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Nazis, Yes; Tiddies, No: Gab launches “cultural revolution” against porn and lust

Typical porn addict

By David Futrelle

Andrew Torba, who runs the Nazi-friendly “free speech” site Gab, is not exactly a big fan of porn. He banned porn from his platform back in July and regularly inveighs against “coomers” — chanspeak for porn addicts — on his much larger competitor Twitter.

But now he’s taking his anti-porn crusade to a new level. In a series of tweets over the past few days he called for a “cultural revolution against porn” and “unity against lust” as well as stringent new governmental restrictions on porn sites.

He threw in a little antisemitism to sweeten the deal:

He also hopes that all the semen conserved by penis-havers who give up porn could be repurposed to produce more white — sorry, Western — babies

Torba clearly thinks that jumping on board the NoFap(TM) train will bring his platform more traffic, and has said as much in a number of tweets, boasting that Gab has picked up more than 100,000 new users since the porn ban in July — including 4000 over the weekend.

Of course, there’s no way of knowing how much of this has anything to do with Torba’s stance on porn. And the initial social media reaction to Torba’s newly expanded anti-porn crusade has been, well, just a teensy bit negative amongst those who otherwise might be some of Gab’s biggest defenders.

Replying to 
I'm so disappointed in gab. It was shaping up to actually be setting great and instead decided to go full on censorship. How do you 180 like that so hard so fast?
Dizzy Unbound
Replying to 
You're either completely for censorship or against all censorship. There is no pick and choosing. Make a choice and stop touting "freedom" if you're going to mislead the public. You can ban porn, just stop shrieking about others enjoying it. It's childish.
Replying to 
I will cum on my screen while using gab. I will cum in your servers. I will cum into the electricity lines that supply your HQ (cus with mine beind acidic demon cum, it will easily burn through)

He’s also lost the support of some far-right YouTubers, among them the frequently shirtless Styxhexenhammer666 and video game ranter The Quaterting, who has removed himself from Gab.

Still, Torba has his defenders.

Joker Groyper
Replying to 
look at all the triggered coomers who can’t get laid
Coalmine Calhoun
Replying to 
Really riled up the coomers with this one
Dagmar Mohini
Replying to 
these youtubers were obviously informed by their (((masters))) to defend and spread degeneracy, which merely part of the broader plan for (((their))) NWO

So it’s entirely possible that Torba’s escalated antiporn crusade could work to his benefit, garnering Gab many thousands of new users from NoFap world even as it alienates some fans and potential fans, and helps to fuel a cultural civil war between trad-right puritans and what game developer Rami Baker calls “The Anime Tiddie Right.”

As far as I’m concerned, anything that gets these idiots mad at each other is a blessing. So you go, Gab.

PS: That dog in the pic above really is something of a porn addict — and here’s the proof:

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5 years ago

For me, it would depend on what kind of gun/knife stash it is before I decide it’s a dealbreaker.

Fair point. If my (hypothetical) spouse had a stash of really nice Wusthof knives or other fancy cooking knives that they were keeping from me, I’d mainly be pissed that they weren’t sharing the goods! Nothing is better than being able to cook with good knives. I covet them. Some day…

But I rather think those aren’t the kinds of knives that this chucklefuck is picturing.

5 years ago

I feel vaguely like that some Catholics, specifically younger ones born from at least the 90s, may be more tolerant of LGBT individuals, but I am still doubtful regarding their stances regarding abortion and extramarital sex. I don’t know many, if any people, especially of my own age and race offline who has a sexually active life even if it involves only themselves, and their beliefs regarding abortion and gender.

Yes, premarital sex is still considered the sin in Catholicism. But it’s a sin like in eating shellfish or wearing clothes made out of two different fabrics is a sin. Religion is only alive because of people, it has to change just like people do. It has to evolve and move with the times, other wise it dies, and with it, the gods that are worshipped. And your while born in the 90’s thing. I was born in 98. My husband was born in 99, missed the 2000’s mark by a month.

As for abortion? yes it’s primal against it. But just like everything else it’s wobbly depending on where you are. For example Catholicism teaches that if you die before you are baptized, your soul is automatically doomed to hell. It also teaches that miscarriages and still born babies didn’t have a soul. Yet when I lost my baby, or my pregnancy’s I suppose I should say. My priest did his own little baptism for it. And lit a candle for it’s soul. This brought me a great deal of comfort, even though nothing is taught for this. He did this for me because that is what he signed up to do. live his life with Christian goodness, try to love other, not to be judgmental, be a guidance for those searching down that path to live their life. Because above all god judges us on how we treat each other. How much compassion and understanding we try to bring to the world. he counts the pain we inflict and the pain we sooth.

I would also like to point out that you have lumped me in with a bunch of actually Nazis and misogynist because I have religious beliefs that you don’t agree with. So when you read this and think I sound snappy that’s why.

5 years ago

I think there’s also an amount of wiggle room individuals have with regards to how strictly they view their religion’s rules and follow them. For example, a more observant Jew would think I’m a sinner for having premarital sex, but I don’t care. Or they’d think I’m a sinner for being trans, or for mixing fabrics, or for using condoms, or any other violation of Jewish law. Just because someone’s religion says X does not mean that all adherents must believe and do X. Most Jews today are not fundamentalists and are liberal and supportive of LGBT rights and abortion.

I don’t know about Catholic law specifically, but I think for any religion there can be a range of belief/practice.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ lainy

If it’s any comfort, Catholic teaching leaves it open to believe unbaptised children go to Limbo rather than Hades; with the possibility of full admittance to Heaven.

5 years ago


People have to find ways to make religion fit into their life. Whether that’s Catholicism, Judaism, Santeria, Muslims, Yorubaland traditions, even wicca. I use to struggle with the fact a lot that the bible says being gay is wrong. I choose not to believe that. I choose to find a church that doesn’t believe that. I choose to try to keep all the wonderful things I get from the church and try to find a way for my identity to be in it.

I just finished this wonderful book for my world religion class. It’s called we have always been here. It’s by a woman named Samra Habib and it’s a queer Muslim memoir. It’s her experience of growing both gay and Muslim, how she made that work for her. How she didn’t have to choose between these two different parts of herself, instead put melting pot to make something new and beautiful. The book gave me a lot of hope and someone to relate to. If you want to read it, you’ve got the information. It’s really wonderful. but just to a warning. There is child sexual abuse in it and she was forced into a marriage she didn’t want. The child sexual abuse and her mother’s reaction to it had me crying for a good half an hour. But I do think you’d enjoy the book.

5 years ago


Thank you that is a comfort. One day I will get to be a mother. Whether that’s from adoption or childbirth, I will get there. It’s one of the things I want most in this world.

5 years ago


I choose not to believe that. I choose to find a church that doesn’t believe that. I choose to try to keep all the wonderful things I get from the church and try to find a way for my identity to be in it.

I’ve done much the same. I have found a synagogue that is LGBT inclusive. I have similarly done my best to reconcile the various groups I am a part of and to make my community more inclusive.

That book sounds interesting. I’ll see if my local library has it.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago


This is…much more mild, but I was born in 2000 and the idea of getting married anytime soon gives me whiplash. I was still sneaking relationships yesterday, it seems…God, what the hell is happening to my sense of time? (I’ve read that capitalism making people work overtime is definitely part of it, but still.)

That said, that’s 200% my issue–I certainly hope that y’all are doing and continue to do well!

Sofia van de Linde
Sofia van de Linde
5 years ago

I am not in favour of putting age restrictions on the internet either. Parents can do this on their children’s devices.

Parents and schools should discuss and educate young people about porn and sex work. You may want to discuss problematic tropes in porn and sexual violence before puberty in an age appropriate way. Yes, I am aware religious conservatives will fight this every step of the way, because they thrive on ignorance.

Are these uncomfortable conversations to have with children as they grow up? Certainly, but if you do not, your children will be “educated” at best by their peers and the internet and at worst by abusers.

Moreover, this was a problem before we had the internet. My mother resented her parents because they had not bothered with sex-ed and left it to the school who did not bother until she was 16. My mother got her sex ed from her peers who harshly mocked her for her ignorance. That said my mother was Lucky.

I have seen and read several interviews with convicted child rapists who all stated that the greatest gift a parent can give them is an ignorant child.

5 years ago

I find it hard to believe that the world is getting more tolerant when we have the largest two religions (that can and still do dominate people’s lives) that speak against homosexuality, abortion, extramarital sex, gender non-conformity and atheism; I find it difficult for such teachings and the left’s plight (which I pretty much find myself agreeing with) to coexist. Heck, I’ve even come across a Christian on Tumblr of all places a while back who justified the killing of gay individuals, citing God’s will for this – I highly suspect that they came from the United States.

I don’t think people are getting progressive and at least tolerant or accepting of the “degenerates” fast enough, and it’s still causing people like those who are transgender, those who are women and those who don’t believe in anything or wish to be part of any religion in certain parts of the world a great deal of trouble. I feel like there may still be too much of this “love the sinner, hate the sin” stuff going on.

I find it easy to conflate conservative religious beliefs with what Nazis stand for, because they have almost the same intentions even though they target different people – subordinating women to men for the good of society, forcing consensual sexual interaction to very limited use cases (i.e. reproduction) and punishing those who question the order from either leaving the faith or expressing oneself in a gender non-conforming or otherwise “Satanic” manner. Granted, religion is at least somewhat less supportive of white supremacism these days.

I’d live on my knees with not even an acceptable standard of living (should I be even kept alive) under a Nazi regime as someone who is not white, but I don’t know how much of an improvement being under a conservative religious regime would be even if I had a decent quality of life. I’d have to be a slave to a certain set of beliefs or risk being called a murderer if I were born with a womb and ever had an abortion or be harassed for my lack of faith, which is sadly the case in certain parts of the world.

I come from a part of the world where religion is still taken incredibly seriously especially compared to North Americans and western Europeans – attitudes to faith, gender and sexuality where I come from are reminiscent of what North America and western Europe believed a few or several decades ago.

This whole shit makes me pissed off. I find it hard to shut up about it. It’s a good thing I don’t have email alerts enabled.

Off topic and kind of off my chest: I’ve also deliberately disconnected myself from a lot of people I’ve used to speak to, mostly online but also offline to some extent too. I’m going through some personal issues, including deep anger with the people I live with owing to some of the questionable decisions they’ve made, and very disturbing thoughts which I am trying to address with a therapist. I guess I am just trying to find a space to socialize if I’m still talking on here, although I just tend to rant; I feel it’s justified owing to the content on here, although I understand I could be booted off from commenting here if I get on people’s nerves.

5 years ago

“For example Catholicism teaches that if you die before you are baptized, your soul is automatically doomed to hell.”

No, it doesn’t.
(But I’m just a bigot and misogynist, what do I know…)


5 years ago


Eat shit and go away. Your an annoying asshole that im not going to debate God’s kindness with your whinny incel ass

5 years ago

With level of knowledge you presented, you’re not a partner for me anyway, but as a preacher for WHTM you’re excellent (as in Mathew 15:14)

So live your wife and practice whatever own version of Catholic faith you’ve got, but you don’t have to cover the rest of us from well deserved hate from the world (as presented by @rv97 and all nice people here) because it’s just inevitable: truth will be hated as was prophesied (was it? maybe it’s just like with shellfishes…)


5 years ago


I’m married you dumbass. Even if i was single I’d rather die by myself in complete isolation then ever let you and any of your incel pals near me. Also never @ me again when I’m sharing a story about my miscarriages. I don’t want you when sniffing around the idea of my children. Because you are a bigot and a misogynist who doesn’t understand or care about boundaries. I pray that God shows you the error of your ways and that you will finally live your life like a true Catholic and i hope god will do it in a way that doesn’t cause you pain. But I doubt you would ever open yourself up to any change because your set on being a miserable pathetic whinny asshole for the rest of your life.

Now let me make this quite plan because your as dumb as a sack of shit. Eat shit and go away

5 years ago


You’d probably don’t care but FYI anyway: I’m married too and I didn’t meant by word “parner” anything remotely connected to idea you oppose so firmly, and wouldn’t even dare to suggest that. My language has a phrase literally meaning “partners in debate” which seems to be an linguistic false friend. Shame on me. Sorry.

Thanks for wishes, sincere or not, but about the part of being better Catholic: I’d rather still follow the Church instead of changing it to be more suitable for me.

Wish you the best too (sincerely… or I least I hope so), but you surely understand that while theoretically being in the same community we clearly don’t share the same idea of what’s the best here and now in this life, except maybe resurrection from the dead and ultimate happiness of eternal life with God.



5 years ago


one more time, go away, your not welcome. Go hang out in the incel spaces. You aren’t apart of this community, you are a god damn troll that likes to polices others behavior and your favorite part of the bible is the parts of women being subservient and lgbt being killed. You don’t need to change anything about the original catholic faith because it was built for you asshole. There is nothing wrong with it because you like how it’s set up for you. Your pretty transparent and really, if you don’t know how using the word partner looked right there. Then you really need to learn how to read, words mean things.

Now for the love of the virgin Mary herself, just leave me alone. and how about next time you read something about a woman talking about something painful, don’t make it about you. Don’t butt into conversation that weren’t about you. basic shit man. Learn boundaries. say it with me. I know it’s a big word but you can do it.

5 years ago

Fell free to wrongly assume everything worst about me, I care very little about it, but do not speak against my Mother Church and expect me to remain silent, even in place like this (I know perfectly well I’m not welcome here).

5 years ago


what is with you not understanding the word no? I feel really bad for your poor fucking wife.

5 years ago

Wonder what the Gamergate crowd thinks about this, considering that one of their main rallying points was “down with SJW censorship of sexy stuff” from what I saw. Seems they didn’t realize that historically the right/conservatives/reactionaries has/have been far more active in censoring sexy things than the left/progressives ever was/were (even if there are some elements there that do call for it, it’s nowhere near as universal or pervasive).

Oh, wait, they are shocked and appalled at this sudden but inevitable betrayal that everybody except them saw coming from Day 1. Go figure.

Also, looks like from this day forward I will proudly proclaim myself a member of the “Anime Tiddy Left” LOL.

@Lainy: I wish you all the best for your future motherhood.

5 years ago

@yzek: Tell the leaders of your “Mother Church” to stop the children-diddlers among their subalterns, then we’ll talk about not offending you (because yes, you clearly are offended).

5 years ago


Teh ultimate pedophile-among-clery knee-jerk argument, check!


5 years ago


You gonna excuse it again right? As long as its a holly man abusing children its fine to you. You little incel shit.

5 years ago

“You gonna excuse it again right?”

Again? Where did I for first time? Am I doing it right now? (Why do I even ask… )

5 years ago


In the shoulder showing thread way back. You’ve made it quite clear that as long as men abuse women and children in the name of God it’s okay.

And I don’t know. I wish you’d just eat shit and go away. But here you are. Where you aren’t welcome. Violating people boundaries. Being an asshole. Like i said I feel horrible for your wife. Doea she know that you have sympathy for men that would call her a cum filled roastie? Or do you talk to her enough like that at home that she wouldn’t be surprised.

And yes your excusing it by not addresing it and that’s why people hate our church is because of the history of hypocrisy and sweeping things under the rug. Murder, sexual abuse, conquest, all in the name of God. And that is why the church has to evolve. If it doesn’t it will die.

5 years ago

<<>> {{citation needed}}