By David Futrelle
The video game reviewer who calls himself One Angry Gamer — real name Billy — gets angry about all sorts of things. Sometimes he directs his ire at what he sees as unforgivable technical flaws in games.
In a post on the upcoming Half-Life game Alyx, he attacks the game makers at Valve for not giving the titular character
fully rigged arms, but instead they’re relying on the egregious disembodied hands, meaning that there’s a clear separation between the player and being immersed in the world. Expect corrupt journalists and non-gamers in media to praise the feature even though better VR games have fully rigged player-view arms, such as After-H or Swords of Gargantuan.
Yes, that’s right: he’s attacking “corrupt” game journalists now for hypothetical opinions he thinks they might express in the future.
Sometimes– well, rather a lot of the time — One Angry Gamer’s triggers are less technical; he was one of those who lost his shit over Lady Thor, describing her gender reveal to be “the kind of news that strips the threads away from the very fabric of your soul,” a veritable “hammer to the gut.”
OAG’s latest target? An upcoming Jordan-Peele-produced series from Amazon that he thinks will foment “racist hate crimes” against white people.
Amazon Prime is promoting racial divide within Western countries with an upcoming show due to air in 2020 called Hunters. It’s about a group of Jews, blacks, and Asians hunting down and killing whites. It’s justified in the trailer when the lead character, portrayed by Al Pacino, says it’s “mitzvah”, meaning מצווה, or upholding a commanded religious order from the Abrahamic God.
I should perhaps note that the show isn’t about some multi-ethnic, multicultural gang wantonly killing every white dude they see. Its about a group of NAZI hunters tracking down LITERAL NAZIS.
OAG is aware, of course, that the villains in the series are Nazis; he just seems to think that anyone opposed to Nazis is probably opposed to white people in general.
The end of the trailer showcases the mixed-race vigilantes going after and beating up, brutalizing, and killing whites. …
Yes, Amazon Prime has a show promoting racial genocide and are attempting to mask it as some sort of revenge against Nazis shtick.
By this, er, “logic,” all of the shows and films that have ever been made featuring Nazis as villains — from Hogan’s Heroes to Schindler’s List — were all little more than calls for white genocide.
One could only imagine the uproar if the show’s premise were reversed, and a bunch of whites were gathered to secretly hunt down and kill a bunch of blacks, Jews, or middle-easterners. Social Justice Twitter would have a conniption.
Yet Amazon is proud to broadcast a show designed to stir racial enmity against whites… and for what?
We all know the answer, but expect the Left to play dumb or justify how a show like this – during the current climate where the media is constantly trying to stoke a race war – is somehow “needed”.
“We all know the answer?” If I’m hearing OAG’s dogwhistle correctly, he’s blaming the show on Teh Jews What Controls the Media. Which makes it a bit more apparent why he’s mad about a show with Nazi villains. Because he’s more or less one of them.
OAG definitely has “race war” on the brain. A few days ago, he wrote a curious post about the upcoming Netflix vampire series V Wars, which OAG thinks might be secretly trying to “red pill” viewers by depicting a black vampire cucking the human race in general and white people in particular by getting it on with a white woman. (There’s a literal one-second sequence in the trailer for the show that depicts the head vampire — who is black — making out with some hot human babe I’m not even 100% sure is white. )
It doesn’t take much to figure out that with V Wars you could very well replace “Vampire” with “Race” and you would quickly get the gist of the show. They mostly show a lot of white women being turned into vampires, thus making it look like the lead black vampire is taking the women for his own. That’s almost right on the nose to the kind of media propaganda we’ve been seeing from… well, everywhere.
I’m pretty sure most people upon viewing the trailer weren’t thinking that “the lead black vampire is taking the women for his own.” They, or at least a good portion of them, were more likely thinking “hey, hot vampires!”
The main concern with a show like this is whether or not they’ll turn the main hero into a cuckold or make him join the vampires? That would be a really disappointing turn of events. …
I’m still kind of shocked that they allowed a black guy to be the main villain of a show in [current year]. I also wonder if that will cause the typical outrage fodder on that cesspit known as Twitter to “rheee” about it until it trends?
Maybe not, because people who aren’t racist don’t spend all their time obsessing over interracial human-vampire relationships?
I’m not sure if OAG is mad at the show for pushing a “cuck” agenda, or if he really thinks, as he suggests at the start of the post, that the show has been engineered by “some rogue executive at Netflix” who’s decided “to red-pill people with media that goes against the [current year] grain” by depicting a black guy as a white-lady-stealing vampire villain.
Why does it so often come back to the specter of interracial “cucking?” It’s really quite amazing how many of the issues today’s “Red Pilled”misogynists obsess over end up being about aggrieved racial and sexual entitlement and/or straight-up insecurity.
H/T — r/GamerGhazi for pointing me to OAG’s vampire post
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I think it makes sense that the Head Vamp Honcho in the upcoming series is black. Stoker’s Dracula isn’t black (obviously) but he’s coded as nonwhite, meaning that he’s very alien. Jonathan Harker, as he travels over the ridge of the Carpathians at the beginning of the book, has the feeling that he’s leaving Europe behind, and Dracula later emphasizes the fact that he’s a descendant of Attila (“What devil…was ever as great as Attila, whose blood runs in these veins?”) The middle of the book is an excursus of the dangers of allowing Damned Foreigners to acquire land and put down roots in green and leafy England and to interact with ‘white’ (meaning: English) women. (Stoker himself was Irish and may have been working off some insecurities here.) If the Amazon series is following Stoker’s lead in this matter, then what it’s actually doing is returning to its source material in a very conservative manner. (We’d be so much better off if more people could bring themselves to read the classics.)
First of all, as a white guy myself I feel insulted that he tries to amalgamate my entire ethnic supergroup to Nazis. Second of all, I’m pretty sure most white guys are down to watch Nazis get beat up.
Also, he thinks V Wars is a secret redpilling vehicle, yet at the same time finds it absurd that there’s a black big bad in our day and age? Get your act together, man. Oh, and fun fact: the TV series Midnight, Texas had among its characters a black vampire man who was outright married to a white human woman (who also happened to be quite the badass gunfighter, not exactly a besotted groupie or mind-controlled thrall, as I recall); wonder how he’d react to that.
And if I’m to follow his logic, the movie True Lies is propganda meant at fomenting race war against all middle easterners, not just the actual terrorist fanatics, with white people (as represented by Austrian-born, son of an actual Nazi teutonic strongman Arnold Schwarzenegger) as the righfulaggressors… Oh wait a minute.
And since it’s mentioned sorry to go on a tangent, but full disclosure: I also dislike the idea of Natalie Portman as Thor, because 1- it’s not a title, it’s a name (they’re actually trying to claim otherwise); if you wanted a title, they should have used Odinson (or the actual feminine form, Odinsdottir), which has been used in the comics and films anyway.
2- it’s goddamn shoehorning; there are other badass Asgardian-related women you could have made the movie about, like Valkyrie (who’s also the first official LGBT MCU character) or Sif (not sure Skadi or Freya are important enough characters in the Thor comics to base movies around them though; don’t remember having seen them in the films anyway).
3- Natalie Portman, an otherwise great actress, did MCU movies purely to secure funding for other projects such as Black Swan (haven’t watched it yet but I’ve heard great things about it; I really gotta work on my movie backlog) and it shows, as she’s got virtually zero chemistry with Chris Hemsworth; I can’t shake the feeling that her return is similarly due to some agenda or other.
4- the movie version of Jane Foster is hella annoying to me, with her ridiculously dogmatic “but it’s not SCIENCE!” stance, which the movies seem to not only condone but tacitly support, despite being a superhero movie about a Viking god. And it became even more stupid and pointless when they finally introduced bona fide, not “it’s the same thing under another name” bullshit-excused, actual MAGIC to the MCU with the Doctor Strange movie. I’m a strict skeptic and rationalist IRL, but I sure as hell leave that at the door when it comes to fictional entertainment media.
Anyway, sorry about that, I just had to say it. Hopefully it comes across as less sexist/stupid than that other guy.
Also: @bekabot, love your short Dracula analysis. I think it’s spot-on (especially Stoker’s insecurities).
I find it very telling every time these people get mad about Nazis being rightfully cast as villains. It’s the same type of complaint they like to give about “Red Flag” laws or anything that will stop the spread of Nazi propaganda or straight up terrorism.
The truth is that their complaints are nothing more than thinly veiled attempts aimed at spreading more hatred and/or violence towards marginalized groups.
And while I take great pleasure in watching them bawl their eyes out over this, it is not enough, given their history of violence. If anything, I want to save my celebrations and schadenfreude for when they get rightfully outlawed and thrown into prison, like every Nazi deserves.
I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I would be surprised if there wasn’t some show (or video game?) that kind of does this. There’s gotta be a show about taking down terrorists who happen to mostly be brown. Or one of those war-games set in the Middle East? Quit yer whining, Billy.
To be fair, Jane Foster Thor in the comics took up the name under Thor’s insistence, basically because the name carried weight and hope with it. “Jane Foster” doesn’t mean anything to the Nine Realms, but “Thor” does.
That said, idk how I feel about Natalie Portman being that version of Thor, because Jane Foster Thor is ripped, whereas Ms. Portman is tiny enough to be cast convincingly as a ballerina.
It’s a bit sad that all these ‘angry gamer’ types take it and run with it mostly to be a shitweasel; when their forefather, the Angry Video Game Nerd (played by James Rolfe), is to my knowledge a half-decent person. Sure, it wasn’t the most sophisticated humor, but toilet humor is far, far better than whatever the hell the dipbag this article covers is spewing.
Do correct me if I’m wrong, of course; but even then, the ripoffs are still nothing compared to the original.
Oh good gravy: American Sniper is probably one of the worst given that it is propaganda that white washes and lionizes Chris Kyle; a known liar, a racist and religious zealot who frequently broke protocol and may have even killed women a children and pretty much enjoyed killing people… and the film itself demonizing Arabs broadly with xenophobia and trying to portray any soldier who wasn’t Chris Kyle as incompetent and otherwise sanitizing Kyle from what he actually was.
I may enjoy Military fiction as much as the next guy; but I make it a point to call out things like that with a vengeance because it’s detestable, naked propagandizing among other things…
Gimme MASH any day; it’s one of the most left wing progressive military series you can find with decent morals, shows war for the travesty it actually is (even at it’s arguably most ‘just’, if you can call it that) and humanizes everyone caught in it on all sides.
Not this AGAIN (and again and again and again and again since 2014… I’m tired). *facepalm* We’re claiming Thor is a title because in the comics it WAS.
That Thor is actually, well, the Norse god Thor not a dude transforming into a Thor-shape by the help of a magic cane is a retcon. (Not to mention Drago Ktor the future Thor, the Thor Corps (non of them Thor Odinson), the time Eric Masterson (later Thunderstrike) ran around calling himself Thor, or several Thor related characters (dudes) proclaiming themselves the “Real/True Thor”.)
If you have a problem with this please go back in time to the 60’s to bother Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Or possibly tell Tom DeFalco in the 90’s that he should drop it already.
Also Odinson/Odinsdottir mean “son/daughter of Odin”, I fail to see how these would work as a title for Jane Foster any better.
And before I forget, behold this magnificent creature:
![comment image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403581026535997451/516613087084806144/InSpaaaaaaaaaaaace.jpg)
![comment image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403581026535997451/565579066090979348/ProperThrogReaction.jpg)
![comment image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360226778251526144/535138881226407990/FluentInFrog.jpg)
(Throg the Frog of Thunder; also Frog!Thor)
@Moxie: Yeah, I knew that, but I still find it silly. Beta Ray Bill and Thunderstrike didn’t need to use Thor’s name when they wound up with his powers; I feel that her having to take the name so it’s “legit” kinda cheapens the fact that she’s worthy to wield the power since, as I said, others did before and didn’t need to do that to be “legit” themselves.
@Troubelle: True enough, I rather like James Rolfe myself. Though I was a bit annoyed that some on our side decided to shit on him (and his wife, who IIRC was accosted and insulted while shopping) because he made a video saying he wasn’t going to see the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot in a theater because he thought it looked terrible (I actually agree with him – those trailers did NOT inspire confidence). And because I watch him, Jim Sterling, and YongYea (who’s mostly apolitical AFAIK, in his videos at least), I’m bombarded by YouTube with videos of said shitweasels…
I’ve just avoided watching any of the Thor movies. Partially because I’m just not into superhero films, but also because as a mythology fan, I’d probably get too annoyed with the inconsistencies between mythological Thor and movie Thor.
Okay… I try to post a picture again. I’m sorry if it appears twice. ^^;
And anothers:
![comment image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360226778251526144/649633110539108353/thorrednorvell7.jpg)
![comment image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360226778251526144/649634383338274827/Thor_Vol_1_384.jpg)
@ naglfar
During WW2 the Germans employed a radio navigation device for bombers. At the time, such systems were believed to require a dual beam transmitter. Some Allied scientists however suspected the Germans may have developed a single beam system; but how to find out?
Then an Enigma intercept revealed the system was called Wotan.
And absolutely no Donald Blake named himself Thor just because he read it on the inscription of a shape-changing cane EVER! (I have to wonder if it said “Fart” would he take that alias too?)
@Alan Robertshaw
I didn’t know that. Thank you for telling me.
Yeah, the earliest trailer for the new Ghostbusters I saw leaned on the ‘magic negro’ schtick enough to make me uncomfortable, and I’m about as white as they get, so I can easily understand being turned off by the trailers
And that sort of thing right there is exactly why nowadays, even in encrypted communications, undercover operation names are usually pretty much pulled from a hat rather than having anything to do with the actual mechanics of the operation.
In fact, my understanding is that it pretty much started during WWII, precisely because the Allies got to see just how much they could figure out about Axis projects based on their names.
This morning my dad told me when the ROC spotted a V1, they’d call it in as ‘diver.’ I guess the Axis weren’t the only ones using unwise code words/names.
@Jenora Feuer:
undercover operation names are usually pretty much pulled from a hat rather than having anything to do with the actual mechanics of the operation.
I was saying the other day I’d like to see more of that in movies — even/especially comic-book adaptations. Calling your superpowered-soldier/agent projects stuff like “Cadmus” does give some hint they’re not about, IDK, improving navigational systems or some such.
Names like “Mincemeat” or “Market Garden” are way less spoiler-y.
All I’ll say on the topic of Jane Foster as Thor is that ballerinas are most definitely ripped. Ballet is supremely physically demanding, and not just on the legs.
@Moon Custafer
I agree, giving such obvious code names is just not a good idea in real life and sounds uncreative in movies.
@Moon Custafer:
The Wikipedia page for ‘Code name’ actually goes into some detail on the random lists of names, differences between British and American convention, and mentions Wotan, though also notes that in a few cases the Germans actually deliberately gave operations misleading codenames as well.
@Joseph Zowghi:
No kidding. I remember seeing Karen Kain dance once as part of one of her husband Ross Petty’s Christmas pantomime productions, where she was acting as a music box dancer. (It being a comedy, she was pretty much knocking around the guy who was getting too close watching.) I know the close camera work showed just how much muscle was there. And this was after she’d retired as an active ballerina.
Joseph Zowghi says:
That’s for sure. Some schools of ballet do prioritize a slimmer look and deliberately weed out those with shorter or thicker limbs, but most actual ballerinas are as buff as you can get without bodybuilding for its own sake. I think of them as bendy meat bricks.
Funny you should mention this. Her was my responses to him: https://disqus.com/home/discussion/oneangrygamerhd/amazon_primes_hunters_trailer_promotes_racial_hate_crimes/#comment-4703422258
What do you all think?