By David Futrelle
Great news, ladies! The Red Pill subreddit is hiring … wives.
In a recent post on the subreddit, someone calling himself, ahem, afterthe_fapocalypse argued that when it comes to finding a wife, men should “look for an employee not a partner” because, you know, equality is simply out of the question.
“Having my shit together,” he writes,
no woman can be a partner to me. None. They just aren’t built like that. And as the relationship manager then, my role is not to look for a partnership but to hire an employee. A high-level one, but someone who will work for me and develop the next generation of employees (children) growing up. That will be her project. Mine is ensuring that the whole system (family) functions.
What a romantic!
If this dude, god forbid, ever gets married I hope his soon-to-be-ex-wife cites this post of his in her divorce filing.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I may be job-hunting, but even if I weren’t happily married, I’d resist the urge to “apply” for this position.
What if I negotiate pay scale, save my well earned money, completely make him dependent on my services and then empty my savings account and divorce him? I’ve been fairly paid for the services so he can’t object, he won’t owe child support because no decent woman would spread the genes of such losers, and he’s useless and I’m off to the next red pill man! I’ll have experience, money, and hard work and he’ll be…well, we’ll still be an infantile helpless ghoul. But that’s what they want so it all works out!
Someone get me that application!
He’s right about one thing. Women aren’t his equal. The women I know would have to sink pretty low before they were equal with this jackass. Even hardcore followers of the quiverfull and submissive wife movements are looking askance at this clod.
Notice how he uses the word “employee” but doesn’t mention paying her. That’s not an employee you’re wanting there, matey.
On a related note, I finished reading The Future of Another Timeline yesterday, and… yeah. Ouch.
Savanah, why assume you’d be paid in salary and not with just the sheer HONOR of living under the benevolent rule of this paragon of preserving Western White civilization?
I probably shouldn’t be by this point, but I’m disturbed that the guy thinks that his children should be employees too. Especially considering that children don’t get any say in who they are ’employed’ by and there’s a different word for that situation than ’employee’.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d be the type to “fire” his kids for not perfectly conforming to whatever future he’s laid out for them. Then again, if the kid has enough outside support to not be completely homeless, that might be a slight step up.
I came here to say pretty much the same thing, @Catalpa. I also wonder what labour he thinks his children would provide.
Poe’s Law:
@that jackass:
Oh, I doubt THAT very much.
Good luck with the “hiring”, Boss Hogg.
“Having my shit together stuffed inside my cranium in place of my brains,” is what he actually means.
Sorry, now I have to go wash out *my* brain. It’s what happens any time I have to use the Red Pill Translator portion of my grey matter–ugh.
The Wall remains undefeated, remember that. You’ll be lining up for that job.
I’m incredibly glad I’m too fat for this guy to ever even consider “employing” me. Ugh.
It’s funny how an anti-misogyny blog does exactly what they criticize. All I see on this blog is misandry.
You want a good man, yet you divorce rape your men and take half of their life’s hardwork, cheat on them, and lay false rape accusations against them. You spend your youth sleeping around and you expect a good man to marry your used up ass (read: expired sperm receptacle) when you sense the wall approaching. I wonder why you’re surprised/angry that these men are getting fed up of this nonsense.
Soon, all of you will be lonely and frustrated in your thirties, eating cat food and asking yourselves vehemently “where have all the good men gone?”
@Happy Dude
Thanks for proving that a lot of the stuff this blog talks about is true.
And here’s me nearing forty and living with two lovely fellows.
Ugh, please go your own way already, preferably far, far away from us. No, further. Further. Just a little bit further. Look, maybe there’s a space shuttle you can take to get further away, look into that. That would be almost far enough away.
… but not quite.
I mean, not totally undefeated
Woo, looks like another troll, and probably a boring one. Dude, I’m 44, never married, have a very regular sex life, no cats or any other pet. None of my boyfriends would have ever considered me passive during sex. I pay for dates half the time. No issue finding “good men”, but then again, my idea of a good man doesn’t include entitled losers with persecution complexes like you. Troll elsewhere.
He says we “all want a good man”, neglecting the fact that this is a feminist blog and thus we’re all lesbians. Even I’m a lesbian, and I’m a man.
I am officially a married woman. I proudly have a mrs. In front of my name and a second last name now. The day turned out well and i was able to read my wedding vows to him. Hiding out in the bathroom right now for a bit because I’m a little overwhelmed and very tired from everything. Two more hours though we will be cleaning up and off to bed and I will probably spend the next day in bed with my New husband but it all turned out well. I’m exhausted, my cheeks hurt from smiling and my feet are covered in blisters on the sides and heals. This is bliss though
Side note i just changed into my old converse after being in heals since 9 am this morning and sweet baby Jesus it’s like walking on a cloud now
Congrats, Lainy! Wishing you and your husband all the best!
As employees, I hope the OP’s family unionizes and sues him for sexual harassment.
I know you desperately want women to compete for your approval, but RedPillers are the equivalent of a shitty unregulated conflict diamond mine in Africa. Nobody’s clamoring to be your unpaid intern.
Not only are RedPillers a resume stain, you offer zero benefits, no vacation, no advancement, and a lot of overtime. Let’s take this metaphor further. As a business, what exactly is your product? What do you offer that your competitors don’t? How do you explain your dismal sales numbers compared to the thriving soy industry?
You think of yourselves as magnanimous job creators, but who in their right mind would want to work for you?
I thought cat food didn’t happen till your seventies, and only then as a result of living on a fixed income. Get your cliches straight!
Somehow I’m reminded of the Alf Garnett ‘When a man employs a wife’ rant. For North Americans who haven’t encountered the character, if I’ve got the approximate cultural equivalents right, think more or less Archie Bunker with a Cockney accent.