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MGTOW Redditors plan to join a racist “It’s Okay to be White” postering campaign on Halloween

The MGTOW subreddit is ready for Halloween

By David Futrelle

Racist trolls are planning a Halloween version of the “It’s Okay to be White” poster campaign that garnered them a good deal of press — as well as support from the likes of David Duke, the Daily Stormer, and Tucker Carlson — when it was originally launched back in 2017.

One of the places they’re looking for recruits just happens to be the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where a post championing the postering campaign has garnered more than 300 upvotes and spurred a heated, if somewhat lopsided, debate. “There is a war on men in the West,” wrote MyBordersMyChoice.

White men are considered to be the worst kind. That’s why “It’s Okay To Be White” posters will be going up this Halloween … in public spaces around the world. All are welcome to join and help undermine this anti-white, anti-male ideology. Who’s in?

Apparently more than a few MGTOW Redditors.

Some argued that the postering campaign is necessary because SJW “bigotry” against white males might cause them to become racist.

“Good,” a commenter called TigPlaze wrote of the postering plan.

I used to think there was no need for that, and some years back there wasn’t. There is a need for it now. Some bigots, especially feminist ones, think there’s something wrong or evil with being a white male. They think flipping bigotry around is a great way to get rid of bigotry, but they’re only exchanging one type for another. Or maybe not. The hate against while males might encourage white men to feel anger toward others and even cause more bigotry.

Another commenter added that “Straight white christian men are the most oppressed group on earth.”

Still others suggested the campaign wasn’t about racist but “pride.”

“For decades now they have been telling us that whites are the only group not allowed to be proud of their heritage or be proud of their race,” wrote someone called Jarin01. “It’s time to stop bowing to people that hate us and start working together for our own best interests.”

And then there were those who didn’t bother with the concern trolling or careful euphemisms, instead letting their racist freak flags fly. One commenter suggested potential posterers skip the “It’s Okay to be White” posters and simply post propaganda from Atomwaffen instead, because, in his view, the racist terrorist group, whose members are already responsible for five murders, is “the only ideologically consistent pro white group that exists.”

More than a few commenters issued vague but threatening “warnings” to SJWs supposedly defaming white men and whites in general. “Push a man into a corner with nowhere to go but forward and see what happens,” warned someone called datdbui6.

Several commenters suggests that “what might happen” is that whites could launch a new Holocaust and unleash global devastation. “Don’t piss off white people,” wrote RedCBR900.

They’re weak and stupid until they aren’t anymore, and no one on the planet can dish as much at them.Beware.

0signal0 made the threat more explicit:

Friendly reminder that when whites chimp out, world wars happen.

The last time a white nation said “we’ve had enough”, Europe got destroyed.

It’s not wise to piss off people who exhibit both a high IQ and organization talent.

Yes, these guys are identifying with the Nazis in their imagined scenarios.

There were, of course, some who were troubled — if not horrified — by the poster campain, and the discussion itself. “This isn’t mgtow related content this is way to political,” complained one.

Meanwhile, a former subreddit regular called zUltimateRedditor lamented that the subreddit had become “a white supremacist shithole. So glad I left.”

Apparently the subreddit’s pervasive misogyny is fine but the racism crosses the line.

MGTOWs and white supremacists have skirmished over the years, with some of the latter even suggesting that the MGTOW movement is a Jewish plot to destroy white marriage and lower white birthrates.

But the two groups have largely set aside their differences on the white baby issue to come together over their shared hatreds —though some MGTOWs are loath to acknowledge it. If the subreddit’s mostly warm embrace of this racist postering campaign is any indication, the Venn Diagram of MGTOWs and white supremacists may ultimately come to resemble a single circle.

If you see any of these posters up in your area, please document them. And then maybe do this.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

SJW “bigotry” against white males might cause them to become racist.

Ah. The old “we weren’t Nazis ‘til you called us Nazis” routine. Yeah, that’s not how it works. Not a single word of that statement is correct.

Wonder if we’ll get any trolls defending this.

5 years ago

@Naglfar: “You made me aware I was being a terrible person, so I had no choice but to become worse” doesn’t say good things about their personal agency. It’s an unaware self-own.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I keep reading this as “pestering campaign” and sounds about right for MGTOWs.

5 years ago


It’s an unaware self-own.

I think most of what the manosphere says is self-owning. I mean, they’re always talking about how men aren’t responsible for their actions and can’t control themselves, which seems like a pretty huge self-own.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Speaking of self-owns:

Friendly reminder that when whites chimp out, world wars happen.

Sounds like a strong argument for gun control and for barring white people from holding high office.

P.S. That self-shredding painting meme. Who started it again? Was it Warhol or Banksy? I only ask because I heard somewhere recently that there was an attempted assassination of Warhol by a TERF terrorist some time back, which would weirdly bring things sort of full circle…

Mrs. Obed Marsh
Mrs. Obed Marsh
5 years ago

Stay safe when you’re taking down posters! There have been several cases of white nationalist posters with razor blades hidden behind them, so whoever tries to rip them down will cut their fingers. Use your keys to take down posters instead.

Mrs. Obed Marsh
Mrs. Obed Marsh
5 years ago

Oh, and you can also pour water on posters, or cover them up with your own. Again, stay safe!

5 years ago

@Surplus To Requirements

The self shredding poster is Banksy.
You’re thinking of the Valerie Solanis/Warhol attack.

5 years ago

“Straight white christian men are the most oppressed group on earth.”

I call bullshit. The white race are beaten only in population – they’re otherwise far from oppressed for the most part, with many of them in better living conditions on average around the world.

Plus, anyone who’s heterosexual and/or religious (or of the dominant religion, but I think especially the former in many situations) in most parts of the world are given more lee-fucking-way than their non-straight non-religious counterparts.

Regardless of which religion is the most oppressed, social conservatism, with a few exceptions, runs rabid like a disease around the world, south and east of Austria. Unfortunately, it’s strongly backed up by the people who happen to be mostly religious and/or conservative. Social conservatism is responsible for countless murders, death threats and other trauma against people who are effectively non-instigators.

5 years ago

@Mrs. Obed Marsh
Thanks for the heads up re: posters.
In general, I prefer to deface posters with new posters or simply painting/writing over.

5 years ago

“For decades now they have been telling us that whites are the only group not allowed to be proud of their heritage or be proud of their race,”

That’s because there is no such thing as white heritage. Whiteness is defined by what it isn’t, not what it is. There is Italian heritage, Greek heritage, Irish heritage, English heritage, German heritage, but no white heritage.

5 years ago


Oh, fuck RIGHT off. They’re not your borders, and you alone don’t get to say what happens there.

As usual, you’re just pissed that you don’t get to police and oppress others for daring to have autonomy around you.

5 years ago


Oh look; they are stealing and warping left wing rhetoric again while also being the same chodes that strip rights from women and espouse Misogynist nonsense against women and ridicule women for daring to express the desire to have agency for their bodies and refusing to be incubators of the state like they want women to be.

At this point; nothing here’s guys do surprises me; but it bores and annoys me to no end.

5 years ago

griffon8 In White Supremacist English “white” means “Anglo-Saxon”. Some of them will grudgingly include Germans, as long as they don’t act German.

They used to just say it outright, but these days they keep it a bit more subtext to not scare off the useful idiots.

5 years ago

Oh yes the “feminists are the real bigots line.” Guess when the nazis came in the “feminazi” term got phased out.

5 years ago

Apparently the subreddit’s pervasive misogyny is fine but the racism crosses the line.”

Having read many MGTOW posts by non-white men, I understand how they dislike knowing how being hated feels. Of course I only understand it because I’m a woman… a woman reading posts from MGTOWs.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago

And on the holiest of days…Shame!

I certainly do hope they don’t crop up on campus, but if they do…well, I do currently have a can of spray paint. I’m no Jet Set Radio character, but I’m sure I can do an X well enough…or an “ew”.

5 years ago

So, how’s this apropos for Halloween specifically?

5 years ago

“Friendly reminder that when whites chimp out, world wars happen.”
Which kill vast numbers of…other white people.

“The last time a white nation said “we’ve had enough”, Europe got destroyed.”
Europe is full of white people, yes? He seems to saying ‘if you get us mad… we’ll destroy each other’.

“It’s not wise to piss off people who exhibit both a high IQ and organization talent.”
Or they’ll go to war against other (mostly) white nations and… get flattened.

5 years ago

@ Lumipuna

Perhaps the scary white sheet costumes have something to do with it?

5 years ago

On Halloween? A date which most people see as a sort of festival of scary nonsense?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

“Good,” a commenter called TigPlaze wrote of the postering plan.

I used to think there was no need for that, and some years back there wasn’t. There is a need for it now. Some bigots, especially feminist ones, think there’s something wrong or evil with being a white male.

Of course. After circumstances changed (women won the vote, black people won the ability to actually exercise their right to vote), you changed your mind.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

It’s not the “being” of white,

Im’a leave it at this, hope it makes sense.

5 years ago

This is a long way to go to justify lazy ghost costumes.

In other terrible person news, the Toronto Public Library thought it was a good idea to host prominent TERF Meghan Murphy to push bog-standard TERF talking points about how transwomen are men and all that dreck. Thankfully, the community was not having any of that shit and showed up in at least hundreds to demonstrate solidarity.

Naturally, the usual newspaper grease-stains are concern-trolling about “freedom of speech” because a public institution is involved. Rosie DiManno was particularly odious, coming close to saying “virtue-signalling”, but opted for “virtue-basking” instead.

What amazes me is that every op-ed dipshit defending the Library’s choice in the matter either had no interest in really understanding the point of view of trans individuals, nor took their arguments to its logical conclusions. I mean, if TERFs are fine, why not scientific racists? Since the Library isn’t hosting forums on skull shapes, I can only assume it maintains some selection with respect to what it does and does not hold as events. So why don’t I see Rosie DiManno writing breathless articles about how the Toronto Public Library must host the local Charles Murray contingent? It’s not like Toronto’s devoid of them.

Nah, it’s just that trans folks are just the ones without the social clout to render the opinions of the Meghan Murphys of the world beyond the pale. They’re the ones its still “””safe””” to kick. Give it a generation and it will be beyond the pale, and we’ll be looking back at archived columns from 2019 as the backwards bigot defenders of their moment, like the anti-gay columnists of the 1940s or the anti-Ukranians of WWI. Until then, still gotta deal with these tools.

5 years ago

Meghan Murphy is awful. She also claims that TERF is a slur and that calling her one is hate speech. My response as usual to anyone who says that is “So, is Nazi a slur?” I have a feeling many TERFs would think it is, seeing how much they sympathize with white nationalists.

Virtue-basking, huh? Haven’t heard that one before. Regardless, I’m pretty sure I know what it means, and it doesn’t make any sense.

What amazes me is that every op-ed dipshit defending the Library’s choice in the matter either had no interest in really understanding the point of view of trans individuals, nor took their arguments to its logical conclusions. I mean, if TERFs are fine, why not scientific racists? Since the Library isn’t hosting forums on skull shapes, I can only assume it maintains some selection with respect to what it does and does not hold as events.

I’ve heard TERFs discuss bone structure as a talking point before (usually something about how trans* women who don’t get facial feminization surgery have pronounced supraorbital ridges and they try to ascribe meaning to this), so it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried to bring in phrenology. Nothing good comes from obsessing over bone structure.

So why don’t I see Rosie DiManno writing breathless articles about how the Toronto Public Library must host the local Charles Murray contingent? It’s not like Toronto’s devoid of them.

I’m sure that if the library did host a phrenology event, someone (maybe DiManno) would leap to defend it. It just hasn’t happened yet.

Of course, I wonder how fast she’d leap to write an op ed against members of a left wing organization or movement speaking at the library.

Nah, it’s just that trans folks are just the ones without the social clout to render the opinions of the Meghan Murphys of the world beyond the pale. They’re the ones its still “””safe””” to kick. Give it a generation and it will be beyond the pale, and we’ll be looking back at archived columns from 2019 as the backwards bigot defenders of their moment, like the anti-gay columnists of the 1940s or the anti-Ukranians of WWI. Until then, still gotta deal with these tools.

At this point, I think it’s very clear what side of history the TERFs will be on. Sadly, I don’t think they’ll go away entirely, seeing as racists and homophobes are still around and even rather prominent. However, I do hope that in the future they’ll be much less powerful and will be seen as retrograde and idiotic. I think we’ll see them much the way we see segregationists: deluded reactionary people who were hateful, and fought for hateful policies.