
Banning abortion “is about making women scared to have more than one sexual partner,” Red Pill Redditor declares

Fuck that Red Pill shit

By David Futrelle

In the midst of a too-long manifesto on “the Politics of Damaged Women” posted to the Red Pill subreddit today, a fellow calling himself RamessesVII makes an argument that reveals far more about the politics of damaged men like, well, him.

“We must overturn Row V. Wade,” he declares flatly.

And let’s be real, it’s not about killing babies. I only really care if a woman kills my kid, I don’t care about anyone else’s. [Banning] abortion is about making it so women are scared to have more than one sexual partner. 

Huh. And that one partner would be you, you assume? I don’t think so.

RamessesVII, who seems genuinely confused by our political system and life in general, has a plan to ensure the end of Roe: Red Pill men should join Christian churches en masse, regardless of whether or not they actually believe in God or Jesus or any of that stuff.

[I]f you’re in the United States, consider calling up your local church and joining. You don’t have to believe any of it if you don’t want to. But the church is the only viable tool we have to turn our country conservative again. …

The point, again, is to scare women — ideally, so badly that they end up voting Republican.

If we want women to vote Republican we need to make them think that Jesus is watching them in that voting booth. AND we need women to vote Republican if we want conservative policy implemented in this country. They’re 50% of the population.

So don’t just go Christian. Start wearing crosses and saying Merry Christmas and shit.

So go to church, wish strangers Merry Christmas, wear a cross to the coffee shop, and make sure it’s visible when you order your 4 dollar coffee from Becky. Bring Christianity back into practice in this country, and all this disgusting intersectional garbage will vanish.

Yes, I’m sure wearing your cross to Starbucks will scare Becky the Barista into voting against her own interests. Brilliant plan there.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

It is in the Capybara thread. Did you try going to that thread, and opening it up there? Clicking on the ‘comments’ link, and opening it up like that? It didn’t show up for me, until I clicked on the ‘comments’ link, and then it did.

The ‘recent comments’ links sometimes glitches out.

This link might work, it’s to the comment itself.

This link is from clicking the ‘comments’, and my latest comment shows up there.

You aren’t being lied to, or blocked. This is the same behaviour that has been happening for what, a year now? The comments are glitchy, no one knows what’s wrong, here are a few ways around the errors.

I’m sorry the site misbehaving affects you as deeply as this, but it really is just gremlins in the machinery, with no focus in their tricks. No one is targeting you. (If that helps you feel better.)

5 years ago

So either there’s no comment by Rhuu and this page is lying to me by claiming there is, or there is but I’m somehow blocked from viewing it.

Or, option 3, it’s the same issue the site has had for probably a year now that we’ve explained the workaround for. It’s probably already resolved by now because it only lasts for a few minutes after a comment is posted, but if you go to instead of you should be able to see the comment.

5 years ago

Which (kupo’s technique) works like a dream. You even get the edit timer back (if you are the one as commented!)

Thank you again for that, kupo!

5 years ago

No problem! But I’m not the first one who posted it, so I can’t take credit ?. It’s been so long I forget who first posted it. But thank you to whoever that was!

epitome of incomprehensibility

Row V. Wade

What’s “Row” V. Wade? The choice of how to cross a shallow stream?

Okay, silly joke and I’m petty to pick on a typo, but this is ridiculous as a way to influence people towards conservatism:

wear a cross to the coffee shop, and make sure it’s visible when you order your 4 dollar coffee from Becky

First, “Becky” is probably thinking about what she’s doing and won’t pay much attention to your clothing unless it’s really outrageous. Second, as other commenters pointed out, it’s quite a leap from “Christianity exists” to “hmm, I’d better vote Republican.”

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

CONTENT WARNING: This post is all about violence done to abortion providers.

Apparently Rachel Maddow just did a whole hour on forced-birther related violence!

Here are some links:

Part 1 –

Part 2 –

Part 3 –

Part 4 –

Part 5 –

There is also a shorter video up on youtube, here:

A list of abortion providers that were assassinated / abortion clinic violence (up to 2015, when this article was written) –

[In Pensacola] On Christmas Day in 1984, two doctors’ offices and a clinic were bombed by opponents of abortion who were later arrested, convicted and jailed.

1993 – Dr. Gunn – shot three times in the back, on his way into the clinic.

1994 –

Dr. John Bayard Britton and a clinic volunteer, James H. Barrett, [were shot and killed] outside a women’s health center in July 1994. Mr. Barrett’s wife, June, was also wounded in the shooting.

1994 – Two receptionists were shot and killed, Shannon Lowney, 25, and Leanne Nichols, 38.

1998 –

James Kopp was convicted of the murder of Dr. Barnett Slepian, an obstetrician who provided abortion services in the Buffalo area, and has been named a suspect in the shooting of several abortion providers in Canada.

Mr. Kopp hid in the woods behind Dr. Slepian’s home in October 1998 and shot him through the window with a high-powered rifle, killing him as he stood in his kitchen with his family. Dr. Slepian had just returned from a memorial service for his father when he was killed.


The authorities in Canada also suspect Mr. Kopp in the nonlethal attacks on several abortion providers there who were shot through the windows of their homes. He was charged with the 1995 attempted murder of Dr. Hugh Short, an abortion provider in Ontario, although the charges were dropped after his conviction in New York.

The police in Canada also named him a suspect in the 1997 shooting of Dr. Jack Fainman in Winnipeg and the 1994 shooting of Dr. Garson Romalis in Vancouver, which was the first attack on an abortion provider in Canada.

1998 – Robert Sanderson (security guard, off duty cop) was killed by a nail bomb explosion. Emily Lyons, a nurse, was left ‘maimed and half-blind’.

The same murderer also bombed the olympics, two more clinics, and a gay bar.

Dr. George Tiller, one of the few doctors in the United States who provided abortions late in pregnancy, was a frequent target of anti-abortion violence and was killed in 2009 by Scott Roeder as he stood in the foyer of his church.

Dr. Tiller was also shot in 1993. His shooter is now out of jail. She also vandalised and set some clinics on fire.

Anyway, there’s a list. Forced Birth terrorists don’t just shoot buildings, but people. So, so many people.

(I don’t know what the death toll is like outside of north america, I can only imagine. D:)

epitome of incomprehensibility

On a more somber note [Edit: that intro doesn’t quite work now, what with @Rhuu’s post above – but yes, thanks for writing that up, I didn’t know about the anti abortion violence in Canada] I was just reading about the 30th anniversary of the Polytechnique murders.

@Crip Dyke, thanks for the article. I thought this was an important point: “Too often, sexist violence has been seen as barely relevant to the question of whether or not a person poses a danger to the public.” (link) Many people still don’t take sexist attitudes into account, still blame violence against women on tangential things like violent media or attribute all problems to mental illness…

I was also thinking, maybe irrelevantly, about places’ reputations. My first associations for “Ecole Polytechnique” would be “UQAM’s engineering school – no wait, UdM’s* engineering school” and “where [former colleague’s name] got his degree” but I’m sure many people outside Montreal would think, “the place where a mass shooting happened.” Like what I would think hearing “Columbine High School.”

This is only natural, but I also feel like pointing out positive things happening there. E.g. their solar-powered electric car prototype called Esteban won the 2018 & 2019 Formula Sun Grand Prix.

*Université de Montréal. The city has 4 major universities: mostly-French-language UdM and UQAM, and mostly-English-language McGill and Concordia (I did my undergrad there).

5 years ago

It is simply awful how many people are killed by so-called “pro life” terrorists. They certainly weren’t pro the lives of those they murdered.


Many people still don’t take sexist attitudes into account, still blame violence against women on tangential things like violent media or attribute all problems to mental illness…

And every time someone points out how misogyny played a role, some antifeminist has to jump in to compare feminists to the KKK and claim that feminists are using the tragedy to justify an agenda they don’t like (as said by Charles Rackoff). It really does make discussion and resolution harder.

I had a friend who was a professor at McGill. Ironically, the main reason I broke contact with him was that he was starting to sound like an MRA and say various misogynistic things.

5 years ago

He’s not wrong. Anti-abortion laws are about punishing women for daring to believe they own their bodies. Always been.

5 years ago

They’re just saying the quiet parts out loud.

5 years ago


They’re just saying the quiet parts out loud.

It’s pretty much a case example of “death of a euphemism”.

And that is a really bad sign of things to come. Though even if relegated to euphemism; it’s still bad…

Prith kDar
Prith kDar
5 years ago

@ Naglfar:

I agree that the Onion article is inappropriate for today. I can’t tell if it’s deliberately trying to make light of the massacre or if it’s out of ignorance and not knowing the day. Either way it’s a bad thing to do.

I may have misread Crip Dyke’s intent with her article, but I didn’t get the sense that she disapproved of it. Either way, I don’t think it’s inappropriate for The Onion, but is rather in the same bitter, sarcastic vein of the series of articles that they run after school shootings, “No Way To Prevent This,” Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.

The New York Times wrote that “each time The Onion publishes this particular headline, it seems to rocket around the internet with more force” and that the headline “with each use, seemed to turn from cheeky political commentary on gun control into a reverberation of despair.”

To date it’s been run 14 times.

So rather than inappropriate, I think these articles and the École Polytechnique one are their way of saying, “Stop making excuses and end this already.”


Prith kDar
Prith kDar
5 years ago

Since the techniques for editing don’t seem to work for me, I just want to amend the above. The Onion article in question isn’t directly referencing the École Polytechnique massacre, and may or may not have been intended as a response to the anniversary. Nevertheless, I don’t see it as disrespectful, since it’s still calling out the emotional terrorism entitled men wage against women and the excuses people make for it.

varalys the dark
5 years ago

Thankfully abortion isn’t an issue in the UK. In fact Northern Ireland has just been brought in line with the rest of the UK and have had to accept equal marriage and abortion, they grumbled a bit but otherwise it passed pretty much without comment here.

5 years ago

@varalys, yes indeed, thank goodness – but still, constant vigilance eh :-s (been doing a few days’ canvassing for Labour lately, mostly in marginals. All to play for! But if it goes pear-shaped, it’s going to encourage renewed efforts from all sorts of regressive-authoritarian-racist-patriarchal groups and initiatives). Here’s to voting/keeping the tory out in one’s constituency, wherever that may be! 🙂

5 years ago

@Prith kDar
Maybe I misread Crip Dyke’s post. When I read it, these lines stood out to me as a criticism:

it’s so painfully on the nose that on this anniversary of the École Polytechnique massacre, the Onion has published an article titled:

I read that as her saying it was the wrong day to publish an article like this. If I misread her, I apologize for the misunderstanding. Maybe she can clarify it for us? Again, sorry if I misunderstood.

@varalys the dark

In fact Northern Ireland has just been brought in line with the rest of the UK and have had to accept equal marriage and abortion

I heard about that. I’m not quite sure why they didn’t have to accept those when the rest of the UK did. Maybe it’s just me misunderstanding the legal system there.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Thankfully abortion isn’t an issue in the UK. In fact Northern Ireland has just been brought in line with the rest of the UK and have had to accept equal marriage and abortion, they grumbled a bit but otherwise it passed pretty much without comment here.

This isn’t directed at you alone or anything, just in general to UK Mammotheers.

Don’t get complacent. I’ve read articles about how the anti-abortion movement is growing there, and they have decades worth of US forced birther actions to use as a playbook. There’s all kinds of little ways that forced birthers can and will chip away at abortion rights and normalize forced birtherism. And complacency from people who thought that once Roe v. Wade happened, abortion rights couldn’t be lost is a big part of why the anti-choice movement has been so successful here in the US.

As with any right, it’s not much of a problem. Until it is. Be especially careful if Boris Johnson wins the election, as he’s operating from the US right wing threat. If he does, abortion rights may be under threat, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell any UK commenter that the NHS will definitely be in danger.

5 years ago

Again, late to the party because IRL stuff, but as someone from the greater Montreal area, I wanted to comment on the 30th anniversary of the Polytechnique shootings. At least now the universal consensus is that it was a specifically anti-feminist, misogynistic act. It’s not enough, but at least it’s something. Even though I was 10 at the time I still have very clear memories of that time. In a dark bit of irony, that tragedy probably played a very important role in my becoming as pro-feminist (is that a good way to put it? I’m not very experienced at having Internet conversations about this) as I am today.

Also, RE: Pro-life/pro-choice: human nature and demographics being what they are, it’s true that both side will wind up with horrible asshats in them, but really, when you compare the crimes committed by both sides it becomes pretty clear which one is the more dangerous/extreme/repugnant. (hint: not the pro-choice side)

5 years ago

@varalys the dark

Thankfully abortion isn’t an issue in the UK. In fact Northern Ireland has just been brought in line with the rest of the UK and have had to accept equal marriage and abortion, they grumbled a bit but otherwise it passed pretty much without comment here.

The forced-birthers have noticed the ongoing political trainwreck in the UK and decided that now’s a good time for them to get to work there. The “Center for Bio-ethical Reform” have made a public harrasment campaign targeted at a pregnant london MP, working alongside a group calling itself the “Christian People’s Alliance”.

I don’t see the UK political situation getting better any time soon, so you can bet that this won’t be the last such campaign.

5 years ago

The Center for Bio-ethical Reform is especially awful. They have a moving installation called the “Genocide Awareness Project” that uses gross-out photos of what they claim are aborted fetuses (but probably aren’t) and photos of the Holocaust and photos of lynchings, and compares abortion to genocide. In addition to being very offensive to survivors and victims of genocide and persecution, this was deemed so graphic and in such poor taste that even Liberty University (the fundamentalist school) condemned it. Even other anti choicers think they’re extreme.
More information (from a Canadian pro-choice group):

5 years ago

In addition to what everyone else has said about abortion in the UK, I’ve been noticing lately that more and more TERFs seem to be talking anti-abortion nonsense (one I just reported and blocked yesterday was ranting about Planned Parenthood, for example), and IK most definitely has a growing TERF problem right now. (Just another reminder that TERFs are anti-woman, I guess.)

5 years ago


Sorry, edit timer ran out.

5 years ago


In addition to what everyone else has said about abortion in the UK, I’ve been noticing lately that more and more TERFs seem to be talking anti-abortion nonsense (one I just reported and blocked yesterday was ranting about Planned Parenthood, for example), and IK most definitely has a growing TERF problem right now.

I was aware that the UK (and the world as a whole) had a TERF problem, but I didn’t know that they were now anti-abortion. It doesn’t really surprise me, however, seeing as they’re sliding further and further to the right.

5 years ago


I was aware that the UK (and the world as a whole) had a TERF problem, but I didn’t know that they were now anti-abortion. It doesn’t really surprise me, however, seeing as they’re sliding further and further to the right.

Is it really sliding, or are they just being more open about who they have been all along? So many of the leading TERFs are the same individuals who have been active since the seventies, and they were allying with the “Religious Right” even then.

One reason that any time someone says “Don’t say TERF, TERF is a misogynistic slur!” rather than arguing against that point (since they know damn well it isn’t and are arguing in bad faith), I simply respond with a line I first saw on this site:

“Very well, I will instead use the term Feminism-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes, or FARTS.”

5 years ago


Is it really sliding, or are they just being more open about who they have been all along?

Fair point. I guess what I meant is that it appears that they’re more and more openly associating with far right ideas and actions. Like appearing with Jean-François GariĂ©py on a podcast or attacking Planned Parenthood. You’d think they’d try to keep a veneer of liberalism, but they aren’t even doing that. At least now the world will see their true colors.