By David Futrelle
Everybody’s favorite racist, lady-hating philosopher-impersonator has found a new target for his wrath: wine moms.
Well, he’s right about one thing: Women do indeed drink more wine than men — 57% percent of the total, according to the Wine MArket Council. And female drinking has increased dramatically in recent years.
But if Stefan were truly interested in pointing out the problems caused by parental drinking — as he insists he is — he wouldn’t just point his finger at mothers. While women drink more wine, men drink more alcohol in general; they’re twice as likely to binge drink and nearly twice as likely to be alcoholics. Wine mom, meet Booze dad.
But don’t worry, moms and moms-to-be! Stefan still wants you to have more babies, at least if you’re not a Muslim immigrant. Or someone with a job. Shortly after he posted his attack on wine moms, he posted these helpful tips for The Ladies:
So chop chop, Ladies, start popping out those babies as fast as you can. Just don’t pop open any bottles of wine when the little buggers have you at wits end.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Of all the weird things to get affected by toxic masculinity, wine drinking has to be up there. Apparently fewer men see it as a “masculine” drink so they won’t touch it and companies have had to resort to selling it in cans in hope of getting them to drink it more.
Not that this in entirely on men. I rarely watch it, but I had The Social (a Canadian daytime show hosted by women) on one day and they were discussing men and wine, and one of the hosts said she couldn’t be with a man who drank out of a wine glass because she didn’t see it as manly.
This is where we are now as a society. I’m waiting to see men turn away from Christianity because that SJW Jesus turned water into wine instead of beer.
Shorter Stefan Molyneux:
The men who love me and want me to be happy also know that I don’t want any fucking kids.
I was moderately baffled in why childlessness leads to sharia law, but then I realized that it’s a not enough white babies = a white genocide thing. That lead to some more moderately baffling things.
Is he blaming white genocide (which is not an actual thing) on women rather than Jews like usual? Does he think that if white people largely vanished from Canada (and presumably the US as well) that there won’t be any black, hispanic, asian, indigenous, etc. people to carry on Christianity and fight back against any attempt to establish sharia law… or that they’re so weak willed that they’ll just convert with little resistance? Even if his scenario had a remote chance of happening, why should any particular childless white woman who exists today care if she probably wouldn’t be around to see it come to pass and would have no descendants to be affected by it? (I mean, if they’re so “selfish” to choose not to have kids, why would this change their mind?)
“Feminism is alcoholism”? Show your working, Stefan. What proportion of those drinking women are feminists? Are feminists more likely to drink than non-feminists? How many are alcoholic? “Alcoholism” doesn’t simply mean “drinks alcohol”, you know.
There are around 108 million adult women in the US. Let’s suppose they drink three quarters of those 800 million gallons of wine. That’s 600 million gallons, or around 5.6 gallons each, per year. A US gallon is 3.78541 litres in the units us communists use, so 5.6 gallons = 28 standard 750ml bottles. That’s around one bottle a fortnight. In the terminology used for alcohol advice in the UK, a standard bottle of 12% wine contains around 9 units, so you’re drinking 252 units per year, or around 0.7 units per day. That’s not even one medium glass! For non-pregnant women, 2 units a day is considered safe. If you drink one small glass of wine a day, you’re probably doing ok. Of course, if you’re dry most of the year, and save up your 5.6 gallon quota for one weekend binge, you have a problem.
Also, if US immigrants have babies, you get Shakira, not Sharia. Also also, you know what those babies of immigrants are called? Americans.
Dear Stef:
Wine is good with dinner. You are not.
Also, being barren and menopausal actually rocks, and I’m looking forward to it. I got a head start several years ago when I tied my tubes, and now I’m just waiting for my periods to peter out.
As long as it doesn’t involve having to sleep with (or even just listen to) a bitter fart like you, I’m all for it.
Why can’t you let us be happy? Is it because you’re afraid we’ll choose happiness over you?
You know, contrary to Molyneux’s supposition that the majority are single moms, I’d bet that most of the people who join that “I need wine or I’m going to sell my kids” group probably don’t have any kids at all. The group is (I would guess) about enjoying wine and reducing stress. You don’t actually need kids to enjoy wine or to have stress that needs reducing. The bit about selling one’s kids is a (supposedly) funny joke, made (supposedly) funny because it’s ridiculous and no one’s actually going to do that. You can find it not funny if that’s you, but we should all recognize it as sarcasm and agree it’s not reasonable to use the sarcasm as evidence of anything at all.
OT: David, are you planning to cover the outrage over the new Watchmen series, attention to the Tulsa riots and the destruction of Greenwood, or the portrayal of Sister Night?
Just curious. I’d love to see your thoughts.
Totally ballparking that there’s 200 million adults in america cos it makes the maths easier and that works out per person per year around 20 bottles of wine. Less than half a bottle a week. Obviously some people will be doing more than their share and others not drinking but it’s still not much really.
His argument seems to boil down to “If you don’t surrender your freedoms now, they’ll be taken away from you later anyway.” So why on earth would I prefer the option where I lose my rights immediately over the one where I get to hang onto them for a while?
And if the response is “Well, under Us you at least get some rights, while They would take all of them away,” then I beg to wonder: Which rights would “Us” let me keep? Name one right I enjoy as a member of a (so far) free society that Molyneux or another of his ilk hasn’t argued I should be deprived of on the basis of my sex.
I’m still getting used to this whole thing of wine being less manly, but then I’m French so this is one specific bit of bullshit that we’re more or less immune to. I mean… we also have Man Wine so make of that what you will.
By the way I was a big wine person in my teens, and didn’t really like beer. Then I drank too much bad wine too many times and got pretty much sick of it, meanwhile realizing there’s more to beer than the awful shit that passes as standard.
I’m also nb, and even though I didn’t exactly start out as manly even back then, I am even less so now. Yet I’m a beer nerd who can’t stomach wine anymore.
The really weird part is if you make the wine out of honey and it’s somehow the manliest of all drinks. Nobody is willing to impugn the masculinity of mead.
It’s all about the quaffing. You sip wine, but you quaff mead, with much hearty laughter and spillage.
You know what would make wine manly again? Bring back the wineskin, preferably lined with goat’s bladder.
Re: mead
I was at a concert by Amon Amarth (opening for Slayer) a few months ago and the lead singer, Johan Hegg, carried a horn of something, likely mead or beer in keeping with the Viking theme of the band, on stage and drank from it between songs.
Anyway, Amon Amarth is one of my favorite bands and even though I don’t drink, I give everyone the ultimate song for quaffing mead:
To be fair, harvesting honey runs the risk of pissing off thousands of stinging insects, while harvesting grapes does not.
Besides, you drink honey out of a glass. You drink mead out of a horn!
Awww. Poor microD Staph infection molyneux. He’s just mad I can drink my wine, raise my kiddos, fix my car, fight his wars, work, clean, cook, sew and be everything while demeaning his little cohort of useless trad men into a kneeling position. Hahaha. That poor, stupid, weak little man.
Yeah, but everyone knows that French men aren’t real men.
Anyway, I’m drinking beer with this as the label
![comment image](https://www.newbelgium.com/globalassets/beer/voodoo-ranger/tile1_2017voodoorangeripa.jpg)
so I guess I’m pretty manly. But I also love pinot, both noir and grigo. So I don’t know what gender that makes me.
This whole thing is just about men in their 50s trying to persuade women in their 20s to date them.
Also without means of their own it makes them financially dependent on shitty men. They also seem not to realise you can actually work AND have kids!
I wonder what his opinion would be about the fact that women are the fastest growing whiskey-drinking demographic? Is it more proof that feminists are alcoholics? Or is more that we’re trying to “ruin” a traditionally “manly” drink?
Honestly, I don’t care either way, his whole schtick is sad and boring. *sips rye in feminist*
Right? If we’re supposed to give up wine because he said so (and surmises, with stunning recto-cranial inversion, that it’s a sign that feminism has made us miserable), how does that make him any better than those extreme Islamists he’s always burbling on about? Because they’re against women drinking alcohol too…
Oh right…no veils. (YET.)
And he still gets to drink as much beer as he likes, and then kvetch about women driving him to drink with all their nagging about wanting to be free from all the happy-happy restrictions he’s clapped on them!
Much better, so wow!
@Sinkable John:
I’m German, and our men drink wine, too. (As well as beer, and Schnapps, and whatever else have you.)
In fact, they consider it their business to be knowledgeable about it, and many even study how to pair it with food.
@Tabby Lavalamp
It’s kind of sad that hetronormative Conservative’s seem so arbitrarily and puritanically preocupied and fearful of what’s “masculine” or “feminine” and who can be which at any and all times that they just end up borking themselves into stressful, unhealthy and simply absurd nonsense. It seems like a lot of necessary fear, stress and effort for something that doesn’t really matter much if anything at all.
Now, that would be hilariously ironic.
I read this and kept thinking “What about the standard wine connoisseur/ snob / expert? Wouldn’t that be manly because expert=man and having expertise thus makes anything manly no matter what?”
Then I realized that’s more of stereotypical rich guy thing, and that got me thinking: your stereotypical rich guy does a lot of “womany” things like:
-Eating fancy, daintily-presented food (man option – 72oz steak that’s free if you eat it in 10 minutes)
-Wearing fancy expensive clothing (man option – Big Johnson T-shirt, flannel shirt with sleeves ripped off, MAGA hat with naked mud flap lady on the back)
-Appreciating art and “high-culture” music (man option – appreciating Truck Nutz and Ted Nugent / Kid Rock)
And while these sorts of people probably wouldn’t think of him as manly the way they would, say, an alligator-wrestling AR-15 salesman, they probably wouldn’t view him as “feminized” either. I guess it’s just another way that the rules (or in this case, the “rules”) don’t apply if you’re rich.
Ah, social science based on stereotype memes and cherrypicked statistics, echoing the age-old concern about women drinking alcohol.
I’m no expert on US culture, but I’d bet Wine Mom isn’t the only stereotype meme about people who drink alcohol.
No one has done this yet?
Sorry can’t help it. I’ve moved on to pinot noir, so I had to bust out the Cersei wine gifs.
What? So I’m in my twenties, feeling all powerful and sexy and stuff, and suddenly a guy in his forties and/or fifties has my power? How old am I — and how did he steal my thunder?
Whoa. All men in their forties and/or fifties are wealthy and healthy? That’s . . . surprising. And they “have” children? Yes, some men do. That said, most men with children don’t give birth to them. Although, as Archie Bunker once asserted, “I was there when it was important.”
So I’m definitely barren (sob) and menopausal (deeper sob). But I’m only probably still paying off my student loans. Got it.
I’d rather be old and broke than married to a right-winger.