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“Female orgasm has no evolutionary function” and other insights from some dude who’s very bad at sex

Photographic proof that only men can have orgasms

By David Futrelle

Look, everyone, it’s yet another dude who thinks that female orgasms are a myth.

How bad do you have to be at sex to post something like this? How completely lacking in self-awareness?

Alas, it gets worse, with the inclusion of some Evo Psch and possibly the creepiest take on female genital mutilation I’ve ever seen.


H/T — found this in r/BadWomensAnatomy; couldn’t locate the original source

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Umm…I can see why this fellow isn’t getting a date.

Also, I read somewhere that female orgasm, in addition to providing a reward for sex, also may serve to cause contractions to draw sperm in, increasing odds of conception. So even if you are a reductionist asshole who doesn’t give pleasure to women, there is still another function of the orgasm.

5 years ago

So he knows nothing of the development of human genitalia in utero, and doesn’t know much about female anatomy. The clitoris has double the nerve endings of the penis–what does he think those are for, anyway?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

Old joke:

God in the Garden of Eden, handing out abilities to Adam and Eve:

God (consulting clipboard): Which one of you wants “able to pee standing up”?
God: OK, sure whatever
Adam (running around in circles, flipping Eve the bird): YES YES IN YOUR FACE SQUAT-PEE-ER!1!!
God (looking at Eve): I guess that leaves you with “multiple orgasms”…

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Naglfar: Another “reason” I’ve heard for the evolution of female orgasm was that a woman in the blissed-out post-coital state was liable to remain in a horizontal position for longer, thus ensuring that the dude’s sperm didn’t leak out¹. Frankly, I think they just make this shit up.

¹ Though isn’t the cliché that it’s the dude that immediately conks out after orgasm, to the chagrin of his partner who wants some cuddle-time? I guess the evolutionary-just-so-story types want to believe the guy would leap up immediately after the deed to go mammoth-hunting or something…

5 years ago

Even if the female orgasm has no evolutionary purpose — which is still an open question — neither do a large chunk of characteristics of every organism on the planet. So what?

5 years ago

Yeah, I’m not particularly bothered about whether my orgasms arose out of some sort of evolutionary advantage or if it’s just a biological accident. Either way, they are fun and I like them.

I’m not interested in having sex with anyone who doesn’t care about my pleasure, whether they try to justify that selfishness through a bunch of sciency-sounding nonsense or not.

5 years ago

Wow these cis men are very good at telling everyone that they are no good at sex and dont care about their sex partner. It happens so often I thought that maybe they would learn already. There is always some man on twitter like a pick up artist or similar who makes a comment like this every week, then everyone laughs at him and then another one next week!

But it’s also not very funny if you think about it because men like this usually also abuse women. If you dont care about anything except your own orgasm it means you dont see the other person like a real person.

5 years ago

Men’s orgasms don’t have a whole lot of evolutionary function, either. (Most mammals ejaculate without appearing to experience anything we’d call orgasm.)

5 years ago

I’m not sure I am comfortable with calling things female or male or men’s orgasm just because of what the kind of genitals which are there.

5 years ago

I really want to thrust Waris Dirie’s memoir into this bozo’s hands. She had FGM, and it ruined her life for YEARS before she finally got some corrective surgery just so she could pee and menstruate halfway normally. Quite aside from the loss of sexual pleasure, she was left deformed by the butchery of her private parts. And lots of women not only ARE bothered by it, immensely; lots of girls also die as a direct result of that. So this guy is full of shit right there.

Also, way to misinterpret scientific findings! An actual scientist would dispute the “no evolutionary function” nine ways till Friday, and point out that orgasm is probably a holdover from some distant mammalian ancestor of ours who came into estrus, and ovulated as a result of sexual arousal in order to ensure fertilization. But this guy’s insecure feels are clearly more important than any woman’s reals.

Or even the realities of evolution, for that matter.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

Why does everything have to justify its existence by having a Purpose? Can’t things just be?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Trump got booed at yet another sporting event

comment image

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
5 years ago

I read a very long time ago that procreation is more likely to happen if the person who would be pregnant lays down after sex, because of a bunch of reasons among which gravity.

Now, I have no idea how true that bit was, and obviously procreation should not be held as the ultimate goal of sex, but as someone with insomnia and (formerly) an active sex life I can tell you that orgasms are one great way to keep each other laying down after sex. For that matter, it’d mean cuddling after sex also is useful.

Yanno what really doesn’t have an evolutionary purpose ? Dudes spreading bullshit on the internet the same way a wild cat marks territory. Unless the bullshit has any genetic component to it (which I doubt) in which case these dudes would be making humanity better by visibly hanging a “don’t fuck me” sign around their necks and taking themselves out of the gene pool.

5 years ago

If you are into evo psych can’t the evolutionary purpose just be that orgasms motivate women to have sex, ergo, passing on their genes?? I mean, these people believe that all girls like pink because it motivates them to pick BERRIES, for God’s sake, it’s not as if any idea is too flimsy for them.

Oh yes, I’ve just remembered. They only like evo psych theories which frame gender stereotypes (and especially those that benefit men) as completely natural, how it was and forever will be so.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

To everyone with the kind of beliefs highlighted by David’s latest post:

Explain the popularity of the Hitachi Magic Wand.

Checkmate, female-orgasm-denialists!



Most mammals ejaculate without appearing to experience anything we’d call orgasm.

[citation needed]

Why does everything have to justify its existence by having a Purpose? Can’t things just be?


5 years ago

Ok, who wants to bet this guy is a Peterson stan?

I saw. Of course, since he primarily lives in his own make-believe world, I’m not sure what his reaction will be. Probably to take about disloyal people or something at his next rally.

@Sinkable John

For that matter, it’d mean cuddling after sex also is useful.

Much like orgasm, it’s also pleasant IMO. In fact, I tend to prefer cuddling post-sex over the actual sex.

Unless the bullshit has any genetic component to it (which I doubt) in which case these dudes would be making humanity better by visibly hanging a “don’t fuck me” sign around their necks and taking themselves out of the gene pool.

Maybe the evolutionary purpose of evo-psych is to weed these people out of the gene pool by making sure they don’t reproduce. I don’t think that sign will be necessary, someone who posts this kind of crap online probably never shuts up about it in the real world either.


these people believe that all girls like pink because it motivates them to pick BERRIES, for God’s sake

That’s a new one. I’m not sure if it’s dumber or less idiotic than the OP. Not to mention that I know a lot of girls that don’t like pink, and boys that do. The most common favorite color in people of all genders is blue. And although women do favor pink more than men do, I would guess this has more to do with social conditioning regarding masculinity. I used to like pink a lot (and still do, even though blue is my favorite color), but as a male-presenting child I was told often that I wasn’t supposed to like pink, and discouraged from used the color.

They only like evo psych theories which frame gender stereotypes (and especially those that benefit men) as completely natural, how it was and forever will be so.

My biggest criticism of popular evo-psych is that it somehow always produces 1950s gender roles that contradict actual human behavior. I’m sure there is someone doing research in evo-psych who gets valid information that isn’t misogynistic (or racist), but for the most part it seems like a way for reactionary idiots to justify their views. For more dissection of evo psych BS, I recommend the Twitter account evo psych googling.

Besides, if behavior in 1950s gender roles was so ingrained, you’d think people wouldn’t question them. It’s almost like this sort of thing is BS…

5 years ago

Oh, and for these evo-psych types, I’m pretty sure their anus serves the evolutionary purpose of being a receptacle for their head.

5 years ago

I’ve met someone who academically studies FGM, for decades, and can tell you all about how the women’s lives are destroyed… if they survive.

Of course, if he heard that FGM kills women he’d probably become a very vocal supporter of it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

How many edible berries in nature are hot pink? Shouldn’t women be more attracted to red, black, and blue?

And wasn’t pink considered a “boys color” until the mid 20th century? Did women start routinely gathering berries in 1935? Because evolution moves suddenly, and gendered fashion marketing has no choice but to keep up?

I get that these guys are unable to make sense of the world, which makes them ripe targets for junk science and conspiracy thinking, but come ON.

5 years ago

Naglfar was right the first time-there’s a number of aspects of female orgasm that help sperm get to the uterus, thereby improving odds of procreation. While it isn’t absolutely necessary for reproduction, it does help quite a bit.

5 years ago

CW: Rape

If you are into evo psych can’t the evolutionary purpose just be that orgasms motivate women to have sex, ergo, passing on their genes??

I suspect that to the average evopsych devotee, it doesn’t really matter if women are motivated to have sex. The hypothesis that rape played an important role in human evolution still has quite a lot of traction among these guys.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

Did women start routinely gathering berries in 1935?

Well, it was the Depression, everyone had to start foraging for food… 😉

5 years ago

How many edible berries in nature are hot pink? Shouldn’t women be more attracted to red, black, and blue?

I know of only one pink berry in my region and it does happen to be edible. It varies from soft pink to red in color and you almost never see pink around. In fact the plant is called Red Huckleberry because it’s typically red.

Even the berry rule doesn’t support this idea.

The “berry rule” is that 10% of white and yellow berries are edible; 50% of red berries are edible; 90% of blue, black, or purple berries are edible, and 99% of aggregated berries are edible. This is only a guideline, and unknown berries shouldn’t be eaten

It doesn’t even mention pink. The color just isn’t common in berries.

5 years ago


It doesn’t even mention pink. The color just isn’t common in berries.

Maybe they were foraging for frozen yogurt?

5 years ago

Female orgasm has the same evolutionary purpose as male orgasm- giving the individual a reward for engaging in sex. I’m not sure a lot of people, male or female, would bother with it if there wasn’t a physical reward- it’s messy and inconvenient.
I was having a conversation with a guy friend who was in the midst of a dating dry spell and was inclined to complain about how easy women have it, how we all can get anyone we want anytime, whinge whinge. We were talking about risk/reward of casual sex, and how women have a different risk to reward ratio. I asked him if he’d still go for it every time, if he could “get anyone he wants” but only get to have an orgasm maybe a quarter of the time, while still having all the usual risks. He emphatically declared it wouldn’t be worth it. Me: …

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