainers seem to think that semen should not be given to women under any circumstances, which is not in line with the Bible. At least, not the way I’ve seen it interpreted.

Of course, the bible interpreters that have received all the attention to their views have always been men.

This raises the possibility that many of the “semen retainers” on the internet may be married, heterosexual women:

No, honey, didn’t you read that article I sent you? It’s not that I have a headache, it’s just that I want the deepest possible connection to you. I really really want a real attraction, you know? Maybe if you could just take a break from sex for, I don’t know, a year or two? Maybe we would reach a new phase in our relationship? Maybe you would become, you know, like more attractive than a man with Bill Gates’ money, Michio Kaku’s brains, and Dwayne Johnson’s body all rolled into one. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Yes, baby. Sure baby. I’ll only be more devoted to you, more attracted to you, if you just hold off on ejaculating for a few years.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago


I remember a feminist blog talking about incels that was making the case that men could be happy without sex.

Was it this one? Because men can be happy without sex. Interest in doing sexy things is on a scale, with “yes!!!” On one side and “eh, nah.” On the other.

I’d say this scale is usually subdivided further, with “interest in doing sexy things with others” and “interest in doing sexy things with yourself” as two categories.

Sometimes all someone wants is a little alone time, and they’re good. Sometimes not having a partner for sexy times makes people (men, women, and all flavours of people) unhappy.

Pretty much the point is this: men can deal with their own emotions re: wanting sex. No one owes it to them. If they don’t have a partner, they can still take care of themselves while they look for someone who likes them enough for partnered sexy times.

I’d say if you’re already attractive, and on top of that you’re kind of aloof about sex, that would add to the attraction.

No, this is not quite true. ‘Aloof’ is the wrong way to look at this, since it usually means ’emotionally distant’. Just don’t be obsessed with sex, and getting every woman around you to have it with you. Be cool.

Is it appropriate for you to ask her? Is your relationship one that could include sex?

Is she saying no, either with verbal or non-verbal cues?

Has she told you ‘no’ before (verbally or non-verbally)?

Women (i feel confidant stating these things) like a man who a) they are interested in, and b) isn’t BADGERING them about his dick.

It isn’t aloofness that is hot, re: sex, it’s being able to communicate that you’re interested in a non-creepy manner, and then responding to the answer, be it a yes, no, or maybe later (this might also be a soft no) appropriately and with grace.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago


(I also love how “status” and “social status” are two separate things.)

lots of money = economic status
popular celebrity = social status
dark triad bad boy = asocial status
chiseled looks = marble status

What is this “REAL” attraction he’s going on about that isn’t love (but it’s “spiritual”) and isn’t lust (but it’s “animal”)? So vague. So mystical. So self-serving.

Clearly, REAL attraction has nothing to do with whether women will have sex or relationships with you. It’s not something women feel consciously, and certainly not something they associate with you personally.

REAL attraction enables women to have fulfilling, procreating life-long relationships with some other man, as nature intended.

5 years ago


I remember a feminist blog talking about incels that was making the case that men could be happy without sex.

Was it this one? Because men can be happy without sex.

She was making a stronger point that men could be happy because of not having sex. She brought up the example of a yogi who had transmuted his sex drive/sexual energy whatever you want to call it.

It’s true that the semen retention/nofap thing has a lot of woo surrounding it so it would be helpful to remember the guys name for the purposes of this post. I can’t seem to find anything by combining the terms “virgin” “incel” “yogi” “meditation” “gamma”. It was shortly after the Minassian van attack & the flurry of discussion about incels that came from that.

5 years ago

Out of curiosity, is it still possible to buy things pickled in honey? I’m now curious what things pickled in honey taste like

We have to get stuff made by the Amish or the Mennonites. Both make really good traditional stuff like that. Where I live they have several shops. My husband got me this beautiful hand weaved basket as one gift from our first Christmas together. It lives on the coffee table and holds all of my candles right now. You could Google to see if any shops like that are near you. Its worth a Google.

5 years ago

Damn you block quote

Btw I’m driving home from my aunt’s and just saw a Mennonite buggy and horse go by if that gives you any idea lol

Chinchilla Dave, Owner of Over 40 Chinchillas
Chinchilla Dave, Owner of Over 40 Chinchillas
5 years ago

Hah, ridiculous.

Everyone knows that women are only attracted by the ownership of multiple mid-sized crepuscular rodents.

5 years ago

Chinchilla Dave is correct. If a man has a chinchilla, I’d be 50% more likely to chat him up. A ball pit full of chinchillas would work even better. There are no diminishing returns on chinchillas.

5 years ago

Me, reading the blogpost header:

“Huh. Seems like somebody should work on releasing his semen before the accumulation drowns his brains. Welp, this’ll probably be good for a chuckle or two…”

Me, after reading the thing:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAaaaaaaa… What the fuck did I just read I don’t even”

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

There are no diminishing returns on chinchillas.

This needs to be a bumper sticker, so that people will see it entirely divorced from its original context. I love this SO HARD.

5 years ago

That warrant a “it make just as much sense in context” tag.

5 years ago

What about guinea pigs? They’re mid-size rodents, but not crepuscular (they basically alternate between short periods of activity and sleep – which they do with their eyes open). Do women experience Real Attraction to men with guinea pigs? Asking for a friend.

5 years ago

I also would like to say that the only one of my my cis/het guy friends who owns a chinchilla is about 50% percent likely to be as much of a virgin as I am, and whether or not he is is a question whose answer definitely lies in this pre-chinchilla days, so take that as you will.

That chinchilla’s fur is really fucking soft, though, so there’s that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

They are dang cute

comment image

5 years ago

My ex-girlfriend had 2 chinchillas. The little chinchillas were so adorable and soft.

5 years ago


I would hypothesize that guinea pigs are not as effective, but this needs field testing. Send pigs.

In fact, I think all guys out there should give this a shot. Unsolicited pics of guinea pigs would definitely go over better than photos of their pants weasel.

5 years ago

Guinea pigs are like pants weasel : it’s something intimate I would not show to strangers on the internet.

5 years ago


Guinea pigs are like pants weasel : it’s something intimate I would not show to strangers on the internet.

Oh, dear. I show strangers on the internet pictures of mine all the time.

My piggies, that is.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Unsolicited piggie pics are, to me at least, quite a few steps up from unsolicited dick pics.

5 years ago

I should hope I have not offended anyone with the unsolicited image of my Siberian Husky that serves as my avatar.

5 years ago

Eh, that’s a case of different persons having different standards, that’s all. You would get photos of thoses from my dead, cold hands.

(TBH, it’s the intent that count for me more than what is shown. What make dick picks incredibly offensive to me is that the intent behind it is rapey at the very best)

(also, I am particulary prude, and wish to not see a lot of stuff that society say is acceptable ; sadly the only acceptable solution in most cases is to not say to anyone that I am uncomfortable)