By David Futrelle
Well, here’s a new one, or at least a new variation on an old theme: According to one prolific commenter on Incels dot co, women are responsible for turning men into pedophiles — sorry, ephebophiles — because only underage girls are into weird, incel-looking guys. The proof? The incel making this absurd argument has a 14-year-old female cousin who thinks Adam Driver is hot.
“[T]here exists a whole class of men who cannot attract women their own age as they enter their 20s, yet they remain attractive to girls between the ages of 13-17,” Rassimov wrote in a post on Incels dot co today,
Why? Because they aren’t quite truecel, yet they never develop into traditionally handsome men “real women” crave for. Their youthful looks become a curse when it comes to attracting women past their rebellious teen phases.
His evidence? An informal survey with a sample size of two.
My two female cousins are perfect examples of this transition of preferences; the older one who is almost 19 likes masculine types with buzzed hair, the younger one is 14 and thinks Kylo Ren is the pinnacle of male aesthetics, the older one considers him plain ugly.
Yeah, it’s not as if any adult women are into Adam Driver or Benedict Cumberbatch or any number of other male celebrities who don’t look like the male models with perfectly chiseled faces that incels are convinced that all women exclusively desire.
Rassimov is convinced that it’s only “a matter of time” before both cousins “go Chad only.” According to his logic, the only female human beings incels have a chance with are the ones who aren’t old enough to consent to sex.
Notice how younger teen girls would still have a diverse array of crushes that include “artsy” unconventional types who are skinny, pale men with narrow jaws and unique features, but by the time she’s 20 she cringes at her former crush asking herself “Eww… what was I thinking?”.
Not sure you’re accurately channeling the minds of young women here, chief.
Girls are pretty much basic-bitches by the time they enter their 20s and the only two acceptable standards becomes either; ripped Chad or dad-bod Chad.
In Rassimov’s mind, incels are basically being forced to obsess over girls as young as 13 because no one else will have them. Even if he were right about female tastes — and he’s very definitely not — it’s an appalling argument, just another way these guys are constantly trying to normalize and excuse their obsessive fixation on underage girls.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I felt like answering “Nah, I’m a c++ bitch” but that would be Fake Geek Girl-ish of me. 😛
As for crushes on dude-type celebrities, insofar as I thought much about them…Teens vs. 20s! Epic Rap Battles of History, begin!
Teens: Elijah Wood as Frodo in LOTR.
20s: Kunal Nayyar as Raj in Big Bang Theory. Although it was frustrating when his character was stuck at “can’t talk to women without being drunk” or “token Asian guy.”
Both are conventionally attractive, right? But supposed to be “cute” rather than “chad”-like?
@Bananananana Dakry
That is all.
If you click on the link to incels dot co, you’ll see an ad for
“sekschats.” The mostly naked model appears to be Photoshopped to look like she’s 12 going on 30 — a look I don’t think is possible in real life. There’s an ad for these sekschats every time I look at incels dot co. And the graphic of the sad, lonely guy with his head bent and his hands in his pockets is a fixture too. Here’s a thought, incels: Maybe you could do something to change your lives for the better.
I don’t think these guys would approve of Keanu, since he was recently seen dating a grey-haired woman in her mid-forties.
Please do tell more. When did you have the fortune to see shirtless Adam Driver in person?
Well, they misinterpret every other work of art, so this is right in line.
I’m an assembly language bitch. I taught myself that one as a kid because I had far too much spare time and access to computers that were already old back then.
But…but…but, that’s hard. And complaining on the internet is easy. /s
A serious technical question: when David links to archived pages, they are to sites with a variety of TLDs, like archive.fo, archive.is, archive.ph, etc. Why is this? Why are there so many TLDs for archiving stuff instead of just one?
I like Adam Driver just fine. It’s Kylo Ren I don’t like (in the sense that he’s not attractive. I think his arc has potential, I just don’t wanna see him as a love interest).
There’s a lot of actors I find incredibly attractive because they have an interesting presence, or a great voice. Really big fan of Mahershala Ali in both regards.
And my favourite part about that Hellboy reboot was Daniel Dae Kim. He may be my original male celebrity crush.
I think Mr Rassimov is exactly right, except for one slight detail. The sad truth is that women in their 20s have to settle for Chads, because all the incels their age are only attracted to girls 13-17. Mr Rassimov’s general postulate that attraction follows availability is of course correct, he just has cause and effect reversed.
Oh. Yes. Yes.
Hey, I’m still cut up about Microsoft canceling VB6, does that make me a basic bitch? ?
(Sorry, Visual Basic.NET, you’re just C# in a funny hat as far as I’m concerned)
I just have an image now of all women waking up the day after their 20th birthday and demanding to see a manager, any manager…
Seriously, this stuff tells you all you need to know about these guys, viz. that they can’t conceive of a relationship of equals with a woman, that there’s always gotta be a power differential in their favour. If they can’t dominate a partner economically, they will take advantage of someone’s immaturity to get what they want. Get in the sea, assholes.
@Cat Mara:
That sounds like an interesting premise for a horror film, actually. Working title: The Karening.
@Cat Mara
I was never a huge fan of VB in the first place, but VB.NET I refuse to touch.
And it could feature Adam Driver and Benedict Cumberbatch.
Tangentially related, one of the incel/manosphere things that I find weirdest is the “universal, objective scale of attractiveness.”
The idea that there is some Platonic ideal of hotness, and everyone can be rated on how close they get to it. Like, there is a ideal skin tone, and being further from it lowers your rating. And an ideal body shape. And so on.
Whaaat? Not only does this ignore that different people find different traits attractive, it ignores that any one person probably finds different, mutually exclusive traits attractive. Very few people have a single “type,” much less everyone of a given sexual orientation.
Plus, of course, that many, many of these traits are non-physical. For example, I have a crush on author Jenna Moreci, and yes, she’s very pretty, but she is also hilarious. There’s just something about a lovely, feminine woman swearing like a sailor because authors keep romanticizing creepy assholes in books for teenage girls.
Oh hey, I found my way back to the topic (sort of).
I would have looked at it from the opposite prospective. Adam Driver is such a massive alpha male that even 14-year-olds who will never meet him have huge crushes on him. This random nobody who can’t get laid thinking he’s just like Adam Driver does not make any sense.
I have a serious thing for Brian Molko of Placebo and some people can’t tell if he’s male or female.
Y’all are so funny. And apparently quite young. And I agree with many of your crushes. (Especially Hiddleston… and Daniel Dae Kim and … I’m old, not dead)
My first crush, one that actually does make me cringe a bit, was Michale Landon. I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not talking Little House, I’m talking Little Joe. Early Bonanza. He didn’t hold that undefinable thing that makes a male-attracted person (or at least me) swoon, not even into his late 30s. I don’t know why.
My second big crush was and still is David McCallum. If you’ve only seen him as an old man, my children, you are missing out. He’s still attractive to me, and I think he has to be pushing 80. But back in the day, oh, my. Oh, MY!
My most recent crush is Chris Pine. I saw him in a magazine advertisement a couple of years ago and was immediately, overwhelmingly reminded that I am straight. Oh, so very straight.
As for incels, those pathetic creeps can lie to themselves all they like, but it’s not about what they look like. My most recent real life crush is a man who is objectively ugly. And not in a cute way. Remember the man who was “Mikey” in Men in Black? The alien hiding out with a truck full of illegal immigrants at the very beginning? My friend looks a lot like that. But he’s so very smart, and funny as hell, and warm-hearted. And guess what? I’m not the only one attracted to him. In fact, his wife is movie star beautiful. They’ve been married for 20 years. My crush has only been from afar, as all crushes should be. (It’s not that a crush can’t turn into something real, it’s just that it doesn’t have to be real to be enjoyed. And it’s important not to confuse a crush with real life.)
You know, the more of their nonsense that David posts, I’m think I’m beginning to see some method to their
proverbial madnessnarrative. Ultimately, the incel community is where they go to protect their own egos while marinating in fresh hatreds. Using their logic, if women are just into “chads,” that’s their own way of absolving their own hideous attitudes as the reasons that women don’t go for them. Why any attraction to less-than-ideal men is so threatening is that it’s evidence that it’s not the “chad” physique that draws their attentions, hence their own lack of a “chad” physique does not explain their own inability to have a healthy relationship. This is why they have to come up with another explanation (“beta bux”).In short, there’s nothing more threatening to the narrative these guys reinforce among each other than a less-than-conventionally attractive man being happy with a partner.
Just in terms of hot guys… I dunno, I have trouble naming any that aren’t adult performers. Damn my porn-addled brain!
(Oh Trenton Ducati… you’re such a dreamboat… and a silicone mold of your fun parts are available in assorted colours…!)
I care way more about personality and character than appearance anyway, but in terms of appearance I find people of all descriptions to be attractive. My guess is that incels are so self-centered that they can’t imagine anyone having different attraction than them.
And yet I see that almost every day. There’s lots of people who aren’t models but are happy and have satisfying relationships.
Maybe it’s that I don’t watch much porn, but most of the men in mainstream porn don’t strike me as particularly attractive. I’m guessing this is because it is aimed at the heterosexual male gaze, so they don’t cast attractive men.
Isn’t Adam Driver with the brain of an Incel (or alt-right edgelord as there is much overlap). basically Kylo Ren?
Does he have any Tattoos that had to be digitally removed for his shirtless scene in the last Jedi?
One of the reasons that I know I’m a straight guy is that I really do not understand why people find some men attractive.
Like, Tom Hiddleston or Idris Elba I get – they’re handsome and charming.
But seriously people why is Adam Driver considered hot? Am I just too straight to get it?
I have much the same issue. When someone asked me for my list of the Most Beautiful Women in the World, most of them were adult performers. Otherwise, it was two actresses and a singer/songwriter.
My excuse was that the adult performers dominated the list because they provide more data to work with. Yeah, that’s it!
Speaking of incels in films, I watched Jojo Rabbit at my local theater the other day and was reminded of incels by one scene.
The main character, Jojo, has his face disfigured by a grenade accident. In one scene, he complains that nobody will ever kiss him because he is too ugly.
That scene reminded me of the incel complaint that their appearances keep them from having sex. In Jojo’s case, much like the incels, it has far more to do with his political views.
I’d say most people consider him attractive because his appearance contains features they find attractive, much like why you find some women attractive.
I’m pansexual but generally prefer women and non-binary people. In my view Adam Driver is hot.
Just out of curiosity, what was the context for being asked for your list of most attractive women? I have a hard time choosing most attractive men and women in the world because I haven’t seen all 7.6 billion people. The best looking person alive could be living in a remote area I’ve never seen.
tbh when my husband acts like a raging chad is the time I find him the least attractive. I can’t really stand to be around him when he’s like that. The only reasons he’s like that is because the marine corp is full of guys with the raging chad personality type. It’s like if you took all the worse frat boys, put them on an island, gave them guns, access to a full gym, cheap boozes and there is hardly any women around. my husband does not have that personality type but he had to create persona basically to fit in and he hates it.
He’s in such a dissociated state all the time when he’s there that it worries me a lot about his mental health. He’s told me he’s tried to talk to a couple guys just as himself, how he really is, things he really likes, and they either don’t get it or shut him down. I guess him a nerd in chad clothing? He already takes a lot of hits for me too. He’s got a roommate and he’s barely ever alone, but if we’re talking on the phone and I ask for it he’ll sing to me, no matter where he is. He’ll sing our songs to me.
Who else has been watching Limetown? It reminded me that I find Stanley Tucci hot, even though he’s bald and and almost 20 years older then me. He just seems like a really confident guy, he has tons of charisma, and a very laid-back confident energy that is attractive to me. Probably incels would use this as proof that I have “daddy issues”. Which is it, scumbags? Do we want to fuck our fathers or do we exclusively lust after chiseled male models?? Because my father was routinely mistaken for Wilford Brimley when he was alive, and I can tell you that I am not sexually aroused by those “diabeetus” memes.
“Women are to blame
for men being into underage girls,”creepy incel insists@sarah_kay_gee
You’ve probably seen this before, but it was the first thing my mind jumped to when you mentioned Stanley Tucci, so I had to link it.