By David Futrelle
Yesterday afternoon, the Alt-Rightish YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux decided that the world needed to hear his thoughts on Taylor Swift’s eggs. Not her egg salad recipe (if she has one) or her favorite way to prepare an omelette. Her eggs eggs. The ones inside her body.
So he tweeted this:
And with this tweet, Stefan managed to squick out roughly half of the internet. The tweet is like some sort of icky onion: every layer is icky right down to its core. There’s the spectacle of a fiftysomething man offering his unasked-for thoughts on the reproductive anatomy of a woman young enough to be his daughter. There’s his attempt to use biology to push his agenda of pushing young women out of the workforce and back into the home. There’s that bit at the end about her potentially being a “fun mom.” There’s the smiley at the end. There’s the weird stench of horniness that permeates the whole tweet.
I could go on. But — as you’ll see if you look at the responses to that tweet — many others already have, sometimes hilariously so. And while Taylor Swift herself hasn’t responded to Stefan and his admittedly strange concerns, the Daily Beast notes, she has addressed the topic more broadly, telling People magazine that
people who ask the questions at parties like ‘When are you going to start a family’ to someone as soon as they turn 25 are a little bit rude.
It’s good that we’re allowed to say, ‘Hey, just so you know, we’re more than incubators.’ You don’t have to ask that of someone just because they’re in their mid-20s and they’re a female.
Upon discovering this, Stefan’s “concern” for her turned into anger.
This isn’t Stefan’s first Egg Rodeo. Indeed, he’s posted about women’s eggs many times in the past — sometimes accusingly, sometimes gloatingly, and sometimes with false concern — in an attempt to chide the egg-havers into retreating from the workplace and devoting their twenties to babies, babies and more babies.
Here he cites selective facts in an attempt to scare women into making babies before it’s “too late.”
In the interest of fairness, I should note that Stefan has also pointed out that sperm quality declines with age as well — though his preferred solution for men is to freeze their sperm for later use, not to give up the idea of a career in their twenties. (He would also prefer that young men not smoke pot lest it make their sperm lazy.)
But Stefan’s alleged “concerns” about women are skin-deep; he’s just as likely to mock older women without children for having “old” eggs as he is to express his weird “sympathy” for younger women whom he fears will end up “wasting” their young eggs.
Here he mocks women with the temerity to take on debt in order to get an education:
Here he suggests that women who don’t have kids young will end up getting eaten by their cats:
He just seems to hate older women in general:
It seems highly unlikely that Stefan will manage to avoid posting equally cringeworthy and terrible thoughts about women’s eggs in the future. No amount of criticism on this front seems to faze him. He doesn’t even bother to respond to most of it .
But there’s one egg-related topic that seems to genuinely bother him: the degree to which his own head resembles an egg.
Perhaps more “modern Oscar Wildes” offering similar insights into Stafan’s big eggy head could deter him from making quite so many egg-related tweets in the future.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@karalora : that’s because his reasoning start by the conclusion (women should stay in the kitchen). He work backward until having a seemingly objective set of premise, and show in his article the link between thoses premises and the conclusion.
The problem/feature of that is that he didn’t even check if it’s the only, or the preferable, outcome from his premise.
You should not take any of his declarations as rational or logical deduction. That way lie madness. It’s an exercice in sophism and self-justification. It’s also why they look considerably stupider than they are, even if they aren’t particulary bright ; they are not trying and failing at logic and reasons, they just engage in smoke and mirrors.
David, how dare you. Eggs are delicious and wonderful and magical, and Stefan Molyneux is a disgusting pimple on the arse of humanity who does not deserve to be mentioned on the same PAGE as an egg.
I demand an apology on behalf of all tasty egg products.
I’ve been wanting to post an off-topic thing but that last was about the École Technique shooting, and I didn’t want to take away from that.
I’m in what might be a scary situation, but I’m not sure – I feel like I’m overreacting so I thought I’d run this by you all. Trigger warning for self anger, potential abuse, stalking
There’s a guy who works at a store in my neighborhood. I used to go to this store regularly, and when I would see this clerk I’d be friendly like I am to everyone. Apparently he doesn’t see it that way!
He had given me his number a couple of times, and asked me out a few times and a couple of weeks ago I was feeling really lonely and pathetic and like a huge loser so I texted him. Huge mistake!! He spent the entire next three days texting me, and called me every morning and night. I found out during the only phone conversation I would allow that he apparently thinks I’m his girlfriend (based on our customer cashier interactions!!) and he has constructed this entire fantasy personality for me that has no basis in reality whatsoever. Everything I said that didn’t conform to that was either completely ignored or met with him correcting me as to what he thought I should say. He insisted things like that we were definitely going to have sex, and that when we walk around together, I have to hold his hand.
I blocked him and haven’t had any contact with him, but now I’m getting calls from an unknown number that are just hang ups and I’m also getting a ton of pranks.
I never told him where I live thankfully. He was trying to find out. Apparently he got my name off my credit card information so I wouldn’t put it past him to try to get my address as well.
I don’t feel afraid, per se, but I have this awful buzzing energy that I can’t get rid of.
Sorry for the long OT. Thanks anyone who reads this!
@ jarnaxa
Sorry; but I’m morally obliged to highlight that egg production is inherently evil and involves cruelty on an industrial scale.
Where I live you can actually get locally-produced eggs from people you know, who take care of their chickens. The eggs aren’t as “perfect” looking as store bought eggs, but you can see where the chickens live and what they eat and how on the small family farms.
I’m pretty aware of what it means to eat meat and how it happens. I live in a farming community. I am sorry, but I am going to keep on eating meat and animal products, while advocating for humane practices as much as possible. I do respect your choice.
Please do whatever you need to do to stay safe and feel safe. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I know it’s easy to question yourself about overreacting but please please do not and follow your instincts. I know it’s hard because I have faced that from guys I know from the coffee shop near where I work and from guys I thought were my friend and think because of how I treat all my clients at my job and how I dress that they can assume stuff. Please take care of yourself and follow your instincts. From what you say he is definitely wrong and a jerk. I don’t want to tell you what to do about calling the police and reporting him because you have to do what you are comfortable with but please just follow your instincts to stay safe. I will send you positive supportive thoughts if it will help.
And please please do not blame yourself or feel guilty. It is NOT your fault and you are not responsible for him being a jerk.
@ yutolia
That is so awful; I feel for you. I can understand the weird ‘unsettled’ hyper feeling. Had something similar. But anyway…
The only practical advice I can suggest is log everything. No matter how trivial or inconsequential you think it may be. Note the date/time of all suspect calls. Put down as much detail as you can of any pranks. If you’re not sure whether and event is significant or related, note it anyway.
Two things come of this: actually doing something can give you more of a feeling of control and ease the angst. But more practically, if you ever do need to take action; you have a bundle of contemporaneous evidence at hand and in an accessible format.
@Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Sorry, I meant my last comment for you of course but typed so quickly I forgot the little @
I am so sorry this is happening to you!
@Stacey: thanks for saying that, I’ve been really on myself about this whole thing… thanks for your support!
@Alan: thank you also and thanks for the advice.
I feel less like I’m losing my mind.
No, no, you are NOT losing your mind. You are strong and your message was clear headed and you were right to share it.
You are not overreacting. Even if he gives up without taking it too far, his behaviour has already signalled “stalker” and that justifies any and all action you take to protect yourself.
I want to suggest a few things that might help; everyone, please feel free to chime in and correct me if you think I’m wrong. I’m not an expert; I just know one or two people who have had similar issues.
I suggest you start by keeping records – dates and times of prank calls, for example. If you get prank called and he stays on the line, say clearly and distinctly something along the lines of “Stop calling me. Leave me alone; don’t try to contact me again.” Anything he does after that is legally harassment.
Continue to keep records of dates, times and descriptions of any strange incident, no matter how small you think it is. You will then have a body of evidence with which you can go to the police. If it continues for a month or so, I suggest you do precisely that.
@Amy: thanks for reading.
Thanks all for the suggestions. I’m glad to hear other people say his behavior is creepy because I was raised to doubt all my perceptions. I’m getting better about that also and you all have been very helpful.
The assumption that these guys seem to have is about as follows:
–Girl graduates from high school at 17/18.
–Works as a candy-striper until she meets a boy out of college who is making at least enough for a very comfortably middle-class lifestyle, two cars, backyard, etc.
–Marries him before turning 21. Has children in rapid succession while keeping her figure.
–At the age of 28-30, as the youngest child is entering kindergarten, goes through college on husband’s money, then receive job immediately after, or perhaps before, graduation, doing something highly lucrative. This job has flexible hours, and she can do some of it from home, after picking up the kids.
–Spends years from 35 until death smirking at poor stupid bitches who weren’t rich enough to pull this off.
I have no idea if any human being has ever actually done all the parts of this, but as you can see, it’s decidedly a career path for a specific combination of affluent and traditionally minded.
Or, you know, you could be like me and have two kids at 39 and 42. I know this doesn’t make Stefan happy, but it’s been known to happen.
Depending on the laws where you live, it may or may not be legal to record phone calls. I believe in another thread you mentioned living in Colorado, there it is legal so I recommend recording if possible so you can use the recording as evidence.
You’re not overreacting. Trust yourself and do what your gut tells you.
@Podkayne Lives
The irony is that the same people who think this is how women should live also complain that women are hypergamous gold diggers.
Manospherians: “Women shouldn’t work and should be dependent on men”
Also manospherians: “Women are all gold diggers who take men’s money”
I know it’s difficult not to push it back on yourself but I have struggled with that too. We can learn to stand up for ourselves. I gradually learned to be firm about setting boundaries. I work in an artsy kind of job where it’s important for me to look attractive and I dress in form fitting outfits that I try to make very eye catching and my clothes and my body are to me and my salon’s clients my art, and because of that plus having a dance background I am always purposefully conscious all the time of how I move and stand and pose, even when just somewhere where everyone else is casual or whatever. For me it is art but I have had guys who maybe I was just being nice to or even thought was a friend but would not date think they could assume they could expect me to just because I am dressed that way and smiling and kind to them. I am just naturally nice and tend to blame myself but learned to really put my foot down and me firm, even to the point of formally ending friendships with guys because of that.
I know it is hard but you are strong and I encourage you. There are so many smart people here and I really agree with the advice of recording anything that makes you uncomfortable.
Like Alan and Amy said – log absolutely everything.
I’d also suggest talking to the police much sooner than a month or so, like, maybe tomorrow. There’s very little they can do right now, but there’s nothing wrong with giving the authorities a heads up. Thinking back on the gamergate crap, it saved a couple people’s lives, doing that.
Oh, and this, from @Staceysmartypants
Take that to heart, eh? It is rather important.
Thank you all. Yes, I do live in Colorado.
I’ve already been logging stuff, and I will keep doing it. I’m going to start recording the phone calls (hadn’t thought of that).
I forgot to mention this in my post before. Before I blocked him, I was very clear with him that I don’t want to talk to him and have no feelings for him whatsoever. I’m very proud of myself for putting up that boundary.
Thanks for everyone reminding me it’s not my fault. I will take that to heart.
You are all awesome people and I’m so thankful for this community.
@Dormousing_It What if that statement starts with ‘Hey ladies!’ and ends with ‘Get funky!’
A few more possible suggestions:
On the off chance that he does stay on the line for any of the prank calls, tell him firmly that you will contact law enforcement about him and see if that stops him. If it doesn’t, it’s time to report to the police. Seconding Shadowplay that you should do this sooner rather than later regardless of his response.
You said he has your credit card number. In that case, it could be wise to put a freeze on your card to make sure he doesn’t try to take your money. It’s an inconvenience, but it could save you a lot of money and trouble in the end.
In the event that he sends you explicit threats and/or seems to have your address, try to have a backup location you can stay at for a few days in order to be safe (maybe a close friend or relative if you have any nearby). That’s what Anita Sarkeesian did.
The other thing to do is try to stay calm. He’s doing this to mess with your head. Make sure he doesn’t get to you. Try to keep relaxed and keep your life regular and normal, and take care of yourself.
Please listen to the other commenters. They have it all right. I don’t have anything helpful to say that they haven’t said, but I’m 100% seconding.
@Cats in Shiny Hats
I love your nym!
Not sure you needed to add “older” there.
Man.. Molyneux is so creepy x10.
Hi everyone! I used to post here a while back but a family member got really sick and I became her caretaker for a while. I finally got back into school and finished my first term so I’m on my way towards completing my BA!
Anyway. What he says just creeps me out.
I mean I do want kids in the future. I’m in my mid 20s right now but I don’t have a partner. So watching Adam ruins everything was shocking. I knew those old studies were old but not THAT old, you know? I mean my mom had me in her 30s. Other women in my family had kids late too. My aunt had my cousin when she was almost 40 or at 40. Can’t remember. Now my cousin is ridiculous tall since everyone is tall in my family and does part time modeling lol.
But really, Molyneuxs obsession probably comes from power to instill fear and panic into women that they settle with an older manipulative person. I feel so bad for his daughter. He and his wife (who I found out is a psychiatrist! She’s been in trouble before too but still practices) had her in their 40s. I mean… He’s just a hypocrite? Hes at home while his wife is a working professional career women who had kids later in life?? And hes said that he wants his daughter to be a great philosopher in her life so a career…
Yeah, I know. I really should stop trying to parse this as though it were simple wrongheadedness. Molyneux is not wrongheaded, he’s malicious. He’s one of those people who mentally constructs a horrific world so that he can spin his misanthropy as heroism.
@Yutolia – Also, you know where he works. I would suggest notifying his management if you haven’t already. Sometimes the police can be apathetic to this sort of thing, but a business is not going to tolerate someone who harasses customers. You could be helping other women in the future by doing so, a report or record anywhere is going to build a case against him if he is a repeat offender.