actual mammoths evo psych fairy tales men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny YouTube

HE SAID THE THING! YouTube ranter Warcorpse666 thinks men deserve privilege because they hunted the you-know-what

Has never fought a mammoth with sticks and rocks

By David Futrelle

He said the thing! I always enjoy it when I run across an example of the exact very thing I’m mocking in the title of the blog: some dude claiming that men today deserve a grateful “thank you” from the women of the world because, in the old old old old old days cave men (allegedly) hunted mammoths to feed their lazy cave wives sitting idly at home eating prehistoric bon bons and dreaming of cave Chad.

Never mind that this is, anthropologically speaking, nonsense; in hunter-gatherer societies everyone works and it’s the gathering, not the hunting, that provides most of the calories. And never mind that there’s no clear evidence that men were the only ones who hunted. Or that whoever hunted back then (everybody?) probably mostly hunted much smaller game that was less likely to gore them to death with their mighty tusks.

Anyhoo, today’s Dude Who Said the Thing is ranting YouTube misogynist Warcorpse666 — real name Dave Nordahl — who presumably earned the right to that internet nickname by besting Warcorpses 1 through 665 in hand-to-hand combat. His recent rant on the subject was brought to my attention by the guy who does the Angry White Men blog, which is incidentally very good. Take it away, you big woolly beardo:

I swear I didn’t hire him to say that as some sort of sneaky guerilla marketing scheme for the blog.

Warcorpse666 is not the first person to SAY THE THING. In addition to the anonymous internet rando who provided me with the name for the blog, there have been many others over the years, some of whom I’ve covered here. Enjoy these MAMMOTH CLASSICS featuring ACTUAL MAMMOTHS.

You Nagged Us to Hunt the Mammoth to Feed You: A new variation on an old misogynist tall tale

Women drain men’s life force (semen) and prevent them from hunting mammoths, MGTOW Redditor warns unironically

This one deals with a slightly more novel thesis:

We Extincted the Mammoth to Male-Genocide You

Enjoy! I’m going to go eat some meat that I did not personally hunt.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago


I’ve been reading this blog since i was 16. I’m 21 now and its helped me a lot get over my trauma from rape and has helped me heal. So have the commenters and they did so without even knowing who i was. They did it simply by showing me i wasn’t alone and showing me strong women who have went through what I did and i didn’t kill them.

It caused a lot if pain but they recovered and that gave me hope that maybe someday i would as well. Enough hope to put down a knife to get clean from drugs. To not give up fighting. I’ll probably remember this blog for the rest of my life and if i could have i would have flown people from it out to my wedding to personally thank them for how much they helped me. I won’t forget them.

You how ever I will forget just like ever other drive by troll because you are significant. I type this not really for you but so that David can remember he helps people he will never really know and that he has a role to play in the health and happiness i have today

Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

I’d much rather have regulars like Lainy around than drive-by trolls like Fil.

5 years ago

This guy is still around from what I’ve heard. He makes Youtube video of himself smoking and whin under the name “Lord of Patriarchy.”

5 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

I’d much rather have regulars like Lainy around than drive-by trolls like Fil.

So would I. We’re glad you’re here, Lainy.

David Rose
David Rose
5 years ago

@Lainy, Naglfar, and VP

I’m mainly a lurker, but just echoing this sentiment. I can’t tell you how many times this blog and its commenters have helped me heal, laugh and gain new perspectives, all the while reassuring me that at least some people in the world GAF about things I think are important.

Also, this site has helped me see through some of my own biases. For instance, after reading Lainy’s comment I’m dead set on blaming someone else, anyone, probably some chick, for chopping onions in my apartment even though I definitely live alone. It’s certainly a woman’s fault, if the manosphere has taught me anything.

5 years ago

Trust me, taking the time to visit your lonely grandma instead of writing this article will make more longterm difference in the world – she’ll remember it forever and these readers will forget what you had a blog in 3 years.

All my grandparents are dead, Fil. Am I allowed to have a blog?

I started reading and commenting on this site about eight years ago. Back then, I commented a lot, because being depressed and never going to the university I was flunking out of meant I spent a lot of time on my couch with my laptop. It was a very rough time for me. David’s work as well as the community he fostered were a lifeline for me then.

These days I don’t comment as much as I did in my distant youth* because I’m in a much better — and thus much busier — place, but I have never stopped reading and appreciating and learning from the site. I hope David does not feel obligated to continue this blog if he wants to move on, because his health and wellbeing as a human matter more than his creative output, but as long as he does keep writing here, I will continue to be grateful for his work.

*Except for the last couple of weeks when I’ve been feeling very chatty, which I hope no one minds.

5 years ago

I’m just trying to envision the logistics of processing an animal that size in the field before it started to spoil and I’m very dubious

footprints in wet clay
footprints in wet clay
5 years ago

White cis misogynist whiners:
“Hey my ancestors hunted large mammals to feed your ancestors, probably. I deserve to receive the appreciation for it even though I was born at least 3,600 years too late to have had anything to do with that, and will happily receive my dues in the form of the on-demand sex and the worshipful respect I deserve as a Real Man™.”

Also white cis misogynist whiners:
“Affirmative action should be abolished. And forget about any ‘reparations’. We got rid of racism and everything is equal now. Besides segregation ended like a whole, what, 60 years ago? That’s practically forever. so ffs get over it, I’m not personally responsible for your ancestors’ slavery/Native genocide, so I don’t see why I should have to be inconvenienced.”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

If Warcorpse666 wants to take credit for what some cavepeople did wayyyy back when, then he can also singlehandedly make reparations for all the slavery, genocide, war, and resource theft perpetrated by his more recent ancestors. Hope he’s got a big bank account!

Trust me, taking the time to visit your lonely grandma instead of writing this article will make more longterm difference in the world – she’ll remember it forever and these readers will forget what you had a blog in 3 years.

It’s always either “You should be caring about bigger, more globally pressing issues” or “You should be caring about smaller, more personal issues”. Either way, we’re supposed to feel guilty for focusing on random (but pervasive) internet misogyny because, apparently, our indignation isn’t at the correct scale.

Concern trolls never apply that same standard to themselves, though. They don’t want anyone to change the world; they want us to be quiet and shut up because they like the status quo. Fil, don’t *you* have a lonely grandma to go annoy?

footprints in wet clay
footprints in wet clay
5 years ago

Fil’s writing makes him sound like he’s about 14 years old and trying desperately hard to impress some other misogynists elsewhere on the web with the claim that he REALLY told Dave off, much like how Trump’s tweets make him sound like a third grader. I’m not even sure he can visit his grandma by himself, he might not be able to drive.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
5 years ago

I’m mainly a lurker, but just echoing this sentiment. I can’t tell you how many times this blog and its commenters have helped me heal, laugh and gain new perspectives, all the while reassuring me that at least some people in the world GAF about things I think are important.

Also, this site has helped me see through some of my own biases.

+1 here.

I came across this site while procrastrinating on my 3rd attempt (unsuccesful, 4th with a radically different subject was the charm) at completing my bachelor’s thesis. I had encounters with the messed up “beliefs” of the manosphere before (pickup artists, specifically). This blog helped me laugh at those beliefs, instead of just looking on with unbelieving anger.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago


he might not be able to drive.

Cute, but throwing that around as an insult does classist and ableist splash damage …

5 years ago

Cute, but throwing that around as an insult does classist and ableist splash damage …


Lot of people “can’t” drive for many reasons. Can’t is in quotes because it also includes having zero need or interest in doing so – both also equally valid reasons.

Hell, I’d been flying helicopters for ten years before I passed my driving test. (When you’re used to working in three dimensions, two becomes rather problematic. The buses worked well enough for getting around at home).

5 years ago

@Footprints in wet clay
A lot of the time, I think most of our trolls are teens who stumble across this website and try to be edgy. They then never stick around to see our rebuttals, but it’s a good time anyway IMO, either for the lurkers or for personal satisfaction.

5 years ago

Hi, yes sorry for being unclear, I meant popular in the manosphere and beyond in the casual mindset among many men, but certainly not here.
And yeah I noticed and sort of remember some of his posts and also searched. Seemed a bit like Oakley or it’s maybe a common pattern of subtlety among “trolls”. Yeah bio determinist talking points like arguing something about rape and eradicating “the psycopath gene”, which sure takes some responsibility off and goes into a questionable tangent. The repetition of psychopath seemed almost purposeful but I might be wrong :).
Assuming good faith is it possible he and some people, mostly men but not sure, wrongly misunderstand as feminist the idea that it’s cool to dunk at incels picturing them as just “losers” who can’t accept their place.
But too many non feminists (often anti) also shun them on this notion of being losers who have to man up and question their virility.
His position is curious, like women reproduced with the best hunters of mammoths!, some are left out and are resentful, finally today lots of men apparently have given up “fighting” and competing for women and are building up the resentment in non constructive ways.
First he might like this
because as the Motte castle of only 20% of men reproducing crumbles, the goalpost is moved to the cock carousel. But it’s also a common retreat site from the notion of women not liking sex as much and being slut shamed when they do, (only from certain people, not in general anymore fortunately).
I gather a thing featured in David post is also common and usual, arguing that men do risky and fatiguing things to provide for their and are driven by women to do so under the promise of sex, with the premise that they wouldn’t otherwise and that this continues unaltered to today 🙂 and hence women should be grateful or something.
We know incels are not “losers” who give up, but quite entitled people, as many of them are drive to pretend for themselves near virgin women who enjoy sex as a man but at the same time, according to their theory, refused the offers of hundred men but themselves.
I wonder how Fil knows David so well and can affirm with such convictions he doesn’t visit his relatives. As one observed it’s a catch 22, if it’s a “small” issue, you should focus on Africa and world starvation, if you do that it’s “don’t try to change the world”, which by subtraction and elision is don’t change anything and accept the status quo.
I wonder if it’s subconscious or on purpose, that such canned tropes are reiterated.

5 years ago


I wonder if it’s subconscious or on purpose, that such canned tropes are reiterated.

I think it’s because they don’t know any other things to say.

5 years ago


I have been reading thia blog for much longer than 3 years and have found in enormously hepful in tracking and staying familiar with online misogyny (i.e. the people plotting to do horrible things to me and those like me) without having to wade through their posts myself. And the tone of the blog (mockery) really helps given the intensity of the subject-matter.

I really appreciate what David Futrelle does here and think that he does make the world a better place.

5 years ago

Found this place in early 2012, while looking to deal with a new transfer to my unit who had some very odd ideas (Wound up failing him out – he were singularly useless as well. Bloody patronage transfers.).

Been reading and appreciating it ever since.

Moon Custafer
5 years ago


I was once a passenger in a car driven by one of my profs, who’d apparently flown a helicopter on at least one occasion. Though I was more worried that she was excitedly talking, as we threaded our way through city traffic, about the monster truck rally she’d recently watched.

5 years ago

Weirdly enough, I think I know why manosphere types are happy to claim the achievements of Cro-Magnon men but disclaim the atrocities of individual historical men. It’s not just because the former flatters their gender and the latter does not (though that is a big part of it). I think there’s also a sense that the latter is just individual people making individual choices, while the former constitutes our primordial legacy as humans. Manospherians aren’t the only ones who talk in glowing terms about the activities of cave people as if it meant something profound. There’s an undercurrent of, this is what we were made for, this is our natural state; everything since has been an aberration.

It’s all complete bunkum, but I think that mindset operates below the surface in a lot of people, not just MRAs.

5 years ago


There’s an undercurrent of, this is what we were made for, this is our natural state; everything since has been an aberration.

I’ve seen this argument from various alt right types, especially white nationalists who use it to claim that the natural state of humanity is segregated by race (which is BS), or Peterson stans who want to enforce a rigid hierarchy as a supposedly natural state. The easiest disproof of this idea is that if humans truly did have a “natural state”, we’d be doing that right now without needing it to be imposed.

Cohen the Librarian
Cohen the Librarian
5 years ago

C’mon @fil, don’t you have better things to do than to try to tell people what they should be doing? What, you don’t? Oh dear. Carry on, then. But people aren’t obligated to take it, or you, seriously.

5 years ago

My, that is one impressive neckbeard. Would probably look better if he groomed it more, though that’s likely against his pseudo-caveman ethos.

And yeah, from what I know, ancient Greece (well, Athens in any case) wasn’t the most women-friendly society even by the time’s standards…

Fun fact though: I learned about Aspasia from my Secondary 2 (8th grade) history teacher, who was very entertaining and had a great sense of humor; his talk about her (while short out of necessity) boiled down to: “we can probably guess she was awesome, because despite her being foreign-born and a woman, which should have made her a virtual non-entity, all those Athenian dudes were pissed at her enough to write negatively about her at a time when writing anything was expensive and time-consuming.”

This was back in the 90’s, mind you.

5 years ago

Huh. Hadn’t noticed the troll.

Fil: “That guy’s an idiot!”

Also Fil: “Defending women’s rights is wrong and stupid and won’t ever change anything compared to REAL MEN ™ doing STUFF and go visit your grandma!”

Suuuure, buddy.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

There’s an undercurrent of, this is what we were made for, this is our natural state; everything since has been an aberration

They’re really ambivalent about civilization, too. On the one hand, the myth that white men single-handedly built the infrastructure of civilization is useful for bludgeoning women and PoC into second class status. On the other hand, civilization asks us to live respectfully alongside other people and maintain certain standards of hygiene, dress, and social behavior. That’s SO un-alpha (accommodating others in any way is weakness). They reconcile the contradiction by believing that there was some golden era where civilization was great and glorious, until women ruined it.

As with sex, so with civilization: they want all of the glory, but none of the obligations. That, in a nutshell, is the Mediocre White Dude Code.