By David Futrelle
Great news, ladies! The Red Pill subreddit is hiring … wives.
In a recent post on the subreddit, someone calling himself, ahem, afterthe_fapocalypse argued that when it comes to finding a wife, men should “look for an employee not a partner” because, you know, equality is simply out of the question.
“Having my shit together,” he writes,
no woman can be a partner to me. None. They just aren’t built like that. And as the relationship manager then, my role is not to look for a partnership but to hire an employee. A high-level one, but someone who will work for me and develop the next generation of employees (children) growing up. That will be her project. Mine is ensuring that the whole system (family) functions.
What a romantic!
If this dude, god forbid, ever gets married I hope his soon-to-be-ex-wife cites this post of his in her divorce filing.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I don’t comment here all that often but did want to send congratulations to both sets of newlyweds.
I believe that mistake criticizing men for “misandry”.
All of them do? Wow, I had no idea. That’s amazing. Especially since few of the women I’ve met have done any of those things.
I also know few women in their thirties, or older, who are lonely and frustrated
I must admit though, “where have all the good men gone” does frequently seem like a legitimate question.
I would like to thank Lawrence for correcting my very stupid and solipsistic belief that the term “divorce rape” compares divorce to rape, when obviously what’s actually happening is the term “divorce rape” compares divorce to rape. I am much chastened.
Congratulations and best wishes, Lainy and Sarity!
Congrats for the newlyweds!
Lainy, best wishes to you both. I’ve been reading for a while and I’m happy for y’all.
Congratulations to the new married ! Long life and prosperity (and far from the trolls) !
Congratulations to Lainy & Sarity

I’m 57, so the wall has faded into the blue horizon behind me. Not lonely, not skint, not divorced, not eating car food. Pretty happy on the whole.
Even if I were lonely and skint to the point of eating cat food, I still wouldn’t marry one of these guys.
Yeah, that would be (what feels like) theft, and heartbreak, not rape.
I’ve yet to see a single self-proclaimed MRA doing something concrete to help men. No DV shelters, no marches for men’s health, no helping traumatized and wounded vets, nada. It’s more fun to blame feeeeemales than to do some actual work. Assboats.
One of the reasons I don’t have a twitter account is that half of my tweets would amount to “words mean things.”
One instance that never fails to send me into a frothing rage is whenever I am reminded that there exists a sportsball team named “The Celtics.”
That is not a word! “Celtic” as a noun refers to a language family. When referring to a group of people, it is an adjective, e.g. “the Celtic peoples.” The noun for that group of people is “The Celts.”
Well, I’m late to the party as usual!
Congrats, lainy and sarity!
Also, trolls, on the “divorce rape” thing…
The way the word rape is being used in this sense is what linguists call “metaphorical extension”, meaning someone took the original meaning of a word and broadened it to include things they think are similar, but maybe not exactly the same.
So, Lawrence, when you say divorce rape, YOU are the ones doing the conflating, not us.
Fucking projection.
Congrats Lainy & Sarity! Hope the four of you find the happiness you deserve!
@Lawrence on “Divorce rape”
My parents got a divorce when I was barely a teen. I also volunteered at a pro bono law firm for low income people, while I was still in law school. Over 90% of the cases we handled were divorce and alimony. So it is not without prior knowledge that I say that, not only has every single divorce I’ve seen been justified because of:
– Cheating
– Abuse
– Abandonment
– Neglect
– A combination of all of the above
but also, the vast majority of the time we were barely able to secure alimony, because deadbeat dads will go through unimaginable lengths to deny their children of sustenance, if it means getting back at their ex-wives.
In contrast, my brother-in-law took his ex-wife to court and not only did he win custody of both the kids, the judge also ordered her to pay child support.
So your bullshit doesn’t hold up to any sort of scrutiny.
“This guy’s a gangster? His real name’s Lawrence
And Lawrence lives at home with both parents
And Lawrence parents have a real good marriage
This guy don’t wanna battle, he’s shook
‘Cause ain’t no such things as halfway crooks”
I live in Massachusetts. All my friends root for the Celtics and expect me to do the same (I don’t because I don’t have any interest in sports). It is pretty infuriating.
Is it just me, or does it seem like all the trolls lately have just been phoning it in, even for a drive-by?
I think most of them were attracted by criticism of the Lobster Prophet. You really can’t say shit about Jordan Peterson without his stans showing up and sea lioning you hard over how he didn’t say what you heard him say, or how you need to watch all his videos and read all his works to understand the context.
Only to realize his statements are actually far worse when you do understand them in context, because of the recurring pattern of misogyny.
Well, Andrew Anglin has hopefully incurred their wrath now because he just called Beef Lobster a “goy schill” and claimed he was part of the whole Jewish conspiracy bullshit.
I hope the whole alt-right movement just collapses because it doesn’t seem like a lot of the members can get along.
@Diego Duarte:
I don’t think the misogyny is the primary point. It’s all aggrieved entitlement and ‘how dare you exist in my presence in a way that denies my worldview!’
That worldview is inherently misogynistic, yes. And heteronormative and a number of other things soaking in our society. But in the end for him it’s really about the horror that people he doesn’t think should exist are actually asking for respect, and he can’t get away with casually pretending they don’t exist anymore.
His rise to fame was after throwing a fit that he might have to use a trans person’s preferred pronouns, after all, because not doing so for students could cause complaints about him.
I’ve been hoping for that very thing for the past 4 years. Every once in a while, one of these things occurs and I hope it’s the end of the alt right. It’s a long shot, but the more infighting that occurs, the weaker they get. Right now Peterson carries more weight than Anglin, so my guess is that the fascists will rally around him. But maybe this will chip away at both of them, and they’ll fall. I can dream.
@Jenora Feuer
Maybe it isn’t the primary point, but I think it’s one of the biggest components of his view. This is a man who sees women as objects to be given away in an ‘enforced monogamy’ (read: sexual slavery) scheme. The misogyny is inseparable from the rest of his view.
Late to the party, but I also want to offer best wishes to Lainy and Sarity and their respective spouses. Congratulations!
Hey, congratulations to @Lainy & @Sarity on your weddings!! Wishing you happy times ahead!
As for frustration, loneliness and eating cat food: I score 2/3.
To elaborate:
Frustrated? You bet. Mostly by my lack of organizational skills. (Even if sexual frustration was implied, it wasn’t specified, so I can count this.)
Lonely? Frequently. Although sometimes I get tired of being around people, so it balances out.
Oooh! If you count ever having eaten salmon, a food that the cat I used to cat-sit for LOVED, I also get the 3rd one.
Yay! 3/3 I win!! Thanks for the lovely and delightful game. ?
Congrats on the weddings, Lainy and Sarity!
Super late to the congrats party, but congrats to @Lainy and @Sarity!!
Thank you everyone for all the kind words.
Thank you kindly, everyone ❤ We couldn’t be happier
@Naglfar: oh, me too. And I know it’s a long shot,
It’s just sometimes I dare to dream…
Today is my 36th wedding anniversary. As someone who had to go through a divorce, I know it’s relatively easy to get married but harder to make it work. So my wish for Lainy and Sarity is that they be even happier 36 years from now than they are today.