'bating aimee terese misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles twitter

Aimee Terese: Vibrators are symbols of capitalist alienation

Emma Goldman is not impressed with this bullshit

By David Futrelle

Probably none of you have been wondering just what Aimee Terese has been up to lately but I’m going to tell you anyway.

Therese — the skidmarxist Twitter troll with strangely reactionary views on everything but Bernie Sanders — recently took a few moments from one of her interminable squabbles with leftists who think she’s a reactionary idiot to offer some thoughts on vibrators. Naturally, she’s against them.

She began by taking issue with a jokey photo that replaced the hammer in the famous communist hammer-and-sickle with a Hitachi Magic Wand.

When others responded to her humorless anti-vibrator jab with mockery, she puled out her Marxism Buzzword Cheat Sheet and doubled down.


I’m not sure that, say, Emma Goldman would have agreed on this one. Didn’t she once famously declare “if I can’t dance with myself I don’t want to be part of your revolution.”

Well, it was something like that.

Changing the subject somewhat, Terese decided to weigh in on environmental activist Greta Thunberg and … 12-year-olds having sex?

After reading this through several times, I’m going to give Terese the benefit of the doubt and assume that she’s not seriously calling for the age of consent to be lowered to twelve.

No, she seems rather to be suggesting that we shouldn’t listen to Greta Thunberg because she’s twelve.

Which is a weird argument to make given that Thunberg is actually sixteen. It’s also a little disingenuous, given that Terese doesn’t want anyone listening to environmentalists of any age.

In a tweet today Terese came so close (yet so far away) to a moment of real self-awareness.

Why might that be, Aimee? Why?

Principal Skinner once found himself in a similar predicament.

H/T — Thanks to Twitter’s @WreckerCaucus for keeping tabs on Terese and other reactionary skidmarxists.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Aron Levy
Aron Levy
5 years ago

This is why I can’t stand Marxists of any stripe. Also I’m proudly bourgeois.


Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

OK, I’ve recently got my head round the notion that there are SWERFs/TERFs who claim to be the real Leftists. What’s their justification for the anti-environmental stance?

Or is this more of their solidarity with their image of the working class which coincidentally is also the Right’s image of the working class, i.e. only white, cishet coal-miners who want their old jobs back?

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Hard to think of any commodity that more efficiently symbolises capitalist alienation than a vibrator.

That’s not what capitalist alienation means. Do you even Marx?

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Apparently she thinks the proletariat doesn’t need to seize the means of orgasm production.

5 years ago

On some level, I wonder if Aimee Terese and her Twitter are simply an AI that puts together Marxist buzzwords into sentences. Maybe if I have some time later, I’ll feed her tweets into an AI and see if the AI generates more coherent ones.

Also, my favorite response (which I can’t find now) was one that pointed out that when it comes to sex, masturbation is literally owning the means of production.

Re: her sounding like a Scientologist
Nah, at least Scientologists have some space opera stuff to keep it interesting. They’re awful, but at least more creative than AT.

@Moon Custafer
I’d guess it comes from them just trying to be reactionary idiots and be “cool”. Half of skidmarxism is trying to look contrarian because they think it makes them cool.

5 years ago

I googled this doofus to see if she’s just another child of the bourgeois talking over the actual working class and immediately ran across an incel forum discussing how awful she is.

5 years ago

Reposting for great justice.

5 years ago


Nice! Though I rather wish they had mentioned how many of the attacks sent Thunberg’s way are anti-autistic.

Amy E
Amy E
5 years ago

I am so stealing “skidmarxist”.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I haven’t seen a woman be so thirsty for the approval of horrible men since JudgyBitch. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

5 years ago

Because even supposedly woke people can be shockingly bigoted against autistic folks. We’re still an acceptable punching bag for people, and the anti vaxxers and other groups have normalized anti autistic bigotry. Plus, the fact that many people use “autistic” as an insult normalizes hatred or misunderstandings toward autistic folks.
Not sure if there’s a word for bigotry against autistic people. I would suggest maybe one like “neuronormativity” or “autistophobia.”

@Amy E
Have at it!

Whatever happened to JudgyBitch anyway? I haven’t heard from her in a while. I think the same criticism could be leveled at all the FeMRAs.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

IIRC, JB left her husband for a personal trainer and they opened a gym or something?

5 years ago


JB left her husband for a personal trainer

So much for a traditional marriage.

5 years ago

Aimee Terese’s Marxist utopia: no sexy fun allowed, but it doesn’t matter because we’re only going to live for 60 years before the planet is uninhabitable. Just like Marx always dreamed of?

5 years ago

This reminds me of someone who understood the connection between Marxism and sex:
I give you: Cosmarxpolitan!

5 years ago

When push comes to shove, reactionary Marxists are reactionary first and Marxists second. They will side with fascists to defeat progressives, as they have done so in the past.

5 years ago

So much for a traditional marriage.

Hey! In her beloved MRA circles, the wife buggering off for some hunk is VERY traditional, thank you!

That hurt to type.

5 years ago


In her beloved MRA circles, the wife buggering off for some hunk is VERY traditional, thank you!

Ah, yes. I believe they have a word for this kind of thing. Hypergamy, anyone?

5 years ago

Aaron, it’s fair :), but why marxists of any stripes specifically in reaction to her? I think marxism sometimes even means just a way of analyzing power relationships, structures, mainly economical, often to deconstruct them. What she says is hardly marxist :D.
It’s much like saying I can’t stand free market people in front of self appointed ones while they advocate Trump’s tariff’s policies.

5 years ago

Agreed. Aimee Terese isn’t so much a Marxist so much as someone who has a list of Marxist terms and inserts them everywhere, displaying a complete lack of knowledge of what they mean.

footprints in wet clay
footprints in wet clay
5 years ago

The nonreligious part of the right wing’s opposition to environmentalism has always puzzled me. At least the religious portion have the excuse that they think they’ll be getting a new earth later anyway so it doesn’t matter what they do to this one (a horrible, callous, selfish attitude, and if I were God I wouldn’t let them have a new one just because of it), but the nonreligious portion…. I grant we could never accuse them of being tree-huggers, but …. surely they realize that we all breathe the same air? That clean fresh water is in finite supply that is only recyclable when the places it flows and is stored like natural aquifers aren’t poisoned? That we need both of those things in sufficient amounts to grow food of any kind? That their houses will get flooded as well as anyone else’s if they live too close to the ocean if/when climate change gets fully underway? I just… I don’t get it. Are they really assuming that the lefties will all die first and the wealthy will save them in gratitude for their loyalty instead of just throwing them under the bus like they usually do whenever it’s convenient? Why would a bunch of people whose behaviors are so motivated by greed and selfishness when things are going great for them not act the same or worse when things are tough?

5 years ago


So what your saying is that you use the worst examples of a community to sneer at a movement for social change while taking pride in your class privilege?

5 years ago

Aron ?

Aimee is not a marxist she’s a crypto fascist. Just becuase someone says they are something, doesnt make it true. Just like lots of “race realists” say they are not racists or white supremacists. Look at her actions and beliefs, she is not a Marxist, she is a crypto fascist reactionary.

Real marxists, MLs, communists, anarcho communists etc care about people, aimee only cares about herself.

5 years ago

Are they really assuming that the lefties will all die first and the wealthy will save them in gratitude for their loyalty instead of just throwing them under the bus like they usually do whenever it’s convenient? Why would a bunch of people whose behaviors are so motivated by greed and selfishness when things are going great for them not act the same or worse when things are tough?

They either assume that by the time things get bad enough to worry about, they’ll be wealthy enough to insulate themselves from the fallout, or that the lefties (and scientists) are lying/exaggerating how bad it will be and certainly it won’t affect THEM. (Some may assume that by the time that things might actually be bad enough to affect them, Capitalism will come up with some magical technological solution that will get rid of all the bad stuff before it ruins everything. That seems to be the preferred fantasy for the Albertan aspiring oil tycoons in my family.)

5 years ago

If you think communism is about vibrators, you’re a petit bourgeois wanker.

Projection AGAIN? Booooooring!

In all seriousness, though, we should seize the means of gratification. If nothing else, it can save us from getting attached to the kind of shitty dude who’s obviously turned her head wayyyyy too far on its axis.

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