empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill reddit

The Red Pill is hiring!

By David Futrelle

Great news, ladies! The Red Pill subreddit is hiring … wives.

In a recent post on the subreddit, someone calling himself, ahem, afterthe_fapocalypse argued that when it comes to finding a wife, men should “look for an employee not a partner” because, you know, equality is simply out of the question.

“Having my shit together,” he writes,

no woman can be a partner to me. None. They just aren’t built like that. And as the relationship manager then, my role is not to look for a partnership but to hire an employee. A high-level one, but someone who will work for me and develop the next generation of employees (children) growing up. That will be her project. Mine is ensuring that the whole system (family) functions.

What a romantic!

If this dude, god forbid, ever gets married I hope his soon-to-be-ex-wife cites this post of his in her divorce filing.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
5 years ago

Misandry isn’t a real thing any more than racism against white people.

Arguably, the general cultural standards of masculinity are themselves misandric, given how they force men to behave in ways that are counter-productive, or alternatively, castigate them for manning wrong.

Of course, blaming that on feminism is, hmm… let’s call it “creative”. That sounds nicer than “complete bollocks”.

5 years ago

@Lukas Xavier

Arguably, the general cultural standards of masculinity are themselves misandric, given how they force men to behave in ways that are counter-productive, or alternatively, castigate them for manning wrong.

Fair point. Maybe I shouldn’t have said it isn’t real. What I meant was that misandry is not something created by feminists, and that the sort of discrimination against men and the supposed female privilege that MRAs like to allege is not real.

5 years ago


“……. you will still need to explain how divorce is at all comparable to rape, …..”

Geez. You are missing the point entirely. You’re conflating divorce with sexual rape. This is not the intended meaning. According to many studies women initiate 80% of divorces for trivial reasons such as they’re bored or want to find themselves again or find a better upgrade (kids and their husband be dammed) and then take half of the man’s resources. In most cases the man did nothing except take care of the women. This is a form of financial and emotional rape. Get it?

Women’s solipsism is thick in this place.

5 years ago

Anyone checked to see if Mr Fapocalypse is actually Trump fishing for wife #4? It isn’t quite incoherent enough, but everything else fits.

5 years ago

Congrats Sarity and Lainy (and their significant others)!

I’m not yet 30, but I did just reach out a hand and knock on the wall a few times.

Now that I’ve “hit the wall”, think the trolls will stay away?

5 years ago


Now that I’ve “hit the wall”, think the trolls will stay away?

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5 years ago

It is better to be alone than in bad company.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Red Pilled | October 26, 2019 at 10:33 pm
The Wall remains undefeated, remember that. You’ll be lining up for that job.

“You’ll be back! They always come back!”

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I think it’s funny how you assume that one, we’re all straight women, and two, that either all men agree with you and are like you or that you’re somehow so irresistible that we’ll just have to come running for your “alpha” ass when we’re too old or something. We’ll all come a runnin’ when that dreaded “wall” hits us at what, 30? 25? 20?

Y’all keep changing the age for that, but I don’t really care enough to keep up with the patch notes.

A Happy Dude | October 26, 2019 at 10:57 pm

I just want to take a second to marvel at that clearly false username.

It’s funny how an anti-misogyny blog does exactly what they criticize. All I see on this blog is misandry.

If we’re doing “exactly what we criticize”, wouldn’t we be doing misogyny?

We’re not criticizing “misandry”, because that’s a thing that doesn’t exist. Words mean things.

You want a good man, yet you divorce rape your men and take half of their life’s hardwork, cheat on them, and lay false rape accusations against them.

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You spend your youth sleeping around and you expect a good man to marry your used up ass (read: expired sperm receptacle) when you sense the wall approaching. I wonder why you’re surprised/angry that these men are getting fed up of this nonsense.

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Soon, all of you will be lonely and frustrated in your thirties, eating cat food and asking yourselves vehemently “where have all the good men gone?”

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5 years ago


Geez. You are missing the point entirely. You’re conflating divorce with sexual rape. … This is a form of financial and emotional rape. Get it?

So if you use a word in a metaphorical sense, it’s never your fault if people take you at your word?

Maybe I should start a business and tell my employees I’ll be paying them with money. Those solipsists would probably think I’d pay them with financial money, even though I clearly meant I’d pay them with emotional money, as in the good vibes I’ll be projecting all around since I’m happy with their labour.

5 years ago

Well it might just be me but not being in love anymore is a pretty good reason to get a divorce. You’ll just make each other miserable if you don’t love them anymore. The two things your relationship should be built on is love and trust, and if those two things fail it’s probably best to throw the relationship away and start a new for both of you.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ Lawrence

then take half of the man’s resources

That certainly not the case in England in Wales. For legal geeks; this is the key case on that.

In essence; the courts do the same sort of forensic accounting exercise as in dissolution of a company. They assess who brought what to the partnership and allocate the proceeds based the respective injection of capital and sweat equity.

a presumption of equal division would go beyond the permissible bounds of interpretation of section 25

It is largely for this reason that I do not accept Mr Turner’s invitation to enunciate a principle that in every case the ‘starting point’ in relation to a division of the assets of the husband and wife should be equality. He sought to draw a distinction between a presumption and a starting point. But a starting point principle of general application would carry a risk that in practice it would be treated as a legal presumption, with formal consequences regarding the burden of proof.

5 years ago


Geez. You are missing the point entirely. You’re conflating divorce with sexual rape. This is not the intended meaning. According to many studies women initiate 80% of divorces for trivial reasons such as they’re bored or want to find themselves again or find a better upgrade (kids and their husband be dammed) and then take half of the man’s resources. In most cases the man did nothing except take care of the women.

[citation needed]

If you use the word “rape” people will think you are talking about sexual rape because that is what the word means. Words mean things. I swear, “words mean things” could be a subtitle to this blog we say it so often. I’m not the one conflating rape with divorce. You and your misogynist friends are.


Maybe I should start a business and tell my employees I’ll be paying them with money. Those solipsists would probably think I’d pay them with financial money, even though I clearly meant I’d pay them with emotional money, as in the good vibes I’ll be projecting all around since I’m happy with their labour.

Well, it still sounds like a better employment situation than Mr. Red Pill is offering here.

5 years ago

I love how the guy in the OP seem to think women don’t have jobs and thus absolutely cannot live on as celibate despite the fact, probably every single women he has ever met has or had a job. I also love how this guy metaphore crumbles on him the moment one assumes other men are like him. Should we assume his stupid premise and that, as a man, he should “hire an employee-wife” and other men do the same, it’s logical to assume that women, much like real life employees, will flock toward the man offering the best conditions which would be of course operating as an equal partner or even as managerial leader with the man as the “employee”. His offer being poor, in such a system, would result in him getting the “leftovers” of other more generous and competitive men, “damaged goods”, “shitty employees that were fired multiple times”, if anything at all.

Again, the guy in the OP and the later comment of Happy Dude are, to me, yet another eloquant proof that the manosphere world is filled with projection. Everything they say about women actually describe them more then it describes women’s behavior and beliefs. Young “Pick-up Artists” are trying to ride “the cock caroussel” by trying to have sex with has many of the “Alpha girls” they can find (AKA popular girls, “prom-queen” type girls, girls who look like models, girls who like to party, have a lot friends, are very confident and are frequently from well-off families). Once they get older or those who fail to many time, they leave this arena, stop being “Pick-up Artists” and become more traditionnal MRA (or Incels for those who were unsuccessful in the previous stage); guys who will bemoan the fact that they can’t find themselves a nice conservative/regular/nice girl (AKA what they would have called derisively a few years earlier a beta-girl, a psychic vampire or a consolation prize) to be their wife and take care of them. If they find one, they enter the domain of the Patriach, paranoid about the idea of being cheated on all the while they vastly ignore the emotional needs of their partner and start fantasmic about the now much younger girls they used to pick-up when they were young and start to want to restrict women sexuality as much as possible all the while making excuses for himself to have the ability to “look and taste the other course on the menu”. Finally, if they get divorce, they will complain about loosing money all the while, in the vast majority of instence, women are those who suffer the most from divorce and by a significant degree. At each stage, everything that disgust and infuriates these men about women are characteristics they display more often then women themselves. Misogynists are self-hating loosers who, instead of finding actual ways to heal and improve, project their hatred unto others. I don’t have as much experience with racists, but I would bet it’s the same thing for them.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

It’s basically rape when someone forcibly quits being together with you.


Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago


Dude, using ‘rape’ in reference to a financial concept while at the same time disparaging women does NOT reflect well on the user. That’s disgusting, and we know you know it.

Also, you do realize that in most cases, neither partner is simply ‘taking care’ of the other? Most people have to work under the current capitalist system, whether they’re male, female, or nonbinary (to you: ‘one of those newfangled Tumblr genders’ probably, also hi! i’m genderqueer). So most couples have both aspects working. You implying otherwise, for now or for most of history, is immensely dishonest.

5 years ago

I think “hardwork” is like work, only when you think about it instead of actually doing it.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Geez. You are missing the point entirely. You’re conflating divorce with sexual rape.

No, sweetie. You did that. We’re just responding to it.

This is not the intended meaning. According to many studies women initiate 80% of divorces for trivial reasons such as they’re bored or want to find themselves again or find a better upgrade (kids and their husband be dammed) and then take half of the man’s resources. In most cases the man did nothing except take care of the women. This is a form of financial and emotional rape. Get it?

And you did it again.

Now, as far as I know, it’s accurate the a significant majority of the time, the woman does the filing for divorce. That does not, however mean that the decision to divorce wasn’t mutual. It means that the woman did the paperwork. The “trivial reasons” you listed seem to be pulled from your ass though. Do you have a source for this?

Also, is it “divorce rape” if someone files for divorce from a spouse who is the same gender. Just curious.

5 years ago

Also thank you everyone for the Congratulations. I really appreciate it. It’s been a wonderful lazy Sunday of resting after the big day. Opening cards and some gifts, taking long naps, eating left over cake, Lazy making love. If I didn’t know any better I would say that I died and this my heavenly afterlife. So far I like marriage life so far lol.

5 years ago

To all of the Redpill folks here I’d just like to say I’m married already and my husband thinks you are a bunch of sad wankers.
Hah, in your face, suck it. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

5 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

From what I’ve read on the subject (it’s not very scientific) 70% of the divorces are filled by women, most of them are initiated pretty much mutually, but women are more often the one’s who first suggested to end the relationship in the first place following problem. The most common reason for divorce are, in order, infidelity, money/job problems and lack of communication in the couple. In other words, someone cheated (statistics are fairly equal between cheatin occurences when people are young and as they age, men tend to cheat more often then women though both men and women are more likely to cheat on their partner as they age), a couple has money problems sometimes linked to long spells of unemployments or debts, a couple drifts appart or fails to adress problems that leads the couple to drift appart.

5 years ago

So far I like marriage life so far lol.

It gets better. MUCH better.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
5 years ago

According to many studies women initiate 80% of divorces for trivial reasons such as they’re bored or want to find themselves again or find a better upgrade

So, women get divorces because they no longer wish to be married.

What’s the problem?

5 years ago

What’s the problem?

Because these people can’t handle being an adult when their spouse comes to them and says I don’t love you anymore and I’m not happy so I want to end this relationship. They can’t handle that pain like an adult, so they want their wife to be mommy and pretend that everything is alright and keep being their wife despite how miserable she might be. The fact that anyone calls someone reason for leaving a divorce “trivial” to begin with shows their not adult enough to even be in a committed relationship and should never get married until their realize that people are allowed to leave you. It hurts and that’s the chance you must take for falling in love but that’s life.

5 years ago

Catfood is freaking expensive, if I ever need to economize I’ll feed my cats people food.

5 years ago

@Lainy: If they’re the type to consider relationship problems trivial, then they’re also the type to end up in a messy divorce… and consider their partner frivolous for doing so.