empathy deficit entitled babies evil moms evil sexy ladies incels mass murder is good actually men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incels celebrate Halloween by calling for the death of women

By David Futrelle

Incels are celebrating Halloween the same way they celebrate pretty much every holiday — by calling for the murder of women.

On, the regulars are losing their shit over photos of an Instagram mom taking her kids trick or treating in an extremely skimpy cat costume — a perfect opportunity for the assembled mob to decry the degeneracy of the West while ogling the ass of a hottie.

One commenter calls for “a jihad against foids” (that is, women); another cries out “death to the west.” Several others blame this “degeneracy” on the Jews, because why not blame the Jews for everything?

One commenter takes a moment to fantasize about the woman’s sex life in exceedingly graphic detail:

A mom that posts shit like this to public is also the same kind of mom to have multiple sexual partners and fuck while her kids are in the house and probably watching as well. Probably takes [big black cock] with the doors open and gives her little man kisses goodnight with her herpes-infested lip and cum-soaked breath

TFW your critique of “degenerate” culture turns into a the worst Penthouse Letter ever.

In another thread, the regulars lament their lost childhoods, with one commenter declaring that when he was a kid Halloween was

the one day where I could wear a mask and hide my subhuman face and nobody knew what I actually looked like.

Now that they’re adults — or at least teenagers — the holiday has lost whatever charms it once may have held for them.

I fucking hate hallowen, its a holiday were all women get to be the whores they know they are deep down inside. FOR CHAD. I also fucking hate obnoxious yuppies that use obscure concepts as a costume. JUST PUT ON A NINJA MASK YOU CUCK.

Maybe this is why you’re not getting invited to parties, fellas. That and all the calls for murder.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

One question: what do the incels do for Christmas? “An Incel Christmas” sounds like the worst Hallmark Christmas movie ever.
I don’t celebrate Christmas, so I don’t know much about it, but I’m sure the incels will find a way to make an awful take on it.

A mom that posts shit like this to public is also the same kind of mom to have multiple sexual partners and fuck while her kids are in the house and probably watching as well. Probably takes [big black cock] with the doors open and gives her little man kisses goodnight with her herpes-infested lip and cum-soaked breath

Umm…there’s probably porn for this scenario if the incels want to see it. Minus the kids, hopefully.

I have no problem with skimpy costumes, but I’d probably never wear one for the obvious reason that where I live, Halloween night usually has temperatures in the 40s to 50s (and occasionally snow), so I’d be a bit cold. Maybe they’re designed for people in warm places?

Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
5 years ago

One question: what do the incels do for Christmas?

Why, the same thing they do every night: Whine and complain about the world!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

obnoxious yuppies that use obscure concepts as a costume

I’m afraid sir I have to dissent.

One year the theme of the Halloween party was “Tube Stations”. One woman turned up with a tin of paint and a brush which she used to daub everyone present. She was “Turnham Green”. Brilliant.

5 years ago

Does it really count as “celebrating” the holiday if it’s just the same miserable vile bullshit they’d be doing anyway?

5 years ago


Ah yes, the age-old tradition of Halloween ninjas.

I don’t get the rage about “obscure” costumes. You can either ignore them, or ask that person what they’re meant to be, at which point you get to share a laugh about their answer.

5 years ago

If you aren’t clever or don’t have a personality yourself, I guess hating on others who do is the next best thing?

Incels: defending to the death their right to never make an effort at anything

5 years ago


If you aren’t clever or don’t have a personality yourself, I guess hating on others who do is the next best thing?

This reminds me of when a certain kind of patron goes to an art museum and rambles about how they hate the modern art because they don’t understand it. They don’t have the talent to create it, so they hate on it. The incels are doing the same thing.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Hate to break it to that one commenter, but there’s a good chance his parents had sex while he was in the house.

5 years ago

@tim gueguen

Hate to break it to that one commenter, but there’s a good chance his parents had sex while he was in the house.

I never caught my parents having sex, but I recall very clearly the day that I found out that they were still sexually active. I was 14 years old and stumbled across my father’s BlackBerry, which had a text message from my mother about sex they had had the previous night. I understood that they had had sex to conceive me and my younger sister, but somehow I thought that they had stopped after that. Silly, naïve me.

5 years ago

Don’t know about y’all but I’m dressing up as a daring Victorian lady tonight. My dress stops about inch over my knee and I’m not going to be wearing a corset. My Chad husband might have to tell the neighbors I’m a trollop by next morning.

5 years ago


I was about the same age when I found a bottle of sex toy cleaner in the one bathroom of my parents home. I knew they had sex because their married and adults but the idea of sex toys being involved in it was a huge shock to me. If you had asked 13 year old me what kind of sex I imagined my parents having I’d probably offendly tell you missionary because their good people you perv lol.

5 years ago


If you had asked 13 year old me what kind of sex I imagined my parents having I’d probably offendly tell you missionary because their good people you perv lol.

I don’t know what positions my parents use, and I honestly don’t need or want to know. I know that my mother does have a vibrator, though, because when I was much younger (probably about 5 or 6) I stumbled across what she explained away as a “massager.” It wasn’t until years later that I learned what a vibrator was and understood what I’d seen.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


Well, it’s not as though that was a lie. There’s no need to specify which body part is getting massaged, after all.

Back in high school, some guys I knew apparently found the box of sex toys in a closet at one of their houses. Naturally, they pulled them out and started laughing. Then, I was told, the following dialogue occurred:

“You know that’s been in Pete’s mom, right?”

* Sex toy dropped *

“Or Pete’s dad.”

* Screaming at pitch only dogs can hear *

I don’t want to know how incels would have reacted. (Especially since Pete’s dad was a cop, and therefore by definition a Chad.)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I don’t celebrate Christmas, so I don’t know much about it, but I’m sure the incels will find a way to make an awful take on it.

Santa is cuck for giving presents to femoids to be and Mrs. Claus is an over the wall roastie.

5 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

I don’t want to know how incels would have reacted. (Especially since Pete’s dad was a cop, and therefore by definition a Chad.)

They would have destroyed the toys, as they would complain that toys are a form of oppression in that Chad and Stacy have them but not the poor, poor incels. Never mind that you can buy them at any sex shop.
Also, cops are by definition Chads? I was unaware of this. What other occupations are by definition Chads?

The reindeer pill. The image went through my head and is burned into my mind, now it must go to everyone else’s.

5 years ago

Never caught my parents but vividly remember once when my ladyfriend at the time and I were having sex and heard her parents doing it at the same time since her room was right below theirs. It was actually pretty funny at the time (and still is, really)

Also re: costumes- One year I went by a KFC, got an empty bucket to carry with me and was a “man eating chicken”

sam katz
sam katz
5 years ago

“… my subhuman face” explained it all. How terribly sad. Fortunately, most of these lunatics will never act out, because they’re cowards, which is why they can’t face life and despise half the planet in the first place. But I do wonder what a mother had to do to a son to make him grow up to be such a pathetic loser.

5 years ago

Really, @sam katz? Blaming mental illness and a woman? Knock it off, please.

5 years ago

I’m not pretty either, yet I somehow manage NOT to hate men, blame them and call for them to be raped and murdered.

Funny how that works.

5 years ago

Sam here has a bit of a history of blaming people’s mothers.

@sam katz
Please don’t blame mental illness for someone’s behavior. It’s ableist, builds the stigma for actual people with mental illness, and it excuses the incels’ behavior. We have a Comments Policy here and part of it is devoted to explaining why you shouldn’t do that. Scroll down to where it says “ NOTES ON “CRAZY”” and read from there.
Although the comments policy does not explicitly say not to do this , it’s also best not to blame someone’s mother for their behavior. It shifts the blame away from the real person and blames another person for something they didn’t do.
Maybe we should add a section to the policy about not blaming mothers?

5 years ago

Pretty interesting that they blame the mom, but not the dad.

5 years ago

Ah yes. For incels, it’s not Halloween, it’s Nobody-Wants-My-Ween.

Have you tried not hating women, boys? It works better than a costume with built-in muscles!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago

Ever since I’ve had a major say in the matter, Halloween has always been a chance for me to be someone I’m not.

And nearly every time since I had that say, back in 5th grade, I’ve been a male character from something I enjoy. The only exceptions were when I was an Espeon (which has a 7/8ths chance of being male) and Kumatora from Mother 3 (who’s a major tomboy and is willing to cut herself out of a bear trap if need be).

I think it helped me figure out that I wasn’t exactly a girl. Whether I was a salaryman just trying to survive where he wasn’t meant to be, a sprightly yet terribly manipulative villain, a turbo pervert for anyone (ANYONE), or a man dragged into villainy who only ever wanted to put on a show, it felt closer to the ideal than just a schoolgirl.

Humorously enough, the best I’ve felt was when I was Hifumi Yamada from Danganronpa-AKA the token otaku and non-standard designed character. Perhaps I should respec from game dev to doujin writing…Just kidding!

Conveniently, it meant I dodged any too-short costumes, and I was always snug on Halloween. There is nothing inherently wrong with sexy whatever outfits of course (contrary to the assertions of these dipsticks), and there’s nothing wrong with wearing one if that’s your thing. That said, they were never quite mine–and not ever quite it for many people I saw.

They’re well over-marketed, I’ll tell you what. I’d rather cover me to become another.

…And also not fucking freeze. It nearly hit the point today.

Anyway, I was Teruteru Hanamura from Super Danganronpa 2 today. How about y’all?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Today, like every other day, is a day that incels rage against attractive women who will not have sex with them. Because these women dare to make a choice, they deserve to die.

I’m not sure how this works. Should all attractive women be forced to be sexually available to all incels? If so, incels are going to have a problem with other men kicking their asses.

Or is it that each incel just wants to get married and keep his wife chained up in a closet? If that’s the case, how is he going to lead a normal life? That’s not possible if he’s got a prisoner he’s got to control 24/7.

Or is it that each incel wants to be absolute dictator and have all attractive women available to him — and only him — and also have staff (jailers) to keep these women under control? There is bound to be an uprising. There are bound to be many uprisings.

Incels have an unsolvable problem. Nobody wants to have sex with them. Everybody wants their freedom. It’s almost as though incels have to behave in a civilized way to try to achieve their goals. And even then, they might fail.

Damn. That’s totally unacceptable to incels.

5 years ago

I just feel bad that incels can’t be THE biggest losers. Individuals stalking and making fun of them under a guise of “social justice” in an attempt to feel better about their empty, boring failed lives take the cake away from incels.

Congratulations everyone! Lmfao