chad thundercock entitled babies incels self-hatred

Incels are now mad at the Buddha for being a tall, thin “gigachad”

Buddha breaks another heart

By David Futrelle

Now the incels are mad at the Buddha.

Seems that several weeks ago one prolific commenter called speedtypingincel discovered a post on a Buddhist message board claiming, based on an extremely close reading of ancient Buddhist texts, that the historical Buddha was an astonishing 6 foot 7 inches tall, thus rendering him irresistible to women and allowing him to “heightmog” virtually all other men of his time and ours.

“That’s the reason he had so many followers,” speedtypingincel wrote. “BONES are the most important thing in the world.”

The incels have been raging about this claim ever since.

“A rich chad who had everything in life telling poor incels not to give a fuck,” complained someone called Sparrow’s Song.

Sounds like a conspiracy to keep people docile and prevent violent uprisings. … Now I understand why the TaIiban destroyed that Buddha statue in Afghanistan, it was a reminder of a rich chad hypocrite who told people just to cope while both physical reality itself and society fucked them over and it was a massive stone heightmog as well.

Not sure this is an entirely accurate description of Buddha’s teachings, bro.

Glad they did it, the last thing they needed was cucked symbol of coping and accepting getting bullied while they are in the middle of an uprising against the biggest bullies in the world. … Sand prophets, messianic manlets, and ancient Greek high IQ posters will always be better than bootlicking buddhists.

A commenter called Neggr was a bit more concise, complaining that “Buddha was a slim gigachad.” Yet another griped that the Buddha was “a mogging machine” — that is, a man who out-alphas all the other men in his vicinity — “who had everything.”

More than a few expressed their astonishment that a a prince would give up a life of pleasure and ease to take up a quest for enlightenment. As someone called Hell put it

Buddha had a wife and even children and god knows how many concubines he fucked until he got bored and decided to have his extended vacation beach party.

Then he gets back and tries to convince everyone to be celibate lmao.

jfl at ricecels that fell for this crap

This has been today’s Comparative Religion lesson, incel-style.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

David, if you see this, any chance we could get an open thread for personal stuff sometime soon?

5 years ago

“The central message of Buddhism is not ‘every man for himself’!”
(From “A Fish Called Wanda”)

5 years ago

Now I understand why the Taliban destroyed the Buddha statue in Afghanistan… Glad they did it, the last thing they needed was cuckold symbol of…

An incel from the Western world showing sympathy for the Taliban? How strange…

5 years ago

Also, Aristotle was not Belgian

5 years ago

I just find it funny how he said “Greek high IQ poster.” Like the Ancient Greek philosophers were posting on some Ancient Greek equivalent of Reddit. And yeah, I doubt they would have much sympathy for incels.

Gonna leave this hear for that. This is a source I used in my research project a week back or so. It read like a redit post, I actually had to check to make sure I wasn’t reading a redit post. This guy is actually upset at one point that a woman feels more then one emotion. That one day should could be happy and then sad the next day. You know like a person. Men still hate women in the exact same way, just more of the are literate now and have the internet to post their spew and can get called out on their bullshit instead of being written down as a great philosopher because their one of the few that know how to read and write.

5 years ago

If I were more religious I’d gladly convert to Buddhism to piss them off some more. But I prefer to not be involved with any religion even if it were very progressive, at least even the mainstream ones.

Nicholas Kiddle
Nicholas Kiddle
5 years ago

“The central message of Buddhism is not ‘every man for himself’!”

These are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up!

Which has always made me think, how badly must he have gaslighted her that she ends up thinking she needs to look these things up before she can call them out as mistakes.

Definitely not Steve
Definitely not Steve
5 years ago

I just find it funny how he said “Greek high IQ poster.” Like the Ancient Greek philosophers were posting on some Ancient Greek equivalent of Reddit.

How absurd! The forum was invented in Rome, as everybody knows.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

“That’s the reason he had so many followers,” speedtypingincel wrote. “BONES are the most important thing in the world.”

Well, sure, BONES are a good thing. In fact, BONES are mandatory if you’re a human. If you’re a jellyfish or a butterfly, however, BONES would just get in the way. It’s clear — at least to me — that jellyfish and butterflies do not have BONES envy.

That said, are BONES the most important thing in the world for a human? I’d say it’s a tie between BONES and OXYGEN and WATER and —

Lots and lots of things.

5 years ago

BONES are the most important thing in the world.

comment image

5 years ago


Chad means “lake” in a local language.

Similarly, Lake Tahoe in the United States has a tautological name because Tahoe means “lake” in Washoe.

That does sound an awful lot like a Reddit post. I wonder how many ‘upvotes’ it got from other people living at the time.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

that statue is taller than you

In real life Nelson was five feet tall. His statue on top of the column though is fifteen feet tall.

That’s Horatio of three to one.

5 years ago

Alan Robertshaw wrote:

That’s Horatio of three to one.

Wow, that is one hell of a dad joke.

One might even call it a gigadad joke.

5 years ago


5 years ago


*tromps off to Urban Dictionary to look up “mog”, immediately feels dumber for knowing it*

Fuck, I loathe their stupid slang. This might be the snob in me coming out, but alt-right slang (which I include manosphere slang within) and gamer slang has gotta be some of the most obnoxious shit in the world. No I’m not going to call my different characters “toons.” No, I don’t give a shit what AoEDPS some BoE does! Just tell me what items to go for, dammit! ArgleBARGLE!

*ahem* Well, if Gautama Siddhartha has them up in arms, they’ll really flip their shit with the Hindu pantheon. Shiva and Vishnu are teraChads in comparison.


Never apologize. I like my lads ripped too. Often with fur and a tail. And I say this as an average-height dude with love handles. We all have our preferences and as Amtep said, yours is entirely reasonable! 🙂

5 years ago


Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement and I’m learning more and more each day not to apologize. It’s usually pressure I get from guys I’m not interested in dating and who I think are my friend but really aren’t because of how they don’t respect my preferences. I’m a lot more comfortable with setting boundaries now though and once I do that I actually feel so much more empowered. I feel like sometimes it’s right that it’s about me, you know? I mean if I’m not attracted to a guy but we’re friends and hanging out after work and I’m still in whatever outfit I put together for that day (which is often because I love to hang out in it anyway if I’m not tired) it’s ok if he looks but if and when I tell him to stop or if he’s staring and I don’t like that I say so even if it’s not “nice” according to him. Sometimes also guy friends like that make assumptions because they know I’m involved in the fetish community where I live but I really make it clear my time there and enjoyment of that is only for guys I’m attracted to and any complaining otherwise is really offensive to me.

5 years ago

@ naglfar

Since I know you’re a practicing Jewish person i have a funny story form last winter with my roommate if you would like to hear it

5 years ago


Fuck, I loathe their stupid slang. This might be the snob in me coming out, but alt-right slang (which I include manosphere slang within) and gamer slang has gotta be some of the most obnoxious shit in the world. No I’m not going to call my different characters “toons.” No, I don’t give a shit what AoEDPS some BoE does! Just tell me what items to go for, dammit! ArgleBARGLE!

I knew what mog meant, but I have no idea what the other acronyms mean and I don’t really want to know. I find that kind of slang to be pretty annoying as well, and that could be part of why I’m not really into gaming.


It’s usually pressure I get from guys I’m not interested in dating and who I think are my friend but really aren’t because of how they don’t respect my preferences.

Let me guess: they complain about being “friendzoned.” If someone complains about being “friendzoned” when you make them your friend, they don’t deserve to be your friend. Good for you for setting boundaries and standing up for yourself.

I’d love to hear your story.

5 years ago

@ naglfar

So last holliday season I was at target looking for some gifts and cheap decorations for my apartment, when I stumble across a menorah made out of fake pine. It was a menorah that they had specifically made to look like branches of a Christmas tree. So I take a picture and I send it to my Jewish roommate because I thought it was hilarious and wanted to see how she would react, she send me back two messages. The first said “that is the Christian menorah I have ever seen in my life” and the second ” if you bring that into our home I’m going to put the star of David on all the Christmas stockings” She was great though

Another funny story from that same season is that me, her and other roommates were playing this time trivia game. And one of roommates got the challenge of naming three non Christian religious holidays. and she got all flustered and said “Yamaka”. I’m dying laughing, our Jewish roommate is just looking at her, and the third one goes “that’s a Jewish person Hat”
“I don’t know, I hate timed shit”
Jewish roommate ” do y’all just not know any other Jews! what is this shit”

I’m pretty sure she meant to say Hanukkah.

5 years ago


Yes, it’s the friendzone complaint bullshit. Most of my outfits are supposed to be eye-catching but dammit that’s not the same thing as a license to leer at me creepily. They should know the damn difference. Most of my outfits don’t have any skirt or pants or bottom other than like a leotard-cut bodysuit and tights and that’s part of the kind of signature look I worked on overall for my hostess job which to me is a joy also carried over into my BDSM/fetish social group (where they run things so that creeps aren’t allowed, *thank goddess*) So I was letting my supposed friend hang out with me and he can’t seem to understand that just because I dress this way that doesn’t mean he gets to leer and because I’m not attracted to him I get to decide that and say that and that is OK because it’s my choice he needs to be ok with it or go away. Instead he has been complaining that his “having” to see me dressed for work or hanging out I am being cruel to him. Ewww. Now it’s worse because he knows I’m more involved in the fetish community and it’s part of my life so if you were really my friend you would want to know what’s going on with me and be interested and care, you know? (Maybe TMI warning here) So he gets upset like when I talk about really tall attractive ripped guys in my group that I’m being set up with to have as slaves. But that’s a complicated relationship that takes planning and negotiating and a lot of real emotional investment that’s not like in gross porn like this jerk so-called friend probably watches. So of course I need to talk about it. So I’m at the point where I want to take their bullshit term “friendzone” and make it mine and just say “Yes. You are in the friendzone. That’s my rule and judgment and yes it’s because you are not up to my standards of physical attractivess.” Like not because I really wouldn’t want to be friends with anyone of any appearance if they were genuine but because in this case I feel like I want to give the jerk back what he’s giving me and kind of seems to want.

Sorry for rambling and sorry if TMI on the fetish stuff and maybe I should have waited for the open thread but I appreciate you all and this blog so much and how supportive everyone is.

5 years ago

I’ve never seen a Christmas tree menorah, but I have seen stockings with stars of David. I imagine these items are good for interfaith families.

she got all flustered and said “Yamaka”.

This reminds me of the Adam Sandler Chanukah song, which contains the line “put on your yarmulke, cause here comes Chanukah*.” I’ve never heard anyone name yarmulkes* as a holiday, but I’ve known a lot of people who think Chanukah is the most important Jewish holiday. It’s actually one of the least important, it’s just that a lot of people see the presents and 8 days and assume it’s important. Still, it’s a fun holiday and this year it overlaps with Christmas so I get some of the days off.

Happy holidays everyone! (cue triggered conservatives)


So I’m at the point where I want to take their bullshit term “friendzone” and make it mine and just say “Yes. You are in the friendzone. That’s my rule and judgment and yes it’s because you are not up to my standards of physical attractivess.”

You should take that term for yourself. It’ll give them a taste of their own medicine.

*Since neither Yiddish or Hebrew are written with the English alphabet, spelling is flexible in transliteration, so I’m just using the most common ones I’ve seen.

5 years ago


Thank you again for the encouragement. Important developments in my new relationships in my group is probably going to go down today and tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how friendzone-guy reacts if I actually act like he’s my friend and try to confide in him.

5 years ago


I’ve never seen a Christmas tree menorah, but I have seen stockings with stars of David. I imagine these items are good for interfaith families.

I’m so out of touch with Christmas that it took me a moment to understand what sort of stockings these are. Anyway, star of David Christmas stockings sound like an excellent way to continue the War on Christmas.

It’s general election day here. My constituency is normally a safe Labour seat, but it has a large Jewish population, and Labour’s anti-semitism problem will doubtless have an effect. When the three largest Jewish newspapers ran a joint editorial calling Labour an “existential threat to Jewish life in this country”, that has to have an impact.

5 years ago


I personally hate 2010s slang as a whole, but the more generic slang of the 2010s like “yeet” is at least more benign compared to what incels and the alt-right come up with.

Gamer slang isn’t as bad for me, but I find those who are interested in multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs) or many games with fantasy elements in them to be rather nerdy (i.e. subjecting oneself to being laughed at, mocked or regarded as the object of people’s frustrations regardless of political stance), and overall, I find many gamers to be unwoke and borderline alt-right.

5 years ago

I don’t live in the U.K. so my knowledge of your politics isn’t too deep, but if I lived there I’d sooner vote for Labor than any Conservative party. It seems to be the go to of conservative parties in multiple countries these days to accuse liberal parties of antisemitism while they themselves are actively courting Nazis. This is pretty clearly a way of distracting from their own antisemitism and talking about the splinter in their opponent’s eye while ignoring the plank in theirs. I don’t doubt that there is some antisemitism in Labor, but they’re not actively associating with white supremacists who want me dead.