By David Futrelle
Andrew Torba, who runs the Nazi-friendly “free speech” site Gab, is not exactly a big fan of porn. He banned porn from his platform back in July and regularly inveighs against “coomers” — chanspeak for porn addicts — on his much larger competitor Twitter.
But now he’s taking his anti-porn crusade to a new level. In a series of tweets over the past few days he called for a “cultural revolution against porn” and “unity against lust” as well as stringent new governmental restrictions on porn sites.
He threw in a little antisemitism to sweeten the deal:
He also hopes that all the semen conserved by penis-havers who give up porn could be repurposed to produce more white — sorry, Western — babies
Torba clearly thinks that jumping on board the NoFap(TM) train will bring his platform more traffic, and has said as much in a number of tweets, boasting that Gab has picked up more than 100,000 new users since the porn ban in July — including 4000 over the weekend.
Of course, there’s no way of knowing how much of this has anything to do with Torba’s stance on porn. And the initial social media reaction to Torba’s newly expanded anti-porn crusade has been, well, just a teensy bit negative amongst those who otherwise might be some of Gab’s biggest defenders.

He’s also lost the support of some far-right YouTubers, among them the frequently shirtless Styxhexenhammer666 and video game ranter The Quaterting, who has removed himself from Gab.
Still, Torba has his defenders.

So it’s entirely possible that Torba’s escalated antiporn crusade could work to his benefit, garnering Gab many thousands of new users from NoFap world even as it alienates some fans and potential fans, and helps to fuel a cultural civil war between trad-right puritans and what game developer Rami Baker calls “The Anime Tiddie Right.”
As far as I’m concerned, anything that gets these idiots mad at each other is a blessing. So you go, Gab.
PS: That dog in the pic above really is something of a porn addict — and here’s the proof:
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@ paireon
Thank you. We’ve got names picked out and everything but it will just have to be a while.
@ yutz
Go back and read it then. You always seem to forget that people have the ability to scroll back to see all the disgusting things you say.
(something went wrong with previous comment)
“You’ve made it quite clear that as long as men abuse women and children in the name of God it’s okay. ” {{citation needed}} Otherwise: it’s just your “horrible feeling” as much justified as your idea about my marriage.
They’ll probably try to lump “SJWs” and Nazis together and complain that the Nazis have become leftist, or something. Ben Shapiro already thinks that.
And yes, right wing parties are usually the ones who like to censor sex. Where I grew up, conservatives removed sex ed from the school curriculum because they didn’t want to talk about birth control. As well, as usual the GamerGaters were wrong about the left trying to censor sex. Anita Sarkeesian explicitly said she didn’t want to ban games. She was trying to get them to be less misogynistic. It’s telling that the GamerGaters think that misogyny = sex.
Have a link:
@ Naglfar
Thank you. I’m so fucking sleep deprived I can’t deal with gaslighting right now.
Like your going to believe me. There were fucking threads where people showed you fucking screenshots of shit you had said and you still tried to gaslight them and tell them you never said it and that it was all in their head.
And yes I can’t see the guy who claims to be incel (but is married) and agrees with the dudes who would call his wife a cum stain roastie because she’s a woman can have a good a marriage.
You posted a link to last page of that thread, with only one of my comment, which was not related to any pedophilia scandal at all.
You may as well give link to https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/
Still your words, not mine.
Spell my entire name, you fucker.
Also it’s incel words, and which you called yourself one, and you’ve talked to incels on this page and told feminist aren’t going to give you any sympathy. meaning you have sympathy for them. tell me, how are you an incel if your married?
Also Yutz
The thread they posted, it shows a lot of you excuse abuse if done in the name of god. That was the point of it. not so much pedophilia. If a priest wants to abuse women and lgbt people? well that’s fine it’s in the name of god to you. If a father wants to give his daughters to a bunch of men to rape them instead of raping some angels, that’s also fine to you because it’s in the name of god. You excuse abuse if done by people that you like and want to be like.
Here is the thread where you were a gashlighting piece of shit that was sympathetic to the incel who came to talk about his heart feelings, on a thread about murder 19 year old woman, who another incel took a picture of, jerked off to and sent it to her mother.
Here’s the thread where you called yourself and incel
This is the thread you claim your married. Which I want to know how that work and if she knows you count yourself as incel.
In this thread, you decided lot from the bible was right to send his daughters out to the rapist instead of the angels because as long as someone is suffering in the name of god, the abuse is okay. That what you did in this thread. You are not a good person and we’ve all seen that. It’s documented in your own words. Am I saying this slow enough for you or are you going to continue to be a little shit to me
I assume you know how to use the buttons to look back at comments on other pages. I don’t have time to search 309 comments for what you said.
The only self identified incel I had the misfortune to meet in the world was a married man in his 40s who thought his wife wasn’t having sex with him as much as he’d like. So probably something like that.
None of those is about pedophilia. Your opinion about me being alleged pedophile apologist remains only your opinion. How much interpretation you made to my other comments is irrelevant.
> You are not a good person and we’ve all seen that.
Yes, and I don’t deny that. Not exactly because of those, I have worse skeletons in my closet.
I rest my case, your honor.
But it shows that you think abuse is fine if done in the name of god. Do you denied that? would you turn your wife over to rapist if it meant an angel wouldn’t get raped yutz. Answer the question. Do you believe abuse is justified if done in the name of god!
I shudder to think what those are.
The corpse of his wife probably.
One more:
> here you called yourself and incel
I’ve said “you mock people like me”. Do you mock incels only? Are other of your claims as precise like this one?
FYI: I could be (according to literal definition) called an “incel” before, but not according to yours because “incel spaces” didn’t event exist then.
(My only fault: I don’t go around denying “oh, I’m not one” when someone assumes so).
> The corpse of his wife probably
Are you so stupid to think that words don’t mean things? you did say people like me, on a thread about incels, when we were mocking incels. Do you know what that sounds like? calling yourself an incel. And then you go out of your way to talk with the incels that come onto this board, even when disgusting horrible shit. Now answer the fucking question. would you turn your wife over to a rapist if it meant an angel didn’t get raped. why are you avoiding this. why are you so afraid?
It’s a simple yes or no question Yutz. it’s either no I wouldn’t give my wife to a rapist, I don’t agree with that part of the bible and it’s teaching and I would try to protect the person I’m suppose to love
Or it’s yes I would because the abuse of others is fine if it’s done in the name of god. so which is it. Stop dancing around it.
Your honor, prosecution failed to prove the charge, so started throwing new ones. Will you allow that? (of course you will, but I don’t feel compelled to answer them and bring back all drama of previous threads to this one, just because prosecution does so).
Respectable jury: if you’re interested please read those, but be warned: it’s major boring strawman-battle shit.
> abuse of others is fine if it’s done in the name of god
Just ask yourself: did the abusers act in the name of God? Your reasoning is broken.
And I’m a terrible dancer anyway.
So I’m just going to assume yes you would by the way your acting. To a normal person this would have been a no. I would never put the one I love through that kind of pain. But not you, no you would just do it. because it’s okay for you. And my point was that you allow those to be abused if done in the name of god. I cited shit from old threads, I used your words. but now your to much of a coward to answer a simple yes or no question. Wow, I pray god shows your wife the light and she’s able to get away from you.
Lot committed abuse in the name of god, because he wants going to let his quest, the angels be raped. So he gives these men his daughters to rape. That’s the story. And yes it was done in the name of god. Now would you do the same? how deep is your devotion to god Yutz.
Your the one who is to much of a coward to even defend the body of his own wife in a comment section.
Huh, seems I struck a bit of a beehive there (sorry to bees for the potential insult)
@yzek: Behind all your posturing, I see you still refuse to address the point I (admittedly facetiously) raised concerning priestly pedophilia beyond a blanket “I never really defended it”. The fact remains that you don’t seem to ever have truly condemned it either, always going for deflection, projection and obfuscation. This in itself is a tacit acceptance of the the fact, whether you want it or not, due in large part to its prolonged nature.
Also, while I’m sure you’ll still be in a “state of grace” according to Catholicism if you follow the tenets, I’ll inform you that by doing what you’re doing here you’re engaging in very “un-Christian-like” behaviour, in fact you are indulging in two of the Seven Cardinal Sins (better and more doctrinally accurate way to refer to them than “Deadly”, methinks): 1- Wrath: You’re clearly a concern troll, and you keep coming back and responding in a way that you are quite aware is inciting anger. This could be easily avoided by simply not posting here, or at least moderating the content of your posts to be less flagrantly dishonest. 2- Pride: That you come back here constantly clearly shows that you take great pleasure in inciting Wrath in the people here, and the condescending tone you use clearly indicates that you consider yourself above the vast majority of the site’s commentariat.
So, yeah, kinda makes you think (not you though, yzek. Pretty sure you have a predigested pithy response to regurgitate without any real need to fire those neurons more than strictly necessary for autonomous functions and typing).
> how deep is your devotion to god
Fortunately, only God is allowed to test it. But let’s speculate: judging as myself: I’d probably kill those m*f*ing Sodomians. Now you tell me if that would be the right thing to do :>
(Noooo! Lot-daughter drama will be next, evacuate! abandon ship!)