pledge drive

Pledge drive: Urgent update

The pledge drive is in trouble, and I really need your help.

Though many of you have already donated – and I can’t thank you enough for that – the total so far is considerably less than I need to cover my expenses. So if you haven’t donated yet, please do.

donate button

I know this is an awkward time to ask for money. But if you can spare even a few dollars, you’ll be providing a lifeline to an independent, ad-free blog that deflates some of the most toxic shit out there in the “Red Pill” world. And you’ll enable me to keep serving up daily posts without worrying constantly about how to cover the next rent check.

Or insurance premium. Most of my money problems are due to the US’s mess of a health care system – I spend more on medical expenses than I do on rent. A recent trip to the emergency room for searing back pain didn’t exactly help my financial position.

I’m expecting things to improve in 2020. I’m working on building up my freelance writing business again, and I’ll be unveiling a new project soon. But right now, frankly, I need all the help I can get.

I love doing this blog, and I’m forever grateful that it brings something to so many people’s lives. You folks – pledge drive donors and regular supporters — have enabled me to keep We Hunted the Mammoth going for nine years, and I hope that together we can keep it going for the tenth year and beyond.

— David

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5 years ago


Well, J.K. Rowling has basically cemented her transphobe status now.

I don’t think there was much doubt among us after she retweeted Magdalen Berns, but most people don’t notice or care. I tried to explain to a friend of mine who likes Harry Potter, but she immediately pivoted to claiming that I made up the word “TERF” (I obviously didn’t) and told me to separate art from artist. I’d be more willing to if the money spent on said art didn’t go to the artist.
As a result, I suggest not buying her books. This isn’t a call to burn them, or saying that you can’t enjoy the books, but it is a request to stop giving money to bigots.

EDIT: Went against my better judgement and read that thread. It’s split between trans* people who liked Harry Potter stating their disappointment and TERFs rambling about how trans* women aren’t women and throwing up lists of straw men. Including a number of cis men mansplaining what it means to be a woman.

5 years ago

I made a second contribution – I value your blog highly, I want you to be able to continue.

5 years ago


Yeah, to anyone paying attention who also knows the in-group language it was obvious, but a bunch of people tried to claim she was just ignorant (which is bullshit, of course). The worst part about that thread was the TERFs gleefully mocking the trans folx.

5 years ago


The worst part about that thread was the TERFs gleefully mocking the trans folx.

That and the fact that Debbie Hayton decided to show up. She manages to pull off both being a trans* woman and a TERF at the same time. Naturally, all the other TERFs love her because she says exactly what they want to hear.

Pink Haired Old Lady
Pink Haired Old Lady
5 years ago

The book “You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Discovery” is on sale at Amazon. I got it for Canadian $1.99. The lead author is Dara Hoffman-Fox. I don’t know anything about her, a quick look at her website looks good. Anyone have any comments?

I dropped US 20, and have set a reminder to send more when payday for my wife hits the bank.

I originally put of reading the Harry Potter books until the series was complete. I’m glad I never gave Rowling any money. I might pick up the series at a used book store.

Definitely not Steve
Definitely not Steve
5 years ago


– Terrible at business
– Can’t find a suit that fits
– Short fingers
– When annoyed, will complain loudly

I dunno guys, we might have to admit that Sackus is onto something.

But then, I haven’t known lions to be racist, they probably don’t watch Fox news (though they might watch foxes if there are any nearby), and the males are typically submissive to the females.

5 years ago

David, I would genuinely love to donate, but I have no money on me at the moment, and if I am going to get money, it’s not going to be a lot (also looking to treat myself to a less violent game I can sink hours into should I be able to afford it, just to distract myself from bullshit IRL issues this holiday season).

I would also love to share your website more, but I’m not on much social media (many of which I’ve intentionally decided to take a break from or depart entirely) and I barely get any attention on the few social media avenues I do have.

All I can give you is gratitude for your work of debunking these people whose ideas should no longer take a hold on humanity.


I’ve seen about this on my Tumblr, and I’ve seen someone suggest that her own books are problematic entirely, with it being eugenicist (e.g. the Longbottoms, as exemplified here), racist (some enslaved people, I can’t remember), transphobic (something about boys not being allowed into girls’ changing rooms, but the other way being allowed) and anti-Semitic (Snape, goblins, “Goldstein”).

I’ve generally avoided the Harry Potter franchise since I’ve grown up with the mentality that fantasy-oriented stuff is for socially awkward nerds that get mocked, but I think those reasons that Tumblr reason has described is true too. That, and I generally don’t have enough attention to get into books, and HP genuinely doesn’t really interest me.

5 years ago

Donated. What you’re doing with this blog is worthwhile. I wish I could offer some help with your medical issues.

@Kupo, Naglfar: Our healthcare here in the US is all you’ve mentioned, X 1,000, and worse.

5 years ago

My left knee does not like this cold weather one bit. Whenever the mercury sinks below 17, it starts aching like nobody’s business. Maybe it’s arthritis. Maybe the cold reminds Mr. Knee about all the times I’ve slipped on icy sidewalks and gets sympathy pain on behalf of my smashed elbows. Whatever it is, it sure is painful.

5 years ago

Mmmhm. Let us consider our constestants.

David Fatrelle: Obese (fat), broke, shut-in. All previously established.


Mike Cernovich: Wealthy, fit lawyer with a supermodel wife.

Stefan Molyneux: Fit and wealthy radio star.

Donald J. Trump: President of the United States of America. Leonine physiognomy. Supermodel wife. $10 billion in the bank.

I think I’ve sufficiently made my case.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Was your case that you are a complete dingus? Because yes, you did make that case.

Of course, if you want me to stoop to your level, we have Chris Evans on our side and he’s Captain America. So, checkmate Nazis!

5 years ago

Mmmhm. Let us consider an additional contestant.

Sackus: Some random asshole who’s been banned here before who has nothing better to do than post stupid comments full of blatant misinformation.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

And LOL at $10 billion in the bank. Citation needed on that one.

5 years ago

$4 billion’s the highest I’ve heard, and that sounds very high. I’d guess less than $1 billion.

This troll is particularly uninspired and unentertaining. Wonder why David let him back.

5 years ago


Futrelle: someone showcasing and shaming the world’s most repressive ideologues.

Everyone else you mentioned: people who see women as only worth keeping alive if they dedicate their lives to serving men, no matter how they’re being treated as men. Men who see women as slaves they can fuck.

Also, rich people don’t exactly always deserve their wealth – for instance, many early Americans got it through owning slaves. We’ve pretty much got rid of it in many cases, but we’re forcing people to be obedient to a set of rigid norms to be deemed successful. Bezos makes a lot of money but through making people SHIT IN VANS! Social mobility is also almost a lie these days, especially in the UK, so one can’t “work their way up from rags to riches”.

I don’t know how it is in the US, but overpriced drugs is a big problem that’s probably stopping people from becoming millionaires or at least getting a better quality of life. The healthcare system is more of a business in the US than anywhere else in the developed world. Basically, they’re killing people just because they don’t have enough money for medication, in what is simply an act of neglect. If Americans cared so much about life enough to get abortion banned, why are Americans risking bankruptcy or death from healthcare conditions or getting shot dead? Could people live better? Not if they had to fucking drive everywhere and become fat from little exercise, or work very long hours sometimes with no vacation to the point they barely have time to work on themselves.

Just piss off and get fucked. Never go to an English speaking forum again.

5 years ago

I hope $5 helps. Can’t exactly afford more right now, especially with crappy exchange rates. I may be just a lurker, since I feel like I always manage to get into the threads when everything’s been said and done, but WHTM’s been one of my favourite online places for many years now, and I’d rather not see you being forced to stop writing/hosting the blog.

Happy and peaceful holidays, everyone, and good luck with the pledge, David!

(On a side note, I’m a bit miffed that I couldn’t dodge some slight SW9 spoilers even here, but what can you do. :P)

*goes back to lurking*

5 years ago

So under Sackus’ philosophical paradigm, we are supposed to consider how correct and reasonable someone is according to their physical appearance and income?

I can only assume that he would be the type to have supported slave owners, too. After all, slave owners were wealthy and powerful and well groomed, and the slaves were broke and filthy. Therefore, the slave owners were obviously correct and virtuous and the slaves were wrong and worthless, according to Sackus’ paradigm.

Does that sound about right?

5 years ago

Love that the troll came back just to clarify that, yes, he definitely was talking specifically about how hot Trump’s bod is with that “leonine” descriptor.

But more than that, I love this blog, and I hope my contribution helps a bit with the shit you’re dealing with, David.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago


So under Sackus’ philosophical paradigm, we are supposed to consider how correct and reasonable someone is according to their physical appearance and income?

Yep. Also known as “conservatism”.

The regarding a “supermodel wife” as a status symbol rather than a human being is also part and parcel of his conservatism.

To conservatives, status hierarchies are everything and everything (and everyone) else is nothing.

Mabret the Virile Maiden
Mabret the Virile Maiden
5 years ago

Literally laughing out loud at Sack for stanning Stefan Molyneux the egg counter!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago


Mmmhm. Let us consider our constestants.

David Fatrelle: Obese (fat), broke, shut-in. All previously established.


Mike Cernovich: Wealthy, fit lawyer with a supermodel wife.

Stefan Molyneux: Fit and wealthy radio star.

Donald J. Trump: President of the United States of America. Leonine physiognomy. Supermodel wife. $10 billion in the bank.

I think I’ve sufficiently made my case.

What the hell, Sackus — Stefan Molyneux doesn’t have a supermodel wife. Why are you holding him up as some kind of hero.

In addition, you’ve neglected to mention David Futrelle’s supermodel wife. That’s quite an oversight.

Sackus, you’re sacked.

Tim Ash
Tim Ash
5 years ago

Donation coming your way from the home of small ponies.

5 years ago

*digs into pockets, finds some loose change* Food for your kitties!

5 years ago

anti-Semitic (Snape, goblins, “Goldstein”).

There is some antisemitism in the books, but it’s much worse in the films. The depiction of the Goblins in the first film has a very strong resemblance to Nazi caricatures of Jews.

Oh well, I never really liked the series that much anyway.

Sackus, you do realize that your leonine president just got impeached and is currently losing his shit in public?

Maybe that’s just how lions behave after being impeached.