empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incels are starting new subreddits to evade their Reddit ban. And their posts are as ugly as ever.

From r/CommunityCels

By David Futrelle

Hey, remember a little over a month ago when Reddit banned the Braincels subreddit — the the site’s main hangout for incels — as well as an assortment of other hateful subs?

Well, the incels are back, posting their repugnant nonsense in a bunch of new subreddits as well as in several that never were banned in the first place. The most active of the new batch seems to be the 22-day-old CommunityCels. But there are eight other incel-related subreddits that remain unbanned, including new ones like ArabCels (21 days old) and ProudMaleFeminists (22 days old), as well as several older ones (including ShortCels, TruestCel and IncelsWithoutHate) that somehow avoided the ban a month ago.

Have the commenters in these subs toned it down a little to avoid a future ban? Not exactly. Here are some recent posts from CommunityCels.

Same old same old.

I thought this one from TruestCel was nice, too.

Hey Reddit admins, do you have anything to say about this?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Report, report, report.

The reddit admins always go through whack-a-mole times after problem subreddits get banned. They need users to keep up with reporting the new mole holes.

5 years ago

Briefly, there was a sub that claimed that the I in LGBTQIA stood for Incel. They were, of course, homophobic and transphobic, while claiming to be oppressed by anyone that criticized them. That was the most ‘fun’ since 4-channers pretended that there was a movement to add a P for pedophilia.

5 years ago

Wolfpill, dogpill, cactuspill. You know, my dudes, women don’t need to have sex with dogs or plants or old tractor tires in order to not have sex with you. We have the ability to both not fuck you and not abuse our pets.

5 years ago

Dudes who complain about the (imagined) appearance of sexually active cis women’s genitalia have no business saying they themselves are being discriminated against on the basis of their looks. It’s not your faces that make you ugly and unlovable, dudes…catch a fucking clue.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, I just changed my Twitter handle to Old Roast Beef Whore.
comment image

5 years ago

Just out of curiosity, what does IncelsWithoutHate look like? I imagine it’s the most hateful of the bunch, because this is Reddit.

I’ve also heard trolls try to claim that the P in LGBTQIPA is for pedophiles (it’s actually for pansexual or polyamorous depending on who you ask).

Why do the incels not just go to places like, where they wouldn’t have to make so many sockpuppet subreddits to keep going? What’s so special about Reddit?

5 years ago

Sad that the only place they have a back bone is on the internet

Anon Get-It-On
Anon Get-It-On
5 years ago

Oh, just when you think these misogynists can’t get any lower, they find a new low:

(Trigger Warning for use of the N-word racial slur!!!)

5 years ago

@Anon Get-It-On
I find it interesting that article that the author compares a feminist to a Jordan Peterson fan pejoratively. You’d think a lot of the readers of that blog are Petersonites.

I checked r/IncelsWithoutHate. At a glance, it seems a bit less openly hateful (thread names don’t contain slurs, etc; but low bar), but if you actually check the threads they are still pretty misogynistic.
I also looked at r/ProudMaleFeminists, which appears to be a sort of parody of what a bunch of incels would imagine progressive men to be like. As can be expected, it is also virulently misogynistic and racist, and has no real bearing on reality. I don’t think anyone would be fooled other than the types of people who created it. It appears to exist as consolation, to mock male feminists and make incels feel better about themselves.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

I’m trying to imagine how a cactus would score on Heartiste’s SMV quiz.

-1 for manblossoms
-1 for inability to bench press more than 8 ounces
-1 for never being a captain of a sports team
+1 for having vicious spines in case there’s a bar fight.

5 years ago

We’ve had a couple of incels over the years come in here and tell us that Not All Incels are terrible, just look at r/IncelsWithoutHate! It’s totally unfair to label incels as hateful, misogynistic and dangerous when they’re really just sad dudes who can’t get laid.

These incels tend to disappear pretty quickly when anyone looks at that subreddit and provides plenty of proof that the subreddit is plenty hateful.

Why do the incels not just go to places like, where they wouldn’t have to make so many sockpuppet subreddits to keep going?

Reddit has a larger userbase and they can use it to more easily radicalize recruit more members.

5 years ago

Incels are just the male version of feminazis.

5 years ago


Reddit has a larger userbase and they can use it to more easily radicalize recruit more members.

I presume that’s why white supremacist/fascist types like it so much as well.

5 years ago

If you want more people to join your echo chamber, you need people to be able to find it. Withdrawing from the world may be tempting, but it’s also a recipe for gradually fading from existence. I mean, it’s always possible that people can find you via meatspace socializing, but most incels are terrible at that. It’s part of the reason why they’re incels in the first place.

5 years ago


Incels are just the male version of feminazis.

What’s a feminazi? How many killing sprees have they been on?

5 years ago

Incels exists. Feminazis don’t. I suspect it’s a big difference.

5 years ago

It’s interesting, because this is the first time I’ve seen “feminazi” used seriously in years. The term fell out of favor with the right, after Trump was elected and nazis became very fine people again.

It actually makes me think that Patriot1 wasn’t serious but was trying for a Poe.

5 years ago

You’re probably never going to respond, but I’ll give you my response anyway.

Incels are just the male version of feminazis.

So, assuming you meant “feminists” because feminazi is a word Rush Limbaugh made up. The thing is, there already is a male version of feminists. We call them male feminists. This blog is maintained by one. He (and other male feminists) have yet to kill anyone.

As well, if the two were equivalent, you would expect that the rhetoric would sound the same. I’ve never heard any feminist say anything like the thread names above. There’s a great website called that swaps the pronouns and names in a text. If incels and feminists were equivalent, you would assume that the gender swapped version of one would sound like the other, but they don’t. No feminist is nearly as bitter and angry as incels. Feminists don’t start long forum discussions about how all men are “roast beef whores” or how Stacy is taking all the men.


If you want more people to join your echo chamber, you need people to be able to find it. Withdrawing from the world may be tempting, but it’s also a recipe for gradually fading from existence.

Ergo, I should hope that more withdraw from the world, to stop their recruitment drives. Unfortunately, the internet is optimized to help with radicalization, so they’ll still be recruiting.


It’s interesting, because this is the first time I’ve seen “feminazi” used seriously in years. The term fell out of favor with the right, after Trump was elected and nazis became very fine people again.

I’ve noticed the same thing. The right didn’t want to offend real Nazis, so they stopped using the term. I’ve seen it a few times from leftover GamerGaters, but AFAICT even Rush Limbaugh has abandoned it. Though I do recall some trolls here comparing feminists to Nazis, like Richard here.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

I still hear it used on the regular in places like South Dakota.

5 years ago

In France, too. Usually used by people that really should know better, AKA who aren’t anywhere as bitter or stupid as the far right extremists, but think there is somehow an equivalency between the left and the right.

5 years ago

(which is why I say they don’t exist : all references I see to “feminazi” point to imaginary versions of feminists made to be as bad as far righters. They point to fantasm more than to real persons)

5 years ago

I take my roast beef on wholegrain buttered toast with thinly sliced, raw onion, some mayo and a sprinkling of herbal salt. Definitely no flaps or cacti. It’s delicious and hate free.

5 years ago

I fancy it on sourdough with blue cheese, mixed greens, and basil aioli.

5 years ago

Fancy pants ?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

It’s delicious and hate free.

The cows might beg to differ.

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